So all the people who have dollar currency can't receive gifts despite the fact that they belong to RU+CIS. That means that you can't manage ru-locked giveaways on SG.

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7 years ago

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Yep, Putin would pat GabeN on the back for this decision, we were getting too friendly with our neighbours.

7 years ago

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because dollar prices on ru cis region almost twice higher than in rubles in ru cis region

wonder, if swith steam money to rubles, can games be reciaved?

7 years ago

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If you have rubles as currency than your country is RU, you can't change it legally while not living in RU.
Ilegally there might be better options than RU region...

7 years ago

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It varies from game to game, but the cheapest prices are mostly in Yuan and Ruble currencies (checked on

7 years ago

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i m not in russia and have rubles
my friend from russia just login to my account in russia territorry, and after that i have abbility to switch rubles/usd

technicly i can use vpn and do it by myselves

7 years ago

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Finally, was weird that RU could buy the same RU+CIS games as CIS twice cheaper.

7 years ago

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As far as I get the OP, RU still can buy at the same price like before, but can not send to CIS anymore... :[

7 years ago

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I mean RU could buy RU+CIS and now they only buy RU games as I understand it.
By the way, gifts aren't storable anymore so trading is screwed anyways.

7 years ago

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So all gifts in my inventory will disappear soon?

7 years ago

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All the existing ones are safe but you won't be able to buy and store them anymore

7 years ago

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and three times cheaper then others.)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah, ofc.
Valve should also align the prices with one's salary.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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You can only gift the games if your salary differs from the gift receiver's salary by 10-15%.

7 years ago

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If they would do that, I could see as good prices as the Russian store, not the standard EUR ones. :)

7 years ago

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And games would be free for jobseekers like me =d

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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"Please, provide the document stating you have a paying job in order to register in our store"

7 years ago

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какие лимиты? разница в % допустима для покупки между регионами

и если я куплю в своём регионе CIS игру, смогут ли её активировать в ру и CIS регионах?

и как быть с зарубежными? они например покупают в своём регионе ров гифт и разыгрывают. но какие регионы могут активировать его? все у которых цена такая же и ниже или какой то регион этого сделать не сможет?

7 years ago

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читай новости, больше нельзя покупать гифты, можно только прямиком на чужой аккаунт, и если будет нельзя выскочит табличка как запостил автор темы

7 years ago

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знаю что из-за разницы. но какой конкретно. тут несколько вопросов у меня написано.

7 years ago

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Разницы региональных цен в стиме
Пример: я купил игру и хочу подарить её здесь, создаю раздачу, я нахожусь в регионе А, в котором цена игры составляет 20 долларов, победитель находится в стране Б, у него цена игры 30 долларов. В итоге из-за того что цена у него выше я не смогу подарить ему игру, из-за этой самой разницы. Тоже самое с другими регионами.
Если ты получишь гифт из региона в котором цена выше или равна, то можешь его активировать, если ниже то не получится.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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do people know if this also apply for latin america (Mexico /Brazil/Colombia(?) store to rest of latam countries ) ?

7 years ago*

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It does.
LATAM countries without regional discounts are screwed as well.

7 years ago

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Yeah a friend of mine wanted to gift me the zup collection and she couldn't (She's from Mexico and I am from El Salvador) rip :/

7 years ago

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well there goes my plans for summer sale :/

7 years ago

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ikr, I was planning to buy Sleeping Dogs from the MX store, it was like 2.86$ there instead of the 5.99$, is there a chance this is maybe a bug or error?

7 years ago

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lets hope so, but i believe that's done for good because apparently everything that's cheaper by more than 10~15% in a country can't be gifted

7 years ago

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What's the point in gifting something then? :c

7 years ago

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Ну короче для украинцев Габен хорошо подосрал
Хотя все нас ненавидят - Габен лишь добавился в основную биомассу хейтеров отталкиваясь от правила: ничего личного - только бизнес...

7 years ago

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смени валюту на рубли и перестань тратить лишнее бабло

7 years ago

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при этом надо наверно будет ещё другое место жительства ещё надо

7 years ago

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нет не надо, забей на ютубе - там полно описаний со всеми возможными способами

7 years ago

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за использование прокси и впн можно лишиться аккаунта (как и кража так и бан от валв)

7 years ago

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хозяин - барин

7 years ago

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Не надо ВПН, просто валюту кошелька на рубли меняешь и все.

7 years ago

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+. они только выиграли этим понижение покупаемости игр в магазине и наверно кучи убытков.
теперь тяжелее будет что то создавать на стим гифте для раздач и кучи реролов т.к люди в основном не читают описание раздачи

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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SG gonna need a region overhaul...

North America is Canada and United States. But I heard Canada and U.S. can't gift each other?

7 years ago

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In many (right now: most) cases Canucks cannot send over to the Muricans.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yep. Either make yet another Russian-only group and make sure it is Russians only (and you know some idiots will try to fake it despite not being able to get any games), or well, we'll see a sharp decrease on region-locked giveaways until the site implements a per-country version.

7 years ago

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How sad that our country, which is less wealthy than Russia, needs to pay more money for the games in the same region, lol.

7 years ago

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Retarded system, but Valve doesn't care...

7 years ago

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this ^

7 years ago

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Thats capitalism, market economy. Lesser the market => worse conditions. Do you think Russia tries to unite CIS in new economic block just to "restore USSR" No, to got better conditions in global market.

7 years ago

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Except it won't get them even if it succeed in "uniting" everyone in old USSR borders and stop going any further and all the other countries suddenly forget how they "united" everyone... not entirely impossible scenario, but rather improbable. It's impossible to grow when all excessive resources (and I mean anything above "survive" threshold) ends up stolen.

Example: look at Japan, Germany and China. Japan and Germany were in ruins after WW2 and China just were like that at that moment. Now look how things are today. China provides factories to entire world and are third biggest economic (right after USA and EU), Germany is the center of European economic and Japan is probably the most advanced country in the world if we look at the technologies available there (and goes right after EU and China in the top). Now look at Russia. "Famous" for biggest profits (in internal economic) from selling natural resources and not being able to build roads for more than 30 years already. No, seriously, roads. How could you build properly working economic without roads?

7 years ago*

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Where do you get all this bullshit about Russia? Today Russia buuilds entire highly specialized cities, like China. Sabetta city in the freezing cold of Kara Sea, for instance. Or Tsiolkovsky city near the shiny new Vostochny Cosmodrome. Or Innopolis city near Kazan. And, if you dont know, Euroasian Union has it borders almost as old USSR borders. Without any "how they "united" everyone" things.

7 years ago

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It's great Russia actually build new cities (except Sabetta exists to sell gas which is not a big surprise and Tsiolkovsky isn't all new) and they did even manage to build new spaceport... which is indeed great, but a bit too late in comparison with SpaceX which already develops re-usable rockets which you can land back to Earth, refuel and launch again... and that is not even a government's project! Russia is loosing space. They already lost it if you look at number of launches this year. 7 years ago almost half space launches in the world were from Russia. Now everyone launch their own rockets. From my point of view that spaceport is nothing more than a huge waste of money. Darn, they can't even pay workers there in time to the point when workers had to start a strike (few months without payment isn't fun). BTW, another example of tremendous waste of money for nothing is Krestovsky Stadium. Just read how many times it was postponed and how much money they spend to build it.

At least Innopolis actually looks promising. Maybe because I heard nothing about it.

7 years ago

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And theres something wrong about selling gas? USA did it too. But Sabetta is a state of art. Infrastructure, airport, city, port, gas plant. All of this north of the polar circle in the place of dying geologists hamlet. You must miss it, but Russia has only ~40% of its export money from minerals and energy. And it is only 12% of yearly GDP. And, in GDP(PPP) Russia is the 6th country in the world. Not bad for the country, that shaterred 25 years ago and has a civil war in it for almost 10 years.

SpaceX does not do what its up to. It carries less cargo, then Musk claimed, fly lower, and ending cost is a problem. But it has its own market because Russia has no any special commercial rokets, only modified soviet, which was created to do specific work, It only building ones now. Generational Change in such enormous production as spacehips is always painfull, remember Shuttles. You claim that because Russia now not the only one that fly into the space, it loses. Did USA lose after all countries starting to use and produce their own computer soft- and hardware? I didnt think so. In fact, I think that the more countries starts to build their own spaceships and cosmodromes, the better future will be for all of us. Conquest of Space is our future and our goal.

I can give many examples of money waste. F-35, for instance. Or Zumvalt. Or microwave tank. But american military is a mess, when it comes to spending money. Remember that story of Pentagon 'loses papers' of $6,5 trillions. I was shoked that day. UAS can fly to the Mars for this money. Or Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg «Willy Brandt»; BER. Or Hamburg Philharmonic Hall. Or Bangkok Sathorn Unique Tower. Every country has it own flaws and issues. I prefer to focus on something good and creative.

You can check out its site, it has English version.

And remember - we started at point, where "Russia not being able to build roads for more than 30 years already". Wow, right?!

7 years ago

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And theres something wrong about selling gas?

Nothing in particular as long as money invested in something useful like new production lines, medicine, culture. Literally anything worth investing instead of overblown military budget. GDP is nice index, but in only shows that internal economy actually works. You can't get these money out of the system and invest them into something. Yearly income is more important since only these money actually go into government programs and oil with gas income there is around these 40% which you mentioned. And around 25% of the budget this year is marked as "secret" which almost always means "military"... which is around 2.5 times more (in %) than in US. Why would any sane country spend 1/4 of their income on army? How did it even end up like this? Actually a bit more than 25% of income since around 12% of the approved budget is covered from reserves. Last year it was below 20% with similar deficit and it only grew over the last years.

SpaceX does not do what its up to.

Yes, but that is not the point. They proved it's possible to do so. Now they have to polish it. Eventually they'll succeed. Pretty much any project work much better "on paper".
And no, my claim that "Russia is loosing space" is not based on the fact the other countries started to fly into space (more often), but on fact that they don't need Russia anymore to fly into space. They have their own spaceports and rockets. Some countries are still buying Russian rockets, but eventually they'll stop doing so. As the result number of launches per year steadily drops and they already behind USA this year. It's not like Russia will stop, but it doesn't looks like numbers will go up in the following years without new better rockets. Russia is loosing space due to lack of modern (working) technologies. I'm not saying they not developing anything new at all that would be wrong and unfair, but they are already lagging behind the other big players.

And remember - we started at point, where "Russia not being able to build roads for more than 30 years already". Wow, right?!

Yes and I still claim that Russia wasn't able to build roads for more than 30 years. Roads are important. They are arteries and veins of the country. You can't build successful economy without good roads and they failed to build them. I were in Russia, Poland and Israel and Russia is nowhere near these two in terms of roads... and also pretty much anything related to the quality of life. Comparing them with Germany, France, Japan or USA would be just unfair.

7 years ago*

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Firts of all, money are invested. IPI is growing steadily and things like Innopolis growing rapidly all over the country. There are 3 big pharma plants was built in last 5 years. And now personally I use only russian pharma instead of european. And so on, and so on. You can find it all yourself, you're russian-sreaker. And 'secret' means only that the government will not be responsible for waste of this money. It can be venture investements, which are high-risk or internal security investments after terrorists attacks and spaceship production is secret too, remember it. And dont forget about war with IG. Personally I did not approve that, ventures and other risky investments must be transparent, but its Russia's internal business.

And you doubted that such great nation as USA can handle building new spaceships insteaad of obsolet? I didnt.
Wide spread of technology isn't loosing. It's a win for all. And, as I said, Russia now experiencing a change in technological generations. When USA experienced that with Shuttle, they was forced to buy Russian engines and fly on Russian rockets. Now they overcame that. So Russia will do the same.

It's an eyewitness error. You think that Russia is degrading and you see only proofs of that. And Israel? Seriously? 75% of Russian territory is permafrost. Did you see roads on permafrost in other countries? I can show you. And where is no permafrost, roads are just like that (special for you I didnt include here Moscow or Saint Petersburg although they have 15% of RF's population combine): Murom, small city in central Russia; Kemerovo, medium-sized city in Eastern Siberia; Vladivostok, 2, big seaport 12000 km from Moscow; Kolyma, road between number of cities in permafrost of Eastern Siberia; Salekhard, small city in permafrost of Western Siberia; Vanino, little village on the Far East. And so on, and so on, I can do this for a long time.

7 years ago*

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I really want to believe that and want to see it. Just can't. At least with their current management.

It's an eyewitness error.

Um... Could be. Actually I was in Moscow, Krasnodar and a few other cities and even Moscow doesn't looks as good in terms of roads quality as Tel-Aviv or a few small cities I've visited in Poland. Also, we have full youtube of stuff like this from less developed regions: New and recently replaced roads looks nice, but when you look at them in a few years they usually like this (or at least really bumpy) due to cheap materials and outdated technologies. Actually, look, recent example from SPB:

7 years ago*

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You can see it if you want to. I just show you little part of it. If you want, you can find bad things in most rich and advansed places of the world. Like California, USA, for instance. Or even Los Angeles, just listen to this angry citizen. And USA has very good climate, CA especially. Theres some thin line between 'oh, that a problem, this need to be solved, but overall its good' and 'damn this city, tuck this country, its degrading, theres no any future' Usually it emotional, not factological. Russia is big. And when someone trying to put hot asphalt onto fresh snow, someone else ride a big Kamaz on grand construction of modern road to new production line. Stupidity adjoins creativity, waste of money adjoins techological progress. I dont know, if its Russia's peculiarity, but as I can see in my own expirience, all people around the world has similar positive and negative features.

7 years ago

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Thats bad news for my CIS friends. Damn you European Commission!

7 years ago

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That make me cry

7 years ago

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Can you gift old gifts though? Or otherwise trade them?

7 years ago

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Yeup, you can. Changes don't go retroactively.

7 years ago

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I don't understand 1 thing. Can game be sent from CIS to RU?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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According this comment: answer is no.

7 years ago

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and what about the multi-gift packs? do they still exist and would i get the tradeable gifts then?

7 years ago

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Multipacks are only way to get tradeable gifts

Frankly I'd expect Valve to remove all multipacks, as they're working on improved cart system that lets you buy multiple copies of game and optionally have discount for buying more than X copies.

Or maybe they do not but as I ignored their new upcoming gifting restrictions (price difference error for checkout) with "haha, everyone will just buy as a gift", better safe than sorry :P

7 years ago

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