Hey guys, well here's the thing. I won a giveaway on IndieGala which was for Payday 2 but its creator sent me a key just for a DLC. I don't own the base game so I want to give it away here. The problem is there isn't a way to find out which DLC is, he doesn't respond to friend requests, therefore I want you to help me out find a proper solution that ain't against the rules and create the giveaway.

If you have to guess which DLC would you say it is? For instance was there a recent bundle or sale? Would you accept me to create a giveaway for the most likely DLC knowing that if you win you're going to activate a random one but you will mark it as received anyway? Of course it will be Invite only (or Whitelist if you prefer that way) but if you participate you agree to let me delete it if the key is invalid for some reason and you have to be Level 1+.

8 years ago

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In worst case scenario the key can be used already aswell I belive?
Corrrect me if im wrong someone & sad to hear :(
I've seen tons of GA's for PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack but no clue were they come from at all..

8 years ago

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The Christmas Soundtrack mystery is an easy one to solve. Considering it's impossible to buy a single copy of it, as it only comes in the form of a 4-pack, everyone who buys it ends up with 3 extra copies. (And it's been as low as $0.19) Naturally, many of these extra copies make it here as giveaways.

8 years ago

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Aah thanks for the clarification, explains alot : )

8 years ago

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I think it's still valid. https://s30.postimg.org/6sk9qpwj5/hgf.jpg

8 years ago

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But im not 100% sure that DLC will say if it's duplicate or still unused, that's what im unsure of...

8 years ago

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There is no way to tell if a key is used without activating it on an account that doesn't own it and that will of course use the key and it will no longer be valid. Steam checks if you own the item first and issues the error that you already own it whether the key is used or not.

8 years ago

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find someone who owns all the DLCs and try out the code with him

8 years ago

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You mean to check if the key is still valid not to find out which DLC is, right?

8 years ago

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I think he means to find out which DLC it is. You need to know what you're giving away if you are going to make a giveaway for it.

8 years ago

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Yes I know and Wolfedood below just reminded me there is SGTools so I have to find out which one is, but I'm not sure that Steam will show it even if you have all the dlc's.

8 years ago

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Δεν υπάρχει κάτι που να μπορείς να κάνεις χωρίς να παίξεις τον κώλο σου κορώνα γράμματα οπότε κατ' εμέ θα σου λεγα αν θες να δώσεις το κλειδί απλά πέτα το στα αντίστοιχα νήματα στο φόρουμ, ή αυτό που είπες για κλειστό κύκλο με την προυπόθεση ότι αν δεν είναι αυτό το κλειδί θα σου δώσουν έγγκριση για αλλαγή/διαγραφή αλλά να ξες ότι εκεί θα περιμένεις κάμποσες μέρες να το διορθώσουν. Α και το να στο μαρκάρουν ότι το πήραν αν είναι άλλο κλειδί δε μπορούν να το κάνουν, αν κάποιος όντως το κάνει μετά μπορεί να φάει την "πενταήμερη" του και θα τρώει άκυρο σε ότι έχει SGTools από πίσω

8 years ago

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Το ξέχασα το SGTools, δίκιο έχεις, οπότε πρέπει να βρω ποιο είναι.

8 years ago

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Δε νομίζω ότι μπορείς να το βρεις παρά μόνο αν στο πει ο ίδιος που στο αντάλλαξε. Αυτό που λένε παραπάνω δε νομίζω ότι θα δουλέψει, ακόμα και να τα έχει τα DLC κάποιος και να δοκιμάσει να το ενεργοποιήσει δε λέει ποιο είναι. Στα κλειδιά που είναι για base game βγάζει μετά καινούριο παράθυρο να το εγκαταστήσεις που σου λέει τι και πως αλλά εφόσον είναι DLC δε νομίζω ότι θα το εμφανίσει. Δεν το χω δοκιμάσει βέβαια να σου πω 100% αλλά αυτή την υποψία έχω.

8 years ago

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Κι εγώ αυτό ξέρω, ότι δεν στο λέει, απλά αναφέρει ότι το έχει ήδη το account σου.

8 years ago

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Chances are the giveaway you won is a key for a weapon in PayDay 2 that you can get for free on alienware

8 years ago

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Hhm so not worth the trouble

8 years ago

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did you report the user to indigala for the fake giveaway - just wondering if they have the same rules as here ?

8 years ago

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I did. As for the 2nd question they have just one simple rule for positive or negative feedback.

8 years ago*

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it is Alienware free DLC, 100%... they love to make fake GA with it on IG.

8 years ago

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The most frustrating part is I won among 1500 entries and I was so excited that it was Payday 2. :/

8 years ago

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well it's 99% useless to take part in such giveaways on IG, it's a total mess there and mostly fakes for such games

8 years ago

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Yep. :/

8 years ago

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Ok guys thanks for the help. Based on what you think it's not worth the trouble so be prepared because I'm going to drop the key here in a moment. Whoever will take it let me know which one was eventually and as a thank you whitelist me if you want. :D

8 years ago*

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yaay i started it today :) would be nice if i got it :)

8 years ago

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well idk if this will be the same, but there is this that appears to still be valid -- https://na.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/139018/Giveaway/payday-2-alienware-alpha-mauler-key-giveaway

8 years ago

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already got this one :) but thanks! :)

8 years ago

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If you can find somebody who uses ASF but doesn't have Payday 2 (so the key won't get activated) they should be able to tell you which DLC it is. I might be able to do it but I would have to find out first how to take my main out of the key activation chain. (Theoretically I think I know how but I've never tried it before.) But I agree with Baffi... it's 90% a free key for Hoxtons House Warming Party. (or maybe the Alienware Alpha mauler melee weapon)

If you want me to try just say so.

8 years ago*

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i added you about it, i think i know how to find which exact dlc it is.
i have ASF bots and can send 1 manually to one of them, they don't own payday 2 so i can check which dlc it is

8 years ago

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Thanks for the help but I'll just drop it here. :)

8 years ago

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I wouldn't trust the key not to be used especially if you mark his IG GA as negative, it'd be safer to either keep it for yourself, a random friend or drop it somewhere instead saying it's a random payday 2 dlc for whoever is lucky to pick it up. In search discussion"orphan" examples:


8 years ago

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Here it is. ? = 1st letter of my username

Thank you all for your time.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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The key was indeed for the Alienware Alpha Mauler DLC. Thank you for the drop & sorry you got screwed over from that IG GA.

8 years ago

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No problem have a nice weekend and happy gaming guys.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by p4n0s86.