For the hefty price of 10 fucking bucks.

I mean, it's not as if anyone online lets you do that for free.

8 years ago

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Is it way too much?

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Thank god Metzen retired already.

you have one free. is that not enough? how often do you change your name? ^^

8 years ago

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I think they've been doing it in WoW for ages so does Microsoft when wanting to change your Gamertag so why not take the concept "to the real world". As long as there are people who can't wait to get ingame and create nicknames like asdf987 or Kloschüsselmann there will always be demand :D

8 years ago

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Haha, I seriously had to burst out laughing reading your creative nicknames... "Kloschüsselmann". I dunno why, but thanks nonetheless ;D.

8 years ago

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:D If I remember correctly Kloschüsselmann was somebody who randomly added me on XBox Live when I was playing local coop with two buddies a few years ago. We've had a few beers so the name became something like a meme for some time.
When we heard Microsoft introduced the opportunity to change Gamertag maybe half a year later but for 10 € (or maybe 800 points back then) we had a good laugh and remembered Kloschüsselman :)

8 years ago*

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Duno im fine with my xXxMOLESTERMAN69xXx name tbh ,

8 years ago

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Oh, finally i found you...
Do you remember me? I'm xXxMOLESTERMAN69MOLESTERxXx

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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its a lot for a name change but i would never need that i always pick a name i like and would never regret,

8 years ago

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Always found it off putting when a service charges for the privilege. Hope that Valve doesn't suddenly have a change of heart and start charging Steambucks for this. (Although I only changed my username once in my entire Steam history). Actually kind of surprised they haven't already in the name of scam prevention/security/protection/whatever.

I'll probably change my dumb stock Blizzard name that I confirmed without giving no thought whatsoever into something less generic if I can do it for free once, given I can be bothered enough to actually fire up Battlenet.

8 years ago

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