Huh. Looks like those of us who got it free back in 2018 got automatically downgraded to the new free edition? I seem to recall the content of the Complete Edition having been part of the base game before this, but perhaps I'm misrecalling. Not finding any clear information on the associated pages about it.
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Edit: Found the official post for the previous offer. [>>]
There's just nothing in the game's newsfeed or in google results about that, and the SG thread is a bit.. sparse.
Did find this in the game's newsfeed (at around the same time as the previous promotion)
You may notice that Geneshift now has a "Complete Edition DLC". This is in preparation for the full release sometime next year, but for now doesn't really change anything. Everyone who previously owned Geneshift gets this DLC for free. Anyone who buys the game during the sale this week also gets the DLC for free. Right now it's simply a way to separate the Battle Royale from the rest of the game.
and this
Ah, it's not the actual game, just the multiplayer mode that was previously available as a free demo.
in the SG thread (for the previous promotion), however.
So yeah, looks like the previous freebie version was just for the battle royale, to start with, and perhaps the remaining content was added in later on, or already shifted over to DLC during the previous promotion. From what I can tell, the current perma-free version of the game actually has more features than the free promotion version from before did (as I'm getting the impression that things like bots aren't exclusive to the DLC, just game progression boosts and the single-player campaign).
That said, the game's multiplayer is now perma-free (which I thought it was before, which is likely the reason I thought the CE content was free with the previous promotion), so does that mean this new promotion actually is for the Complete Edition? Because my interest is- and has always been- in the single player campaign, so.. might have to be keeping an eye out, in that case. ^.^
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To summarize, its probably the same as the demo. Only difference is the demo is difrent appid and this is +1 to library.
Complete edition not added to this free version.
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Well, the demo didn't exist back then, which was the point of confusion but, yeah, should be the same in terms of content.
Again, my only real question is if there's a potential chance at getting the single-player campaign for free with the new promotion.
Not a fan of Battle Royales, after all [being a strictly team-oriented PvP gamer]. Though apparently the game added a 2v2(v2v2,etc) mode to the Battle Royale at some point (prior, in fact, to the previous free promotion- oops), so now I'm actually legit going to have to check that part of the game out as well.
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Removed Geneshift - Complete Edition (Geneshift: Complete Edition) (978140) from the package
It was removed 17 december, same date it was free. (before made available)
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Well, I wasn't intending to associate the DLC itself but, rather, the DLC's content. My "I seem to recall the content of the Complete Edition having been part of the base game before this" comment can certainly be misleading in that regard, but give it a re-read and it should make sense to my intention. I recalled the promotion unlocking content, after all, but that was likely just the free mode (which wasn't actually perma-free yet, then, apparently).
Ultimately, I was correct, at least, in my "those of us who got it free back in 2018 got automatically downgraded to the new free edition" comment, though it wasn't that we got downgraded, but that the version itself got downgraded [to being $0 from $10].
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Game itself was released 23 May 2017. The complete edition DLC was released 14 Nov 2018.
In the reddit thread dev said it was only battle royale that was made free. I belive the complete edition is just single player campaign as extra.
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Again, I'm not discussing the DLC itself, only what content associates to what versions of the game. :P
Suffice it to say I was correct in my overall premise, I simply misassociated what content was involved in the previous promotion's version. The version we got back then is the current free version, and there doesn't seem to be any other upgrade to that perma-free version other than the Complete Edition.
Ergo, the real matter that I was trying to figure out, of "will this new promotion give additional content relative to the previous one" seems to have been answered with an affirmative, though I still can't find any official announcement clarifying the matter. (In fact, all the deals sites referencing the promotion are simply referencing the steamdb sub as a source, same as the op, so there doesn't actually seem to be any official statement on it yet.)
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Yes, I saw you mentioned being part of the game. Thats why I wrote that the complete edition is a DLC that wasnt included. I dont understand how it could have been part of the game when the package only has base game?
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Let me try rephrasing the quote in question.
"I seem to recall the [single-player campaign] content [which is currently part] of the Complete Edition having been part of the base game before this [rather than being part of the Complete Edition]"
Which is technically actually true, given that the base game title and CE title were interchangable even back during the previous free promotion (as they are now, as one can see by looking at the store page- both are on the page for $15- and by referencing the CE's release quote by the developer of "Everyone who previously owned Geneshift gets this DLC for free"), it's just that our version- which was also referred to as "Genshift: Battle Royale"- simply didn't have the single-player content to begin with [due to no longer having the DLC in its version of the Battle Royale sub, as you noted], and has since been replaced with the "Free Edition", which lost the $10 price tag of our Battle Royale-only version.
tl;dr version, the dev was confusing on labeling [in a similar vein to Shadow of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition not actually being the DE version] and also made a previously paid version of the game go perma-free, which led to my getting confused on certain associations presently.
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This one will be free again on 8 June 2020 – 17:00:00 UTC until 10 June 2020 – 17:00:00 UTC. Source:
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