I once had 4 out of 5 victory conditions in Civ 5 :P
Does that count? :D
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I have accomplished absolutely nothing, longer than anybody else.
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by doing that I would have to accomplish something, therefore making my status void
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If you can provide evidence...
I still wouldn't invite you.
Nuclear disarmament should be a priority to anyone who has played Fallout. I suppose the government think they can hide themselves from, and the military can fight against, Cazadores and Deathclaws...THEY'RE WRONG!
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This comment is creative and it is proof by itself.
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i have accumulated almost 15000 hours of gameplay time over the last like 10 or so years
and highest game was like 5300 hours in maplestory, not sure if thats an accomplishment but yea lol
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uhg idk, only proof of anything interesting that i have game related is
if you got oleg to close to the screen you can see inside his head and its hella scary, lol
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You can call this, super-creative
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Have to do better than that, I'm afraid. You see it looks, for all intents and purposes, like you've pissed around for five minutes to try to get some free stuff.
Sadly, Mercer has high standards. Pretentious standards that allow him to talk in third person. :P
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Would screenshots of one of my Minecraft projects be sufficient? If so, I'll post some later when I can get on my PC to get the screenshots. Gonna be later tonight, though.
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Will do! I'll nab a few screencaps without the sign, and then I'll put one up and take a shot then. Should be fun!
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Here you go! I uploaded a few into a Photobucket folder for you to check out. It's only about 10% done, but I think it still looks rather cool. It's made out of Nether quartz and Glowstone, two of my favorite building materials. And the texture pack is Painterly.
I'm hoping to have a whole quartz fortress made up, with a bit of it leading all the way into the clouds. And after I'm done with the main skeleton of the project, I'll start adding redstone-powered machines in it.
I've already got a bedroom set up, as well as enchanting and potion crafting rooms. And I'll be adding an arena/obstacle course down in the bottom room.
Let me know if the sign I made is enough. If not, I'll add another screenshot to my folder. Cheers!
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Are you able to see the pics in my Photobucket album? I set it to public, but I'm not too sure if they're accessible to everyone. And do you need anything else? A better sign, perhaps?
I'll probably upload some more MC shots later, if you're interested. They'll also have signs showing proof that I was involved in their creation. :)
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It's no big deal! We all get busy sometimes. Thanks for the invite! ^-^
I was just worried that my pics weren't showing up somehow. I have all of my other albums set to private except for this one, and figured that the main privacy setting overrode the ones for that album. Good to know that it didn't. I was getting tired of PB's nonsense. lol
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here is a bunny I made for my girlfriend on Terraria:
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i'm not too creative but i didn't noticed earlier what sign on the statue says which is pretty funny when you compare it with whole picture xd
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haha yeah sign it's just add-on which i haven't noticed earlier, i love creating characters and i've got couple others :) thank you for invite! :D
ps: other characters if you're interested :)
red skull alike http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/649870345822061135/EA9468CBC42F7DE595D5F8DEB9BB9B5601F48949/
and greasy oldie http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/649870345822149852/C672FC1F4FBED6DE92DE2B1A93431D61F671393D/
i feel like i wanna create something new :D
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that's great! :D you know i had that problem so many times, i was just disappointed with my characters because they were too weird and clothes didn't matched etc. but when i've started to think more about the right combinations of colours and the simplicity of some combination + adding just some little crazy accents, characters started to look better :D
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I do warhammer, does that count?
Here are some things I painted:
Yes, they are mine. That is my account on dakka dakka (obviously)
I can tell you everything you need to know about what's presented.
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Well, that's a 7 years old screenshot of mine lol.
But here, my old rig, with my nickname on it: http://imgur.com/a/8JdEZ
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Last time I was being creative..:P BF3 platoon
Edit: Also find some pics I made for giveaways 1 2 I can be creative :P
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I don't have the raw files anymore, but I can link the forum threads..
I'm not sure if I can link the exact post on battlelog but here you just have to scroll down till you reach the 4 month old posts :P
thread for "2"
or alternatively I could just draw something new :P
Edit: Picked my pencil drawing off the shelf with name next to it, hope it's enough proof now lol..:D
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I placed in the top 5 in a steam gifts trivia night
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Creative description that is somewhat naughty~ shows my imagination at work as i like to take my time in new dlcs and explore the lands and landscrapes.. only to find a giant petrified skaggles that died a peculiar looking death ;3
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I bought preorder of the Shadowrun Returns on steam today when listening to all Metal Gear Solid series themes. Does it count?
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Giveaways of joy
Mercer is too generous
Acceptance is bliss
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Here are some .abc music files I transcribed myself just for LoTRO. Feel free to use these for ingame performances!
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So, it has been a while since I made a massive thread of giveaways. This is partly because I'm poor as hell and my life's a mess and partly because I've been trying to think of a way I'd be happy giving my things away.
Well, now I feel I have it!
I have noticed how much people seem to indulge in various creative pursuits here on SG, and when the opportunity arises via a challenge giveaway people jump at the chance to express themselves. So, I have a group - Mercer88's Creative Giveaway Group - and you could be invited!
How do you get an invite? Well, just be creative! I am looking for people to create things, to use their imagination, to write, to draw, to do funny things, to build amazing structures and to show them off to SG and the world! It could be a short story, it could be a sketch, it could just be an amazing ship you've built in Kerbal Space Program, or an epic tower in Terraria. What you can do is broad and up to you as long as you can prove it is solely your creative work!
So, what do you get out of this? Well, my giveaways - henceforth - shall be done almost exclusively through this group. So, not only will you get access to my current Opening Gala batch of giveaways, but access to many future giveaways.
What are the current batch of giveaways?
Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack
Waking Mars x2
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
English Country Tune
Intrusion 2
Oil Rush
Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam - The Random Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Augmented Edition
Hitman Absolution - Professional Edition
Just Cause 2
Chaos on Deponia
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Organ Trail: Director's Cut
NecroVision: Lost Company
Civilization III Complete
Rome: Total War
The Game Formerly Known as War Z
The Cave
The Maw
I also have Desura keys for
Blackwell Bundle
Blackwell Deception
Hacker Evolution Untold
Hack Evolution Duality
Super Tower Rush
Paranautical Activity
Radical Roach
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Constant C
and Guncraft
and an Iron Grip: Marauders $10 code.
The Steam keys are all through giveaways and the other codes will be distributed at my discretion.
The Rules
So, if you would like to participate, leave your creative output below, and make sure I can identify it as yours. An MSPaint signature over an image is insufficient!
EDIT Regarding CV
The current giveaways have a CV of $30.01 - This is because I have them set up as private, not group, giveaways. Future group giveaways will be $0 CV, so if you have some creative skill you want to flaunt but not the CV I am happy to check it out and invite you to the group. You can't enter the current giveaways, but future ones may be available to you.
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