Coming up to a dry period for funds, looking for the easiest/least costly way to get Stardew Valley for my fiancee (she loves watching me play my copy and wants a copy of her own). As of this second, I only have 1 game gift on Steam, Frozen Synapse, $6.45 CAD in Steam funds and nothing really to sell on the market (I went nuts last week and sold nearly 13 pages of cards/emotes/backgrounds to grab Stardew Valley myself, as well as FFIX.)

Any help or direction would be great! Thanks!

8 years ago

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If you both want, you can do the sharing program and let her play your games and her games will be available to you?

8 years ago

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Yep! I have done this! :) With the new multiplayer aspect coming in, though, she wants a copy for herself to be able to play on her own next to me. Our shifts align with each other, so we're constantly home when the other person is and we like to game a lot, so it DOES pose a little bit of an issue since I'm locked out of my Steam library while she is playing anything.

8 years ago

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Yeah I hate that about the sharing :/ What my brother and I do is if he wants to play a game on my list then I just go offline so that both of us can be playing a game at the same time

8 years ago

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Didn't think about going offline, that may work. Can both players still receive achievements? Like if I get one, but while offline, will it activate once I go online?

8 years ago

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I assume so, but I have no idea. Achievements aren't really that important to me so I never really noticed

8 years ago

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Yep it does.

8 years ago

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If library owner plays offline, the other person can play the shared games (online). I'm offline 99% of my gaming time to let my brother use my games.
Achievements will work... sometimes :) I discovered that many, many games, have their achievements not working in offline mode, but this is probably not directly related to family sharing.

8 years ago

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Just activate family sharing?

8 years ago

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Refund Stardew Vally or FFIX if the playtime is less than 2 hrs.

8 years ago

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That's not an answer to a question :p He want one more copy, not one less :D

8 years ago

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Ladies first I guess :p

8 years ago

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Sadly, that cannot be done as FFIX is way over 2 hours. Good idea though :)

8 years ago

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Well, I think there's only one option - waiting for sale :/ I have similar situation 8$ on steam wallet and waiting for good price drop for game like Stardew Valley. Eventually exchange Frozen Synapse for game with valuable trading cards, collect more bundled games and keep collecting cards :) it's long boring work but after that you'll get game that you want :)

8 years ago

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it's just $15 :|

if she's really that desperate to play, just pirate it, then buy if later when you can afford it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Steam sale in 5 weeks supposedly.

8 years ago

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Go on Tremor Games ( ) and do enough surveys or other offers to get enough points for two - $5 Steam Gift cards. That plus your balance is enough to buy Stardew Valley. It should take you several hours, depending on the surveys you qualify for.

8 years ago*

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if you think referrals aren't allowed, why do you post it?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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First world problems. Sorry I don't have anything useful to contribute to this thread.

8 years ago

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as well as FFIX.)

There lies your problem you bought everything for yourself,you should have bought 2 copies of Stardew one for yourself and one as a gift for her,and if she did not want it you could have got a refund or traded for something.

All jokes aside there is no cheaper version i mean i suppose there are the grey market if you want to risk that but i would think the price would still be around 12 bucks as i think the sale price put it around 12 bucks when it was on sale.
Frozen Synapse is not worth much and if you got rid of pretty much everything else of value you might have to wait for summer sale and save a few coins in the mean time,this is why i only buy games really want to play,if i impulse buy then i would be short on funds all the time.

Also those multiplayer features i would not bank on them anytime soon giving one person is working on it i am sure that will take some time so if that is her main goal then she would be well ahead of the curve if she got it now.Also it is lacking in content and once you hit a certain point everything becomes really easy because of how easy money is and there not a lot of replay.That being said it still looks like a fun game and there seems to be some nice mods for it and even ones that add to the map and so on.

8 years ago

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