People complain less if they are able to be (extra) greedy themselves.. It's an up-to-50% spring sale on games by EA and others that a fair amount of people seem to like so let them complain about getting a discount..
Thanks for sharing.
(anybody can confirm that these are Origin-only titles? Or are the Ubi-titles the regular Uplay regardless here too eg?)
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Since EA doesn't give any info on 3rd party DRM. That is an important thing that buyers should take that into consideration. Both EA and ubi want to make their own platform grow larger, so I think like assassin's creed 3, uplay is required for any pc client including both origin and steam. Another thing I need to mention is that some aged games with microsoft DRM GFWL could still have the same GFWL and other activation limits because after a long time, dev just have no motivation to replace the old DRM with new one.
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When I played batman: arkham city on steam, GFWL is required to save your game and there is also an activation limit. At that time I thought it was the game with most DRMs. When assassin's creed 3 launched on steam with uplay required, I was shocked because both uplay and steam are independent gaming clients. how could ubi put those 2 thing together...well they did...They can do more than I thought.
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It's not just Ubisoft but yea, it kinda sucks. But At least Uplay isn't that bad. Maybe it's different for the x360 crowd, but GFWL doesn't actually add anything, nor does Origin as such. That Steam didn't add DRM info properly at first for a good long while is Valve's fault, not the publisher.
Steam may be the biggest distributor but they were not the first, let alone only. The "magic" of Steam is/was that it at least has the pretense of being independent. In that respect Steam is no different really to say, Facebook.
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I read an article today that "Researchers at ReVuln claim that Origin, the digital game store operated by the publisher, is susceptible to a major exploit that could allow hackers to secretly install malicious code on a player's computer. The vulnerability was demonstrated on stage at the Black Hat Europe Conference, where Donato Ferrante and Luigi Auriemma managed to assume control of a PC with Origin and Crysis 3 installed."
probably a non issue and will get patched fairly quick. but I figured id mention it.
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The only reason it allows remote 'installatin' is because Crysis3 installs soem weird Nvidia automation tool.
The origin vulnterabilty isn't much different than the Steam one. It allows remote execution but oly if you get a user to click the link. And it can only execute what's on the PC.
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The only thing I am interested in are Bioware Points (to pay for the content that should have been in the game in the first place), but, yet again, the price remains constantly the same. Go buy a game during the "sale", so that you can buy DLC's for 3x the amount of money the game costs without the "sale".
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EA Executive #1: "Boy, we really screwed the pooch on this SimCity release. We're getting more bad press and hate mail than usual from our suck-- um, I mean customers. Anybody have a plan to salvage this?"
EA Executive #2: "Well, we could try bribery, again. How about a big sale on all EA titles, 50-75% off?"
EA Executive #1: "Great idea! Only, let's make it up to 50% off except for the few titles nobody has been buying. Oh, and we'll also limit the sale to Origin-only titles. And finally, let's buy some press releases to tell everyone how generous we are!"
Consumer #1: "Hey, look, EA is having a sale."
Consumer #2: "Up to 50% off their already-overpriced, Origin-only titles? I think I'll go wash my cat."
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More like:
Exec 2: "Let's give every owner of SimCity a free game"
Exec 1: "But how do we make up for our loss? And look like dicks in the process?"
Exec 2: "We'll put the same free games on sale, and make money! Also, make sure they are all games with tons of DLC, and Microtransactions!"
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I might actually interested in any Origin sales if the price is in USD not Euro.
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Wouldn't touch Origin with a bargepole sized electric cattle-prod, but thanks for sharing all the same :)
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why the hell Origin never sell a complete Mass effect 3 edition with ALL DLC inside, you know...... complete edition. I will never buy it just to have spend a even bigger ammount of money than the game price just to have a complete edition
And where the hell they put those DLC for Mass effect on their store ??, with steam i just have to to look below and see "ah they have sale of this game, and those DLC, i can buy seperately or buy a complete with everything inside " thank you, is that so god damn hard to do
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You just have to press the 'i' next to the game tile to check the available DLCs
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FYI, Euro Truck Simulator 2 can be bought on Origin, but the key can be activated on Steam :)
Make sure to put a - after each 5 characters to activate the key.
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The only great deal is KoA:R: 5€ (which is still as expensive as it's DLCs...)
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BTW, square-enix store is also running their 50% off sale...
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I just got email from Origin saying that EA player appreciation sale is on now.
check it out here:
I know many people hate EA for their greedy mind. But buying from official store at lower price is nothing wrong.
Just give this info for people who are interested in EA origin exclusive games like battlefield 3, crysis 3 and so on.
I am not to say any good or bad about EA here, just tell people who may want to try EA's games. This may be a good time to get some games.
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