Lots of good ideas that will never happen sadly...
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Just avoid the "Call of Duty Black Ops 2 (3 Copies)" giveaways and you'll mostly be fine.
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I suggested this on the SGv2 forums, never got a reply unfortunately. A simple test would solve 90% of these issues. I even outlined a theoretical structure for such a test that would prevent bots being made to pass it. It's not like this is a new idea that hasn't been used before on sites..
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I suggested this on the SGv2 forums, never got a reply unfortunately. A simple test would solve 90% of these issues. I even outlined a theoretical structure for such a test that would prevent bots being made to pass it. It's not likle this is a new idea that hasn't been used before on sites..
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Not everyone. But honestly, I'm registered here for 3 months now. And I learned how to distinguish possibly fake GA from the real ones. So I can turn my back on those fake GAs.
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Not every single one of them.
Actually, i'll write you a small guide right here.
Only applies to Public giveaways!!!
Rule no.1: If the giveaway has required CV, then, in 99% of cases, that is a safe entry.
Rule no.2: If the giveaway has no required CV, check the creator's profile.
Rule no.2.1: If the giveaway creator has any other giveaways done on this website, and the users who won them received their gifts, then it's probably a safe entry.
Rule no.2.2: If the creator never gave anything away, refer to the next rule(these are not even rules but what the hell...)
Rule no.2.2.1: If the creator is giving away a bundle game, or a recently discounted game, with a low value, it's probably a safe entry.
Rule no.2.2.2: If the creator is giving away an expensive game, like a preordered copy or something like that, it's probably a fake giveaway. You can make sure, by visiting the creator's steam profile. The first hint would be if he didn't own the game himself. You could also check his Inventory, just in case.
That's about all you need to know about what giveaways to enter, and what not to.
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addition to 2.2.2:
if it is an expensive game given away by a user recently regitered:
check comment, it it makes sense like "to promote xyz greenlight" or something like that => safe
check steam profile: owns many games, seems to be an adult, owns game => safe
call of duty giveaway => probably not safe
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like this one? http://www.steamgifts.com/user/Cirridyn . I am never going to see that game...
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Speaking of "red flags", besides the 3x copies of a game from new user, when you add "non-bundle game + on their wishlist" to that, you can't really be expecting to get anything if you "win". With a couple userscripts to show users' GA percentage and whatnot on the main page, it becomes easy to tell which ones you should inspect quickly to see if it's worth entering.
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No, I'm not. Just commenting on ways to consider which GA's you may want to avoid entering.
He did though.
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3X copies of a game from a user that just registered is a red flag.
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There was nothing to suspect when the guy didn't send you the space bundle, but the Garry's mod GA was suspicious if you inspected it prior to entering. New user with same GA listed twice in a row, and in the end it as in fact a double post. To top if off, the guy who won in the other GA, has never even played it after adding to library.
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ban for people who doesn't send the game to the winners, first time a few weeks, second time a few month, thirth time permanent.
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FAKE GAs creating by newbies are nothing new - but what you propose will change nothing but only restricting actual contributors from creating GAs. I've seen several cases when what you call "obviously fake GA" turned out to be actual GA. Heck - my 1st GA ever was for older, but still wanted AAA title I didn't even own myself - and I got a lot of FAKE comments bullshit myself even if it was a legite GA. If someone want's to create fakre GA he will just wait this 1 month period and do so. Yet you will punish person who just got to SG and want to create his 1st GA right away.
Also mods cannot judge if GA is FAKE or not (unless creator write in description sth like "give this game to me plax" etc) ao they cannot just straight away delete all such GAs. Cause if you were a new user and your 1st GA while being legit would get deleted you wold never come back to this site.
As for your next point - description in GA is not mandatory, that's 1st thing, 2nd - I guess even if someone cannot speak english writing "GL!" is not so hard, 3rd - Even native english speaker may still do not read rules and create fake GA, so what does it change?
@Be a member X time to create GA - again - you want to punish all legit Contribuitors just because you assume all of them create fake GAs.
Lastly - use common sense - if you believe that GA is fake don't enter it - but you believing all GAs are fake is no reason to delete all of them, especially as many of them will end up being legit. You wasting 5 seconds of your time to view user profile is nothing compared to legit user who wanted to create great GA and having it deleted deciding to never come back to SG, because bunch of ungreatful assholes decided to make a witch-hunt.
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right, something like ~5% of those GA who seem fake are real. we should not scare away those generous people.
everyone can spot choose to ignore a potential fake or just spend the points anyway.
when i was new to the site i also was wondering why nothing was done about those fake ga - but now i think there is nothing (besides the limited number of ga slots - which already exists) that would really work without hindering the legit ones.
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Isn't there already several things in place to fix this?
You are limited to one or two giveaways untill you raise your feedback
If you create a giveaway that is marked with not revived you loose a giveaway slot,
So the most a user that misunderstands the rules can do is create two giveaways that he can't deliver. After that if the user realizes his mistake, he can request support to get one giveaway slot so they can start building feedback. This sounds quite fair, any other restrictions would only restrict people who just want to giveaway games.
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entering a GA doesn't cost a thing, so there's no real risk anyway. but there's a point in what you say
at registration time, before entering or creating the first GA: test with random questions on the rules
on failed GA: limit maximum points to ### (150? 100? ...) for a set period of time, or until successful GA is made
maybe start with limited points anyway, and only rise it after first successful GA is made
have fun
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А не проще переделать систему открытия раздачи и получения ключа.
Обьясню: У меня есть ключ, чтобы выставить на этом сайте его я при заполнении раздачи записываю на сайт этот самый ключ, он проверяется системой в Steam на подлинность и при окончании игры просто отсылается автоматически победителю на почту в Steam.
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Happened to me recently: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/J8tgI/half-life-2-episode-one
I don't really mind, but a point refund for everyone who participated would be nice I suppose. I reported the giveaway, but got no response.
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before creating a giveaway some red sentence should appear "by creating this giveaway you accept that you have this game in your inventory to offer to the winner" or something like that
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49 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by wigglenose
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In the last few weeks i saw a lot of giveways where people put up a game what they want to recieve, and after the giveway ends, of course they don't send the gift to the winner and no matter how many people report that current giveway, admins do nothing against them. (Unlike deleting free games...) I think the creators of this site should do some restrictions against newbies. I mean force us to use ONLY English language in the description, or be a member at last for 2 weeks (1 month) before anyone could create a giveway, or somehow force us to read the goddamn FAQ. Seriously, it's really annoying that every time i have to look after the guy who made the actual giveway... suspicious or not, do i have to enter or not, afraiding to recieve the game or not... Please!!!
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