Please use all 3 of your votes on each link!

VOTE here for 3 Alps that you especially like

VOTE here for 3 Secrets that you especially like

Note: Everyone is encouraged to vote, not just participants. Also notice the thanks at the bottom of the voting pages, they are GAs. :)

COUNTDOWN TO Closing of Voting on Week 10!

New challenge: The Cave at Lascaux! Be there or be a rectangle shaped object.

Best of month voting is now up!

Bonus host points

Each week the two hosts gets to pick 1 image from each challenge and reward 5 bonus points in their challenge, and 3 bonus points in their co-host's challenge. These were the picks and motivations for week 9:

JugOrNot's White House submission is my pick because I love the sorta mystical look and it reminds me of fantasy books I used to read as a kid. 5 points.

For the Sydney Opera House my choice is Nordhbane's submission. I really love the colors, it reminds me both of Gotham and Bioshock. 3 points.

Okay, it was really hard to choose... All your work in my thread was really great, but sorry, my choice is escollo's artwork, I think his submission is the most creative one and shows excellent performance. 5 points.

I also want to pick escollo's submission in TreeB's thread too for the same reasons. 3 points.

Current leaderboard

I've done some work on the leaderboard to give people a better overview. Let me know what you think of the new style and if there's anything I can change to make it look better. Sidenote: This was the first week our main host, Jeffhowe, didn't participate in one of the challenges, because he got disqualified! No favoritism!

And finally, the two winning submissions of Week 9:

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7 years ago*

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Bump for voted.
First time i've really looked at this contest, nice stuff :)

7 years ago

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Don't miss this thread... hAs the best of each week

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the bump. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Glorious bump!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks for voting. :)

7 years ago

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Don't forget to bumping thread. There is less than a day remains.

7 years ago

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Indeed, need more votes for the last 5½ hours!

7 years ago

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Now I can say that people has really strange taste. 'cause my alps were nothing more than a joke about 'lines rule'.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Nordhbane.