Also, it seems that noone told you yet but you can see if the winner has viewed the key (if they did, you see a green eye icon next to the key). I regularly have winners who are online but still don't view the key for a few days.
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Winners have 7 days to activate they won gifts. After that, you can ask support to do a reroll.
So yes, have patience my friend :^)
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I see... allright, thanks for your help... may i ask another quistion if you do not mind?
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Sure thing, but next time hit the reply button so I will get the notification about your comments :^)
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Ah, sure :) So my question is, yesterday i was at lvl 2, but now i am back at lvl 1 ... is there a reason for that? I was reading the FAQ but i don´t find something about that.
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If a game price decreases in price it can effect your CV. So say a game is 15 bucks.. it's 15p on here(how many points to enter the GA). If they decrease the price to say 5 bucks on steam then it will only be 5P and it will decrease the CV on here which also effects the your SG level.
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Even after the giveaway was recived? That sounds a little hard, i mean how do i klnow when the prices fall? :O
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Yeah no one will know... But it doesn't happen too often tho, don't be alarmed :^)
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Permanent price drops happen more often with new and AAA releases ($60 games dropping to $20 games over time, for example). Many of the people who do give away new, expensive games may not care about CV, but this seems to have the unfortunate effect of penalizing people who give away games that are high on the community wishlist.
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When you consider how many points are gained through games bought at reduced cost, it balances out. There is no perfect way to keep track of the "value" of what is given, but the current system is a good balance of all the different factors.
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First thing first, great work on reading the FAQ!
Ok, if you already read the FAQ, you probably kinda understand how the point system works right? In short, you get 100% value for unbundled games and 15% for bundled games. One or more games probably got added to the bundled list, result in you losing some points, thus dropping down to lvl1.
P/s: and FateOfOne's comment is exactly right too!
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I see, i just thought that if you have reached a lvl with recived gifts the lvl here is steady... but good to know that it can drop down when the game price sinks. so thanks for your help.
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Winner can also have multiple tabs open in browser. (S)He opens browser and multiple tabs open... or perhaps (s)he does not have Steam on computer (s)he's using... and yes, I'm aware of browser activation but some people are not and some (like me) prefer classic way :)
Of course some people might be busy or may want to delay some things...
7 days is a long time.
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Thx. I was confused about that, because on my site you are automatic locked out when you close the browser.
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Nice and interesting TV show you posted in your image :) (too bad that we wont see another season...).
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browser activation
Which requires Community login, which requires two-step authentication, which may not always be feasible.
Meanwhile, SG never logs you out on its own, so it's entirely possible for someone to be on SG without having the ability to activate a key.
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Only one pinned tab? At this very moment I have 4 SteamGifts opened tabs... 4 out of about 60 xD
I was blacklisted once or twice because I didn't activate game while I was on-line... so basically it's similar scenario to one described here. Talking out of experience :D "So we get help from someone wiser and more clued in than us. Beards are a good indication. It signifies age and wisdom, and also, sometimes, poor hygiene. I think those things are actually connected" - Crow
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ah... there, thank you... it was so little written that i have overseen it ^^ Thx to you both
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It's one of Luna Online: Reborn's official avatars <- f2p
Just add it to your library and you'll see it when you go to change your avatar pic
Your's is cute too!
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I already tried that method a few GA's ago, when gifting was still available. I had the feeling that one of my winner didn't know how check his/her email because it has been 5 days since he won, so I added him/her on steam.Got blocked on steam instead. Since then, I feel reluctant to contact my winners.
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I usually put this in the GA description. It usually speed up things.
You can activate your key here
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Man hat dir ja schon reichlich geholfen mit den Antworten.
Im Normalfall ist nicht jeder wirklich "vor Ort" wenn online angezeigt aber du kannst die Bots und Autojoiner trotzdem leicht erkennen.
Denn die holen ihre Wins in einer geradezu perfiden Weise immer zum selben Zeitpunkt ab. Meistens erst nach 4-6 Tagen, obwohl sie nahezu dauer On sind und auch im Steam mehrfach täglich auftauchen.
Finde super das du bei deinen GA's direkt mit lvl 1 Beschränkung angefangen hast, das hält schon mal nen Schwung der nicht so tollen Leute (Botter, Autojoiner, extrem Leecher) draußen.
Ich empfehle dir jedoch trotzdem bei "Open for all" die Levelbegrenzung auf Level 2 anzuheben da du dadurch nochmal nen ganzen Schwung der nicht so nette Leute (und damit Gewinner) entfernst. Dadurch steigen deine Chancen auf ne schnelle, unkomplizierte Übergabe und eventuell kommt sogar freundlicher Kontakt und nen Danke zustande.
Ich persönlich nutze aber lieber kleinere Sicherheitsvorkehrungen um die Botter, Autojoiner usw. draußen zu halten, denn dann kann man das level auch auf 1 setzen und neue User beglücken die absolut ok sind und sonst in der Masse der nicht so tollen Leute einfach leer ausgehen würden.
Du kannst das z.B. super mit sgtools machen, ebenso mit ner super leichten Frage im Stil von "Bist du ein Bot?" bei itstoohard oder einem (Jigsaw) Puzzle.
Alleine schon durch das erstellen eines Forumthreads schüttelt man einiges an Bots & Co ab.
Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, und der damit nötige Forumthread, haben leider den Nachteil das man die GA's nicht direkt in der "Open for all" Liste sieht, im Endeffekt erhöht das aber die Gewinnchancen der Teilnehmer enorm. Somit ist da nicht wirklich jemand böse (außer die Botbesitzer & Co :-D ).
Solltest du Fragen haben einfach melden.
Und verspätet auch ein "Herzlich willkommen" :o)
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Vielen Dank. Ja ich dachte mir das ich die GA´s anhand meines eigenen level anpasse, bis zu stufe 2 ist es ja nicht mehr weit :) Das mit den "Puzzles" werde ich mir mal angucken. Vielen dank für die Hilfe und die Begrüßung. Ich finde die Seite echt klasse und vor allem ist die Community auch extrem nett :)
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Aber nur die Community, Großteil, aus dem Forum :o)
Außerhalb davon mußt die Netten mit der Lupe suchen bei dem ganzen Abschaum der sich da tummelt^^ -und der leider bei "Open for all" giveaways mehr als reichlich beschenkt wird. Ich könnte jeden Tag heulen wenn ich sehe was da ohne Levelbegrenzung in die Bot und Autojoinerhorden geworfen wird.
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Thanks to all who helped me to find out about some rules and gave me tips for the GA´s... you guys are great, so i wish all of you much fun and good luck :)
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Hi, i have made a giveaway and the winner has not activated the key, he is online so what should i do now? I did not see how i can kontakt him.
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