Would you use this ?
Looks interesting. I've often noticed Chrome randomly ramping up CPU use for no good reason, but stuck with it regardless because there are so many Chrome-exclusive extensions which have become indispensable for me - but I see that Opera GX is compatible with chrome extensions.
That makes it a viable contender... I might have to try this out.
Edit: ah, but I'm forgetting. I need my cross-platform browsing history, I often jump on and off things across android and PC. Ah well...
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Chrome exclusive extensions are usually not that exclusive. I believe there is an extension even for standard Opera that makes it so that you can download and use Chrome extensions straight from the Chrome Web Store. And so far as I have seen Chrome extensions are compatible with Chromium based browsers like Brave, Torch or Vivaldi
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I use about 30 extensions, some of those intermittently, some constantly. I don't make a point of regularly checking up on their availability on other browsers (because I'm not really looking to change), but the last time I looked around a lot of them either weren't available or weren't kept up to date as consistently as Chrome. Even considering the Chromium alternatives, until you've tried them one by one you don't know which ones will work properly, and even then you never know when an update will render them suddenly unusable, and the fact you need to use a workaround to get them working in the first place is another weak link in the chain (besides which, before this CPU limit feature I haven't seen a Chromium browser offer anything to make them more appealing to me than Chrome itself).
I also currently have 9 chrome user accounts that I switch between for various different uses, and when using them I also often switch between PC and android, so trying to get things set up again on a new platform would be a huge pain.
Honestly, I have Chrome set up just the way I like it, the only issue I have is those occasional, inexplicable CPU usage surges (which are admittedly very annoying).
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The "video over game" thing caught my attention, would be nice to be able to watch stuff while playing. And being from a shithole country that blocks the shit out of the internet, built-in free VPN is always a nice plus.
RAM limiting will probably be useful for people with less than 16 gigs. I'm not so sure about the CPU limiting. I can't really think of an instance of a browser using much CPU while gaming.
Video-over-game says SOON™, so I'm gonna keep an eye out for this. Until then, I'll stick with Brave.
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I'll test it out and see if it is really good in CPU/RAM usage.
If it is, goodbye chrome!
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Oh sweet Opera, still trying to be relevant. The browser looks nice and its feature might be useful, though I'm sure it still lacks a simple option to disable auto-updates, and that's one you want to have on a "gaming browser".
By the way I very occasionally use Opera as a third-choice browser, actually while gaming since the Steam one lacks of bookmarks and history and tabs saved on exit, so—jokes aside—I'm all in.
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I'm still using chrome on my PC until they disallow ad-blockers, then I'll move on Firefox (that I'm already using on my phone because for a reason I don't understand there are no extensions for chrome on mobile).
I've seen Opera going back so many times, it has more lives than a cat.
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Opera isn't mainstream enough to make me want to use it. Just like with Icedragon, I'm guessing Opera will also start having random issues over time with websites not loading properly, new features not being adapted and so on. I'd be happy to get away from Chrome or Firefox if there was a better option. But right now, I'm still not convinced.
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Chinese Browser with FREE VPN (LOLOLOLOL) = OH BOY I WANT IT !
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In November 2016, the original Norwegian owner of Opera sold his stake in the business to a Chinese consortium under the name Golden Brick Capital Private Equity Fund I Limited Partnership for $600 million.
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I'm currently using Brave browser, because both Firefox and Chrome were freezing all the time. It works perfect, it's based on chromium so most extensions work properly.
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I gave it a try week or two ago and I love the interface. That sidebar on the left with GX Control and Twitch among other is pretty nice too.
However there are some things I don't like. For example I dislike their fast dial and I can't install another one and that's a pretty big deal for me. Vivaldi doesn't let you use another fast dial either, but their default one is so good I don't mind. Another thing is that some other chromium extensions don't work in it, such as ContextSearch extension which I have on both Firefox and Vivaldi (which happens to be chromium like Opera).
So even though it has some very appealing features and design I'm going to stick with Firefox as my main browser and Vivaldi as my secondary browser. Going to keep Opera GX installed anyway to check up on it every now and then and see will there be any substantial improvements for things that put me off.
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Hm, how to explain fast dial; visual (thumbmail) bookmarks when you open new tab, which can also be set as your home page.
I'll post some screenshots of my setup so you can get a better idea.
As you can see it gives you very easy and quick access to websites you use often when you open a new tab, and in my case it's also my home page that shows up when I launch the browser. The extension I'm using is called "Speed Dial 2".
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Opera makes 55 unsolicited requests upon its first run. By default, it spies on all your browsing history. Works closely with advertisers and trackers. Is integrated with Facebook, one of the biggest privacy violators in the world. Has Google as the default search engine. Closed source.
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Waterfox with certain addons, Vivaldi, currently. Used Opera until 12.16, hated the new Chromium based Opera . Used Firefox until v57, moved to Waterfox when they've ended addon support. My favorite addons are not easy to reproduce on the Firefox Quantum. And before Opera i was using Netscape Navigator/Communicator. For some reason IE never was a browser for me.
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Tried it, it uses more cpu and ram than a thread limited firefox, maybe it's good if you have a lot of pages open, but when I play I have two tabs open and opera uses 1.5x more than firefox with thos 2 tabs.
Since the firefox quantum rework, firefox is really the most resource friendly browser out there.
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Not even browsers are safe from the "gaming" fad, I see.
But no matter how many frills they add, that doesn't change the fact that, under the hood, it's still, essentially, Google Chrome.
Thanks, but no, thanks.
I'll stick to Firefox 56.0.2 (yeah, the last pre-Quantum build) for now, planning to -eventually- switch to WaterFox later.
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I recently found out about Opera GX, it looks like an amazing browser to use and I am going to download it tonight when I get back home.
The browser offers CPU/GPU limiting so that you can choose how much resources to allocate to the browser, a built-in free VPN, extension support, twitch and a OperaGX messenger integration, video popup display that a video continues to play and pops out when you move to another page,a built-in ad blocker, and probably more that I missed in the video, but damn it has a lot of cool ass features.
To see more about this and maybe download it check out their link: https://www.opera.com/gx#start
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