Last time I checked(a few months ago), not all of them did. At launch psp and minis support was bad but I think there's more options now from what I can tell.
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they do work but you have to buy a download version not a disc version
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I'm waiting for more JRPG's to come out on the Vita, but atm this is what I'm PLANNING to play on it:
What I am hoping will release in America (Instant buy if they ever do):
What I have right now:
Honestly, I'm mostly playing PSP and PS1 classics, waiting for a lot more RPG releases :|
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It's really up to you. It's probably my favorite portable system. There aren't many games that are "my" type so I don't have much, sticking mainly to Ps2, Ps1, and PSP games for my VITA atm.
I mainly use my VITA for watching anime, the screen is awesome :D
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i have a smart phone with a nice screen and a psp that i hardly ever use anymore, once a god of war or metal gear solid game gets released on vita i might pick it up
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i haven't got the vita yet because almost all games i want are japanese only. Gundam and project diva are the main stars of the console for me. If i try to buy a vita plus a 32GB card and those games it would cost me around 450 euro. currently that's too much for me. Persona 4 and gravety rush also seem pretty good.
In short, while the Vita will probably be my fav portable console (3DS is incredibly bad on the genres that i like and is region locked), i currently can't afford it.
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Word, it cost me an arm and a leg at launch and I can't truly say it was worth it. Give it some time, maybe wait for a second revision or bundle. Its really great tech and there's a few games that already make it worth it.
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Vita 32 GB is 20% off right now. Not too much off but I mean hey, it's still a sale.
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maan, you are all lucky you got psvita !! :D...well i wish ..i can't afford it
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Currently I only have Ragnarok Odyssey, mostly play PSP games on it. Might get Sound shapes or some other downloadable games. A lot of the games I want are coming next year.
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For mindless figthing yeah. It gets old though IMO.
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It'll be mine list after MH release on Vita. I spent 3,5k hours on MH2 and Unite on normal PSP. MH is for me one of the best games i've ever played. Though it's very hard and not for everyone. I haven't played dark souls yet, but i think it might be similiar difficulty lvl, on G rank it might be even harder.
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I tried a demo on PSP an never got the feel for it. Is it an RPG ?
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It's hard describe MH as RPG, it has some influence from traditional RPGs but it's still very far away from them.
If I'd have to describe MH, then I'd say it's a mix of RPG, ARPG and h&s. You don't have any level ups or experience, but i like to describe MH RPG additions as a "Player lvls" - it just doesn't matter what quests you have completed or what have you achieved because your character has always exactly same stats, ofc they can be higher with better weapons and armors, but even with best eq (and there are so many armor and weapons combinations... in other games you have only few best armors - here you can combine everything and get few hundreds useful sets, only for my beloved GS i had 13 armors and 20 different swords I kept using) you can fail some of the easiest quests if you don't know how to play.
This game features a strong system of unformal and 'out of game' player lvls - lvl ups and experience gains are all restricted to the player, not your ingame char - you learn more tactics (believe me, there are plenty for every monster and situations, AI is really good and every fight is different), you learn how to use more items (traps, bombs etc.), you learn how to use your weapon (there are 12 different types of weapons, EVERY type is balanced and it's use is very varied).
This game is extremaly hard to describe, just imagine that you are a hunter, you must kill something badass that can kill you in 3 hits, and you must care for everything, and then you must learn every monster's move to kill it. In my 14 years of gaming, I never played or even heard of a game that has so hard and yet so satisfactioning combat system (there is one - dark souls, but on videos it doesn't look so good and is still far from MH combat system). I had to try this game 6 times to get sucked in, but when i finally got it catched... I could play it for 15h a day and still have many things to do and enjoy it very much - just like i wrote, i played 3,5k hours, and it was on one character. If you know Polish, I can send you my guide ;)
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Wow, that sounds great. I should really give it another try because I like challenging games. Unfortunately, I do not speak Polish so I don't think your guide would be much use but thanks anyways. :/
One last thing, I thought they had not announced monster hunter on the vita yet. I do know it is on the 3DS though.
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haha pretty much. I think this game will be a system seller.
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| PSV | 34.459 |
01./00. [PSV] Persona 4 Golden < RPG > (Atlus) {2012.06.14} ( ¥7.329 ) - 137.076 / NEW <84,11%>
Persona 4 Golden launch week in JP source: media create
In comparison, the week before P4G launch Vita sold 10,038 units.
So no, P4G has not proved it will be a system seller (yet).
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I have only two games on my Vita:
I guess this makes my comment irrelevant for this thread.
But since I've already finished these two games, I might buy something soon. I really want to get my hands on Persona 4, but it will be released only Spring 2013 in Europe.
Currently I am also interested in Virtue's Last Reward. I read somewhere that you have to play 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors first to fully understand the story. If anyone here played both games - is that so?
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I like the katamari games too, they're fun for some reason.
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LOL this is not a Top 3.
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That's a good plan. As much as I don't mind playing cod, I would not want to play it on the vita because I'm scared my analog sticks would grind. You should see my dualshock 3. The thing looks like it's losing both of it's sticks.
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Plan on picking up the AC3 Liberation Vita Bundle on Black Friday for $200. Then I'll buy PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and sign up for PS+ to get Uncharted and Gravity Rush. That'll probably be enough to hold me over for awhile, but I'll probably eventually get LBP and I will definitely be getting Soul Sacrifice!
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Battle Royale won't be worth it imo. The game's style just isn't cool to me. The combo system is really good, but I completely disagree with the kill setup. Only supers can kill people? That's really boring lol. It makes it too easy to go like 15 - 0.
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I have these on my Vita.
Gravity Rush - excellent game
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus - Rachel is weak, never played Sigma so I picked this up after loving Black lol
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - The game really sucks, only got it for the exploits, never installed eCFW though, I alreayd had a CFW PSP so no point I just wanted GBA games lol
Legend of Dragoon - Perhaps my favorite RPG of all time
$44 PSN - Going to buy Persona 2 Innocent Sin, the best of all the SMT games imo even though the psx version > psp version and Chrono Cross now that it finally works apparently. I also preordered Soul Sacrifice last month and I'm waiting for DJ Max Technika Tune to be on the gamestop or newegg list of games because I do not want to pre-order it from their actual website.
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FIFA Football = Same as the FIFA games on PS3 & XBOX except portable
LBP Vita
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Mutant blobs from outer space
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So I just played PlayStation All-Stars on a PS3 and it was fun as hell. Has anyone played it extensively on the Vita who could let me know how it plays and whether it's worth getting? I really wish there was a demo. I didn't have my Vita when the game was in beta, so I couldn't try it out.
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16,975 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Rosebonbon
This list isn't just for Vita only games, anything on the Vita goes.
2.Mega man 3
3.Wipeout 2042
I'm sure this list is bound to change when Persona 4: Golden comes out though. I can't wait for that game!
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