So yesterday, I was browsing this website and I clicked on a a link like all of us normally do - can't recall if it was a giveaway or forum thread or profile, etc. But shouldn't matter what the link was I don't think.
Anyways, when the link loaded, I was logged out all of a sudden, which was odd since I'm always logged in all the time. No problem I thought and logged myself back in. No issues logging back in but one thing I noticed now is when I'm looking at the list of giveaways, the ones I've entered are no longer faded out. I always liked that feature cuz it easily displayed the difference between ones I've entered and ones I haven't. Now, since none of them are faded, when I look down the list of open or closed giveaways, all of them just look like they haven't been entered.
Edit: Oh, the other thing that this has caused is someone replies to a post in a thread such that the new post is indented, the entire post is blank and I can only read it if "reply" myself. Otherwise, it just displays as a blank post. Odd.

What did I do and how do I get that feature back since I thought it was a default feature? This is NOT SG+ as I've not used that yet. Thanks and hope this made sense to those who know what I'm talking about.

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Edit: 6 minutes late. The page was loaded but missed the update.

11 years ago

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Install SG+ then. It should fix it.

11 years ago

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It sounds like your cached files are corrupt. Shift + refresh, or clear your browser cache.

11 years ago

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Funny thing - I clear my browser cache daily including yesterday. Few minutes ago, I decided to delete my cookies and form data too. That did it, even though I don't know why it even happened in the first place.
Anyways, will try SG+ one of these days. Thanks for you help :).

11 years ago

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Also, you may want to log out and then back in if you haven't, already.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Carmah.