I am a bit disappointed in general how many wins in this community goes to waste. I consider any win where winner has no intention of ever playing the game to equal just putting the gift into trash bin in the first place. I know some people have different reasons for gathering games (e.g. collections) but that is their view, not mine.
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I have every intention to play each game I own.
Problem is I keep playing more Borderlands 2, rather than playing one of my 1000+ games for various systems...
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A minority here, I would wager. Personally I have nothing against collecting games. Silly hobby but all collections are. I prefer that people would spend their own resources for that instead of using lotteries from this site or others just to collect digital entertainment items in their digital library not to be used.
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I do spend my own resources on most of them at least. :P
Now I need to spend resources on storage options. My shelves aren't big enough. D:
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I agree, I could easily have double or more the number of wins I have now but I choose carefully what I enter and I like to see other people doing that in general. I used to throw in a clause on some of my giveaways something like "Please only enter if you have intent to play this game either now or in the future" but I ended up scrapping it since I figured there would always be people who would ignore that request anyways, thus increasing their odds when honest people actually honored my wishes :x
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I have to agree with the state that it is in now. I only hope that with the transition out of beta and the release of more cards, that the price for cards will plummet some. However, there is always the chance someone could get a foil and really be in for a nice present.
Hopefully the winner would be kind enough to pay it forward in a giveaway.
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Yeah I had the same thought, since I imagine most people not participating in the beta probably don't care about cards or monetizing them or they'd already be in the beta, would be nice if some people would pay it forward (and I don't even care if they sell the cards as long as that's not there intent, but no one can know someone's true intent without looking inside their head ;-;), I just know that there are people out there that will enter only to make money for themselves sadly
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I know but as mentioned above a lot of people don't play the games they win anyway, especially in public giveaways. At least in this case they are getting some use out of them. lol Let's just hope for cheaper cards after the beta, I guess.
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that's a good point. :>
I also realize there are pros to this situation as well, like if they don't idle it and actually play the game while they're earning cards they might actually end up liking the game and playing it even more, so that's a situation where it could work out for the better
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Yea thats a problem with the cards and games. I personally only enter games I want to play, but if you look at my account you´ll see I have not played many games, or only for about an hour or so. The thing is I simply don´t have the time right now to play my games. I can only start on Tuesday afternoon, because it´s my last school test then. After that I´ll start playing everything :). Anyways, you should ask the person why he/she has many games with no achievements, but enough time to get cards and stuff like that. Well to be honest I totally forgot what I wanted to say while writing, sorry about that :D
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Obvious solution to this.(for me.) Is to not give away games with cards for public/forum. Though I already do that for most good games as well. lol
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Personally, I don't mind. On the off chance that they don't end up playing it at all, yet make the cost of the game or more from selling the cards, they'd still put the money into a game that they want. In other words, the person who created the giveaway would still be helping the winner get a game that they want.
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Hm, while I don't think in general there is anything wrong with that idea of gifting, SG itself seems not to be tailored towards that (i.e. no trading your wins, have to redeem it on your own account), whereas sites like PlayBlink are perfect for that kind of gifting mentality since you can trade whatever you win, that way you know the person will only redeem it if they actually want it or trade it away for something else they want
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I agree with you and also think that you should enter a give away only if you have intentions of actually playing the game that you win and also play it for the enjoyment not to win cards, games are meant to be fun not a chore that you have to do in order to get something. I think that introducing these cards was an interesting idea but also letting you sell them was a terrible move on their behalf. Anyway i like your way of thinking and i also think that if they make these cards non-marketable or tradable it would be just great.
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92 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by EddieAngelo
So, recently I've been baffled by some of the high prices for cards. Some games have had normal cards selling (and I mean they were actually being bought at such prices) for upwards of $4-5. Yet the games only cost about $10. In fact, even with a small discount, either from a sale or from a coupon, a lot of times you can make a profit from buying the game and selling the cards.
So, my concern is that in many situations, you could buy a game to gift on SteamGifts and there isn't anything stopping someone from entering solely for the purpose of idling the game and selling the cards, and in theory they could make more money from winning your game than what you spent to buy it (but even if they don't, the fact is some people could be entering games just to make money off it.) I don't think anyone would use this site if it was simply a site for exchanging money, no one would want to do giveaways if that was the case.
So basically I'm just curious to what everyone thinks about this and what your opinions are.
Personally speaking, I am going to do more research for public / CV giveaways I do, if there is potential to make serious money on the cards I'll just give the game away in a group with a smaller community or privately to people who I know will respect me enough to not enter if they have no intentions of playing it for enjoyment. If I had a job or any type of steady income I'd probably be less worried about this, but I like to gift and I don't get many chances to do so on a regular basis so I really like to see people winning my games because they actually have interest in the game. It always sucks when the person win just wants to win for collector's reasons with no intent to play it, but I have to put my foot down if I know people are entering just to monetize the win.
I feel like I had more to say, but I'll stop here before I become to longwinded
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