I really love the grass and enjoy it most of the time. I'm interested in your opinion on all of this, I know that you there are plenty who smoke pot because I'd like to hear your experiences and TRIP's.

9 years ago

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Do u smoke weed?

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BUMB : Any key pressing that or not I would like to hear an explanation why this is so

My trip: I went to the godfather's birthday and we smoked maybe 10 grams of skunk course we walked to my house 2km was very thirsty anywhere we had to buy water because it was very late and we did not bring anything with you. My tongue sticks to the teeth I was scared and I saw the pond by the road gave me a great idea: I knelt down and started to drink dirty water from the pond when I was drunk, I was very happy because I am no longer thirsty: D

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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i don't smoke anymore, but i know its an enjoyable thing to do when you just need to let loose and get temporarily stupid or make scientific theories that sound better when high. (as long as the stupidity is taking place in your own home of course)

9 years ago

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I don't smoke weed, it smells so bad and I don't really see the point on doing it. I don't even smoke cigars.

I don't really care if others smoke, I'm not saying it's good or bad, but it's not my thing.

9 years ago

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Are you interested in whether someone is playing the same game as you? it is quite the same ... Are you under 18?

9 years ago

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1.- Not really, unless it's MP and it's something I like.

2.- No, it's not the same.

3.- I'm 24 years old.

9 years ago

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There you mow itself, and this can be called MP if you invite friends and smoke all together is not it?

9 years ago

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I wonder did weed make you this stupid, or are you naturally like that.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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This is why I stopped responding

9 years ago

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I wanted to respond in this thread and then saw this.

9 years ago

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How the fuck can you compare weed, and games. Two completely different things

9 years ago

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Never tried it but I have considered it lately because of my medical condition. Although my doctors don't think it would help because I don't have nausea so i never bothered. Its legal in my state, so I never needed their permission, not that it stopped anyone anyways.

9 years ago

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I am cured asthma 2 years ago

9 years ago

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It wont cure what I have, at best it'll help with some symptoms, but not the symptoms I want help with.

9 years ago

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Out of curiosity, could I mayhaps know the condition?

9 years ago

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Well my doctors think its carcinoid based off my blood/urine tests and symptoms. They cant find the tumor so I need to have a special scan in which there are only 3 in the country. Most NETs share the same symptoms which is why I say they think. First few years they thought pheochromocytoma...

9 years ago

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If you have any pain it would help you. Much more so than any pills they might give you.

9 years ago

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I only know a bit about the condition, so I'm not sure if weed will have a direct effect on the condition itself, however the increased appetite that everyone gets off weed helps with many ailments, especially things like cancer. If you find that you have been eating less since you have been having symptoms I'd say it is a good idea. If you experience trouble sleeping of course it can help there, especially if ingested. There are also many types of weed that have been bred to not make you very high, but just have the medicinal effects, or certain strains that give head or body highs. Also, your mood greatly effects your immune system, so just the pleasure alone could have a positive effect on your life in many ways. Anyway, not sure if any of that helps you at all, but I personally in my random person from the internet forums opinion would recommend it.

9 years ago

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Well I've been considering it for my headaches, and I know it helps headaches, but I'm not sure if it would help mine since they are caused by a chemical imbalance (too much dopamine and HVA). I haven't tried it yet because I'm interested in a law enforcement career. Even though it is legal they still don't want you doing it regardless of it being medical or recreational. Although I believe the local government has reduced it not using it in the past year, not sure about FBI.

I don't have any problems with my appetite. I just have to stay away from certain foods that cause stomach pain and flushing.

9 years ago

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You can't cure asthma with smoking. You're gonna regret it when you're 50-60 years old, you'll have trouble breathing.

9 years ago

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lol how do i cure my trouble breating, by putting smoke in my lungs!

No srsly even though weed isn't as bad as ciggarettes, it's still smoke, same with the vapor ones, although they may not leave tar in your lungs over time the smoke and vapor does affect you

9 years ago

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Marijuana doesn't have to be smoked for it to be effective. Edibles can help without the negative effects that smoking it can cause.

9 years ago

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Is not my thing , i dont like addictions, if i have to call an addiction to something i would say the computer, but i don't drink or smoke. I respect people that do it, but i won't like the fact that someone does it in front of me or try to force me to do it ... :/

9 years ago

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Most people who smoke can quit without much difficulty. Yes, some get addicted to it. It's not as easy to get addicted to as, say, sugar though.

9 years ago

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Also, Most of the people that i know that use it it's because they want to be cool and they waste amounts of unnecesary money to do it or even steal money for that :/ addictions are never good ... i respect people that do it for medicinal purposes ~ .

9 years ago

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Weird. I don't think I know a single person who's had to steal for weed. Are you talking about kids or something?

9 years ago

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Welcome to third world countries.

9 years ago

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I used to smoke 15-20g a week because I could afford it, then I couldn't afford to keep smoking that much and stopped overnight without any difficulties.
It's not this easy for everyone, but it's usually not very hard.

9 years ago

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i like smoking weed and i think it should be legal all over the world. it's a great medicine and probably the safest recreational drug that exists, so i can't see a point why it shouldn't be legal everywhere.

9 years ago

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  1. It's a great medicine, so whether it's legal or not, you should only use it when you need it, just like any medicine.
  2. Saying it is the safest as a reason to excuse its legality is like saying that it's alright to kill someone using a painless method just because it is the less brutal way to kill someone. (And yes, I know the examples are extremely different, but the pattern is the same and makes sense to compare them).
  3. Of course it should be legal. Restricting is one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen, considering there are worse drugs out there that are actually legal. But remember, smoking is bad, like REALLY bad. You can drink a small glass of whisky everyday and you'll never have a problem with liver (even though there were researches that found out it might actually be beneficial), but smoking ANYTHING (not just cigs) every day is pretty much going to mess you up, especially if you don't do any kind of cardio.
9 years ago

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agreed, it's agreat medicine. If it would be legal I would try it out as medicine (nowadays it's like impossible to get it as a medical product, but even my doc told me that it could help me if all the chemical stuff has no effect anymore). I dunno why people think if it is "legalized" that everyone will smoke weed like crazy. Some people might try it, but not like it and never do it again. And OFC it should be sold only in stores for people 18+

9 years ago

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I beg to differ.. It should be available to everyone, otherwise it'll be WAY worse than it is now. Restraining teenagers will only make them think that society wants to keep the cool stuff for the adults, hence they will have more dedication to get it in their hands. And thus there will ALWAYS be 18-19 year old teenagers who will buy weed for minors, just like it happens with alcohol. What needs to be done is schools start to educate minors about it, starting at a young age (such as 12). Tell them what could happen to them, show them example and facts, while including statistics and PROOF. In other words, treat them like young adults. That's how they will understand why they shouldn't use weed yet. Obviously there ARE going to be kids who will still think it'll be cool or won't believe, but you can't do anything about it. At least it's better than trying out low-quality weed... Though I doubt they will be people who would sell weed to teenagers under the age of 16, assuming that only medicine stores would sell it.

9 years ago

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i wouldn't say it should be available to everyone like teenagers. i think it should be sold for people who are 18+, like in the netherlands, where this system works quite fine, and in the netherlands there isn't more consume than in other european states where it's illegal. even if teenagers think the cool stuff is kept for adults and find somebody to buy it for them, but if you think about it, now, as it's illegal, everyone has access to it, and it's the worst for young people. if it would be legal, like acohol, it would be harder to find somebody to buy from, because the blackmarket will be going down, and normal people who aren't dealers think about breaking the law to buy drugs for kids, i would say.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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  1. I don't understand what your argument is. I merely said that drugs such as weed should ONLY be used as medicine, and that is if you NEED it. Weed won't do you good if you don't have a problem it could possibly address. That's what I said. Whether people support it for this reason or not is another case, and whether we like it or not, the fact that drugs can have medical uses is a strong point when it comes to legalization of the said drug.
  2. Yes it does.. It makes absolute sense actually, after all both example follows the same pattern. It just happens that killing someone is absolute, while using weed is just destructive (but can lead in death at very extreme situations).
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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  1. It messes with your brain and your body, just like alcohol. Instead, you could do some training to feel better, or get a massage to relax. Both beneficial to your body and your state of being.
  2. I hate when people assume that someone is even religious just because they can't agree with them.. I don't support something because a large mass of people happen to support it. And I also hate restricting other beings (not just humans) from doing something they want. If I have an opinion about something, I have a strong reason to do so. If you want to continue thinking you can't debate with me in a constructive matter, it would be better not to continue this conversation. What I'll say is that you can, and I accept different opinions, but I will NOT agree with you without a reason.

Now that I cleared this out, let me go on. As I said before, drugs can be beneficial to ones health when used as medicine. That means that, at least partially, drugs are good. At the same time, it has been proven that drugs can cause serious problems to ones body if used a lot. It's not just something I read on 9gag or 4chan or reddit. There were researches on the subject by legitimate researchers/scientists and not some idiots or celeb-scientists.

Lastly, I have never used drugs, which means I can't possibly know every sensation that comes with it. Actually, I do want to try out weed. But in no way would I use it more than once. I know that some people don't get addicted easily, but no one is immune to it. You can say you are going to do it once per week, but you that will change because you WILL get addicted. It's like drinking or smoking. Do it once and you are fine. Do it twice, just do it for the fun. Third to see what a hangover is, but continue drinking and hope your body is capable to resist the urge. But alcohol is not as addictive as drugs, because like you said it is recreational, but that doesn't mean it should be used for such a purpose. It's not wrong, it's just unhealthy.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i heard that it was actually originally illegalized because it could monopolize in many aspects of industry, such as hemp for clothes, paper, etc.

9 years ago

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You are right about that. Its illegalization had nothing to do with the negative properties, like many people say. If that was the case, cigarettes would have been illegalized a long time ago.

9 years ago

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true :)

9 years ago

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i disagree too. according to the other substances which are legal it's more like killing in a brutal way (alcohol for example) is legal, but a painless form (weed in this case, because way less risk) is illegal...

9 years ago*

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die Diskussion ist ja gerade mal wieder voll in Gange, da einer von der CDU (oho) jetzt fΓΌr eine ΓΌberwachte Legalisierung ist...

9 years ago

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u said die D:

9 years ago

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yes. it means "the" in german :p

9 years ago

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hach ja, so langsam muss sogar die CDU sich eingestehen, dass es einfach keine argumente gegen eine legaliesierung mehr gibt :)

9 years ago

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leider reicht eine Person der CDU wohl nicht aus um wirklich etwas zu bewegen. Wahrscheinlich wird das Thema wieder irgendwo versinken :P (owbohl bei online-Umfragen die meisten fΓΌr eine Legalisierung sind, aber das interessiert ja niemanden ^^)

9 years ago

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die cdu parteifΓΌhrung, inklusive des bundes gesundheitsminister hermann grΓΆhe, hat das bereits als die meinung eines einzelnen abgebΓΌgelt.

9 years ago

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I've been known to partake (quite bit at times). Mostly vape concentrates, when I can find them, nowadays.

EDIT I would not recommend drinking pond water. First thing I learned watching survival shows on Discovery.

9 years ago*

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I don't smoke and I don't drink. Hooray for freedom from addictions!
...Well, I mean except for gaming. And Steamgifts.

[EDIT] I should probably point out that I don't mind people who smoke or drink, as long as they don't try to involve me. However, I can literally not stand smelling cigarette smoke, as it hurts my throat, irritate my eyes, and makes me cough/sneeze like crazy. Might be some kind of allergy, but then again there's so much crap in cigarettes it might just be a normal reaction. Can't remember if weed has the same effect on me...

9 years ago*

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Dragons don't drink or smoke! Another reason you must be a dragon...

9 years ago

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Pretty sure I've seen smoke coming from dragons. :)

9 years ago

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Hmmm good point... maybe he is an imposter >.<

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Sometimes I smoke too much.

9 years ago

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there's no thing as "too much"

9 years ago

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There is for me, sometimes i get to a point where i don't get any higher but continue to smoke.

9 years ago

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Was just joking, but to be honest there's not too much smoking for me, unless I can't even stay sit

9 years ago

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There's a "too much" for anything.

9 years ago

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Well I smoked for a year and half, but little by little I was consuming more frequently and in bigger quantities, soon I couldn't even watch a movie if I wasn't high... well I quitted almost 3 years ago and I feel a whole better now, it turns out that when I was bored, afraid or just wanted to run awau from doing something I didn't want to I turned to weed and booze, which obviously isn't healthy at all.

I think that it all depends if how, when, why and how much you smoke.

9 years ago

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I don't currently smoke but I definitely think it should be legal. But, I went to a shop in Washington state and it cost $30 - $40 for two joints or pre-rolls as they call them. Guess they're making money for the state at least. Still I thought it was a bit much... NSFW gifs...

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9 years ago

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The price has started to come down in the recreational stores. I'm in Washington and have seen pre-rolls for $9 occasionally, but I have also seen single grams for $10 and $12.

9 years ago

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yeah I guess when the novelty wears off :) I'm guessing the medical dispensary would cost a little less as well... also would probably depend on the strain.

9 years ago

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Precisely :)

9 years ago

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All of the pre-rolls I have seen claim to be a gram in weight anyway. Anything over the gram price is just paying for the tube (at least they are usually made out of hemp) and someone to stuff it. Every once in a while you can get a gram for $7 or $8. The stores by me (Washington state) had both a Cinco de Mayo and a Mother's Day sale which saw prices that low for topshelf quality. I even got an eighth for $30 on 4-20 which I haven't been able to do since the early 1990's.

9 years ago

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I used to smoke almost every day. Always made even the most mundane task seem interesting. Now I have a family and all the associated responsibilities so I haven't smoked for about 6 years. Life seems harder without it but that's just because I'm more aware of what's going on around me.

One of memories of smoking too much was when I was about 17. Me and my friends smoked some weed that was much stronger than we were used to. We went into the city in the middle of the day and had a bad case of the munchies. Went to Hungry Jacks (Burger King in every other country) which was on two levels. You walk in to the first level and order. Eating area is downstairs. Anyway, the stairs had mirrors all around and it was so disorienting that I had to hold on tight to the rail and walked down really slow. My friend ordered and brought down the food. I still to this day cannot understand how he successfully negotiated those stairs with a tray full of food stoned off his nut.

9 years ago

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Cool story

9 years ago

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He used the Force.. of the Munchies.. he was probly so focused on getting down those stairs and eat those wonderful burger and fries that his body was on auto-pilot. :P

9 years ago

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It is legal, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

9 years ago

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Lol ok!

9 years ago

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If your Life depended on it, would you call it an addiction?


Get Educated!

9 years ago

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No... But if your life didn't depend on it, then it would be an addiction. Though when you need weed to treat a problem you have, you don't smoke it.

9 years ago

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What if it was Debilitating Pain? Pain so bad you can't get out of bed in the morning without either some Oxycodone, or 2 spoonfuls of CBD Syrup?

BTW. CBD's can't get you High.

9 years ago

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I was used to smoke a lot every day for 15 years but im not smoking anymore.
I stopped mostly because i was mad about giving so much money to people that doesnt deserve it.Also because i wanted to be clean and having lot of money in my wallet.
Im now happy to not smoke anymore because my brain and body is feeling much more better and i have much more money!!

BTW your weed is shit/crap if you need to smoke 10G ...(It gives absolutely nothing to smoke more when you're already high because you will not become higher)

(And young kids smoking weed will have permanent damaged brains,)^^

9 years ago*

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One up on the people that don't deserve it. Once went to a dealer in Brighton who was like 30 and had two kids, he didn't have a proper job and just sat at home waiting for people to call him.

9 years ago

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I've smoked once, and smoked very little. I work with a shit load of potheads though, and I don't think it should be for people under 21, as it can cause brain damage for people who's brains aren't fully developed. Holy shit I made a coherent arguement while I'm drunk. GO ME!

9 years ago

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I've tried it once, and I loved it, better than alcohol without the hangover.
I would love to try it again, but its illegal in my state and I am trying to apply for a better job.

9 years ago

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Hahaha. No. Sorry, I'm considered a huge loser and dweeb as it is, I wouldn't want to risk spiralling deeper into that hole. Also, it kind of, y'know, requires friends to be a fun activity.

9 years ago

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What is this thing you call "friends"', I have never heard of it before.

9 years ago

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It's like those anomalies in Stalker. No one knows what they are or where they came from... They're deceitful, though!

9 years ago

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I used to smoke. It's stupid, pointless, waste of money and more than anything I hate it's culture nowadays.

9 years ago

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You don't smoke anymore. But you eat LSD Hoffman 1943

9 years ago

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For which I have exactly the same idea

9 years ago

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i had weed few times, but its maybe three years since i have it last time and i am not missing it

9 years ago

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I smoked it quite a lot when I was still 17-23. After that most of my friends stopped smoking it and now (I'm 38) no one smokes weed anymore.
Me and some friends grew our own which was really cool. We also used it in food (cookies, cake, anything you can bake).
We had our yearly harvest parties, which basically means 30 guys and girls in a room with an unlimited supply of weed. Those parties were awesome. I remember a lot of laughter, but also complete silence with everyone listening to the music (the Doors, Cypress Hill). It always ended in silence ;).
It was fun but I'm glad I'm done with it. It made me slow, passive and indifferent at times. I've seen so many great bands I have little or no recollection of. We mostly used it while consuming beer, not always a good combo. Some of my friends started doing speed, coke, ghb, xtc after their intro to weed. I did a few times as well but I prefer a good night of boozing nowadays. Doesnt happen too often though ;)
Drug days are over and I'm really happy about it.

9 years ago*

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A guy I used to know in high school was smoking weed. He was driving back home with his girlfriend and never noticed another car in the side alley waiting to turn left. He hit the front of that car, and went into another lane, where hit hit another car driving in the opposite direction. His girlfriend, and driver of the second car were killed on the spot. He got 3 years in prison for causing accident under influence of drugs.

I know that place, I used to drive there 8-10 times a week for 5 years or so. Cars turning left from that alley always are sticking out a little, because of the wooden fence which blocks their view. But all you have to do is drive a little closer to the middle of the road and you will be fine. The fence is blocking view only in one way. The lane is wide, and I never saw any signs of any collision there. Except this one time.

Happy smoking. Just don't use public roads under influence.

9 years ago

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Just 3 years.. Damn, it's so easy to kill someone you want with the excuse you were under drug influence.. and then have almost no punishment (3 years is pretty much a little training vacation).

9 years ago

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It changed few years later. Now it is up to 12 years if it was just an accident. Or 25 to life if it wasn't.

9 years ago

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Every stroll through my garden is a weed trip.

9 years ago

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I don't smoke and especially not weed. Why? Because it smells so bad, just a tiny amount of this scent makes me want to throw up. No jokes, I hate that smell. Everytime someone who smokes weed passes by me, I start to gag. Which is not good for me since more and more people smoke it.

9 years ago

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Simple: Don't do drugs. I still drink alcohol in moderate amounts like most people do (doesn't really help that you live in a country infamous for drinking) but I have never and will never try smoking, narcotics or anything bordering that (as people seem to try to classify weed as a 'lighter' narcotic). The risk of being reduced to an addictive wreck for prolonged amounts of time or even the rest of your life is just not worth that kind of experimenting.

9 years ago

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Yet alcohol is a drug and is far worse on your health than weed could ever be, as well as than several other drugs that have no/minimal effects on your health. Plus alcohol is likely more addictive (I don't know if there is any evidence that weed is addictive?).

Drink alcohol for 30 years or smoke weed for 30 years and it will always be the alcohol that kills you over the weed.

9 years ago

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Either of these will cause real problems, it's not about choosing better from two pathethic choices, it's about choosing NOT doing any of them.

9 years ago

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Well sure, anything in excess has the potential to cause real problems (and kill you). Drinking 100 beers, smoking 100 joints, drinking 100 cups of coffee or eating 100 cheeseburgers in one sitting will all likely kill you. It's no different to drinking gallons of water in one go. That is almost guaranteed to kill you. I guess coffee/fast food or even water are pathetic life choices as well?

It's about moderation. Smoking a few joints now and then won't cause you any problems. Just like having small amounts of alcohol each week won't do much or any harm. It's when people lose control and form a dependence on it is when it starts becoming harmful (bare in mind many people can consume both, even regularly, and not become dependant).

Calling it pathetic and choosing none of them is the "right" decision is complete crap. If you want to live your life without these I can totally respect that, but saying that's the right way to live is completely absurd and shows your arrogance in the matter.

And to put it into perspective, I do very little of either. So this isn't me trying to validate my interests. People have the right to do what they want, and the fact is, both of these can be consumed and have no ill effects to the user.

9 years ago

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It's actually proven that alcohol in general is way worse then weed. Not that I care, I use both. You only life once; make the best out of it.

9 years ago

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My response was targeted at comparing drinking to smoking, not claiming only one true ideology of living in utopia :3.

9 years ago

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Ah fair enough :P

9 years ago

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If you'll be smoking weed for 30 years you will have about the same chance of getting lung cancer like after 105 years of smoking cigarettes. (most drug users after 5 years or drop weed and everything else completely, or switch to something stronger - funfact: in my country 90% of meth users started with weed) Fortunately normal lung cancer is quite easy to cure. (about 75% chances of full recovery if it is detected early) Unfortunately about 10% of cases are small cell lung cancer which is something like 80% lethal in 6 months, and it is much harder to detect, since symptoms are developing slower than in normal lung cancer, while the disease is spreading faster. There is also a slight chance of getting brain cancer. (it happens on average to 1 out of 10000 weed smokers which were using this drug for at least 2 years)

And it is possible to drink alcohol for 30 years without getting addicted, or destroying your liver. Not very probable, but possible. It all depends on quantity and quality. So there is no guarantee that alcohol would kill you faster than the cannabis.

And I used to be a volunteer in aid centre for drug users after the guy I knew killed two people while he was on marijuana. (detail are few posts above) That's the source of stats I quoted here.

9 years ago

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