Video games arent better than real life, Until a video game gives me an orgasm, I stand by this comment
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270 hours played in the last 2 weeks. You should visit a!
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You can have cool stuff in them like go to the past or future, or even an impossible fantasy world
You can kill people and take their cars :)
You can do things that are not normal like ^^ or race through the streets in a cart that says Mario throwing Red Shells
You can cheat
You can take an arrow to the knee without actually getting hit by an arrow
You can meet a Creeper
You can do things Just Cause you want 2!
They give you a spin on life, one that I could not live without
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Video games protagonists are the people you would sell your soul to be.
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1)Cool S**t Happens.
2)World without rules (to an extent)
3)You control something - sense of real power
4)No actual consequences to your actions
5)Great WHAT-IF stuff
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Will add more later if I have time (hopefully)
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You cant kill Diablo 3 times in one life span in real life. The holy deed can be accomplished in at least 2.
Pretty much the possibility to be a Hong Kong gangster, a dragon killer in a fantasy world, a crazy underground racer and a tiny little ninja rescuing rabbits and squirrels is an experience beyond real world that is simply worth the thrill.
Just dont forget good old games like hide and seek. Things which can get you muddy, injured, wet and screaming with joy are pretty much foundations for a healthy and confident grown up adult ..... Fantasy and creativity is well nourished through video games, but all physical education should not be forgotten as well.
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There's more for sure, but in a video game you have much more time than in real life to do homework.
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(Ooh! Gemini Rue is on my wishlist!)
Video games are better than real life because:
Because in video games, people actually like you.
And if they don't like you, you can kill them.
They allow you the freedom to do things you cannot do in real life.
Like killing people who don't like you.
You can engage in more risk-taking behaviour, because if you die you can be resurrected.
You are more physically attractive.
People acknowledge and praise your achievements, giving you a sense of fulfilment, purpose and validation.
Your achievements are things like 'saved a town' and 'killed a dictator' rather than 'got out of bed' and 'made a meal
out of two old slices of bread and some pistachios'.
You are highly skilled in badarse arts like swordplay, martial arts, or magic.
Magic exists.
Conversation is multiple choice and there are no wrong answers.
There are walkthroughs.
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Dying can sometimes be fun, depending on the situation, and you can die numerous times.
The games make you feel more powerful than you are (if you're a skinny geek who gets bullied at school, you can go home and be a hulking hero that can destroy thousands).
The keybord/mouse or game controller feels good. At least, better than alot of other things... it's kinda like a security-type thing.
You can forget about that test on Algebra you have at school tomorrow...
The flashing lights in front of you are somewhat awesome... at least, you can control their movements.
Video games are better than real life, because, why else would folks waste- i mean, spend - hours of their days, months of their lifes in front of the flashing window to fantasy?
Video games are better than real life, because i said so.
Video games are better than real life.
Video games are better than real life, because i want to win that Gemini Rue.
Video games are fun.
Video games are better than real life because i like pizza.
Video games are better than real life, because my favorite soda is Mountain Dew.
Video games are better than real life, because i'm getting somewhat bored of typing this, and i want to go play video games... but i have to go to work soon...
Video games are better than real life, because i'm trying to tell you in bulletpoint form, why video games are better than real life. Trying my best to be serious, yet funny at the same time, and failing miserably.
Video games are better than real life, because i really hope i win this contest thingy...
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Video games are better because...
I can run around with a dildo killing people. (saints row 3)
I can raise my own horse from hell (secrets of the magic crystal)
I can shout and things fly. (Skyrim)
I can shoot tears at my dead siblings. (binding of isaac)
I can hit people with an omnipotent pork sword (Dungeons of dredmor)
I can walk around naked without being arrested. (Oblivion)
I can break obsidion with my fist (Minecraft)
I can rob a bank with my friends (Payday)
I can drive a train (Train simulator)
I can have sex with a man, then a woman, then a man, then a woman. (Dragon Age origins)
I can carry hundreds of pounds of weaponry, potions, armor, and crap with me(ANY RPG)
I can eat ALL the food I want without getting fat(Most rpgs)
I can find love(skyrim)
I can put my hand inside someones pockets and take of their clothes(Skyrim)
I can grab shit from toilets (Duke nukem forever)
I can hold in the screams whie real life me changes trousers(amnesia)
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Tell me, in bulletpoint form, why video games are better than real life. Be serious yet funny about it at the same time. Best list wins Gemini Rue. Cheers, and good luck ;) P.S. I'll be deciding in about 2-3 hrs
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