Why do we need polls?
Probably something to do with regions then. With all five same games chosen I get 22.27 EUR price.
New Dawn - 6.07 eur
Primal - 6.75 eur
Siege 2.70 eur
Rogue - 2.70 eur
South park - 4.05 eur
don't see the logic in that though. What country are you from ?
PS. I kind of wanted to try these parts from Far Cry and could have bought if I had your prices. I love how Primal is more expensive then New Dawn for me, but it's other way around for you.
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In the R6siege standard edition, i confirm there are not the 38 additional operators of the post-release years 1 to 5.
And it's extremely long to grind to unlock them (30-40h / operator)
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If you`re interested in at least 4 of 5 games to choose that its worth it. Since all of them were heavily discounted and even given up for free (Watch Dogs 1-2, AC Odyssey,AC For Honor(but i belive buying it will give you smth) and few more). But its a good deal anyway. Especially for Wildlands, Siege and South park 1-2.
Sadly no Watch Dogs Legion and AC Valhalla but they are too new for such generosity. Btw what platform keys will be given? Or you can chose platform?
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Only Rocksmith is a Steam key. All others are for Ubisoft Connect (uPlay) HOWEVER they are not keys, instead they are activated via an API to your Ubi Account, so whatever you buy cannot be gifted. All Ubisoft games from stores like Humble and Fanatical, etc should be using this API to activate games now.
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A free week once (not free to keep)
At the end of 2018 there was "get a copy of AC odyssey" for playtesting google Project Stream (known now as Google Stadia) but that wasn't as easy to get for everyone.
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The Division has a great 30-40h single player campaign with clever AI ennemies who know how to retreat, cover themselves by taking into account the level-design. You can play it co-op, but i've fully played it and enjoyed it self-drop.
Ghost Recon Wildlands has a repetititiitive single player campaign when you do the same things region after region. At least there is a diversity of biomes between regions but we can see obviously the game was made for Co-op. It was a disappointment.
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For Division I just finished that recently (from November to January), did 57 hours playtime. Turned out to be good timing, I started just after Black Friday and the whole game is about a virus spread on Black Friday!
I did all the story, got all the collectibles (that were available in standard edition - you get extras in DLC), and I did a tiny bit of the multiplayer section.
The multiplayer I talk about is called Dark Zone, it is a cornered off section in the centre of the map were it is not only NPC but other players as well. In the world you can see other players but you don't have to interact with them unless you want to. Dark Zone forces that, but others can be friend or foe ... one guy didn't shoot at me while I was beside him at a checkpoint for like 3 minutes and then when I had finished and was moving on he shot me in the back.
I got Division free from I think a Christmas giveaway like in 2019 or something. Took me ages to get around to playing it but damn I enjoyed it. I am kinda interested in getting Division 2 (FYI it isn't on Steam at all) but apparently it is a steep decline compared to the first.
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Non of comments here saying that The Div is a online all the time looter shooter
Wildlands is a tactical - action shooter
Solo is A LOT better in Wildlands than Div
I enjoyed Wildlands FAR more than Div
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I just got a guitar last week so that was a must buy. Now im hooked on buying songs.
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Here is a website that can interest you: https://customsforge.com/
You will find custom songs created by the community (it's legal, the devs are aware of that and let players to use/create songs. The only rule given by the devs is to not create songs that are official in the game).
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FYI > Besides Rocksmith, all others are for Ubisoft Connect (uPlay) HOWEVER they are not keys, instead they are activated via an API to your Ubi Account, so whatever you buy cannot be gifted. All Ubisoft games from stores like Humble and Fanatical, etc should be using this API to activate games now.
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FYI - Only Rocksmith is a Steam key. All others are for Ubisoft Connect (uPlay) HOWEVER they are not keys, instead they are activated via an API to your Ubi Account, so whatever you buy cannot be gifted. All Ubisoft games from stores like Humble and Fanatical, etc should be using this API to activate games now.
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I only played Far Cry Primal and Stick of Truth, from your selected 5 titles and they were fun. Primal got very tedious at the end, like most of Ubisoft's open world games.
I also considered this sale, but the only game I'm missing out and really want is Anno 1800. But with all 3 season passes. So I'll pass.
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I really diggin' for the info. Deeply thanks, sir!
im (thinking) about to checkout R6S, GR Wildlands, Odyssey, Breakpoint, and WD2 if they include all DLCs they got.
Hmmh i just hope i got details on that.
But, yeah im broke since the first week of the month. i hate myself. i just hope the sale still going to the next month.
Ugh, no money kills.
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Link in the op I see the titles on sale are only standard editions so no dlcs are included
I even searched for those titles on HB and found only the standard editions that have discounts, gold and ultimate edition are on full price.
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Meh. Only missing the most recent ones and at that discount, might as well buy them one by one and spread the spendings.
For anyone getting Far Cry 5 though, since it's one of the few games here that have DLC that are actual expansions for the game, the season pass is on sale very near historical low at 78% off on Gamersgate so that gives you Gold for less than the historical low. 2 days left on that discount
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For those interested, there is a sale on ubi store as well. 20% additional discount on the basket if there's a Tom Clancy game in it. May be a better deal, at least for people without active Humble Swindle subscription.
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I played the demo for Wildlands and enjoyed it but are AC Black Flag and AC Rogue worth it? I know they're older games but I heard the ship combat in AC Black Flag was really good and that's something that interests me, and I heard it was much the same in AC Rogue.
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Rogue definitely wasn't as good as Black Flag, it was still enjoyable but Black Flag just blew the roof off! If you want you can basically skip Rogue as it is a Templar story, however it involves small parts of Black Flag and the intro for Unity. Would still recommend them both though.
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Hmm.....what about AC Brotherhood? I really just need 2 games other than Wildlands for the 3 game discount, I already have The Division or that would be one of them, and I have AC Syndicate. I have no idea if GR Breakpoint would be something I'd enjoy with all the DLC.
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I don't understand how they're doing the discount:
If you select 3 games: Far Cry 5, Far Cry New Dawn & Rainbow Six
without discount: 34,22€
with 80% discount: 25€
And if you go to Ubisoft shop and add the same games, except that Far Cry 5 and New Dawn are in a bundle with all DLCs
with 20% discount: 25,60€
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I can only speak of choices # 1 and 2, as they're the only ones I've played from the lot. For that price, you cannot go wrong. Did you go with FC New Dawn because you've already played FC5? If not, I'd recommend Far Cry 5 over New Dawn. The latter is quite short compared to FC5, the map is about 1/3, took me 20-22 hours to complete. It's still mindless fun, sure, but there was too much grind involved to get the outfits I wanted and I really hated that. And I also dislike the Twins. Not because they were fun to hate, as they are the main bad "guys"... they were just so annoying. I found the baddies and the followers in FC5 more fun overall. it seems to me that Ubi has been ramping up the grind since AC Origins and FC5, because they know people like to take good-looking screenshots so they lock the best stuff behind excessive grind and a paywall. I'm not sure I want to play AC Valhalla and FC6 as I'm fairly convinced it's going to be even worse than it was in New Dawn and AC Odyssey
FC Primal... the Stone Age setting was a breath of fresh air and I really enjoyed that one. You can ride mammoths... and sabertooth tigers. Oh my. When you start the game, wait for night time and turn the HUD off. I felt so defenseless and hearing wolves howling around was a bit unnerving. :D
Standard edition for those is fine, you don't need the fluff.
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Been going though each item on this bundle. I think this is the most sensible with 85% off considering you can get Gold / Ultimate for most in the EPIC coupon sales.
All the items I chose have very cheap dlcs, or none. They are also too low in price to qualify for EPIC sales (Sadly there are no dlcs in this bundle)
My prices after choosing 5 games at 85% off with Humble sub:
1) Far Cry New Dawn - $4.80 (Deluxe pack contains: Retro, Hurk and Knight packs. Not sure where the Unicorn trike comes from)
2) Far Cry Primal Standard Edition - $3.60 (One DLC - Wenja pack)
3) South Park: The Stick of Truth - $3.60 (No DLC)
4) Assassin's Creed Rogue - $2.40 (Some DLC, but mostly useless time savers)
5) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - $2.40 (You can unlock operators, but there are a lot. Need confirmation on this)
Total - $16.80
What do you guys think?
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