Fondest? I guess it's playing Super Mario Bros 3 on the original NES with a broken controller. The left buitton on the D-pad didn't work, so i could only play the first 3 levels as then the map required going backwards. Some years later my parent managed to get the controller repaired and i was fucking happy.
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I remember two of my mates in Diablo who had cheated to make their characters virtually gods, they were having a brawl at the bottom of some stairs into a new level and a third mate entered the level and instantly died in the crossfire. He had no idea what had happened and they didn't even notice the kill, but I was in tears of laughter at how quickly it had happened.
I only played a little classic WoW myself, had a gnome on Frostmourne but my guild was useless, stopped playing but returned a few months later for Burning Crusade and was asked to join a guild by some randoms when I hit Outlands. Ended up GMing that guild for nearly 8 years and it ended up probably the oldest active guild on Barthilas, we still weren't very good though haha Can't play it any more though, it lost its magic when we ended up with too many people that just wanted content and not the social aspect. Still have a lot of friends from those days though, good times.
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Hm, I can think of a few:
Playing Bubble Bobble with friends as a kid. We did beat the game, several times, including "super bubble bobble" (which is a harder mode you get if you find the secret exit on level 99).
Playing Super Mario Kart, again with friends. So many hours lost playing that game!
When we were in a guild war in Ultima Online, and we were supposed to give the opposing side a victory, as they got tired of losing, and I was told to outflank the opposing guild with half of our online members... only nobody had told me that we were supposed to lose (only the guild masters knew about this), so I accidentally timed the outflank perfectly, and the opposing side got really upset about it. Thinking back on it, it was rather funny :P
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Oh god lol My fondest was playing Diablo 2 with my then best friend. We were at her house, on her PC, but I had a floppy with my character saved on it (she had a baby druid, I had my baby assassin) and she had an extra PC. Was both of our first times playing D2, we were roughly in the same spot progression wise (on Diablo himself) and we were completely absorbed with it, to the point neither of us saw we had a storm incoming and it was almost pitch black outside. So we get to Diablo (still dont notice the weather) and I move up to pull Diablo and suddenly we hear this loud ass thunder with a huge flash outside. She jumps screaming "Diablos here!", throws both of her arms out, hits me across the face and knocks me backwards off the chair, and then the power goes out with me still on the floor lol
Still one of my favorite memories to this day lol
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That story is funny as hell, note the play on words :p
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Dynasty Warrior 6, Basara 2, The Warrior, GTA San Andreas. I miss those days when the time I finish them.
Edit: Oh, not forget about Burnout 3 Takedown too. When I goes wild crashing cars.
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Kingdom Hearts 1 for me (^▽^)
I got it together with the PS2 and started playing right away, but unfortunately one thing was missing...the memory card ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
It took me about a week to finally get one, but until then I played the beginning of the game over and over again each day, hoping to get a little bit further than last time (⌒ω⌒)
It was great ٩(◕‿◕)۶
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just here to bump, so other people could enjoy nice piece of reading
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So many memories....
...Playing Combat, endlessly, on the ATARI 2600 VCS...
...Completing Ultima I and looking back at my stack of notes and hand-drawn maps....
...Playing competitive Super Mario Brothers (last-man standing) with a friend...
...Finishing Planescape, Torment for the first time, and crying...
...The after-stories for the Baldur's Gate saga...
For this thread, however, I'm going to leave a gameplay video which I found hillarious.
Overpowered Grandma (NSFW)
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Planescape: Torment blew me away. So many things about it were just amazing. The characters, the stories within stories... Playing it was an amazing experience.
As for notes, I remember playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms with my brother on the NES - really he was playing, and I was helping. He had a whole notepad full of info on all the other opponents. It would be crazy today to have to write down so much info to play a game, but back then it was awesome.
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Love the video, always wanted to get Gang Beasts with some mates but we never got around to it :( Loved the old Ultimas too back in the day, they really are a part of gaming history!
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Two for me:
Ultima Underworld - I was running out of room in my pack and had decided to drop an item that I really liked but that had seemed completely useless (it was a flute that could be played via the keyboard). Days later, I realized I needed that item to advance in the game, and to my surprise I had remembered exactly where I had randomly dropped the flute (on a square of lava, luckily it never melted) and was able to go directly back to it. That was a wonderful moment, realizing an item I liked so much was also important in the game and remembering exactly where I had dropped it even days (full of wandering around) later.
Ultima 7 - when I found out the game let players bake bread in a semi-real process I had never seen before (combine flour w/ water, knead, let rest to rise, then pop in oven to bake -- and take it out before it burned)! I was stunned a game would bother to include something like that!
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I have so many fond memories of so many games, but realistically for me it would probably be Halo 3. I was obsessed with the first two as well, but with Halo 3 my entire friends list on Xbox was maxed out with people who almost exclusively played it and there would constantly be 16 player custom games going on with the newest forge maps and game types. Countless hours spent in forge making the next fresh thing, countless hours shooting the shit with people I've never met but probably knew more about than lots of people I'd hang out with in real life, countless hours on before the site turned into turd, countless hours laughing my ass off and having a ton of fun. I even had Sarge on my friends list, I never actually played a game with him but I was pretty damn proud of that fact regardless
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I played the first two Resident Evil games with my youngest brother on the Playstation (PS2?). That was a lot of fun.
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The one I remember best is one for Amstrad: Barbarian. I think he was the only one that I managed to finish. There was another of a rally in which you should follow the instructions and not lose sight of the compass. If you lost your way, you lost yourself in the desert. It was great. From time to time I had to stop and think if it would not be better to undo the road. Oh, and what about Platoon ...
Let's not get nostalgic: there is no nostalgia like before ...
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Definitely playing with friends close by beats gaming over the net by a long shot, I really miss those days :( Can still have great fun gaming but nothing matches the true social aspect of having friends nearby. I remember my mates brother making himself a drink and while he was putting the bottle away his brother took it, they ended up running up the street chasing each other for the glass (and it was only cordial btw), you can't get those weird spontaneous lunacy moments with online gaming.
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Zelda 1 + 3
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI
Super Metroid and Metroid Prime
Some classic mobile Castlevania games
Master of Orion 2
M.A.X. 1 + 2
Imperialism 2
Baldur's Gate 1+2
Planescape: Torment
Starcraft 1
Diablo 2
Counter-Strike in its beta days
If I had to mention only one game, Chrono Trigger is the winner.
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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory being my first shooter I was... 6? 7? I remember my dad hosting LAN party's in our basement and my cousin and I would join in oh the memorys <3
I also remember going to like a computer club? i dont reallly remember... I just remember a bunch of sweaty dudes playing games (it was like 20+ computers all hooked up to one network with game like starcraft, RoN AoE ect.
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While I was never a racing game fan, I played Mario Kart: Double Dash!! ALL the time as a kid, especially with my best friend at the time. To pass the time waiting for something, I would play the super cup, all the races in a row - it would always take about forty to forty-five minutes, so it made waiting for my friend to get to my house bearable.
She was so good. She could win the Daisy Cruiser track on 150cc with her eyes closed. Once, she and I dodged a blue shell. It was incredible. We were in Wario Stadium, and were hitting a turn, and she drifted and I punched in the right direction at the right time, so we had jolted out of the way of the shell just as it went to hit. We both went fucking bonkers and watched that replay tens of times. That felt SO cool.
I have a lot of memories playing with her - we went through Psychonauts together, and that really bad Inuyasha rpg. There was an Inuyasha fighting game that we managed to break the levels of and run around in the far background into nothingness. She would come over Friday nights and leave Sunday evenings, so we'd spend the whole weekend just marathoning a game. We did that with Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (she was Red Jester, I was Blue Valkyrie) and her older brother's copy of Okami, which she took without asking him. He really wasn't happy about that.
These memories are very bittersweet; unfortunately, our friendship ended catastrophically. I miss her, even now. I'm glad I got a chance to think about these times, though, because as long as I remember them there will always be two little girls out there playing together in the great wide somewhere.
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That's really sad you lost your awesome gaming friend, no chance of fixing it? everyone needs an awesome gaming friend like that! at least you have your memories ;)
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There's nothing I can do about it now, something I regret. But thank you for your kind words!
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Same here.. too many, really. Too bad today it's a busy work day..
I'm an '80s kid and my deepest memories go back to the NES and most of all SNES days - Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario, the Final Fantasy RPGs and so on..
Too many memories.. =P
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Asteroids and Adventure on the Atari 2600.
Excitebike and RBI Baseball on the original Nintendo.
So many games on my Commodore 64, but the best memories are from the games I played with my friends: GBA Basketball, 4th and Inches and Superstar Ice Hockey.
Tecmo Super Bowl, Sunset Riders and the NHL franchise on the Sega Genesis. I remember winning an NHL '94 tournament as a freshman in college and getting a gift certificate to a music store. That was pretty awesome.
On PC, I'd have to say Hardball 4, the original Roller Coaster Tycoon, and The Sims. SO MANY HOURS spent on those games! And most of them happy. (Except when I lost at GBA Basketball. I was a terrible loser).
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I was walking past my younger autistic son on his computer and he was watching a video of some gameplay from Nascar Racing 2003, mainly for its crashes as he is really into demolitions ;) This reminded me of the good old days where my mates and I would all take our computers to someones house, plug them all together via LAN and hammer old games like Warcraft 3, Starcraft etc (I'm also old enough to remember doing it with the old connectors which needed terminators to close the network at the end computers).
But my favourite (his video reminded me) was the Nascar Racing series, we'd paint our cars up (mine looked exactly like my street car, bonnet stripes and all) and we'd race hard...for all of a handful of laps until someone screwed up badly enough that we had to restart the race. You could add bots so we would have a full field of cars to race against, there was 4 or 5 of us and the game included an awesome replay camera that allowed you to watch crashes from any cars view, or various camera views from the track etc The physics may have been a bit hit and miss but the cars were destructible to a fair degree and parts would end up strewn all over the track. We found we could cheat at the start of the race by racing up the middle of the two columns of starting cars and just as the leaders hit the start line we would race through at full speed and get a huge lead. Great idea in theory but with 4 or 5 blokes trying to do it all it took was one tiny screw up and you'd pinball between both lines of cars and create a huge mess for everyone. The amount of prangs we recorded was huge and I so wish I still had those recordings, it quite often reduced us all to tears in laughter at what had happened. It's a pity EA then got their hands on the series and the next release didn't even have bots...
Between games like that and Warcraft 3 where we would start playing in the afternoon and wonder what the bright light was outside only to realise it was dawn of the next day there was some awesome classic games I really miss. We don't connect our computers on a LAN any more, hell I don't even see any of those guys I used to play with now, we all grew up and had families, but playing with friends online is nowhere near as fun as that used to be, and I can't say I've played a game with mates all night for many years (although I am 45 now so if I stay awake past 9pm I feel like a party animal these days).
For you young-lings who are wondering what a network terminator was here is an image of how a network was set up back then, and no the terminators didn't look as cool as Arnold. You had a T-connector plugged into each computers network card (none of this built into the motherboard madness back then!) a cable would connect two computers and the network would be set up in a serial line, with a terminator at each end computer.
So what game do you have the fondest memories of? and tell us your favourite gaming memory!
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