Steamgifts dungeon-crawling adventures go on!

I would like to invite you - once again - to the world of exciting and kind-of-old-school dungeon-crawling adventures, full of exploration, dangerous monsters, traps and, of course, treasures!

For those who are not familiar with Game of sWords at all - it is a free browser dungeon-crawling RPG game made with love specially for SteamGifts users by a shameful poor leech (myself) as a gift and my way to give back to this community. Game of sWords consists of quests which start periodically (in periods between 2 weeks and a month), in each of which you have to explore huge dungeons while upgrading your hero, fighting monsters, finding new items and treasures and interacting with other players in different ways!

Here is the topic of the previous quest.

Here is the topic of the third Game of sWords.

Here is the topic of the second Game of sWords.

And here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November last year.

If you took part in previous quest, you might want to check out the list of changes made to improve the game in multiple aspects

Treasures in Game of sWords are SteamGifts giveaways - you find some of them throughout the adventure and, by completing a quest, get access to all giveaways contributed for the event!

By contributing giveaways for Game of sWords events you get sWords Coins which you can spend in sWords Market to get some items and artifacts that will help you improve your progress and thus increase your chances to get access to all contributed giveaways! Moreover, you'll get lots of positive emotions when happy people will find your treasures in the Game :)

Any contributions are highly appreciated (dungeons are great when they are filled with treasures! :) ), but, of course, voluntary - everyone is welcome to play and enjoy the Game and everyone has a chance to win, regardless on whether you will or will not make a contribution. Contributors, naturally, will have higher chances to win, but overall, success will be determined by your strategy, attention and time management. Besides, the winners' limit has always been higher than number of contributors.

Each quest lasts up to 1 week.

You can find something to read, including tips on strategy, information on the basics of the game, and even the story of the kingdom of sWords, in sWords Library.

You can also join the Steam group where I inform followers about my plans and upcoming updates.

The registration and contribution period begins now and will last until the start of the event at 16:00 GMT next Saturday (15th of October)!

This is when you can register for the upcoming quest with a preferrable class (there are 3 of them - each is unique and has its own winners' limit. Keep in mind that you won't be able to change a chosen class later), contribute your giveaway(s) for the event, get your Coins reward and spend it on something useful in the Market to start the adventure confidently :)

The amount of Coins you get as a reward depends on several factors:

  • game being bundled on SG;
  • game price in Steam (with current discounts);
  • game rating in Steam.

You can register for a quest and contribute giveaway(s) here.

You will get your sWords Coins once the giveaway is checked and approved - make sure to read the rules carefully!

You can access the Market once you register for an event.

Let's see how many treasures we can collect this time! :)

Just a quick note: I do not enter any of the giveaways provided for the Game of sWords. The Game is made for your fun and enjoyment (not that I don't have a lot of fun during each event myself, but you are the ones who'll get to explore uncharted dungeons :) ).

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8 years ago*

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Bump for where are all my scrolls. :)

8 years ago

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bump for ~12 hours left until start :P

get ready peoples

8 years ago

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The dungeon now has 60+ treasures, which is already more than there were in the previous one!
There are a lot of amazing giveaways this time - all adventurers can find something they would like to play! :)

The quest starts in about 7 hours, so there is still time to make a contribution, get sWords Coins and spend them on items and artifacts that would help you complete the quest in time and get access to a huge amount of giveaways with great winning chances.

8 years ago

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Have a bump. Yes.

8 years ago

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Over 70 giveaways have been contributed and the quest starts in less than 1 hour!

Contributions are accepted until the start of the event, I try to approve them within a few minutes.

Reminder: Don't forget to spend sWords Coins in the Market before the game begins!

8 years ago

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I bet someone has already asked that question, but
is there any sense in buying Ring of Life while you have already bough sWords Ring ?
Is the effect of Decreased Resurrection time by 1/3 doubled while you own both ?

8 years ago

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The effects will stack up: 60*2/3*2/3=~27 minutes.

8 years ago

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Thanks. Purchased ;P

8 years ago

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I felt left off, after your couching replies to me I gave it a shot, came back to "report" and... and... nada. No one gave a ff so I didn't either. No harm done, right?
Though I wont speak ill of it, I will be no recommending it either, it's a shame but oh well I tried my conscience is at peace.

Kudos to you tho, seems the rest is happy so, success!, I guess.

8 years ago

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Hi! Please post any suggestions / bug reposts either here: or in the Steam group - that is where I will definitely see them - unfortunately, I don't always have time to look through all the comments in the steamgifts topic.
Thanks for understanding!

8 years ago*

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Ah, it starts soon! :D

8 years ago

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I've registered as Barbarian again because I'm stubborn (aka an idiot) , hopefully this time it's a lot more balanced and enemies don't become ridiculous from one dungeon level to the next. Good luck ladies and gents!

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by SErVER51.