
Link to the forum shitstorm

Another one bites the dust, I really didn't expect that from DoubleFine. From what I understand the game was still officially in alpha and there was a whole bunch of planned features. I wonder in what state is the current build?

The devs are planning to release the code to allow the community to take over so that's something I guess. Still a major dick move to all those who supported them...

10 years ago*

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Wow, just wow.

10 years ago

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from alpha to full release = back stabbing money hungry dev they should have said thanks for the money now we can leave

10 years ago

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It wouldn't be that bad if they didn't want like 25bucks for it in the first place.

10 years ago

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Yeah, they also recently released Gang Beasts in Early Access at a similar price point...

10 years ago

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I was interested in the game but it was quite pricey so I decided to wait for a full release that according to the recent news will never come.

10 years ago

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At least they aren't the developers for that

10 years ago

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I don't know, I think the main problem is not with their development work, it's with their incapacity to manage a budget. So, all in all, it might have been better if they were the devs of Gang Beasts instead of the publisher, since it's generally the publisher who finances development (from what I understand).

10 years ago

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I would buy their games only in $1 bundles anyways :/ Ok, maybe some of them like Broken Age in a decent BTA.

10 years ago

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im a doublefine fan boy so your post makes me sad

10 years ago

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+1 sadness

10 years ago

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+1 just 1$

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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I used to blindly buy anything they released because I believed in them. Those days are now over.

10 years ago

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Wasn't it on sale lately? That a middlefinger to the community. Make some last dollars and then drop the project. I was looking forward to this game. Thanks to the reviews that suggested to wait a little longer I didn't buy it.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yeah it was and I actually bought it during that sale. Double Fine has always made really nice games so this is a bit of a shock to me. A real dick move.

10 years ago

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I have no sympathy for people who buy unfinished games and then complain about the game not being finished.

10 years ago

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But the topic of discussion is that they dropped the development completely. It's not about people complaining about early access with games that actually will get full release later. This game won't.

10 years ago

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I'm aware of that. I'm just saying, if you buy an unfinished game you shouldn't be too surprised if in the end you're left with an unfinished game.

10 years ago

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of course not. but still, is a dick move from the studio.

10 years ago

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You have no sympathy for people who support developers during the development of their game ... and then get backstabbed by that developer who openly said they would not randomly pull the plug. Also this was a Double Fine game... a good studio! They had lot of fans... which got the finger

10 years ago

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Well, more like I don't agree with the people who are complaining and demanding a refund. It's a shitty thing for the dev to do but at the end of the day, they paid for an unfinished game, they received an unfinished game and now, unfortunately, they are left with the same thing they paid for.

10 years ago

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Well i agree on that part.. demanding a refund is ridiculous. But understand a lot of people had confidence in double fine to fulfil their promise and i get that people in a passionate rage demand refunds. Then again its not the first time Double fine screwed over their loyalist fans

10 years ago

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I agree. Never buy a game unless it's sufficiently complete to justify the asking price.

10 years ago

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Double Fine was one of my favoritue Game Developers. Tim Schafer was one of my favoritue men in the industry. Not any more. First a hiccup with Broken Age becoming 2-part game instead of one. Ok, anyone can make a mistake, I may forgive it. But this? They are dead to me now. Such a dickish move...

It basically kills the game - if they were to release source code from the beggining there would be a shitload of wonderfull stuff avaiable already. Now they say they gonna release unfinished game in 1 month but worry not, you can develop it further on your own? Before anyone makes anything that makes sense the game wil be long dead.

F#CK YOU Double Fine. F#CK YOU Tim Schafer. I really hope that this decision is based on financial situation and that it will only turn worse and you'll go out of business.

10 years ago

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but....but.... if they go out of business how will we ever get psyconauts 2 v__v cries

10 years ago

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not gonna happen. Or wait - gonna happen - Kickstarter to raise 1mil $ to make Psychonauts 2, gets 2mil $, in developement they will said they ran out of money, so they gonna release the game in 2 parts, Psychonauts 2 part 1 nad later on part 2 when they get money from part 1, they will put part 1 on Early Access, generally being just a generic platformer/action game listing all awesome features they gonna develop during Early Access process, put it on sale several times, and finally delete all promises of these awesome features, say they're dropping Psychonauts 2, but they will release the code, so if you want you may finish game yourself! ;p

10 years ago

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So much anger over a partially finished game!

10 years ago

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\i did not buy it so I'm not angry about unfinished game, I'm angry about DF Bull$hit... I took them for one of the good guys, always loved Tim's and DF's games for their originality and awesome artstyles - but the way they are screwing their fanbase and customers lately is a dealbreaker for me. That's what angers me - that studio that created such an awesome games and that I loved puuls up crap like that lately :/

10 years ago

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Its a little disappointing, but this game always kind of seemed like their fringe title. Tim Schafer and Double Fine are my favorite things in all of gaming, but even they couldn't get me to give on Kickstarter or buy an Early Access game. I like finished products, not promises. Hell, when a company announces DLC to a game I don't yet own, that just means I'll wait even longer to get it. I like to know what I'm buying, in its entirety.

10 years ago

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and people will be happy buying that... because they love DoubleFine because they fight against big evil corporations and they are super indie!

10 years ago

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Only if Notch is ready to waste his money. Now that he have some... Though I don't really think DF is very competent in keeping their titles in scope or on time...

10 years ago

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"if they were to release source code from the beggining there would be a shitload of wonderfull stuff avaiable already."

I haven't read too much into the story or know that much about the situation but maybe they didn't know they were going to drop it until very recently? Someone posted a post by one of the team 4 months ago about the development and from that post it looks like they were still working on it then and didn't have plans to drop it. If this was the case then why would they release source code early?

10 years ago

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If they just decided recently without considering it earlier then out of nowhere decided to fo this - it's even more irresponsible.

Also forgive me for being sceptic here, but you're talking about a post from 4 months ago. Well I've seen a Screenie of post from 1.5 week ago (during sale of the game) where devs were talking what amazing new features they will add in a moment, how excited they are etc etc. Generally hyping a game being on sale just to announce they will abandon it right after sale ended. So they were generally lying just to make more people buy game before they drop it.

Lastly intentions are not what matters. Facts are what matters. Even if they have the most honest intentions facts are that they are abandoning a product that many people bought expecting it to be finished and to have all elements advertised included, and they are saying "we're not gonna finish it. We're not gonna add functionalities we advertised. If you wish you may code them yourself".

10 years ago

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My point was basically to point out that if it WAS a very recent decision then I don't see why anyone would expect them to have released the code earlier. That's the only reason I mentioned intentions. But overall, yeah, I agree that it's a shitty move and the recent sale and related posts were very shady.

10 years ago

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Double Fine have been teetering on the brink of bankruptcy for a long time (allegedly). Even back when Broken Age was setting Kickstarter records there were rumours that the money was going towards paying off company debts instead of developing the game. (You'll notice Broken Age still isn't finished, although you can buy what is there.) Now they've tried riding the Steam Early Access wave and that didn't work out. What's next for Double Fine?

10 years ago

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Those guys make great games but they're obviously helpless without a real publisher behind their backs. However no big publisher would have them because originality and imaginative games just don't sell, that's how they ended up on their own in the first place.

10 years ago

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Back during the Ps2/Xbox/Gamecube generation, Nintendo wanted to work with them. Unfortunately, Schafer scuppered that relationship before it even got off the ground by making public statements that were nothing if not insulting towards Nintendo. (I'm sure those comments are still to be found on the web.) Let's see if he's learned a lesson in humility in the mean time. Because I'm sure Nintendo would love to have them under their wing as a semi-exclusive, second party developer like Next Level Games or Platinum Games.

10 years ago

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Bancrupcy I hope. They deserve nothing more. As much as I loved they games for being innovative and out-of-the-box their exploitation of their fanbase is dealbreaker for me. First Broken Age and now this. Especially considering that they just had the game on sale for -50% week ago for whole week, probably knowing that they're going to drop it anyway. So just one final attempt to exploit customers before they announce dropping the project.

10 years ago

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Yeah, none of the project they do/have done have been cash cows for them exactly

10 years ago

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They make unique games, problem with that is that those never sell as well as Call of Duty 25: calling in more duty DLC edition.

10 years ago

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Not cool. :|
Although I still hope they won't bankrupt, I really like their games and the studio itself.

10 years ago

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wait, they can make a kickstarter to get it founded... their fans love to trow money at them!

and then they can fuck in everyone and make another game with that money.
10 years ago

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Kickstarter is more, "You support the idea" of this thing, and help fund it.

10 years ago

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thats how boys and girls make babies ^__^

10 years ago

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So people are mad that they won't continue developing a game that isn't selling well? Why would they do that?

10 years ago

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There is a major difference of "continuing developement" and "finishing a product". They will not even finish a product - they will add tutorial, guide for basic mechanics and some random obectives system and that's all - and "they will open code so if someone wants can finish a product themselves".

10 years ago

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So are they literally supposed to hemorrhage money wildly working on a game that is already a failure, just because some people bought an early access in which nothing was guaranteed?

10 years ago

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No, they're supposed to deliver the product they promised to the "suckers" who payed 25$ for a prototype based on Double Fine's reputation and Double Fine's promises that their not some random indie developer that will take the money and run, that the project would not be left unfinished.

10 years ago

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Yeah, why should I pay my loan off?

10 years ago

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oh that one is easy, because you want to keep your legs. but who is going to break double fine's legs?
of course, this will probably hurt they reputation a little... still, fanboys/girls love those humans to death, and will suck every single piece of shit they drop at them.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Double Fine is an established studio. They've been around since 2000, originally being one of three independent studios founded when LucasArts closed down all internal development related to adventure games. (The other two studios founded by former LucasArts employees being Autumn Moon Entertainment and Telltale Games.)

10 years ago

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I believe that's what he meant by "rethinking it" - that not only small no-name indie developer may screw up Early Access, but old well-established studio as well.

10 years ago

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Yes, I suppose you're right.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Only buy EA title if you are happy of it for the price if development was dropped next day.

10 years ago

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I hate when people get mad at things they don't understand.

10 years ago

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yeah, like going from alpha to release in 1 step, that's like trowing the whole software life cycle theory to the sink

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I understand the risk of Early Access. I'm ok with that part. Low interst, low sales, lack of money, etc.

The lack of communication and transparency is what bother me, by the way I made a post about it all at the bottom of this thread.

10 years ago

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They even got founded 400K $ by Indiefund, before the Early access fiasco:

So these guys got paid 2 times and still they didn't deliver what promised.

Oh right, they release the code now, how nice, so you can finish the job they were paid to do. TWICE.

It's people like Double Fine that destroy faith in Early acces and crowfunding.

10 years ago

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Unbelievable. What the hell, Double Fine... You were supposed to be one of the good ones...

10 years ago

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Games get killed off during development all the time. Early Access promised gamers a chance to watch and interact as a game gets developed, so its appropriate that some of them won't make it.

I thought this game looked like it could get really interesting, but you should never buy an Early Access game based on what it might end up being. You're buying the game as it is now, so you should decide whether that game is worth buying.

At least they're releasing the source code. I imagine that people will have some really interesting mods by Christmas.

10 years ago

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I'm so glad I resisted buying this now.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Hmm might be a good time to trade for a copy now in case it gets deleted from the store

10 years ago

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They jst need to pull people onto the psychonauts 2 with notch's billions.

10 years ago

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Wow, didn't expect that from DF.

10 years ago

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Thankfully I held back on buying this one although it was on the top of my to-buy list. It looked like a really interesting (though a bit spread too thin) concept.

Double Fine games are awesome, so I let this one slide. When you're mad just think of Broken Age, Costume Quest, BrΓΌtal Legend or the amazing Psychonauts. Most of you guys forget that it's not really up to the devs, obviously they wanted to finish the game but there was something forcing their hand (no time, running off budget, inexecutable concept) to give it up. I'm sure they are as heartbroken as you guys. It's no secret that when you buy an Early Access game there's a chance that it might never see the light so you have been informed.

10 years ago

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You mean the half finished Broken Age that made 3+ million on kickstarter and then ran out of money only to keep the buyers in the dark as to when the second part would eventually be released? (which still hasn't been released btw) That Broken Age?

10 years ago

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Yeah its why I didn't buy it while it was on sale, I hate unfinished stories more then ANYTHING.

10 years ago

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the Broken Age which I really enjoyed as a game (that's what matters for me, not the always pissed reddit-crowd) not giving a damn about it's circumstances.

10 years ago

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You mean you enjoyed half of a game.

10 years ago

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If I go into a store and buy a sandwich...and get half a sandwich with the promise of another half whenever they feel like, maybe not...I am not gonna be happy with my meal.

I LOVE Double Fine, Psychonauts is one of my favorite games ever(Loved it on Xbox as well). But releasing half baked games isn't at all cool...

10 years ago

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They have made decent games. But question is if they are able to deliver them complete and on time anymore. Not staying in scope or on time tells of bad managment...

10 years ago

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Dunno way to say but soemthing with high potiental also has many problems. Hard to say what's going on though I've only played costume quest (something not so ambitious)

Gotta say it'll take them longer to regain what they've lost reputation wise with this.

10 years ago

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keep in mind that's their 2nd screw up - Broken Age was founded on Kickstarter and promised to deliver as whole - we got 1/2 of game and still no ETA for 2nd one. Also they used more than they earned on KS for first half.

Also a fact that right before Spacebase got abandoned it had a massive 1-week long sale shows that as long as they create great and very original games they treat their customers like shit.

10 years ago

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They were lying. The game was just on sale and the devs came on the forum talking about how they were extremely committed to the game and were only incommunicado for so long because they were working so hard and they were still on the roadmap. It was an outright lie.

10 years ago

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This seems to be the thing for games like this, get it barely working then abandon it.

10 years ago

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