Path of Exile is pretty good. Trully free to play, too.
The only thing I really disliked about this game were the over-the-top visual effects. Annoying.
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Battlefield Play4Free! :) Or the other is Hazard Ops!
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OP asked for RPGs, as in Role Playing Games, not Rocket Propelled Grenades.
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nice joke mate, archage crafting is one of most imortant things in this game, you can craft few times per day, but for $ your can reset those limits, thats mean is ultra omega super pay to win
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Ugh, I hate LotRo, any time I play it I feel like I need to stop wasting my life.
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Of course, it's pve but there's a ranking in game which shows who is the best player every round, and if you don't have the newest and best stuff on the shop, you usually can't be the first. I'm sorry if someone has understood this wrong, my English is not very good.
PS: I haven't called anyone idiot, so please don't call me that (if it's referred to me).
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Yes, but afaik pretty sure there are only a very few. No que system, have to run to them and then spam chat channels to find a group unless you have people you know to do them with you
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+1 Guild Wars 2 is good :) and almost free 2 play because its buy to play :D
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+1 Guild Wars 2 is totally worth the cash, save up some allowance or something and get it, it's worth it.
If you need more convincing watch -
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Depends what you are looking for in an MMO OP. If you are wanting to play one for PvE content, the vast majority I've played are all content gated to make money. Lotro/SWTOR all require money invested to buy content (or ridiculous time investments). Last I played Aion I'm pretty sure it also had a gate on how many time you could do an instance a day as a f2p player. Tera is a decent game for PvE if you don't mind the fact there is content broken from release they still haven't fixed, the Asian style of the game, the somewhat different than traditional combat and the fact that if you aren't a tank, you are probably going to be in 45 minute to 2 hour+ ques for dungeons (at least it was that high last time I played it and i doubt its gotten any better). Neverwinter is decent if you are only interested in pve as well, but suffers from the broken content as well and the very end game system being P2W in the way crafting enhancements for items works. Rift may be an option as well, I haven't played in years so i don't know what their F2P model is though but it had fairly good PvE.
Not sure what your options are for PvP though since I dont really care about PvP in mmos. Pretty sure Archeage was built to be a fairly pvp centric game, and from what I played it seemed alright. Just there really isn't much in the way of pve content, just grind quests and a few dungeons that no one really does I dont think because its not worth the time.
My personal suggestion would be playing The Secret World. It has a buy in price (I think of like 29.99 but you can probably get it cheaper here if someone picked it up during a sale) but its free to play after that. The leveling experience is probably one of the best I've ever played in an MMO, it's classless so you can build anyway you want around certain weapon types, it has pretty decent PvE dungeons and I enjoyed grinding a bit for cosmetic upgrades. It does content gate with add ons for more content but the base game is definately worth the price of admission. For PvP you could probably check out GW2 (not sure what it costs these days but its also f2p after the buy in), wasnt my cup of tea but the pvp was fairly entertaining.
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TSW is a good B2P game but you need to spend money on the additional content like Issues(new zones) or sidestories(4-5 quest that gives a nice reward once completed). Even though the game is classless you still need to pick a role to play though with enough time invested you may learn all skills xD . TSW also offer trial keys so you may ask for one if you get interested in the game but dont want blindly to purchase.
GW2 is a good casual B2P MMO with quite a lot of flaws. PvP in most of the time is who will execute the meta better than the others. I stopped playing the game few months ago but heard from friends that new players have quite a hard time in the game at the moment.
Between GW2 and TSW I can say that. If you have time but no money to invest go for GW2 else go for TSW. At least questing/doing dungeons in TSW is more rewarding.
I personally stopped playing F2P MMOs because you can be restricted quite a lot but the one I could recommend atm is Marvel Heroes since everything apart from Bank slots can be obtained by playing . LOTRO is good but you need to farm achievment to obtain turbine points and buy content. SWTOR is heavily restricted to F2P users and can only recommend it for the story. RIFT is also a good game if you never played WoW for more than 2-3 months but at the start you are limited with platinum cap and you cant sell stuff on AH.
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I recommend Path of Exile , pretty good F2P and lots of content.
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people are probably gonna yell at me for this, but neverwinter is pretty good.
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Any tips?
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