Okay, now I'm asking a weird question, but has anyone heard anything about the Coronavirus regarding Russia? There has been nothing on whether or not the virus has entered their country. Has it gotten to Russia yet? I know the whole of Europe has this virus, but there has been nothing said about Russia and whether the virus has invaded this country. Just asking.

4 years ago

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We've got about 50 infected people officially, but I'm pretty sure that's because system of decease detection is really, really poor (there are even reports of doctors refusing to run a test). Also, nobody here is really fond of an idea of being quarantined or hospitalized, so people just tend to avoid seeing a doctor. Still, the panic is very much here.

Edit: it's 63 infected people as of today officially.

4 years ago*

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Thanks for sharing. Appreciate it. I can understand why the Russian people are doing what they are doing.

4 years ago

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Regarding wanting to know whether corona has gotten to x yet, I like to look at this source for information.

4 years ago

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I like to read the feed on worldometers for some context in a nutshell. (For example, now I know a 31 year old died. Our own media only mentions the 60+ year olds.) I can't seem to find that on arcgis, unless I'm overlooking something? 🧐

4 years ago

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And we're doing what, exactly, and why do you understand this?

4 years ago

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I strongly suspect Russia has gone back to their old ways of suppressing information as much as they can. I wouldn't be surprised to later find that there are currently two orders of magnitude more cases than Russia is claiming, and many deaths that are simply not being reported.

4 years ago

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Thank you for your input, Dr. kungfujoe.

4 years ago

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Suppression of information has nothing to do with medical degrees. That's politics, not medicine, and Russian politics has a long history of suppression of both information and dissent.

4 years ago

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And so-called democracies have a tradition of despising and distrusting the regimes they do not like in every aspect. Provide the proofs our government lies about COVID-19, or STFU please.

4 years ago

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Government calls that it's not COVID-19, its viral respiratory infections or community-acquired pneumonia, but if percent of infected is rising i'm totally sure that is COVID-19.

4 years ago

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BS. The percent can grow because now people know about danger of COVID-19 and go to doctors to check themselves, otherwise they wouldn't and stayed at home. But you do not even see this possibility, because you're prejudiced from the very beginning, that's why I am saying again: give proofs.

4 years ago*

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Oh, excuse me for assuming you were a doctor. Obviously, you are a professional Russian politics expert and you keep the finger on the pulse of what's going on there.

4 years ago

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I've got exactly zero trust to official sources of information in Russia, but the internet is still more or less free here, and we've still got some independent medias. If there were any suspicious deaths, we'd likely have known this already.

4 years ago

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Likewise, I've got exactly zero trust to xenopatriot liberast. So what?

4 years ago

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If it talks like a piece of shit, if it's leeching and not giving like a piece of shit, it must me be a piece of shit.

4 years ago*

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Filipusis, yus yandex translat pleaze!

4 years ago

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I think suppressing information was always the American way of doing things...

Anyway, with social networking being developed the way it is now in Russia, it's probably the last country in the world that would be able to suppress anything. Everyone here knows whose dog had taken a poo and where the minute after the deed was done.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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exactly, it's funny how russia is still the #1 world enemy. 🤦‍♀️

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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After reading lots of private stories. There are many coronavirus hidden information in all countries. That's surprise, but even Australia as bad as Russia with sincerity of information

4 years ago

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You mean like USA has been doing, with the leader flat out lying and contradicting the health officials, and refusing to allow them to communicate without approval from the leadership?

4 years ago

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Yes, very much like that. And who has the American president been openly idolizing and modeling his behavior on since taking office? The world's "strongman" leaders & dictators like Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, and Kim. Invoking whataboutism over America's serious problems doesn't excuse Russia's.

4 years ago

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Beyond generally being suspicious of Russia, what makes you think Russia is misleading the public? They have been quite proactive, having closed the border with China in January.

4 years ago

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From the next week there is official Quarantine starts in Russia. All mass events closed, offices, schools, etc also closed. Many employees sent away to home work

4 years ago

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Don't know anything about it except shcools on distant education.

4 years ago

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Upd: Moscow universities turned to distance education.

4 years ago

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Which city? Saint-Petersburg still fine working

4 years ago

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All public meetings over 1k people cancelled

4 years ago

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Would you please stop spreading disinformation?

4 years ago

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What are you talking about? RPL closed for example. All big companies closed their offices also

4 years ago

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Soccer is still going on without any fans on stadium

4 years ago

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Yep, there are some local limitations, but no information about a state-wide quarantine. As for mass events, here in Moscow there's that weird 5000 limitation (because 4000 people gathered together is obviously safe, and 6000 is incredibly dangerous), and that's it. Schools are not closed, except for some private ones. Seriously, where are you getting your information from? Are you even in Russia?

4 years ago

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It really is. Classes at my university are transitioning to electronic form from tomorrow.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Unfortunately that's correct.

4 years ago

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So I think here in Russia we are fucked. Cos official numbers are not looks like true. 15/03/20 football matches still going, churches still have mass people came to kiss some old bones, schools are not closed on carantine, there is no information from goverment about prevention. Just guys everything fine, keep going on like nothing happens. But in drugstore you cant buy masks and antiseptics. There is no panic, we just wait when its starts. And i think we already late

4 years ago

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We have a panic. You.

4 years ago

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People nervous yes, but there is still food in markets. Yesterday i bought amount of food for a month without same problems like in Estonia.

4 years ago

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You did not understand. You're panicking, that's why we have a panic. Read what you've written:

official numbers are not looks like true

no information from goverment

You're panicking.

4 years ago

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I don't. I just prepare myself and my family for storm

4 years ago

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What storm, goddamnit? ) Oh, nevermind.)

4 years ago

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Lahta +15? Ffs is that you

4 years ago

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Huyahta. Calm yourself down, teenager.

4 years ago

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Nah, he's not lahta, just your basic vatnik. Still, I kinda agree with him: people are panicking (you've written about drugstores yourself), and looks like you're one of them. Sure, we are fucked indeed, but that's because of political and economical situation, not because of some virus.

4 years ago

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So far I see only two people fucked here - you and your pal. Must've trusty Nasralny pals.

4 years ago

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Please, guys. Let us not turn this into a flame war.

4 years ago

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How about actually punishing trolls then? Every flamey post in this thread predictably enough is from russians(we can all check their country on Steam acc)

4 years ago

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You can get all the info here:

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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There has been nothing on whether or not the virus has entered their country.

It's the problem of your local media or you do not google good enough, because there is a lot of info on COVID-19 in Russia, there are updates about every 2 or 3 new sick ones. Seriously, you're talking like there is some information firewall or something, while it's not, the flow of updates on COVID-19 - preparations, regulations, avoidance etc. - is huge and I'm already tired, actually.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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You're right pal. I'm from Russia and I assume that medics didn't identify all cases of Coronavirus infection in Russia. They may think, that pacients just catched a flue.

4 years ago*

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there is no covid in russia like there are no russian soldiers in eastern ukraine
thats how it works, it has been like this for ages

4 years ago

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Thank you for your input as well, Jastrzap.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Dude, while troll factories do work 24/7 indeed, the so-called patriots writing what they actually think are also numerous here.

4 years ago

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Yeah, yeah, everybody who is not having their tongue deep inside StateDept backside - they're trolls. How dare they not love Holy America (May God bless it and grant it peace)!

Let's have a deal. I have kinda unique username. I provide you with my extensive online background back to 199x (yeah I just threw I few searches to check the dates) and if you can't match it with any hard proof of me being from troll factory, you eat a bucket of shit. Deal or chiken, liar?

4 years ago

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Ehr, what? I'd written the exact opposite of what you read.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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You're all lies I don't believe you, damn liberals destroying my putin's Rodina!

4 years ago

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No. Just tired of Ukrainian liars spewing shit, while unable to provide a single damn fucking photo in an age of smartphones.. For fucking 6 years. But feel free to keep believing their tales. BTW, I have a bridge to sell. Insterested?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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So, you DO have photos or lolling to hide embarrassment of having none?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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On the plus side, now you can imagine how internet political discussions usually look like in Russia.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Give me proofs on Russia Today that it were russian troops and not americans!

4 years ago

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-two short replies without any insults
-incredibly salty
Yeah, sure.
I'm just tired of westerners (mostly Americans who have never even heard anything about Russia, except of their Hollywood and news propaganda) being blatantly racist towards my people and country. It's not even the Cold War anymore and you still often portray us as some dark fantasy orcs. And your reply perfectly fits this narrative, labeling me a putinbot for the slightest opposing of these practises. So, yeah, sometimes I feel like I really should speak out loud about it.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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What else could be expected from a racist chauvinist other than dismissing the whole point and downplaying it to a straw man you can effortlessly joke about.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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  1. Analogy is not an argument.
  2. Political thesis out of context usually is a trolling.
  3. You're an obvious russophobe.
4 years ago

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Everyone who hates putin = hates all russian

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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When a Pole says "your country is shit and always was a shit", and you're Russian, it does not mean "you're a nice guy and stuff but I don't like your President, is all", no, it means he hates you because you're Russian as a representative of Russia, because he was raised this way by school textbooks and national Polish propaganda - three divisions of Poland, etc, etc.

4 years ago

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I do not see where he mentioned Putin (and I am not a Putin lover). You're irrelevant. No, he said: "for ages", it means a long time period, I repeat, long time period, not 20 years, and I know what period exactly, but it's another question. So no, he's a common russophobe.

4 years ago*

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The only question: why exactly are there so many 'russsophobes' around you? 50% of russ population would celebrate every state's failure, me included, you know that.. all are 'reptiloids' (common word for western/jewish 'non-russ' among your crowd, an opposite to 'white-nordic-patriot') or 'phobes' in your terms. I even remeber you put this question for yourself in your posts. Im sure you won't be ever able to find an answer. Not a chance.

4 years ago

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Your post has no sense. I remember you from other thread, you can't think straight, do not address to me.

4 years ago

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I address to thinking people around, your personal position is as clear as it is common.

In my post, for example, i tried to draw attention to the 'reptiloids' dehumanizing term you have used higher. In your crowd it's a usual word for 'anti-russian forces in the world' (shortly: rich jews).

The only problem of putinizm is how to combine imperialistic practice with nationalistic theory, so such nuances in terminology show through sometimes and spoil the picture.

4 years ago

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You don't know my position, you don't understand my position, you have some imaginary picture of me and you're fighting in your head with this picture, you don't have an actual contact with me. And it's happening again right now: I never used the word "reptiloids", I never mentioned Jews. It's all happening in your head. I am half-Jew myself, how about that? I am not a putinist and I am saying it every time, but it contradicts your imaginary picture. Please, drink some pills for the head, and stop talking to me, it's painful for me to understand how sick people can be and how they do not understand that to help themselves.

4 years ago

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Wow, chill out yourself now! You are totally out of control!

4 years ago

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Seems you still don't understand. I repeat: help yourself, it's not like I am saying "you're sick" because your edgy posts made me butthurt or something like you think, no, I am actually sad to see a schizophrenic person that spends his life like this, imagining things that does not exist.

4 years ago

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Hey, repeat again! I was distracted for a sec!

4 years ago

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P.s. Don't tell me what has sense and what's not - that itself has totally no sense, i assure you. Also (about you not answering my talks as you have promised already and not fulfilled as we see) - i jsut love it when my female plays dead! mmm

4 years ago

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a russian judging ppl from eastern europe
go fly a kite and maybe read some about what you have dony to those countries
attacked us after Hitler in 17.09.1939 occupation for 50 years for a start (WWII started that date for you, and you collaborated with Hitler till he also attacked you, you can even addmit that you would lost with Hitler without https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease)
then read about KATYŃ and other places where you slaughtered innocent lives
and stop interfering into europe life

ask yourself why you are not welcome in eastern europe countries and many times hated

so yes, keep your lies to someone who might belive it
if you are trolling, its a bad one, i have historic links and all you have is russophobe slogans
no arrguments to deny what i said
russian soldiers was in crimea (we all knew that from the start), its a fact confirmed by russian government, and rusian were caught in eastern ukraine and sent back to russia
all world, without russia obviously, knows that you shoot down that passanger plane from netherlands

call us all you want, but we dont want russian army again in our countries, we prefer americans, even knowing their flaws

watch some discovery or nat geo history channels

You're an obvious russian - no need to add something more, that says it all. Not expecting constructive discussion from russian troll.

ok, you are just a troll who hates everything not being russian, my bad

4 years ago

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Historic links... from Wikipedia. Seems like a totally reliable source! XD

4 years ago

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russian trolls will deny even historic facts

every single historic docu about wwii had land lease, of course it was made by western country, and had fabriqued movies so it would look like made in wwii, right ?

guess you need to close your russians museums, buahahhaha

look troll, i have even found fake yt films, with funny westerner faking russian accent

http://tankmuseum.ru/exhibits/ (quote: ''WW2 soviet & Lend Lease outdoor exhibition no longer, virtual tour'')
of course we all know kubinka is not in russia, it is spain for sure

another fake, wink wink
''M4 "Sherman" — the main American medium tank during world war II. It was widely used in the American army at all places of military operations, as well as in large quantities supplied to the allies (primarily the UK and the USSR) under the lend-lease program. Only from February 1942 to July 1945 there were 49 234 of the tank (not counting tanks of canadian production). This is the third (after the T-34 and T-54) most mass tank in the world, as well as the most mass tank of American production.''


i hope you guys are not the best russian trolls

4 years ago

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Calm down, man. I just find it funny when you point out one propaganda and then go apeshit defending another. There are no bad nations, and there are no good politicians

4 years ago

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Funny idiot.
"russian soldiers was in crimea"
Of course, from the moment Crimea entered into Russia at the end of the 18th century. Russian troops were continuously in the Crimea and what?

"and you collaborated with Hitler till he also attacked you"

Hitler's rise to power led to a fall in trade between the USSR and Germany, a war of sanctions and proxywars around the world. Civil war in Spain, conflicts in Mongolia, Winter war. At the World Exhibition in Paris, Spanish workers found a bomb planted in the Soviet zone.

The murders of communists, trade union activists, and national minorities in Germany made the USSR and the Third Reich the main opponents on the world stage. So it was from Hitler's rise to power until the end of World War II.

But in the west, everything was different. First, Hitler was originally a man of the United States as opposed to the "red" Telman. And fascism was a generally accepted doctrine, as democratic tolerance is now. By the word "generally accepted" I mean that, for example, fascist parades were openly held in the USA. Almost all major countries had allied, economic and other treaties with Hitler. Great Britain? Oh sure. Poland? Yes, of course.

And the death camps, which were opened in Germany (this is not some hidden event, was written in the newspapers about this) did not become an obstacle to the signing of agreements. Poland in alliance with Hitler attacked Czechoslovakia. And they openly threatened the USSR with war if the Red Army intervened in the conflict on the side of Czechoslovakia.

Poland is the aggressor that the Soviet territories seized while the Red Army fought off the intervention of France, England, the United States and Japan during the civil war in Russia.
It was these territories of the USSR that he returned to himself in 1939.

Poland conducted military exercises, together with the Japanese. Demonstratively, while the Red Army fought with them. The Japanese, if you do not know, have destroyed a mass of Chinese and Russians in attempts to deploy a biological weapon effective against Caucasians, but not effective against Asians.

The Polish Sejm seized the land from former Soviet citizens in the territories occupied by the Poles in favor of its soldiers and officials. (Act of December 17, 1920).

Several tens of thousands of Soviet citizens were killed by the Poles in the camps. What the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs gives excuses, like - they died themselves, it happens. Mortality ~30%+ percent. Scums.

By the way, can you tell me why the USSR did not shoot other Polish prisoners of war? But only those who ended up in German-occupied territory? Could it be more likely that the executions were carried out by a party that destroyed millions of people and is indicated by the testimony of witnesses and material evidence? And the Polish version is just an attempt to make himself a victim, although the Polish state itself was fascist?

4 years ago

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so many informations but none is true
the problem with your lies is that you need to convince the whole world about them
start with wikipedia and nat geo/discovery etc
next you need to convince ppl who lived that days that all they remember is wrong
next you need to convince me that russian occupation that ended in 1989 wasnt true and there was no russian soldiers on my soil - that will be the hardest, i was there and i know what my parents know

first sentence and a lie already

so long russian trolls
europe is lost to you

btw, i like your carrier, the first one with smoke screen
too bad its destroyed
all lies and at the end you stand with only socks

too bad that they didnt nuke you when there was a chance after ww2

4 years ago

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I called elementary historical facts, you mess something slurred.
You do not know when the Russian army was in the Crimea? These are the problems of your education. Obviously very bad.

Strictly speaking, Crimea first became part of Russia in antiquity, there was the city of Khersones where the Russians officially adopted Christianity. Later, during of the nomadic invasion of Crimea was lost.

Again, Crimea returned to Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great at the end of the 18th century, when the Crimean Khanate was destroyed. From this moment, the Russian armed forces have been in the Crimea continuously, with the exception of several cases when they were knocked out of there during the wars (Crimean War, World War II).

There are Russian military bases in Crimea, and Russian servicemen are located in Crimea. If Putin said that there are no Russian military in Crimea, then he is an idiot who does not know where the military bases of the armed forces that he commands are located. But most likely, you are an idiot here, or journalists who carry some kind of crap.

If anything, the seizure of Ukrainian military bases by servicemen of Russian military bases in Crimea took place with a decree of the government of the Republic of Crimea, which was autonomy within Ukraine. Around like Texas in the United States.

4 years ago

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The link to the original Putin interview in the text itself does not work. Ok, google
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raHFAlaOjRc video
http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/20366 text

Looked it briefly

In it, Putin says that the armed forces of Ukraine and Russia in Crimea are comrades in arms, friends, officers, they know each other personally.
There was not a single clash between them; everything is going on peacefully. (meaning the transfer of military bases)

In this situation, the use of armed forces is not necessary, the only thing we did was strengthen the security of our military facilities.
Quote in Russian:
Таким образом, напряжённая ситуация в Крыму, связанная с возможным применением Вооружённых Сил, она просто была исчерпана, в этом не было никакой необходимости.
Единственно, какая необходимость была и что мы делали, мы усилили охрану наших военных объектов, потому что они всё время получали угрозы, и мы видели, что в Крым подтягиваются уже боевички из националистических организаций. Мы это сделали, и сделали правильно и своевременно.

To the journalist’s question “are you considering the accession of Crimea”?
He answered, no, we are not considering. It is only the citizens themselves who must determine their future. The right of nations to self-determination is enshrined in the UN Charter. If it’s possible for Kosovars, why shouldn’t it be for residents of Crimea?

I don’t see where he says that in the Crimea there are no Russian troops.

4 years ago*

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I knew from the very beginning who are you and what's in your head, and you proved I am right. I don't want to talk with you, speaking to a wall of text from russophobes is the last thing I want.

4 years ago*

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too bad you dont understand why you are not welcomed in europe and why what you did to eastern europe was bad
too much russian propaganda ?
how can you pray to murderer stalin when he slaughtered milions of russains

eot, troll

4 years ago

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Lol what? ) Shortening your hate posts does not make them more interesting to me )

4 years ago

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Someone might find it useful or interesting to read: https://m.habr.com/ru/post/491974/ (Text is in Russian, charts are in English)
"Коронавирус: почему надо действовать прямо сейчас"

4 years ago

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That's a Russian translation. Habr have author's name and link to English-language original article on Medium right below tags. Here it is, just in case it is hard to spot: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca Obviously, it is not about Russia.

4 years ago

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Some facts about covid19 :

  • it's growing everywhere, its ability to spread is powerful
  • High level of infection = very bad for economy and investors
  • High level of infection = panic, people could start questioning what the government is doing because their life is in danger
  • Everyone in the world is struggling with it, it's quite impossible to stop it, it's hard to slow it down.

Some facts about Russia:

  • A single man has life and death power
  • That man is supposed to step down but whatever he can stay in charge until he wants because of reasons™
  • Russia lied about sending killers in europe
  • Its propaganda is quite famous all over the world...

So yeah, if you don't test, you don't have cases !

Jokes aside, I'm in italy and shit is about to hit the fan here, even if we are doing everything we can and we have a good health system.
No one gives a shit about your political view, it's not a fanboy game,

this virus can potentially kill your grandparents, it's really dangerous for old people

ask your government to be ready for it

4 years ago

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Wiki does a pretty good job to sum up news for all countries, including Russia.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This is a clear provocation by Obama

4 years ago

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Let's simply think.👽
Countries that immediately rejected entry from China.
I think it was mid-February.

And will there be a lot of people going to Russia at this time?
Not many.

Many countries go to Russia for business.
However, the transfer will have stopped when the story of the new coronavirus comes out.

And the land is wide.
The location is well-ventilated and crowded, even in cities along the border.
It can be said that the environment is less likely to cause outbreaks.

For now it may be okay.
However, if the virus is brought into urban areas, it has the potential to spread quickly from poorly ventilated underground infrastructure.

Do not become a group.
You are in a well-ventilated place like the outdoors.
Avoid places like basements.

Regarding Russia, I feel that it is all right except in urban areas.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Where coronas are prevalent ...
There are many mountains and few flatlands.
Mankind creates a big city on level ground.
The passage is limited.
Humans are easy to form groups.

In the case of Russia, if the corona would flow in, it would be from the west.

4 years ago

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Thanks everybody for your responses. You asked why I care? I care because I'm of the opinion that the Russian people are good people, have lots to offer the world. I'm talking about the regular people, not some of the politicans. You have a wonderful culture and history. I wish you the best, as I do all good people in this world. I'm 81 and know the dangers that could happen with this virus. I remember my great grandmother telling me of the terrible Spanish Flu that hit the world. So everybody be careful please. I do care for all of you, regardless of your political leanings. Thanks again for all your responses. The best to all of you.

4 years ago

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I love how surreal internet sometimes, never thought I would meet 81 yo gamer, who's grandma remembered Spanish flu. Anyway wish you a great health.

4 years ago

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He's trolling, now I'm sure.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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"Horses mixed in a bunch, people"
Do not you think that you can’t mix politics and not politics, since these are completely different things.
And the fact that your statements are absolutely categorical and even causes laughter. Only a not very intelligent person can write about a country in which, most likely, he has never been and does not know anything other than what propaganda tells him.

4 years ago

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wrong, he is russian actually
edit: *russian speaker

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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It's true in a way, but Russians understand that it's only a part of the whole picture.

4 years ago*

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And another russophobic post in the thread. I know why there is a lot of them here, mistake of the OP. He should've called it "Situaition with COVID-19 in Russia" or something like that, but instead he named it "Russia", and all not-very-stable spring people who have problems with controlling themselves went here to share their first associations with "Russia".


I've got a weekly dose of bullshit from this thread, thank you, now I remember all of you, now can you just STOP? This thread was meant to be about COVID-19 in Russia, not this crap.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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in Russia now those who are sick are those who have come from abroad, well, and a little infected from them .... In the stores I did not see panic. And now, time usually gets sick from a simple cold.

4 years ago

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read posts, it seems that all the toms with the inscription "Russia" attack the Ukrainian trolls.

4 years ago

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although in Moscow they say that there is a deficiency of gauze dressings

4 years ago

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who knows? =P
well, unluckily I've never been to Russia (I'd love to visit Russia and I'm sure it will be awesome) although I've been lots of times to Poland and Ukraine (especially the area around Львів) where.. they don't have a great opinion about Russians for some reasons =P
anyways I still remember all the stories about Чорно́биль 1986 - my parents (my father worked as a freelance documentary/photomaker) traveled from northern italy all the way to Душанбе by car - they passed through Ukraine (of course it was all Soviet Union back then), namely Коростень - Іванків - Київ in April.. well, they managed to call home only in late May when they got to Самарканд where they learnt that the whole Western Europe was in complete chaos (by the way, this lead in 1987 to the complete ban in Italy of the nuclear reactors). No one between Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan had been informed during many weeks about what happened, and in Tajikistan they were all frightened after my father told the guys about what was happening! =)
thanks for all these opinions, this website is awesome since it collects users from all over the world and lets us understand and read dozens of different perspectives =)

4 years ago*

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4 years ago*

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The normal people in Russia and Ukraine (and thankfully, those are still the vast majority) are still the best pals. Just take a look at how Russian esports teams are supported at the events held in Ukraine and vice versa. The problem is, like it's everywhere in the world, that the aggressive minority's voice is louder, especyally when this minority has powerful figures behind it.
My best friend's working at a company that deals frequently with Ukrainians and he says they're the best and most reasonable people to deal with.
So there's MUCH less bad blood between Russia and Ukraine than the media tries to show. Close to none, really. If you believe otherwise, than you yourself is a propaganda victim.

4 years ago

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Well, the Poles are still holding on to old grudges dating back to times when Poland was a part of Russian Empire and, more importanly, to WWII times and Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in particular, which, I can't argue, caused a lot of shit to Poland at first, but in the end was essentially the thing that saved Poland (and, if I mat so claim, most of the Europe and even the whole world) from total destruction. It was an evil, but a necessary evil at that time. Without that pact the USSR would've been attacked by the Nazis way earlier and most likely conquered, and Hitler would've been unstoppable then. Unfortunately, some people don't realize that nowadays, being brainwashed by anti-Russian propaganda and whatnot.

I don't understand that to be honest. By this logic, Russians have lots of reasons to hold grudges towards like, half of the nations in the world. Towards France for Napoleon invasion, towards Germany and Japan, towards Turkey for who knows how many wars, and towards Poland as well for 16th-17th centuries invasions and numerous attempts to overthrow Russian rulers, etc, etc.

By this logic I should have a personal grudge towards Latvia, where my family was taken by the Nazis during the WWII as a cheap labor force and where my grandmother's little brother died of pneumonia because Latvian owners of the house they were working at made him stay outside during cold winter wearing almost no clothes.

But for some reason I don't hold a grudge towards Latvia and Latvians, and even have friends from there. Also have friends in Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, you name it.

Russians in general also don't hold grudges against any other country. Because we realise Germany under Hitler and France under Napoleon were different countries than nowadays, and if you ask a random Russian now which countries are their favorite to visit, these two will be among the first three options along with Italy. But for some reason a bunch of other countries and some (definitely not all) people in them still act like Russia owes them for every past misdeed.

Some would argue and say Russia is being aggressive towards them NOW, and will probably give Ukraine as an example. I won't deny and say Russia has nothing to do with what's going on in Ukraine now, and I certainly don't approve that but it's not a simple case of "Russia invaded!". Russia couldn't afford to lose the naval base at Crimea to NATO (honestly, any country would do the same if been told that their base will be going to their main political rival), but that should've been the end of it. But the guys in Donetsk and Lugansk thought they could easily pull off the same trick and separate from Ukraine and started a rebellion on their own, eventually forcing Russia to cover their mess. As for alleged aggression towards other countries... like the aforementioned Poland or Baltic states, well, no offense, but you don't have anything we could possibly need. Putin is probably not the nicest of the guys but he's not a madman and no idiot to attack someone just for the sake of it. And there's literally no reason for Russia to invade you, so please stay calm and sleep sound. <3

4 years ago

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Covid hysteria is suprisingly strong here given the attitude towards general populace which is "pay taxes, vote for our glorious leader, partake in collective delusions of grandeur and die off silently preferable before the age of retirement".

Common flu offs far more of us yearly and not a single fuck is given while patients aged over 75 is oficially in the "vosrast dozhitya" status and denied proper treatment and or hospitalization on a regular basis.

I think this hysteria has something to do with woeful inadequate state of healthcare coupled with fact that core voters for current regime is elderity.

4 years ago

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"Information" and "Russia" are antonyms. So you can get official information about infection in Russia, but never real numbers (well, at least in 50 years).

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Khalaq.