A very simple question, can I run it?

My toaster's specs:
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5670
CPU: Amd Athlon II @ 2,66 GHZ x 4
OS: W7 64 Bits.
Resolution: 1680x1050

EDIT: Bought the game, runs pretty good! Getting about 30 FPS, I only hope they add more options for the video settings so I can tweak a little more.

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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CYRI is inaccurate, it tells me a lot of times that I can't run a game but when I try I can run the game flawlessly. Or the other way around.

11 years ago

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Why you don't play it on PC, can't he run it?.

11 years ago

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When I bought it 3-4 years ago, it was a PC. But the requirements of games turned it into a toaster.

11 years ago

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I would think so. I can run it on my laptop (Somewhere between medium and high) on my laptop. It has a dedicated video card, but something similar to yours.

BTW, the game is fucking awesome. It has such potential. Remember, when you buy it, you're just getting a pre-order and a tech demo. Its not a full game. It probably has somewhere between 1-5 hours of playtime at the current state.

11 years ago

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I don't know what NEXT CAR GAME is, but most new games today are made so they run on toasters, because for some reason a lot o people buy toasters instead of PCs. Many games are also ports from games that were made for those handy ball toaster devices which means your regular sized toaster will run them just fine.

Your CPU is on the edge of ruining everything, but still fine for non CPU intensive games (unlike RTS where you got a billion units on the screen). Your graphic card was built to play minesweeper, but that's fine. You can set pretty much any games graphic so low that it will look like and run as smooth as minesweeper.

11 years ago

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Oh... there actually is a game called 'next car game' ... I See. Well, from the name it sounds like it will run toasters as well as potatoes.

11 years ago

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BugBear (the developers for NCG) say on their website that the game is being tested on 3+ year old hardware since that's what they've got. So they're making it run well on that hardware as a priority.

11 years ago

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should be perfectly fine. also bugbear is known for making their games being able to run on almost anything!

11 years ago

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just try the demo for free:

11 years ago

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can not disagree with this suggestion

11 years ago

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Bought the ducker!

Thx, I didn't know there was a free tech demo, it ran up to 25 FPS on max. In other words I probably can play the game game atleast on low.

11 years ago

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Of course you can run it, even on max settings, just lower the resolution to the point where you have a nice fps.

11 years ago

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If its like some other games, I´ll get black bars... I find it annoying..

11 years ago

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try the free tech demo and see how that runs on ya pc > http://nextcargame.com/free-technology-demo/ cbf'd doing clicky. sick game i bought it the instant it was available to by

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thats a nice toaster.

11 years ago

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If you say so...

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by dooder.