I could make one that adds EVERY SINGLE F2P AND FREE ON DEMAND if you would like that may take a day or two.
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that is what i would do
thats also why it would take so long i need to add ALL these http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=851573.
would you want it?
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I will make variations one for all one for f2p and one for free on demand.
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Added 2 games and 8 dlc to my steam account. But i've run other "add free steam packages to your account thingies" before.
So for someone who never this something like this, it might add around 90 new "games" or "dlc"or simply other unusable garbage leftovers in the steam matrix. There's no point to it really, other than increasing the number of games and dlc on your steam account, if that is your thing :p
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can you post links to the other "add free steam packages to your account thingies" so I can expand this thread.
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Can't recall the automated one, but most likely it included the same stuff.
And I went through this before too: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=851573
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Really, how does it increase level? I thought it was just game count.
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Good to know even though most scam accounts that friend me have lvl 0.
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Actually, free games don't give as much experience anymore, if I remember correctly. Valve changed the formula a couple times and changed the experience payout to be based on the price of the game. It might still give some experience though.
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I think that has been like that since you download steam client and login.
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didn't use the script,
the Steam as complimentary is from the latest update I assume.
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I know. you must be new around here. This automatically adds them ALL so you don't need to go to Evey page and download it.
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I will not explain this "on demand" phrase but it basically adds every each (well, maybe not every but some/a lot) F2P game from Steam to your library and all those games will also appear here, same as You activated any other product on Steam just with a tag "Free" or something. I hope it explain what You wanted to know :)
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Added...nothing! I am pretty sure that I have already added every current f2p game on Steam.
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I used the one that you had. I think I used the other one previously.
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I remember seeing this long time ago while it was still considered as a bug or something (as it used to give a lot of XP points) and it was complete from what I remember at that time being. If I am allowed to post it here (if I even found it) I will do that.
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I will take a break for an hour can someone please make a second account and run my code PS. make sure you are logged in to that account in browser and steam client.
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dude you can already try them out. just go to the store page and install it. :OOOOOOO
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yeah, because it's really important to have f2p games you don't play on your library. also if you check what i replied to, you'll see my point. "but nice for people who want to try out new games" what new games? they're already there and f2p.
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Steam levels i guess would be a reason to get every f2p on the store.
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i didn't ask the point of doing this. i just said you don't get new games to play. why the heck did you join to this conversation with your irrelevant arguements in the first place? i replied to KuruNinji. quote: "but nice for people who want to try out new games"
you can see it if you look a little up.
or you can click this: http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/wkootTt
or click that: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/rLA6r/how-to-get-some-free-on-demand-games#wkootTt
as you can see, someone claims you can try new games with this. and i say that's not the case since these games are already f2p. does it look like a discussion about steam levels or the point of doing what you tell on the op? (don't answer. that's a rhetorical question.)
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It isn't. However, I remember adding some Saints Row IV DLC in the past without owning base game.
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Will this add the games to your account without you having to install them? I've noticed with most free games that it prompts for an installation then if I later delete the local content it disappears from the library which is annoying.
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agreed, i wishlist free things im going to play later
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copy and pasted the entire thing. it loaded they way it should, and then it didn't do anything.
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I think this is meant to raise your steam level (for having loads of games in your library). Personally I'd rather have a lower level and less junk in my library (other than some fun f2p games that I actually enjoy)
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ppl actually care bout steam level ?
I mean ive seen a bunch of people with over 2k games in their library , and upon asking any of them .. do you actually play even a part of those games , the answer more of then then not is ... Not really .
Dont really understand the logic behind just hoarding stuff for ... ? What really :D ?
And now ppl even made scripts to automatically add more games that you will never play ?
I Really dont understand that ...
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Mine is a proof of consent I just want to see if I can make It have customization so you can get all free dlc for games you have or just every free thing on steam to get levels if you want.
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It's just a collection thing. People collect stamps, coins, beanie babies, beer bottles and all manner of things. They will never be used in any meaningful way but many people just like to collect.
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Collection things is about carefully selecting interesting, rare or whatever objects. Not grabbing all the trash that exists in the Universe and then posing "Hell, what a collector I am!"
That way of collecting which you are speaking about is considered to be a mental disorder
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It will have customization so you can get all free dlc for games you have or just every free thing on steam to get levels if you want.
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i just finished so I had not tested it yet basically Im not responsible for your commputer if you install ALL theses games. it just goes through a list and adds ALL free to plays to your account
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I have found a few bugs could someone more experienced than my self help me with this?
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Should be working now please test it and tell me if you get the games!
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Go to this site https://steamdb.info/freepackages/ read the instructions. It is free and takes 1-2 mins.
NEW THREAD www.steamgifts.com/discussion/hXBP9/my-auto-add-f2pdlcfree-on-demand-games-free-stuff-like-trailers-and-demos
Feel free to post other things like this in the comments. please no phishing/hacking links, please.
EDIT: I am now working on one of my own so please check back.
I have all free games A-Z(sorta).
I will expand upon this and make it better select what types of free games an dlc you want installed.
Some credit to http://pastebin.com/ENuNZsyw. fixed some bugs by reviewing the code.
EULA: I am not responsible for any thing that happens at all before or after running this. not that anything bad will happen just like if you dont liek having all the games you don't sue me or somthin :)
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