Duck them... --.--
Waiting for HTC Vive / recommendations....
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from totalbiscuit
"Well, the Oculus is up for preorder and some people are surprised by the $600 pricetag. I'm not exactly sure where people got the impression that the first piece of true consumer-ready VR was actually going to be cheap tech. We are talking about the cutting edge of what is possible with gaming right now, a device that has multiple high resolution, high framerate displays, minaturised and built right into it, advanced head tracking technology and god knows what else. We are also talking about a device that frankly is not, initially, going to run well on the PC hardware that the mass market owns.
If you want to game on this thing, you're going to need a pretty beastly PC. The PC requirements were recently revealed and they are a GTX 970/ AMD 290, along with an upper end i5 processor or equivalent. That is not the average PC, and why would it be? This thing renders at 2160x1200, that's 233 million pixels. 1080p is 207 million. Not only that, but VR tech is designed to run at high framerates in order to reduce motion sickness and blur. According to the FAQ on the site, the two modes it supports at 75 and 90fps. Can your computer run most demanding modern games at 1080p, 90fps? If so congratulations, you are on the enthusiast level and you are the target audience for early adoption of the Rift. If you can't well, before spending $600 on a Rift, maybe think about spending that $600 on upgrades for your PC instead.
Eventually, VR will be mass market tech, I dont have any doubt of that. It's not a gimmick, I've used it, this is not the same as 3d, its tech that at least to me, enhances existing games and opens up possibilities for new genres. For some games, this is a monitor replacement, because I think those games will just look and play better in VR than they will on a standard screen. Speaking of monitors, the monitor I use cost $700. Granted, it's high end, 27 inchs at 2560x1440 144hz native resolution, with gsync, but thats not much more expensive than a Rift. The Rift is for all intents and purposes, a high end display. You expect to pay that much for a high end display. ...." "MORE HERE
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I'm not exactly sure where people got the impression that the first piece of true consumer-ready VR was actually going to be cheap tech.
I don't know, maybe because this?
Oculus — which recently announced its partnership with Samsung for a Galaxy Note 4-based mobile VR system — is hoping to sell the final version of its own Rift headset for between $200 and $400, co-founder Nate Mitchell told Eurogamer in an interview earlier this week.
This price point isn't so different to what Oculus executives have suggested in the past. The first development kit cost $300, the second costs $350, Oculus has said before that it's targeting a $300 price point, and the latest word is that it will sell at or near the cost of production. "It's going to be as cheap as possible," Luckey told Eurogamer.
I get that these are just estimates, but when the price is finally revealed and it's nearly double what the high end estimates were...that's a pretty poor estimate. Leave it to TB to try and mock people without doing any research, pretty typical, of him. If the people developing the damn thing thought it could be sold for $200-$400, how are laypeople supposed to know different than what they are being told throughout the life of it's development? :P
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Indeed. Can't help but feel that Oculus have shot themselves in the ballsack on this one.
It's not that I have any issue with a high price (after all, it's bleeding edge technology, aimed squarely at early adopters), but it's all come as a nasty surprise to those who have been following their announcements over the past year or two...
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If you feel the same like the guy you mentioned I could now start a full wall of text how oculus rift is overpriced for what it provides and how so called "enthusiasts" will need to cover up the entire oculus rift development lasting last 4-5 years.
After facebook bought OR, it was obvious that because of all the hype (which is a little too much I think too, but that's another story), the company will try to make every buck of it, which means that first model will be expensive as hell.
If you really think that out of sudden company decided that their device will cost 2x as much as initially suggested, because of the components being used inside or the software, then I'm not sure if you understand that the specification is made at least half a year before, and people responsible for finances also calculate costs long before. It's obvious that after so long time Oculus will do anything possible to maximize their profits, sad news are that so called "enthusiasts" and "fans" supporting the concept in any way they can, including ME (yes, I have DK2, and I was looking forward to consumer device) are supposed to cover those costs.
OR is no longer an extra, it costs as much as quite powerful PC being able to run everything on at least high details in 60 FPS @FullHD. And if somebody compares a monitor to OR and claims that the price is OK, then he has no idea how much the device is in fact worth, because the real cost of OR is around 200$, majority of the rest is supposed to cover development costs for past 5 years.
It's not my business how one wants to spend his money. But the OR is in fact overpriced and overhyped, and I guess that within a year we'll see many other VR alternatives that cost half as much.
Not to mention that Oculus already started working on next-gen of their Rift, that is supposed to be released within a year. I suspect that it'll cost around 400$ because first-gen Rift, aka "enthusiasts" will cover development costs. This is because Oculus notices that everybody stupid enough to pay that much already bought first gen, and now they'll once again try to maximize profits, this time by targetting next-gen of Rift to wider audience.
Just my 5 cents.
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That price. I have a strong feeling of deja vu -
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and without VAT or import taxes.
i would only buy rift for this price if it would work like a NerveGear from SAO. (but it doesn't so im not buying, for that kinda money i would rather upgrade my PC or buy everything on my steam wishlist@sale )
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Recommended PC Specification: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater, NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290 equivalent or greater
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Lol. Why the fuck would I pay that much for a gimmick? Come back with a decent catalogue of games and then we'll talk :).
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Yep, I can't argue against this. While I have really high hopes for the Rift, the entry price point right now and the lack of apps make it really gimmicky. It just remains to be seen how much of a foothold it will gain and what kind of games come for it. It's too niche at the moment. I can afford it, but I just can't justify the cost right now. If it was 50% less I'd be more likely to do it. Then again, I got my parents to buy me Sega CD when that POS first came out at the $300 price point and I barely touched the fucker.
And other companies will develop cheaper VR alternatives if the tech takes off in a tangible way.
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If it had a shit ton of exclusives like a console then sure, but it is nothing but tech demos and proof of concepts. That and the whole array of issues that VR still hasn't sorted out makes me iffy at best.
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I like having standards ;_;
Lol, that's a lie. I'm just a cheap bastard :D
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... I'm talking about the wonderful Paradise Island - VR MMO
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Oh, great, just three month without eating and paying taxes!
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Recommended specs
Video Card NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290 equivalent or greater
CPU Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
Memory 8GB+ RAM
Video Output Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
USB Ports 3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port
OS Windows 7 SP1 64 bit or newer
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Well except for the VGA(i have a 960) i can run it recommendedly
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A laptop man haha my gpu is equivalent to a GTX 760, which is cool for a laptop but still GG, those are the specs of an excellent rig, not monster but it wouldn't have any issues in running any game with 1080p60 until at least 5 years.
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Thanks for the heads up :)
Price shows as $699 instead of $599 when I go to check out. Is this some sort of favourable conversion to Kiwidollars, or just a plain old example of brazen gouging?
Does not include postage or import taxes, naturally...
Also, Paypal wants me to pre-authorise future Oculus transactions, allowing them to raid my account at their leisure. Bailing out now - the future can wait a little longer ;___;
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Thanks. Never seen this before on Paypal. Colour me educated :)
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Wait.. what? Shouldn't it be 500 Euro if it's $600 for NA?
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I don't know about forgetting.
Rightly or wrongly, I guess the argument goes that this is aimed primarily at early adopters - relatively affluent hardcore gamers, who will in all likelihood already have PCs which are somewhere around the sort of spec required.
While this release is billed as a "consumer" device, it's far from being a piece of kit that's going to work on your Mum's Windows XP netbook anytime soon, or indeed any other productivity type machine.
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Oculus has a built in headset and mic... Also, combo packages with Oculus Ready PCs will start at $1499 USD in February...
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Its a ripoff. They probably produce one Oculus Rift for a bit more than 100$ in Taiwan, then sell it to us for 600% the production cost.
Why ? Money. Plus they know a lot of gamers have been waiting and craving for this. /)_(\
I'll wait for what Steam VR and Sony have to offer.
I'm sure they will do a better job when it comes to pricing, the quantity of sales will make up for it. ;P
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xD That was unexpected, yet comment of the day :D - SteamTrades in the future: [H] Steam VR RU/CIS (buy on demand) [W] PP, Skrillex, Wallet. I wonder if it gets region lock, will it be only shipped to Russia, or even the units will have a unique code, from which Steam can determine the region.
You get a russian export Steam VR, plug it in, then it says: Sorry, this unit works only in the following countries: Azerbajdian....
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I was thinking about a code, like each SteamVR comes with a code that you have to tie with it and steam will check your region. Just posted for fun but coming from steam nothing is impossible, JUST DO IT.
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Good news is, they don't use our beloved $1=€1, as Europe get's it for €700. And that's still without shipping.
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