So, I suddenly got a friend invite. I accepted just to see what the person wants as I'm not used to getting random friend invites, I at least hear the person out and if there's no reply or good reason to add me, I take them off.
Don't want my list cluttered with random people off course.
He probably got me from here because I made this giveaway
Anyway, weird conversation after:

[S.V] Godan: Hello ?
CoverPeople: hi
CoverPeople: dude you have steam gifts web site?
[S.V] Godan: Yes
CoverPeople: what you sell
CoverPeople: poker night in inventory
CoverPeople: ?
[S.V] Godan: Yeah o:
CoverPeople: so you can give me this game plz becuse my gifts steam web sit member have secrity code and my email dont work so good and i love this game very much
[S.V] Godan: Uuh, I put out a giveaway with that game already.
CoverPeople: so you have another ticket
[S.V] Godan: No, I have only one.
CoverPeople: ok but you can get me some one ?
[S.V] Godan: No o:
[S.V] Godan: I only have that one copy and I'm giving it away on

Did someone just add me to ask me to give them a game? Or did I misunderstand his half butchered english?

Edit: So yeah, just a beggar. Well, that's a new one for me weirdly. Either way, moving on from advice given.

11 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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This happens to me about once per month after I started using SG.

11 years ago

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There was this kid during my GMod GA whose name was, "[Username] wants Garry Mod" and he random requested add me. They got balls made out of copper, them beggars.

11 years ago

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"Did someone just add me to ask me to give them a game?"

Yeah... you new to the internet or something? It's a beggar's heaven.

11 years ago

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Never had anyone beg me for anything yet and I'm around for a decade at least.
So, didn't know it was such a reappearing occurrence :D

11 years ago

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Aaah... So, nothing else but beggers asking for games then?
Kind of dissapointing...
Already a site giving away so many games but being impatient along with it? Yeah, sad :(

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Godan.