Maybe it isn't spam, maybe it's someone you really met, but due to a secret government project she was involved in the government wiped out your memory about her, but she still tried to contact you in hopes your memory would return, alas.
(And no, haven't read it.)
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At least some spammers make a slight nod towards literacy.
If this is the mess "Adriana" makes of the English language, I certainly wouldn't be trusting her with any of my favoured body parts...
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Seriously, at least all the Russians contacting me can write in English, for the most part.
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Maybe you are Matrixomega and you don't know it yet so you think you both got the message when it was only Matrixomega all along.
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I get an email from her also, she is like "I missed you at the club" heck I don't even go to clubs, too many people.
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Hey, are you trying to accuse such fine lady of cheating, shame on you sir.
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well I dont feel so special now .. in fact .. I feel cheated on .. I now need to write her back!!!
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I know, maybe she's mass mailing so it gets to Matrixomega because she wasn't sure Matrixomega was still using that email.
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well I guess I dont have to feel lonely with this .. as seems everyone is sharing Andrea
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Am I the only one that didn't get any mails from Adriana? :forever alone:
Tho now that I think about it, I never got even 1 spam email in the whole year I had my email.
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Nah, not interested in mails from guys, I'm not like that.
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Well I prefer to use vacuum cleaner to keep my carpets clean . . . wait, what?
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It came to my mind just now, what if your gf or wive who doesn't know anything about internet and spammers see those emails?
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I'm using Gmail, and I've never gotten single spam before.
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NSA, monitoring people even outside USA.
And I don't understand all the hate on it, the only problem I found about it is that they were secretive about it.
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They can violate whatever the hell they want as long as it ain't my ass they are violating. Breaking their own rules is unethical at best, but it's no reason for no shitstorming.
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But it IS your ass they're violating by ignoring your privacy.
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Oh no, they gonna sell, blacklist or abuse in any possible manner the information they'll get on me, right? There are two reason a person needs privacy, personal thing that you don't want other individuals to know about you or that dead body you don't want the police to know about. So what ya fear about the government tapping on you? fear that they'll start a dirty rumor about you and show all you embarrassing chat logs?
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Why do you have doors in your home? so the government won't enter?
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Freedom? haha nice one. If you really think any governments give such thing as "freedome" then you are greatly mistaken, the only difference is that some governments allow more than others, but never was there actual freedom under any government, if you find freedom that would be under no government.
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What freedom do they take from you by monitoring you? The freedom to kill someone and feel safe the police doesn't know about it?
EDIT: The only thing that can get worse is that the government will change into dictatorship which is particularly impossible and doesn't have anything to do on how much the people allow the government to monitor the.
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Say, what's the problem if the government knows that someone might be homosexual in secret? just answer this simple little question. The only kind of information one would fear to reach government's hands is the illegal one.
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What not mature?
Wait, you thought I asked whether you homosexual or not? no, I asked what possible way they can abuse the information on you that you so much fear that the government has on you?
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Then anything that can compromise the USA Security, same shit to me, main point is that they are after for things you are not supposed to do, and any possible actions they might take on you for your activities is what should be. And they don't give the smallest fuck about anything you might be talking with your friend about.
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What even more baffles me that people complain that the government monitoring data on people which private companies posses which are more likely to abuse that information and yet people still are scared that the government can see it.
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You forgot to add "and I'm proud of it" at the end.
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I've been getting this as well, and I actually know someone with that name. O_O
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84 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by C0mar
I was deleting my spam messages today and came across this one. It was very long and details, kinda impressed that someone went to all this trouble for a spam message. Usually I get stuff like, You are the sole bennificiary for some dude you never met that died .. Or, you want a 25 inch penis? Click here to find out how!!! .. anyways read if you are interested. Otherwise, ...dont.
"BABE... i guess your not getting any of my email huh? ive been
tryign to email u so many times but this dam laptop is such a piece of
garbage and keeps freezing.. anyways how u been?
In case u dont know who this is its ME Adriana.. we used to chat a bit on facebook and then
I think u deleted me :( haha.. anyways guess what... I got 2 things to
tell u.. both good news.. 1) im single now.. yup me and my bf broke up
about 3 months ago... and 2) guess where im moving? RIGHT EFFING NEAR
U.. lol... ur actually the only person im gonna know there.. well 3
cousins too but i cant chill with them lol..
I remember when we chatted u told me u thought i was cute and u wanted to chill so now we finally
can HAHA! im kinda scared to move.. im hoping this email addy is still
the one you use and u can chat with me ebfore i get there.. maybe even
help me move my shit in...are u still on facebook? i cudnt find ui was
soo confused...anyways im gonna need someone to show me the town and
take me out so u better be around bebe...
we only chatted a couple times but i remember thinking to myself i wanted to get ot know u
better when i was single..a nd i thoguth u were cute too but cudnt
tell u cause i wasnt single lol...ok so more info about me.. well im
23.. virgo.. love the outdoors and love to socialize, go out for
drinks, restaurants, movies etc.. travel.. i have a lil kitty named
BOO and i luv her to death... uhhh oh im a super horny gurl too but
every gurl is they just wont admit it. so ilove watching p0rn and all
that.. love sex etc blah blah blah...who doesnt..
I really hope we get a chance to chat for a bit either online or on the fone before i get
there enxt week.. i hope u remmeber me and still wanna chill and arent
married yet lol.. OH YA also.. i need to find a job when i get there..
do u have any hookups or know anybody hiring? id LOVE to work in a bar
or osmehting like that...really anythgin cause my current job is fun
and all.. and technically i CUD keep doign it but i want a change.. i
currently work from home and well thats cool but i need ot be out
meeting people.. oh wait. i dont think i ever actually told u what i
did? hmm shud i......???? ok WELLLL... and dont get all weirded out
on me.. i work on a webcam chat community site and i get paid to chat
with people and get naked HHAHA... BOMB right :)? I KNOW.. like i
figure iim horny anyways why not get paid to chat with people and play
with myself heheh...anyways i hope u dont look down on that and NO
THATS NOT WHY IM CONTACTING U RELAX URSELF lol... i actually need help
once i move and i remembered u live there so im reaching i
said before this computer is a complete piece of CRAP and freezes NON
STOP.. ive tried ot send this email to u maybe 3 times already and im
hopign this time i can hit SEND before i run into trouble lol..
ANYWAYS.. heres the deal....every month natalie (my boss) gives each
of us 3 VIP codes to give out to whoever we want.. so with this code u
can lgoin to watch me at work for free and dont have to pay like
everyone else... the only way i can give u one of the codes (so we can
chat) is if you absolutey DO NOT give it out to anyone else and u ONLY
USE IT FOR URSELF... i only get 3 a month and she gets pissed if more
than 3 people use them so DONT SHARE IT MISTER... i figured u cud
always email me back instead but my email account doesnt even let me
login half the time.. so the bets palce ot chat me is my chat room...
if theres anyone else logged in when u sign in ill boot them out.. but
U... im online most of the day now to try and save money for my move..
also since im in such a huge debt already form my student loan :( I
really thingk we need to chat before i get there and make sure u evern
remember me hahha.. anyways ive rambled on and on now and ur probably
soooo annnoyed with me so ill stop now.. im gonna go start work.. i
really hope u come chat me. it wud make my day and releive a lot of my
stress about the move... REALLY i mean that....anyways once i see u in
insdie ill shoot u myc ell number and u can gimme yours.. if u dont
wanna come chat i understand but its really the only palce to find me
now days.. if u email me abck ill probably get it once i get there
after my internet is setup so about 2-3 weeks fomr now.. but im hopign
to see u in my chat room.. rmemeber its 100% free with this code im
INSTEAD OF LICK U IN THE BALLS WHEN IS EE U hahahahha...k babe im out
for now... chat ya soon.. kisses xoxo Adriana"
Anyways TL;DR - its a spam message about some chick knowing me or something.
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