strangely I see DISCONTINUED...+ where the hell do you see AMD 7990 ?
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I had a couple of gtx 480s. In less than a year one of them died. It was water cooled (vendor, not modified) and not overclocked. Granted that was the 400 series, which were xbox hueg incendiary power hogs. The 670s I have now are run remarkably better.
I myself run nvidia 9 times out of 10. Better drivers, better history installing water cooling, tends to not be affected by compatibility issues (TressFX is an exception), PhysX, and I generally buy high-end to future-proof my rigs for at least 3-4 years and Nvidia high-end tends to outperform ATI on most days. Granted I have no experience with Crossfire setups.
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Well whatcha know, you're right. 7970 beats out 680, and by some rather respectable margins. Next time I'll actually bother to check if my facts are current.
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I have a 460 going strong for years, doesn't get hot, think the 480 was the exception to that series.
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I would choose AMD at this point, has both next generation consoles will include AMD GPUs, so chances are that most games will be better optimized for AMD cards.
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Nvidia, always had issues with my ATI drivers, sure I was savvy enough to figure the issues out but I rather pay a slight premium and not deal with that. Physx also looks nice in some games so thats a plus I guess depending on the person.
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Thats not what I heard or have seen for a matter of fact.
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Oh geez, believe what you want to believe, I will go by facts and data, you can go by speculation, rumors, and conspiracy.
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Oh, yeah. Conspiracy. I said, read some articles... What I say is a fact, not conspiracy and rumor.
For example:
PhysX runs better on CPU than GPU Borderlands 2 PhysX runs better on 7970 than GTX 680
Crysis 2 tessellated water under the city when you use ATI cards
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I knew about Crysis 2 under watter deal, seems more like lazy design then anything(So it falls under speculation that Physx is a scam to anyone who is sane).
Also about that article, here, my whole point was that NOW(as in the present) Nvidia does have an advantage by having better support for Physx. Saying "PhysX is do nothing" is dumb as hell, sorry....but thats the truth.
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PhysX is a more than 10 years old, one pipeline, old chip what's doing almost nothing. It did when it's came out, but now a modern CPU is far more powerful than that. More calculations done by CPU than on the PhysX chip. It's obsolote. It seems you can't face the truth.
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The truth that Physx effects in games still work much better on Nvidia cards? I got that truth faced.
You don't seem to comprehend what I am saying....
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You obviously can't comprehend what I am writing...
Have a good day...done arguing with ignorance.
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You're ignoring/don't understand what I'm saying... If you pay for someone to do things for you, those things will not work correctly for your competitor... Do I need to spell it for you? Nvidia pays -> Physx effects runs fine with Nvidia cards, but not on AMD cards... This proved to be true several times in the past few years, so no speculations...
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Truth or no, does it change the fact PhysX runs better on Nvidia cards than on CPU or amd cards? NOPE. Just accept that fact and move on. Also don't argue with Hillary, she is always right. Hillary for president!
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Because the PhysX software SDK detect you have an AMD or Nvidia card and limit the accessible pipelines on CPU to 1 if detects AMD. That's the only reason. The effects of Physx runs on the CPU at 98%, not matter which card you have. And you and people like you, who never read any article what's not make a god from Nvidia, doesn't believe it... That's brainwash, nothing else. Learn to read and understand things, before believe something. Nvidia is a scammer and you are a victim...
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nVIDIA disables all nVIDIA GPUs that could be used for PhysX any time it detects an AMD GPU.
And so many others, you just need to walk with open eyes and ears...
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That's much better. You don't seem like a crackpot when you have backing for your claims. Still, what those links say is that yes, they disable on-GPU PhysX processing if there's an AMD device, but that's the most damning thing in all of it. They didn't deliberately limit PhysX on-CPU to single-thread processing. They just didn't bother multi-threading it because they run it on-GPU, so no point. They're just being lazy and letting others hassle with that. The Batman AA issue, as described in the very article, was more an issue of them adding a non-native feature to the engine and not wanting to let someone else piggyback on their work. I don't particularly like or use nVidia myself, but you try to make it sound like there's a malicious conspiracy afoot, and there's just not, and that's why you've been catching so much flak from people. In the future, try not to overstate your case and you won't meet reactions like that so often.
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'Less heat' <- ROFL! less heat ahahahaha really?!if you compare which card will hold on longer on exactly the same power the AMD card will die a lot faster than a Nvidia one ;) if you have the money try will see how easily a AMD card can be killed by the heat...
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Can I have some sources of your assumptions please?
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one of my friends had AMD video generated around the same heat like my old nvidia card -> 8800 gts..this monster was staying at around 55-60 C without me doing anything :/ now I've got GTX 650 Ti and my card stays at 25-30C and when I'm playing games like Crysis 3 and BF3 it doesn't go over 45C so yeah...amd cards generate more HEAT
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comparing two random cards, doesnt prove anything, that specific card could generate a lot but the next could have even less than your 650 ti. To say something like that you need to compare similar cards together in terms of spec, price point and generation.
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Truth is both AMD and Nvidia have had hot burning cards: Example from around the same time: AMD 2900 Pro(Had one, it hit crazy temps) vs Nvidia 8800GT(These puppies use to melt on occasion, friend had one).
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I don't know if matters to you, but one of the differences is Nvidia has much better Linux support.
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Nvidia all the way, I have owned both and all of my ATI cards died after a year (but before 2). Besides, Nvidia consistently beats ATI/AMD:
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Not so much when you look at examples with lots of samples. AMD cards are put to the same test Nvidia cards are with passmark.
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Looking at each cards baseline shows the 690 had a really low baseline for BL063059 - Mar 16 2013
I would assume that's more of a driver issue which would hurt its score.
In general though I use the chart loosely and compare results depending on my price range (typically $200). I can safely say I have never* bought a gfx card that cost 1 grand. I also research reviews online of my card to know what I am buying. I was meaning that you shouldn't take a card with 13 samples and think it's stats are solid (like some do).
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ITT: A bunch of people, most of them completely clueless, saying whichever manufacturer they own is better.
Also, you can't discredit price, that doesn't make any sense in a discussion like this. Then you can just say Titan is the best, but who cares you can buy high end gaming PC with monitor for that price.
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To be fair, the phones are incredibly smart; the fuckers that own 'em...meh...
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Titan isn't actually the best performance wise, gtx 690 and radeon 7990 are a bit better than the titan. But the titan is king at the moment because people prefer single gpu cards as dual gpu cards have a lot of sli optimisation problems, not to mention it is a lot quieter and power efficient.
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Mobile versions of both suck, you can boil water on both of them when you play any new game like Crysis 3. Desktop ones - no idea, both had issues few years ago (AMD driver issues, nVidia crashed a lot). If I had to pick one it would be nVidia though...
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I don't know. My laptop is running AMD Radeon HD 7520G with 512 MB Graphics memory. Everywhere I looked it up said that it couldn't even run Borderlands 2 on low settings and I have no problems running it in medium-high with perfect framerates. Hell Far Cry 3 runs beautifully on it too
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If you're going for "no price comparison", it's nVidia hands down. Their stuff is just far better.
I personally go for AMD based on price though (which you don't care about)
good luck man :)
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Nvidia has better compatibility, and has always had the better drivers, and the best stability for me so far.
ATI wins some of the top top benchmarks, but ain't no one got money for that and almost every ATI card I've ever bought has either died or overheated and suffered corruption issues.
ATI usually has a better performance per dollar ratio, but I'd rather pay a few bucks extra for a stable card.
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A few month ago I was rocking an Intel HD 3000. Now I got a good PC and rocking a 7850. Not too bad so far. Sucks I got a crappy monitor though. It's not even a monitor.. It's a TV....
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For everyday use I can't tell the difference. When it comes to gaming it depends on what the manufacturer decided to optimize the game for. I have had equal success with both cards when it comes to durability. I really makes no difference to me anyway because by the time I decide on what new video card to get there's always one that's better that comes out a short time later.
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Had problems with AMD cards... switched to nVidia and no complaints whatsoever.
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I prefer AMD cards myself. Better price/performance ratio. More versatile and the company ins't artificially blocking their stuff from working on other cards. (PhysX anyone?)
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Only performance, and the rest :)
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