It could be something to do with the exploit that was found, where the sacks didn't leave people's inventory when on the market, so people could list infinite gems.
I think it must have always been intended to be a scheme, but this exploit kind tilted the balance a bit!
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It was profitable to buy sacks of gems and craft booster packs for some ani8me games at the beginning. Made up to 10€ that way last winter.
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You're missing the chance of getting a foil in the booster in your calculations. I don't think it would make a big difference in the grand scheme (and we still don't know the exact drop-rate of foils from boosters, right?).
Anyway, yeah making gems is a bum deal. I've only turned 1 item into gems due to this (yay badge!).
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Foil drops have nothing to do with level. I've probably gotten about 30 foil drops (give or take, I sell most of them so don't have an exact count) almost 1000 games with drops. The average for me seems to be about 1 foil dropping after clearing about 30-40 games worth of cards.
If I had to guess, I'd say you have a 1% chance of getting a foil card with any drop.
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i think you have been pretty unlucky then. i am level 123, and got a lot of foils already. still have 6 or 7 on the market. and i think i already sold like 30 or so. maybe even more.
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The foils I've gotten sold for around 15 cents. So that's around 365 gems going by current prices.
To get any profit off a booster, all 3 cards in it would need to be foils. (Unless you get really lucky and manage to sell a foil for 40 cents or more.)
And at the rate foils drop, any profit you could make off of a single booster will be more than offset by the number of boosters bought with gems.
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Even if the servers aren't coded to prevent that, and assuming the drop rate of foils is 1% (it's probably worse than that), the odds are one in a million.
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I've got foils that sold for several €. Rare, sure, but it happens. Eversion & Warlock 2 foils used to sell for that much (and I got foils for them, which is why I know that they used to be valuable), but as those games have been out for a while now, the foils have dropped in value
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Sold my first foil for $52 after fees back when cards first came out. I actually bought the game (Go Home Dinosaurs) for full price just for the cards because they were selling for almost $4 a piece lol
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This is exactly right: grinding gems to get booster backs is a form of gambling, with a tiny chance of winning a rare prize. So this is like saying scratch off tickets are a massive scheme, because you spend a dollar and get 25 cents back on average (or whatever the odds are in your region)! In general, this just seems like an unhelpful way of thinking about gems.
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They'd have to drop quite a long way to be worth your while. Not forgetting that gems seem to be at a pretty stable price now
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I most certainly made money converting my high-gem-value items into gems and selling the Path of Exile booster pack I created. By crafting four or five 7 cent items into gems (100 each), you avoid having to pay the steep Steam tax on those items (7c drops to 5c). So by using up 20-25 cents in cards, you can create a booster pack that (at the time) was selling for at least 36 cents.
Valve hates this man for using this one small trick to boost his steam wallet...
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The market fixed itself though when people realised that emotes and backgrounds for Valve-related net 100 gems when crushed. This is why you saw thousand of Garry's Mod backgrounds disappear in days from the Market. They were either bought up in bulk or converted. Now it is impossible to earn money by buying cheap high-gem items, even during season sales.
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Not entirely true. I just bought 10 such items for 70 cents and crafted them into a Dirty Bomb booster pack (66 cents to sell) and a Path of Exile booster pack (35 cents). Taking out the tax from selling the packs and I'll still profit at least 20 cents. It's not much, but if you can do it in bulk, you won't have to pay for games out of pocket anymore.
It really does depend on if you can craft a booster pack that can net you a profit though. Not many of them out there...
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True. For me it's either I play games where the user base has no interest in the Market, so the prices are low due to disinterest, or so common that the large supply keeps them there. The only two games on my list that turned profit were FFXIII/XIII-2, where the community decided to keep card prices at an actual reasonable, but not cheap rate.
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I think that's because when you sell anything on the market, they take money from the buyer. In the gem case instead, is like they're the buyer so, no profit for them = they took a part of your profit (from another point of view, you're buying gems from them, so you have to pay a little fee like when you buy from the market.)
Also, not every object is valued 10 gems, there are some valued more..
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Of course, you can be as narrow-eyes and idiotic as in that "article" and buy the cheapest booster available on the market.
But that's also going from the point of buying 1000 gems to craft booster packs, in which case, even with more expensive cards/booster packs, you lose out on money.
On the other hand, if you craft the gems yourself with trash-items that have literally no value on the market and are likely not to be sold, you can gain some steam credit.
having 1200 gems gave me two booster packs for war of the human tanks - AlteR -> each pack currently costs 0,62€ on the market, the cards average at 0,3€ (which makes a booster about 0,9€, not including foil cards) -> 1000 gems would have gained me 0,5€ on sale, while I've converted 1200 to about 1,70€ for me... Do the math. There's cases in which you can profit. Even two sacks of gems bought for 1,20€ currently could be converted to 2,50€ - buying the aforementioned packs, opening them and selling the cards at the current market situation.
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Right ok, first of all I stated in my article that:
"I've maybe found 2-3 items that have been up for a year at the lowest price and still haven't gone?"
so that's what, 30 gems at most?
And also: "There's cases in which you can profit."
Yeah I'm sure there are exceptions, but I'm talking about general purchases.
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Its like every sale. Ppl who going to craft the badges at the beginning are just stupid. I sold all my cards I got from crafting badges which I collected since the last sale for 0,20€ at the first days. At the last day the card prices droped down to 0,06€ and its every sale that this going to happen!
I dont know why people sometimes buy cards to craft badges, when a booster is cheaper. If you check the market you will realize, that often booster packs are cheaper. Found boosters that cost 0,15€ and every card can be sold for 0,10€. I mean its not a big profit when you pay the tax, but 45% sounds ok for just finance a hobby. I am lvl 98 and invested 11,67€ into the market, but still have a lot of cards, emoticions and backgrounds. Dunno why people think the system with gems should be different
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I'd say it's the most sensible idea to put your bid in right when the sale starts. Get your bid on the list before everyone gets theirs in. Otherwise there are going to be 400 other people who get theirs before yours, with a quickly depleting stock!
Booster packs are random, so if you have 5 cards already of the same type, then it's not worth the risk to purchase another one.
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"Ppl who going to craft the badges at the beginning are just stupid. I sold all my cards I got from crafting badges which I collected since the last sale for 0,20€ at the first days." - because if there's event like Summer 2014 race or previous years TF2/DOTA2/F2P-games items for crafting, then cards price will rise from those 15 cents to 30-40 cents, maybe even more.
In both Winter 2014 and Summer 2015 there was no incentive to craft Event Badges. If there will be additional reward, then cards price rise in first hours.
Otherwise, it's actually smarter to sell cards instead of crafting them - unless you're crafting in first hour, most event cards will drop to 0.15€ quite quickly, which means 0.13€ for you. Even with Valve tax I'm pretty sure even cheapest badges will give you more if you sell cards one after another.
Of course, there's no big deal losing those +-5 cents when you sell event card for 0.13 instead of selling 15 cards for 1 cent for you.
But if you have 8 cards for 10 cents each, then you're sacrificing 60 cents profit for 0.13 cents profit, emot, background and exp...
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Valve is a massive scheme. Expert at making you buy 'air' for hard money. Hats, gems, cards all worthless intangibles for which they control the supply (hence value). Yes Gaben is pure genius / evil...
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Cards can have a very small actual value, since friend list limit is tied to Steam level. And if people want to play in games where MP can be invite-only, the best they could do was to expand the friend list.
Of course now that Steam groups can do the same, it is more r less pointless, but I'm not sure that it works for every game.
Other than that, cards/levels have no value either.
Well, maybe you can say you support the game publisher just a little more with the transaction fee. Although sending a donation via PayPal is easier. :)
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And I have more open showcase slots, but cannot, for the life of me, figure out what else could be put there. And the funny thing is that I use two of them as personal statistics trackers since this is the only way to actually see global achievement rate. :/
Also, yeah, I'm 81, and have enough cards to reach 105-ish. It's a hobby. Some people hoard games they never play. I hoard cards for all my games I played. The rest… honestly, I don't really care that much about friend list, nor the rest of the showcases. (Although if I can convince just a few people with the review showcase to try that game… it was worth it. :))
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I know people who had to resort to Steam groups because ran out of friend slots… It can happen, but rarely. All I say that you can say that levels may have some smidgen of use. The rest, not really. Anything over level 8 is pretty much pointless.
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Crafting that booster pack everyday I even learned when you get a foil, when you open a booster pack and the animation freezes, this means you got a foil, so you can be happy.
(well once I got same animation and and then an error, and it was just an error and no foil, some days ago, but happened only once)
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I wouldn't be so sure about that. Even if 100% of all people who bought gems ended up with a profit, it wouldn't bother Valve at all. They'd still get their cut in community market fees, and the profit still would be at the expense of someone's steam wallet. So yeah, the system is always in favor of Valve, but at least with gems, there's some use for stupid emoticons, ugly backgrounds and unsellable cards, so it's not all bad.
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Exactly this! I was buying Sack of Gems for around 60 cents, crafting Sakura Spirit Booster packs and getting around 50 cents back and 250 spare gems per sack (because it costs 750 gems). So after 3 purchases of SOG you can get a free booster pack
It was extremely easy to make profit, especially before that 7 days thing, if you knew how to
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Its all perspective. the math can swing either way. When I take 4-5 crappy 3c backgrounds/emotes and turn them into 400+ gems (the 100 each ones), then get Path Of exile booster pack and sell them for about 30-40c, suddenly gem's aren't such a terrible scheme, are they? :P
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There are items that sell on 0,03€ or even $0.03 (less money) that provide 80 or 100 gems even at 0.05 is more than your numbers. Those are more interesting to convert into gems.
Also some packs cost 500 or less gems to craft. So you should take that into consideration.
Although there are very strange situations where gems and even crafting some very concrete packs can be a good option if not the best. But in general I agree. In overall it's a money machine. And that combined with selling the cards obtained from the packs or selling the sacks of gems > Valve profit :)
And while you're entertained (absorbed) in steam, you're not on other platforms or sites, no need to detail the goal of that...
Let's admit it, in Valve there are some geniuses!
EDIT: oh, I realized, him is you :D
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Yes, I read this after posting only based on the article.
I never have enough wallet or time to gamble. I spend it on the sales. But I remind earning 1€ when gems were created :D as my test of the system. Probably not worth the time if not done in big numbers.
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It's simple maths .. if you happen to own a game where a booster costs clearly more than a sack of gems you can make a profit. You won't get rich from it, Valve gets its cut too, us usual, but it's not like this article implies, that it's impossible to make profit in general. Those boosters do exist, it's just risky, because of the one week trading stop when buying gems and you have to be careful with false conclusions, as boosters for a particular game might just understocked and overpriced.
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IF they are used that way, then yes they are a scam.
However, if you let them build up over a year, and your wishlist features some pretty obscure games - then you can cash in during the Gem auction.
Last year, I picked up Salt for 3600 gems.
An absolute steal.
I also picked up some other lesser known bargains, and titles that rarely went on sale.
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I wonder if Valve bought games that went on auction, or did they told devs "hey, we'll do auction, give us 100 games and get spotlight - free advertisement rules, right".
Because if they went with B, then I don't think we'll see Auction back again...
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I know many of the games I bought (I probably got 20+ in total) were going for around the 1000 gem mark or so towards the end of the auction.
It must have been a bloodbath for some devs.
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Well, when you craft stupid boosters you're losing money, it's obvious. But when you craft stuff like this: ...
Of course, finding good boosters take time and usually you have small window when you can get profit like that.
So, in general you're right, but someone with too much free time on his hands could get little profit with this whole thing.
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It was found in 2 minutes and it's point was that in whole history it always sold for over a $1.
If you'd do proper research, you'd find more boosters that are expensive. If all boosters would be for 10-20 cents, than gems would lose value rather quickly, it's that simple.
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Preferred things pre-gems. The gems and the ability to create boosters have by-and-large killed card prices. I was never really one for selling my cards apart from the one time I sold enough to buy DayZ, but the whole thing around buying, selling and trading of cards seemed more interesting to me when the difference between the cheapest and most expensive cards was a lot bigger. Now everything is much more standardised, price-wise.
The thing is, the more expensive the cards were Valve were taking a bigger cut too. They'd have got a boost that first winter sale when what were previously worthless emotes and backgrounds sold in huge amounts but they might miss out long-term themselves through the reduction in price of many cards.
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It's just self-regulation of a market. Before that many stupid kids thought they make a fortune out of thin air and some rich bastards actually kept this system alive. Now it's closer to some real economy where supply and demand control the prices, not some wide-eyed fortune seekers.
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Transforming card into gems is indeed nonsensical and also for most items it isn't worth transforming them. But buying gems from market and create a booster pack with them can give you an advantage and people have already said some examples and there are numerous more examples. In general it is probably for games with more cards to collect since the booster pack gem price is reverse proportional to the numbers of cards in a game.
But you have forgotten a large point. For people like me who want to get badges for games they like they are a great help especially for less known games. Before greedy bastards could use money to control the prices of single games by buying all possible cards and booster packs under a set price and then sell them far higher. They only chance to circumvent this was getting a booster pack drop. With the gem system you can ignore those **** and just create a booster pack for a fixed gem price which is middled over all games containing cards. Also they help clearing out the market with unwanted items you could only gift to Trashbot and co before because you had no chance of selling them. Now you just convert them or you can sell them because there is some minor priceset where others can still benefit from it.
All in all the Gems are a good tool to regulate the market with keeping card prices reasonable and cleaning it of unwanted items. I, for one, am really glad they implemented it and kept it after the auction. It was necessary. The only ones loosing are the greedy ones.
Also since Cards should only be accompanying a game it is good to keep the prices low because I don't like people getting a game only for the cards to make profit. Sometimes people make me sick by stating that they would never get those "trash games" if not for the cards. The mentality of some people is just trash.
Sorry to sound so harsh towards the end but to a certain extent I'm fed with such poor behaviour. It is not my intention to offend anyone.
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You can't "purchase" a booster pack with gems that cost nothing to begin with. I think this only applies to people who craft badges? My only interest in getting rid of the useless gems as fast as possible and turning them into a marketable form (cards).
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At least I did not spend any money getting my gems. I do not want them in my inventory. Why would I buy 7 cards from the market only to sell them? Thus I gain money by crafting a booster pack with the gems I don't want, and selling the 3 cards in it.
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Markets self-regulate. If something is too expensive, people won't buy it as much. Sellers will, in response, lower prices if they want more sales. Same thing in the other direction.
Concluding from the current market price of gems that they are some kind of plot (by whom? Steam?) or bad in general is ridiculous.
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The reason it's staying put is people are buying gem sacks and spending them on random booster packs, thinking it's a good deal. The bottom line is, you can make a profit from it, but you have to know what you're doing.
But most people don't realies, so this article is for them!
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Perhaps there is a significant number of people buying gems to craft booster packs for hard-to-obtain cards to craft badges with? I find it hard to believe that someone would keep buying gems to craft random booster packs in an attempt to make a profit and not notice the declining balance of their Steam wallet. Anyway, even if that is the case, they'll notice eventually, and as far as schooling goes, this one is pretty cheap.
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Anybody who has trouble doing simple math to the extent that they can't figure out whether 3 items added together are worth as much or more than 1 item probably won't be reading any articles either. It's really unnecessary for anyone to write an article saying 'If you buy an item for 60 cents and make items worth 30 cents, you're giving Gaben free money!'.
Choosing a super cheap card set as an example for an article about Valve's wicked ways, instead of using gems as anyone with half a brain does (making expensive cards for badges or reselling), is just plain silly.
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Isn't a scheme or rip-off in my situation. I once crafted crappy 0.03-0.05 junk into gems, turned gems into a rare (and rather expensive) booster pack. Unpacked, got more in cards than the booster's value. I made a nice profit that day...
Soon after, the booster pack and the game's cards value dropped considerably.
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