No. There's always a reason, even if it's not entirely obvious. If you're not sure why, feel free to contact support and ask what gives, but you must link the giveaway or we can't help you (there's no current way to track wins that were rerolled away from you).
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The next "legal" reason is you are in his "blacklist". He seems like a douchebag though, if he did have a blacklist he could have included it inside the giveaway for all to check...No hard feelings to anyone. Good luck :)
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If you have a blacklist, it must be linked in the giveaway or it's invalid for that giveaway.
Edit: Plus, blacklists can't be used in public giveaways anyways.
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Why would someone be placed on a blacklist? I don't really pay much attention to what goes on here. It's nothing more than an excellent way for me to pass time in between other things. I must be oblivious to the nefarious side of gifting.
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Puzzle leakers, rule breakers, exploiters, etc.
Some people just have blacklists filled with people they don't like, though. It depends on the person.
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That makes perfectly good sense. Thanks for the clarification!
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Isn't the whole idea of a blacklist to fill it with "peens"?
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Maybe you didn't activated your previous wins and forget about that? Some guys don't like that and can reroll their giveaway
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^^^ What Jade and Shahbaz said.
When a giver wants to reroll, they have to contact support and give a valid (acceptable) reason. Support checks the evidence he or she provides, checks to see that the reason is valid, and may then decide to allow the reroll. Basically, you have to prove that the person who won was not qualified to enter the giveaway or failed to respond to attempted contact over a week's period.
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What if it were a Half-Life COMPLETE giveaway, and the winner had Most but not all Half-Lifes?
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Fair. For bundles of any sort the gifter can decide to reroll if the winner has even one game.
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Then the person entering should check with the one making the giveaway. There is no hard rule saying you can't enter a giveaway for which you have some (or most) of the parts. However, the SG Community considers it bad form to enter a bundled giveaway when you own half (or more) of it. Even so, if the giveaway creator says it's OK for you to enter, then it's OK for you to enter. If he or she does not allow partial entries for his or her private giveaway, then they are not allowed.
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I've come across this scenario a few times and just avoided the giveaway. I looked to see if I could filter such giveaways but have come up empty. Very informative bunch you all are.
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There has to be a reason because I believe you have to tell support why you are re-rolling.
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It won't be granted. Open a ticket and we will try to see why this was the case.
A possible reason is due to yesterday's site outage. Because of the problems, there were a few (not sure how many) giveaways with only one copy that generated two or more winners. Obviously, cg had to remove all but the first winners on each. Regrettably, this is not the first time this has happened.
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Damn. Sucks to be the additional winner who didn't receive the gift. At least OP has the right attitude: It's only a game. :)
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Yeah. First I thought the request a new winner happens without moderator intervention. But after hearing they need to be approved by mods this was my best guess. And I remember I saw the winning notification before the site went off. So most likely this was the thing.
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I have saw other site outage and what Lorkhan said is right. Sometimes a giveaway with only 1 copy ends with more than 1 winner. That isn't possible! A winner isn't a real winner ;)
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I won a game months ago, a giveaway from a mod/support/admin, doesn't matter. He/she never send me the game, and six months later contacted me. I get the game two months after that giveaway (traded with a friend), so he/she couldn't give me the game because I couldn't activate it again. So, he/she requested a new winner, 6 months later, removed the "not received" from his/her account and I didn't get my never-received-but-won-legitimaly game. So yes, there are more than one reason to do this.
note: i don't remember who was, and don't want to get a game (it was Revelations 2012, arhg! xD Just wanted to tell my story, similar to this :)
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I'm not trying to start a witch hunt so I'm not going to mention any names. I'm just curious.
So yesterday when I visited the website I noticed I won a giveaway. I said "Ok, cool. Now I'll wait for the gifter to send the game". But a few hours later when I came back I noticed the green notification banner is missing and the game is missing from my won list. So I thought the gifter deleted the giveaway(I dont really know if is possible to do so after it ended), but when I checked my closed entries list, the gievaway fro that game was still there still there. So my guess is taht the owner requested a new winner.
Now I'm not mad about this, is just a game, but can he request a new winner with no reason? The gievaway had only one restriction: contributor value of 0.01$ or higher. There was nothing in description box. He didn't said anything like "you can only win if you say thanks" or "I'll request a new winner if you dont have x to y comment to entries ratio" or "you cant win unless you're cute and pretty". The description box was empty. Can he request a new winner just because he doesn't like the current one?
Edit: Got a reply from support. Apparently there was no request for a new winner on that giveaway, so most likely the gievaway was rerolled during site outage yesterday.
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