Only ones that were free due to a promotion or pricing bug according to the FAQ, this doesn't technically count, does it?
Edit: Actually that's the part about requirements for registration.. XD Guess you're right then
Edit 2: Here's the passage from the guidlines section for creating giveaways:
"Beta keys, guest passes, coupons, and free games should not be given away."
so that does kind of count then...
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As Rashald says, only if a game is given away for free in the thousands or if SG decides differently.
Edit: If not I stand corrected.
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Yea, I didn't notice that at first, and I agree that contacting the creator is the better option. However, as far as rules are concerned, he's free to do with them what he will.
Anyway, they have already contacted each other and at least one of the extra copies is going back to the creator, so all is well.
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+1 He just stated in the comment below that he or she didn't know about the extra copies. I don't think there's a rule saying that you can't give them away yourself, but the right thing to do is to at least offer to send them back.
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Why? Creator gave away a key that activates two copies. The intention was to gift the double-pack, why should the winner send half of it back? And if they didn't know about it, then obviously they didn't care about the gift enough to look up this information.
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sure if you don't mind, I would like a copy to add to my account. the other copy is up to you.
But is all up to you, no hard feeling if you want to keep them, as you did win the giveaway fair and square so what you do with it, is totally up to you
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I notice if you go an create a copy to gift on here the icon has on it that you also get 2 gift copies to give away...
So I wouldnt think you could do it because the copy you are giving away doesn't include two gift copies to give away and thus it's not true advertising of what your giveaway contains or actually yours wouldnt contain two extra give aways...
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Can you make giveaways for them? Yes.
Should you make giveaways for them? That's up to you.
Should you return them to the creator? That's also up to you.
You won them, they come as part of the gift. What you do with them is up to you, as they're yours now.
I take that back -- after reading jeffhowe's comment above and checking it myself, it does appear that the two extra copies are part of the gift (purchase price), and for you to gift those extra copies, you're also responsible for delivering the +2 free copies per gift, since it's listed right on the giveaway itself (as well as the store page).
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I suppose there is room for interpretation here, but I do not think it is against the rules to gift them. The title matches, and the extra gift copies right now are just a special promotion. Perhaps add in the description that it will not come with the 2 extra copies to be nice, but I see no problem with making a giveaway for the extra copies.
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I'm not seeing where it says anything about being a special promotion on the store page ... it looks to me like you get three copies for one purchase price. If you're getting CV for the one purchase, then the whole purchase should be delivered.
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Well, on sg you need to provide the game you're giveawaying. Just one copy for a winner. If there is a special promo like this, you still need to provide one copy that the winner will activate. If you want two copies just buy it for yourself. For me it is obvious that the giveaway creator just need to give one copy to the winner, even if there is a promo like that. But that's what i think, not everyone needs to agree with me.
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Again, I'm not seeing where it says this is a special promotion on the store page ... Cryptic pointed it out.
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For future reference, when you get extra copies after activating a game they are tied to your region so if you are in a restricted region those extra copies are also restricted.
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(Close it and stop wasting peoples keystrokes.)
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You have them so you can gift them as far as I know
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Recently I won Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock, I've activated it and received 2 gift copies of it with that activation, am i allowed to gift those or should I just send them to my friend or something like that?
Edit: While not being fully solved (due to both sides having valid points i've decided to give it away via the comment and, so excluding the comments that were there to answer my question, 1 comment per user)
Good luck ^^
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