Less than half have public giveaways that ended this week.

Where do all these people post their giveaway links? I feel like all the cool giveaways must have all gone underground since this place went public - I mean, there can only be so many group giveaways, right?

13 years ago*

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Pretty much what this community is about now, asskicking and greedyness. I'm not a saint either so.

Anyway try going talking to people, and maybe you get acsses to the private giveaways.

13 years ago

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I'm not sure whether you mean I'm greedy or just the community at large, but I'm not looking to get in on those giveaways - I'm just wondering where people give all those games away. The stats page suggests non-public giveaways are significantly higher than is given away publicly.

13 years ago

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Private giveaways exist, you know. And if you'll look at the stats page, you'll see the value of private and group giveaways per day is pretty high as a general rule.

13 years ago

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I was generalising "group giveaways" as everything that wasn't public, which was somewhat misleading.

Thank you for the link.

13 years ago

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I'm sure that there are lots of groups and other places that use this site to give games. For example I gave some games on my page before I discovered this site, but once I did it was easier to move things here, because the infrastructure is built for it. While I posted some public giveaways, the private ones posted on my page are higher value.

Besides, the top contributors list has just 10 people in it. I can easily imagine there being more than 10 groups.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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oohhh Silent Hill. Missed the sale before. Nice giveaways by the way. :)

13 years ago

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Still pissed I lost that one...

13 years ago

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In the same boat as you OP.
It's fair enough that they exist though, with the site going public and all.

However it seems to the majority of said groups only invite on a ¨We will invite you, don't ask us for invites¨ basis.
Makes sense I suppose if it's a group from another community though.

Most other groups I've seem to have a lot milder entry requirements and you can even find some on the forums I think though the easiest ones usually tend to be filled with ¨leechers¨ often including the creator of the group which is a shame.

If I were in any private giveaway groups I could probably tell you more and point you somewhere but sadly I'm not.

13 years ago

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Like it says here, try h.rder.
There are at least 7 private giveaways you can get to just with clicking. More if you feel like using your brain.

13 years ago

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Yes you are right, I forgot to mention puzzle giveaways.
However I think those aren't the biggest part of all the private giveaways combined which was what the OP was asking about.

13 years ago

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If you're enough of a neckbeard, you'll be invited to one of these circlejerk groups who do most giveaways in no time. Most gifters don't like making public giveaways because people are usually ungrateful.

13 years ago

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Define neckbeard in this case for me please.
Does that mean you have to active on the forums/chat? Or a certain amount of giveaways done?
I agree on the point you made though, there seems less of a courteous atmosphere since the site went public and it seems this trend carries over to the public giveaways, which is a shame really.

13 years ago

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Absolutely. Back when this site was invite-only, I liked it a lot more - the community has definitely been watered down by public entry which, as you say, is a real shame.

13 years ago

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Active in various chat will eventually get rewarded. So I joined a Skyrim giveaway in the offical s.gifts chat, 11 entries. Didn't win it though.

13 years ago

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Generally if you gift games you get games gifted back.

So make some private giveaways, give the link to group leaders and be invited to those private giveaway groups.

13 years ago

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Yes. If you want more opportunities in life, bribery is an answer :P

13 years ago

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i would rather give to everyone. even if they are ungrateful and giving should not have strings attached also sound like to much work since i'm not a mooch and will buy games i really want.

13 years ago

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giving to people i know is better than giving to people i don't know, thus group/private giveaways.

13 years ago

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Also, giving to people who will appreciate it, who actually want and will play the game, or who contribute to the community, or maybe even all of these is much better than the alternative.

13 years ago

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Exactly, so give them all to me.

13 years ago

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sending Skyrim right now

13 years ago

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How do I give games away?

13 years ago

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Not all of them require entry in some sort of occult society. There has been 20+ private giveaways in the PUBLIC S.Gifts chat this past week, and that's just what I've noticed and I'm not the most active in there.

If you really do want to be part of some goat sacrificing occult society that's actually fairly easy though.
1.Giveaway some games.
2.Be active in forum and chat.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by HSAR.