With the holidays approaching I finally want to buy I new gaming console. I'm stuck between getting a Wii U and a PS4. Both have a lot of good games that I want and both have a decent rewards program. Help me decide and maybe mention some games you recommend on that console.

8 years ago

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Wii U or PS4?

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Wii U
8 years ago

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If you want to run homebrew and emulators on it, get the Wii U.

8 years ago

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If you love nintendo's first party titles, wii u
If you like a larger selection of games and more rpg focused choose the PS4
with the nx coming supposedly coming out soon there's not really a reason to pick the wii u unless you need some mario, etc.

8 years ago

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I own a Wii U (And might need a new gamepad or get it fixed), but I'd still say PS4. Mostly because of the new Kingdom Hearts 3 and Danganronpa 3 games coming out soon. I've only really played one game on my Wii U and that is Smash Bros Wii U, that's not available already available on PC or another console, that is.

8 years ago

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Honestly, they both have nothing in common with each other, so it really depends on your tastes.

Wii U has plenty of great exclusives, not just from Nintendo either, Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 are some of Platinums finest. It has plenty of virtual console titles, although that won't concern you if you use emulators. Speaking emulators, you can put them on the Wii U!
Only problem is... it's dead as a dodo.

PS4 has little great exclusives... but it's not dead! There's more, future exclusives that will most likely rock, Persona 5, Ni No Kuni, Last Guardian, Kingdom Hearts 3, etc etc It also plays blu-rays and has plenty of online media features, making it a good living room machine.
Biggest problem? There's no bet most of the games won't come on PC with better support.

8 years ago

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The Wii U is at end of life, Nintendo has stopped exporting them to PAL regions, so for some of us it's a dead platform already.

8 years ago

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Don't buy a Wii U
The NX might be backwards compatible meaning no reason to get the old one.

8 years ago

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Maybe you could wait on news about the NX, who knows? Maybe it will be backwards compatible with Wii U games. I'd prefer the Wii U since I love Nintendo games but both are good options.

8 years ago

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Have 'em both. My suggestion? Get them both. :P If not, get a PS4 since Nintendo's next console (codenamed NX) is supposed to launch in March.

About the games I have on each console (and recommend them as well).
PS4 : Uncharted 4, The Order 1886, Killzone ShadowFall, inFamous Second Son + First Light, The Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank, Until Dawn
WiiU : NintendoLand, Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, Martio Party 10, Mario Bros U + Luigi, Mario 3D World, TLoZ WindWaker HD + Twilight Princess HD, Bayonetta 1+2, Monster Hunter 3, Xenoblade Chronicles X

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm gonna +1 the dreamcast, but subtract a point for the snes, which wasn't even the best console around on its day of release

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nice analysis overall.

ZombiU is available on PC btw. It's just called "Zombi". Can't say I have ever watched it, let alone played it, but I kind of get the impression that it's probably not something to get crazy excited about if you have a decent gaming PC as there is no shortage of Zombie action games on the PC platform (unlike the Wii U).

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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No, the vast majority of Xbox exclusives end up on PC, you'll never see Uncharted or Infamous or God of War on PC.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I just made a few examples, the list goes on and on, tons of PS exclusives I'd like on PC but won't get. Meanwhile if you're not into the same old Nintendo games then the Wii U is useless. Besides, the Wii U is dead anyway, the NX is coming out in a few months while the PS4 Pro will get support for quite a while.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm gonna say the Wii u
Most games on ps4 are available in steam, and the 9yrs that atent are pretty much the same type of game
Wii U games can be quite different, the controller options make for interesting gameplay and the exclusives are actually exclusive

8 years ago

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If this were a year or two ago I would say that the Wii U might be a viable option, but at this point I would definitely recommend passing on it what with Nintendo's new system, the NX (still awaiting official announcement) supposedly launching in March. Even if the NX ends up being not backwards compatible with Wii U games (which it likely won't be if it's a portable/home hybrid system as rumored) I can forsee some of the more popular Wii U games being ported to it, whether as physical or digital versions.

If you are looking for a system to supplement PC gaming and want access to the best pool of exclusives, then I would say wait to see what the Nintendo NX is about, otherwise go for a PS4.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

8 years ago

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If you would like to play the seven billionth third-person brawler/platformer or cover-based shooter #465,683,047 or "game wih lots of loot and killing, so it is an RPG" #896,348,158,357, then PlayStation 4. If you don't want to try a new controlling scheme and would like to use the same one from the last millennium but with longer battery life, again, PlayStation 4.
If you are interested in games that are not exactly like other games from 15 years ago but with better graphics, then WiiU. If you think that game design maybe should have gone past the "control the game with a 1980s SNES controller with two analogue sticks" approach and actually try innovative things, again, WiiU.

If you have a half-decent PC, then again WiiU. While many games are exclusive on PlayStation, but very, very, VERY few of them are offering anything that you cannot find in other console games that were ported to PC. The biggest genres that are most likely PS territory and not PC are jPRGs and tournament fighters, but even the former ones are slowly popping their heads up on PC or are going to Nintendo consoles now.

8 years ago

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But the Wii U won't even get their own Zelda because it sold so bad. As far as I know it will get a poor mans version of the Zelda for Nintendo's upcoming NX console. And for my buddies and me Zelda is THE system selling game for Nintendo.

8 years ago

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It is backwards compatible with the Wii, which in turn was one of the best-selling consoles. And has VirtualConsole. I think if you buy just one console, it is the WiiU right now that is the best bet, for these backwards compatibilities.
I am curious about the NX as well. Nintendo's business practises and how they handle their own customers leaves a lot to desired for, but they still make actual gaming systems with games that try to come up with new ideas. =)

8 years ago*

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I agree that their controllers are innovative but I haven't heard of a single game where they are used in an innovative way (just as inventory / map like in ZombieU). For me nintendo is kind of known for releasing expensive peripheries and then abandoning them without ever releasing a single real game or them (Fit Board). Don't get me wrong I like Nintendo but for me they always were the perfect 3rd platform after PC and "real" consoles.

Edit: However I do like the idea of being able to continue your game on the handheld if somebody else wants to use the television. Although I'm probably not the target audience for that since it seems particularly useful for families.

8 years ago*

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Someone actually bought the Wii Fit or whatever? Like, why would anyone do that? Why?? WHY?? Seriously though, from what I have heard Sony is just as bad, if not worse when it comes to abandoning hardware.

As far as 'real' consoles go, Nintendo hasn't really tried to be an absolute direct competitor the way Microsoft and Sony are with each other, and they haven't done so since the Gamecube. They also either can't or are unwilling to sell consoles at a loss in the hopes of making it back in game sales and rely more heavily on first-party and/or exclusive titles. Following the Gamecube they seemed to have largely gone off in their own direction ever since trying to offer something different and not just another 'standard' console, for better or for worse.

8 years ago

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I did :( Used it regularly for a few month then got bored of it and gave it to my mother who supposedly used it once or twice and now it's sitting in a box under the TV :D

Yea, you are right Sony are just as bad when it comes to peripheries... Remember Move? Well, apparently neither do they :)

8 years ago

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I did :( Used it regularly for a few month then got bored of it and gave it to my mother who supposedly used it once or twice and now it's sitting in a box under the TV :D

That also probably describes a ton of people who factored into the total number of original Wii consoles sold, which some people like to conveniently ignore when quoting the sales numbers. Anyway, I never really understood the appeal of those gimmicky type of peripherals. Wii Fit?? Yeah, no. I'd rather just go outside and get some real exercise or play a sport, but that's just me.

8 years ago*

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I got caught up in the appeal of the new :( But I've learned my lession from it. From now on when there's new stuff coming out, be it peripheries like Playstation VR (or PC VR but that doesn't apply for me) or new technology in general (like 3D TVs) I wait a few years if it's here to stay or just a fad.

8 years ago*

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Funny that you mention that. On a side note:


Jim Sterling did an impressions video of Playstation VR and although fairly positive he did mention Sony's tendency to drop support for hardware/peripherals.

P.S. - I hope you didn't buy the Virtual Boy when it came out ;-)

8 years ago*

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:D I think that one was slightly before my time (or marketing was so bad rumors of its existance never made it to Europe).
Only found out about it years later when it was already one of the biggest flops of video game history.
At home I was a Mega Drive kid and portable first Original GB, then Pocket, then Colour :D

8 years ago

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I mostly agree with your views here and that Nintendo marches to the beat of their own drummer and tries to offer something different, however, to me the sheer success of the Wii was somewhat lucky. Yes, the whole motion controls thing was innovative at the time (which personally I never cared for) and it largely caught on with the more casual gamer, but where are all those people now? On their mobile devices instead, that's where. To me the Wii's ubiquity was due in no small part to the fact that it came at a time when mobile gaming had not yet become a thing with the casual crowd.

8 years ago*

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Many of those still use their WiiU because the games here are still good enough. Plus I may be wrong here, but I think it has the Virtual Console as well. They just didn't find anything that made them migrant to the new system in those numbers.
Mobile gaming is similar in some degree, but you won't find the typical Nintendo party games there… some screen that fits on your palm will never be suitable for that. (Or for many other things smartphones claim they can do, but that is another topic.)

8 years ago

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I agree with the last sentence but the rest is purely speculation. The Wii U didn't have it's own new Zelda game because the development cycle extended too long and that's just the way it worked out, not because Nintendo wouldn't have loved to have released one to help sell the system. The same thing happened with Twilight Princess on the Gamecube and the original Wii. As I already had a Gamecube at the time it was a no-brainer getting that version. Incidentally, that was the last Nintendo home console that I got.

8 years ago

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You're correct that the why is just speculation. However it is fact the the Wii U sold EXTREMLY poor.

8 years ago

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That it did. And I hope the NX does well because I don't think Nintendo can afford another flop like the Wii U.

8 years ago

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I agree. And while some part of me thinks Nintendo failing on their home turf might make them embrace other platforms more it's probably better to keep Nintendo games on Nintendo consoles for more competition.

Oh yeah. Happy cakeday by the way :D

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8 years ago

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that cake is too beautiful to eat, lol

8 years ago

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The Wii U is a joke, a bad one too, get the PS4 Slim or the PS4 Pro if you have a 4K tv with HDR support.

8 years ago

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I had both but sadly i will pick PS4 over Wii U, for me Wii U has 5 games that i am interested in it while PS4 has heaps of game. Both are great in their own way.

8 years ago

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Sony Master Race for the win!

Nah, but I think only you can decide whichever is a better console for you. Compare the games available (both already out and to be released) for them both and see which has more that you'd absolutely want to play.

8 years ago

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WiiU isn't needed anymore


;) (especially if you have a friend with a WiiU, then you only need to buy the games, not the console itself :P)

8 years ago

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Wait for official information about Nintendo NX.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i would get a ps4 the one with the updated hardware and if i could or at some point down the road i would go for their vr as i hear its a solid one and a cheap choise

8 years ago

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I think Wii U is dead, anyway

8 years ago

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PC, no question asked!

8 years ago

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It's like to say Uncharted 4 vs Super Mario. xD

8 years ago

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would recommend ps4( i have it) but everything is to expensive now, so stay with the ps3 if you can XD

8 years ago

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I'd go with the PS4 personally, but I'd also prefer waiting for the NX - if I want to get the upcoming Zelda game, I'd like to get it on a console that is going to be supported for at least the next few years, not one that's dying in support.

8 years ago

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Not only that but if certain reports are to be believed there are already plans in the works for a second Zelda game on the NX.

8 years ago

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