Isn't it looking good?
Damn, people these days don't know some of the most famous actors of the good old days. :/
They have played in some really great movies. You must watch them all.
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For sure! Can't wait to see this happening. It will be the first game to make me laugh so hard. xD I hope it will get released on steam - as long as it will reach its funding goal, of course.
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True, they're so awesome. But there are still people that don't know them. :O The game, even from its trailer, looks awesome. Can't wait to see a gameplay video too. I will surely buy this one.
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It's getting supported by the official site of Bud Spencer, by the way.
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Slapping and beans - his two favorite things. xD Oh God, I was always thinking that these 2 guys would never die, because they were so damn awesome, but Bud eventually died. ;_;
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Snifff, I still didn't want him to die. ;_; Bud will always be alive in my heart. Terence is still alive, thankfully. :)
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Vote it on Greenlight:
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Oh, didn't know it's on greenlight too. :O Voted! :D
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Reminded me that Bud Spencer died earlier this year.. Rest in peace.. :/
As a child i absolutely loved their movies! I remember watching them all day and all night, i even still have some CDs at home left!
The game seems interesting, already voted on Greenlight. Hopefully it gets through :3
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Yep, I know. It makes me sad, since I really liked him. He was a good and funny guy. I was watching their movies all day too when I was a kid. :D
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Really awesome song. XD
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I prefer this:
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Really good movie, just like every single movie of them. ^_^
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...and here I thought that We Are Angels will be the only game to ever feature Bud. Glad to see someone still cares about their legacy, even more glad that this game shows signs of developers actually putting effort into creating it. Love the art style, and while the gameplay doesn't look like it's anything special from the video, I'll be sure to pick it up just because it's Bud & Terrance in a fighting game that looks okay. Backed on Kickstarter too, so best of luck to these guys.
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We are angels? Never heard of this game before. o.O Yep, the art style looks too good. I'm pretty sure they'll reach their funding goal in time. :)
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It's based off of a miniseries starring Bud and some black guy he collaborated with a bit. It's a lot like Extralarge (in fact, his partner is the same here); hour and a half long episodes, etc. etc. If you insist, I'd check out Extralarge instead. Much more enjoyable, the stories are better, has more action and is definitely funnier. Not on par with some of his best film roles, but worth a look. It's kinda baffling that the other series was the only thing they made a game out of. It's rather rare, and looks like a mixture between an FMV game and something from Newgrounds. BUT! It has an exclusive interview with Bud in it, so count me in if I ever find a cheap copy somewhere.
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Their humor was so much better than the stupid humor in movies nowadays. Let's hope it will reach its funding goal. :)
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They have it the Dune Buggy and the slaps. Instant vote. Also at the beginning of trailer note the Sheriff star and the boys remote from Uno sceriffo extraterrestre... poco extra e molto terrestre (The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid).
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Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. I voted ;)
EDIT: Seems like they need some money on kickstarter
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True, but I'm pretty sure they'll reach their goal on time.
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I'm a straight male too, but I'm still like that now:
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On 31st October I don't celebrate Halloween, but Bud Spencer's birthday.
I recently watched almost all of their movies, some are good and some are not, but they all have very funny scenes. Slaps and punches everywhere. There are also some very good musical themes, like the opening one from They call me Trinity or the main theme from Crime busters that plays throughout the whole movie, making it epic :D
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Yeah, the themes were always good. :D And you can still laugh with all their movies. xD
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Thought of it, but then it would look like I'm asking for money. :P
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ohh the nostalgia. soo many good memories associated with this couple and theyr movies. when i was little i used to watch theyr movies with my old grandpa ;_; everytime i see them my mind travels into the past to those moments... the laughs, the airiness, soo many feels
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also something about good guy carlo pedersoli, aka bud spencer who died recently. he was openly a rightist (someone say even fascist, although thats not certain). in 2005 he cadidate himself for a regional election in the list of "forza italia", silvio berlusconis politic party. the discovery of this fact caused a lot of anger for certain people, to the point of throwing at him all sort insults even in death. a facebook group called "antifascist guard" said "until a few minutes ago we cried about the death of bud spencer, now not anymore"
let them bigot boil in theyr own soup, i say! theyr ostracism will not win. in any field.
bud was a good man and that is how he will be remembered :3
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Their movies were awesome and they were both good guys in my own eyes. I don't know if he was a fascist, but although I'm against fascism and any kind of bigotry, I can hardly change my opinion about him.
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So many memories of those guys, I'll be looking into backing this on Kickstarter.
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Good to know. The game would need a gameplay video, but it's already looking awesome.
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Never heard of them, but game looks like it could be good with some more work
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They're awesome. You should check out some of their movies. ;P
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You are welcome. It's gonna be a very good game, I'm sure of it. ^_^
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Indeed. I wonder if it'll have a food competition inside the game. :P
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Hello, people! There's an upcoming video game, called Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans, and it looks so awesome! It's not released yet. It reminds me of the good old movies with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. :D This game includes scenes from their movies.
Here's its facebook page:
Here's the trailer:
Steam greenlight page:
Steam page:
Release date: 15/12/2017
Just wanted to show people this awesome game, that's all. I'm not affiliated to the creators of this video game at all, but I'm just a huge fan of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.
EDIT: The game has reached its funding goal on kickstarter and has also been greenlit on steam.
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