Oddly enough from today morning whenever I click any GA I've got prompt from my anitvirus about malicious file which was deleted -[trojan.html.downloader.agent.ncz
It doesn't happen if I enter any other site,link, folder, or program. Does anybody got this problem?
Trash obligatory GA

5 years ago

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you got it?

View Results
stop browsing porn
that's barbie curse because you don't love her too much

Your antivirus may be catching false positives from another website or needs to be updated. Hard to identify without more information.

5 years ago

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definitely updated, I though about false positive, it's too strange behaviour in my opinion

5 years ago

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Maybe caught it somewhere else?

5 years ago

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actually I think it started when I clicked some link from discussions to hrk or other stie like this with free giveaway or something, can't check as I cleared cache and history from today :/

5 years ago

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What exactly are you using for anti malware/virus?

Whatever you use it apparently does not completely remove whatever you got, which assumes you probably don't use good protection.

5 years ago*

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I use F-secure as antivir. I've made full scans with f-secure, malwarebytes, spybot searchdestroy, spyware terminator, supera antispyware, loaris trojan remover, superaAntispyware and they all found literally nothing so I still don't have a slightest idea what's going on and still gots promps from f-secure only on SG

5 years ago

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Half i never heared of and sounds like some shady shit, just stick to 1 or 2 good ones, that is enough.

If it's just f-secure then possibly it sounds like some wrong thing clicked or false positive, just look further into the settings.

5 years ago

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"Stop browsing porn"
That's why you use an old cell phone once you've wiped the personal data from it (AND THE RAM!!!) for all of your sick, twisted fantasies.

5 years ago

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But then you can't watch it in 4K.

5 years ago

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A buddy of mine is obsessed with 4K and is denying himself certain games he enjoys (which are few to begin with) until he can run them at 60fps with his 4K setup... the good news is, I get another hand-me-down GPU when he upgrades.

5 years ago

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Hope you get a good one.

5 years ago

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Went from no GPU (with an awful chip set) to the current hand-me-down GTX 580 that does well enough for my needs but not enough for recording or any digital media work, to a GTX 980 that will open up plenty of possibilities for me to get back to work and recording for myself.

It's been 5 years.

5 years ago

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The internet wasn't safe back in the day.
My nokia 6300 was killed by a malware.

5 years ago

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Ouchies, thank goodness we have software condoms for our more modern phones! :D

5 years ago

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Yes, I got it, and it's following me around everywhere lmao.

5 years ago

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Virustotal doesn't detect any treat, must be only you, something you installed, visited.

5 years ago

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I only get warnings about Win32.SpaceCat infection popping up when I click stuff here.

5 years ago

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this one is definitely too much malicious for me, hope your computer won't burn down ;)

5 years ago

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There might be a nasty ad containing malware. Bear in mind SG shows ads and some nasty ones might accidentally get through. I say it's worth checking out this hypothesis.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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And that's why people block ads even on sites they care about and could use the money

5 years ago

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Malware is certainly usually the reason I reenable adblock after disabling it on a frequently accessed site (I mean, it says a lot if a site doesn't filter out malware, or utilizes an ad host who doesn't), though poor optimization of site scripts or inept layout-breaking placement of ads are also valid reasons. Basically, it's our obligation to try and support a site we're making committed usage of, but it's not our obligation to put up with unnecessary stress during those efforts (in short, if you want our support, don't give us a middle finger when we try to give it).

In fact, it's to the point where I've got multiple layers of anti-adblock blocked on certain sites, just 'cause it's easier to hunt down their scripts and counter them, than it is to deal with their user-unfriendly mess of a site. Which makes you think, what if they actually allocated their efforts constructively, toward making the site desirable to use without adblock, instead of arrogantly trying to railroad users into putting up with abuse?

I've seen a good handful of high profile sites take that route and the funny thing is, even when they manage to beat anti-anti-adblock efforts, the only end result is who users that actually care about things like adblock end up not utilizing the site at all (or at least, that's how it resolves for me, personally). There's just not many sites that are both "necessary" and don't also have alternative options available.

Abusive sites have always been targeted toward inexperienced, inherently vulnerable internet users, so it's weird how much effort is being put toward trying to grab protected users. Of course, as I noted, some portion of this comes from established, big-name sites (eg, digital newspapers), so pure, thoughtless arrogance (ie, "How DARE they adblock us! Stop them, stop them at all costs! AND SOMEONE GET ME PHOTOS OF SPIDER-MAN!") has certainly got to be the sole premise behind at least some of the efforts.

5 years ago

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Heh all true. That's the main reason I use adblocking. I could care less about ads. Most of them, the proper ads, are not intrusive and people have to find a way to maintain their sites. I can ignore ads.
However, I'm not prepared to put up with abuse from websites, especially those that basically only exist to be online billboards. They don't care about what ads they're displaying or what crap they contain as long as they get cash. And those are usually the vilest ads on top of everything else. It's like trolling at this point.

Still, I don't think of SG as one of these so I had them on my adlocker whitelist until now.

5 years ago

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It could be a false positive. It could be something that snuck in on an ad on SG.

I'd recommend running Malwarebytes Antmalware. The free version is fine. You want to make sure everything on the client is up to date. Under settings turn on all 3 things listed under "Scan Options" and then go to custom scan. Check all the options on the left and then your drive on the right and run the scan completely. This probably will take some time and I advise not using your pc till it's completed.

5 years ago

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I use F-secure as antivir. I've made full scans with f-secure, malwarebytes, spybot searchdestroy, spyware terminator, supera antispyware, loaris trojan remover, superaAntispyware and they all found literally nothing so I still don't have a slightest idea what's going on and still gots promps from f-secure only on SG

5 years ago

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It very well could just be a false positive. Submit the info over to F-secure.

5 years ago

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This trojan ?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Hopefully when the first Trojan breaks, it doesn't lead to the spawning of as many humans as the latter one..

Thirty of the Achaeans' best warriors hid in the Trojan horse's belly and two spies in its mouth. Other sources give different numbers: The Bibliotheca 50; Tzetzes 23; and Quintus Smyrnaeus gives the names of 30, but says there were more. In late tradition the number was standardized at 40. (Wikipedia)

5 years ago

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That's obviously a fake.
Her pleasure? ahahhaha :D

5 years ago

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Good review, haha..
Try other brand with the dotted one

5 years ago

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Where are the "300" and the "Spartan" Editions ? :-D

5 years ago

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