Would you like SG to support multi-game--winner-chooses-one giveaways?
Everyone would join for one giveaway, one would win and get it and others would get something they didn't wanted.
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Not when it comes to 1 copy giveaways. There would only be one winner.
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I don't think he means it like that. From what I understood it would be one ga with only one winner. But the winner can choose which of the games (choosen by the creator) to receive.
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Well it makes more sense for sure but since every game has it's own fan group, entry numbers will be a lot higher and winning chance would be lowered a lot. Also if you wanted to give away 3 games, you might as well just create 3 giveaways.
It'd be interesting for sure, but I don't think it'd worth the server load to implement it.
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That is an interesting idea you got there... would be a shame if someone.. stole it..
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Bad idea. This would just increase the odds of winning exponentially for everyone. Example: 3 games to give away. With only one auction versus three separate, anyone wanting one of the 3 games will join so instead of competing against people who only want the one game in a giveaway, you are also competing against people who already have the game you want. And when auction ends and one of the three are gone, I would assume the gifter would start a new auction with remaining games (or worse - they add another game bringing more new competition).
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I guess you meant decrease the odds? Not increase? Also, I guess one would make such a giveaway only if they wanted to give only one game anyway, not 3. In that case, as it is now, some people will get higher chance to get the game they want, while others won't get any chance at all., not 3
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That's a good point. I'm not really interested in doing this for public giveaways, but more for whitelist or group-based ones, where the number of entries is low. The thread in the second link (or third, if you know what I mean, nudge nudge, wink wink) ended with 17 invitees. Only 5 of them entered, as most of the others already owned the game. Now imagine if instead of only offering the game that finished with the highest number of votes (The Stanley Parable) I could also offer the runner-ups (Hitman: Absolution, Planetary Annihilation, Tropico 4, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl). I'm sure that in this case most of the 17 slots would have been occupied.
To make a long story short, this option can be limited to giveaways with a low number of entries, not to regular public ones.
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Their post got them a chance to win one game. The other games on the list will be available for future threads in this format, and users who want to get another chance will need to write new interesting or helpful posts. I don't have an unlimited number of keys you know...
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The average or median cost should be sufficient to prevent users from entering too many giveaways and abusing their 300 points. If the winner chooses a more expensive game it would mean that users who entered this giveaway benefited a bit and effectively had more than 300 points that day, but does it really matter?
After the giveaway ends it should of course be possible to adjust the cost based on the actual game selected by the winner and grant the creator the correct CV.
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nah... winning chances will decrease significantly (which disfavors a lot who don't have the game).
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I recently created a couple of threads where users where requested to write something interesting or helpful, vote on a game from a list, and then (if I liked their post) participate in a giveaway for the game that won the votes. The problem is, that they could write a brilliant post, be invited to the group but then end up not being able to enter the giveaway because they already own the game. A good way to solve it would be to add all the games to the giveaway and let the winner choose the game they want the most.
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