From the FAQ:
Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value.
For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level.
Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage. Games may also be added to the bundle list if they're available for free during a promotion, or if they're highly discounted in a sale.
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Ahh ok thanks, I will stop giving bundled games away, I am level 5 now anyway so I can enter alot more than I could at the start. Cheers
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15% from bundled games. Yes, unbundled games are the quickest way to raise your contributed value. But if you're not going to use those bundled keys, the "best" answer would (of course) be to give them away in addition to unbundled games.
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From FAQ.
*Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value. For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level.
I think HB Montly are not considered bundled, so, try with those if you don't want to spend much.
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Why would these ones not be considering as bundles?
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Yeah they are all in that list, I will keep them instead. I am not giving away bundled games anymore. This site expects far too much to be given away for a level up really. Wouldn't it have been better to do it like it, if a game is worth more than X amount on Steam, you should get a higher % depending on price.
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For example, Grim Dawn, NBA 2k17 and Hyper Light Drifter, aren't on the list. You'll do what you'll feel is more comfortable for you.
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Bundle is a bit misleading word, if a game is in a bundle it doesn't mean it get's to the bundle list. Games that are discounted 95%+ get's to the list even if they haven't been in a bundle.
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there is also list of bundled games -
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Also additional thing noone mentioned yet - only first 5 copies of game you give away give you full value (be it bundled or non-bundled), then they goi lower 10% with each copy. So for example if you give away 5 copies of 20$ bundle game each will give you 3$ so 15$ total, but 6th copy will only give you 2.7$, 7th copy 2.43$, 10th copy will only be worth 1.77$ and so on. This system is in place to prevent situation where you exploit one very good promo (or even get hundreds of free keys from developer) to gain endless amounts of CV. Since you give away a lot of copies of the same games (like 16 copies of Pineview Drive) this will affect your level significantly as well.
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Thanks guys for going through all of that with me.
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Hey guys, so I was just wondering how the levelling up system works and if I had this right. So I have given away 319 games which I think are pretty much all from bundles or similar, now I have just been told by a friend that bundled games are only worth 10% of what you would get if it was a non bundled game. So, for me to level up quicker from this point am I just best giving away games that don't come from bundles at all? I just wasn't sure how it worked exactly. I have another 15 games here and some from the recent Humble Bundle Telltale such as Walking Dead. Am I best not giving these away?
Was just wondering, thanks.
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