I just reinstall my Batman Arkham City because it started to crash to BSOD when I start it. And my saves have been deleted. I was so close to beat Story+ ... Now i must start again from the beginning. Maybe somebody have save file in Story+ when Strange just started protocol 10, after catwoman mission?

Why GFWL do not use some cloud technologies? I thought GFWL have it, because I use license copy and online profile. For what other purpose it was developed? Only for achivments? That stupid. And why when I deleted game they didnt notice me that saves will be deleted too. I am very dissapointed. Stupid GFWL. Stupid 1c-softclub. And stupid I that didnt create backup.

12 years ago*

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You don't say GFWL sucks -.- ?

Everyone knows it sucks!

12 years ago

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No, because I can play GTA 4 online for free! Thanks to poland keys

12 years ago

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I feel the same way - my desktop died, so I've stuffed my graphics card in my wife's machine. After installing Dirt 2 and 3 and GFW:L, it spent about 5 minutes (I shit you not) "downloading my profile", and yet it couldn't even keep my save games. Tragically, I read somewhere they're talking about canning Live for PC, so it's pretty much unlikely to ever get any better.

But obviously, the games that have it are probably stuck with it, like herpes.

12 years ago

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Save file encryption is just ridiculous, even more so because it's apparently there to prevent achievement manipulation.

12 years ago

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Where have you been all this time? It's a miracle why Microsoft hasn't put GFWL out of its misery yet.

12 years ago

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GFWL is one of the shittier ports to come to PC from the XBOX, basically.

12 years ago

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You don't create a backup of your sale file then bitch GFWL is shit?

Same thing could of happened in Steam you know (for game that don't use cloud).

12 years ago

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^ Agreed

Only thing I don't like about gfwl is how DLC works, But at the same time ATLEAST the dlc IS available from steam to purchase, unlike certain bioware games.

12 years ago

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not really. Bioshock 2 DLC--Minerva's Den is not available on steam. Which also means i'm fucked coz GFWL is not available for my country.

12 years ago

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I can't remember ever uninstalling a game through Steam and losing my save files.

I'm not saying it never happens with any games, but it definitely doesn't with most.

12 years ago

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This happens with most games. I'm not really surprised when I "lose" my save as I re-install something.

12 years ago

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That's not been my experience. Usually when I uninstall Steam leaves a folder behind which has my saves in them.

EDIT: Name one game that deletes you save on Steam when you uninstall that I own, and I will test it. I seriously can't think of one, but then again I don't often reinstall and continue on to old saved games in general.

I can tell you that I definitely see save games for things I played that aren't currently installed in my Documents folder

12 years ago

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All Games that use GFWL (GTA IV, GTA Episodes, Dead Rising 2), hehuehueehue

Borderlands also had a terrible habit of deleting your level 69 characters when you uninstalled it until they added cloud support. Cthulhu Saves The World and its counterpart do that too. Games that have save files in their steamapps/common subfolders tend to lose the save registry upon uninstalling. And many of the games have the files there.

12 years ago

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Could happen with games that are using Steam Cloud as well. PvZ, for example.

12 years ago

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The thing is, GFWL encrypts your savegames and puts them in 2 different hidden locations from which you need both. When you just copy the savegames and try to use them on a new computer, tough shit. The game says there are none. You need a big workaround just to get GFWL to recognize your savegames, even if you back them up.

12 years ago

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Maybe people should let them know instead of bitching about GFWL.
If GFWL or any other digital platform could rise, it would be good for us gamers.
Lower price and no more shitty Steam support/price

12 years ago

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the only problem i eber have with gfwl is the majority of their sales are US only

12 years ago

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For what other purpose it was developed?
It's DRM. Buggy, obnoxious, cumbersome DRM.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 weeks ago.

12 years ago

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I don't think it is a game the reason you get a BSOD.

12 years ago

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"I just reinstall my Batman Arkham City because it started to crash to BSOD when I start it. And my saves have been deleted"

Technically, you were the one who deleted your saves in the first place.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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about time you start hating that piece of shit DRM, i agree stea is not perfect but i have realy little problems with it compared with windows or origin

12 years ago

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The only reason I use GFWL is DiRT3 but its sooo irritating. Steam aint perfect but when steam works, it works. GFWL has issues EVERYWHERE.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Ethan.