Build a Greenlight Bundle #39

preorder $1.25 $1 min for 2 games, $3 for all all 8 games

$1 Minimum

Totem Troubles
Cubic complex

BONUS @2000
Land it Rocket

preorder hints:

  • BG: Atriage

  • Hint 1: So first hint. Time management... in space!
    cyanicGroupees HQ22:29

  • Hint 2: a colorful point and click adventure.
    Keep guessing. Think "cute".
    It's GreenLit already.

    • Guess: Skazka
  • Hint 3: A shmup involving space and ships

    • Guess: CounterAttack
      cyanicGroupees HQ00:30
      Looks like that hint was suitable.
  • Hint 4: you want different, here's different. To take someone's comment, it's like "DDR for your thumbs".
    ddr like game: Totem Troubles

Thanks RePlayBe for the chat excerpts.



thanks Tristetea and hustlayo

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9 years ago*

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View Results
Maybe... hints hints!
Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

Pre-ordering, as always.

9 years ago

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Moaar greenlight!

Edit: Ketchup sold as medicine.. o.O? The good old days, eh!

9 years ago

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"Though ketchup today uses tomato as a base, early versions did not. They were made from anchovies, shallots, oysters, lemons, or walnuts." - a rachelian interesting fact :')

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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I haven't eaten ketchup in years. :X

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I always preorder Greenlight bundles, don't care what's in them.

9 years ago

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Greenlights? Ok for me, there's always something good lurking amongst these! ^ ^

9 years ago

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Excerpts from chat:

cyanicGroupees HQ20:27
So first hint. Time management... in space!
cyanicGroupees HQ22:29
Hint: a colorful point and click adventure.
cyanicGroupees HQ23:37
Give me a reasonable guess for the last hint I gave, and I'll give you a new one.
cyanicGroupees HQ23:59
Keep guessing. Think "cute".
SingUnited Kingdom00:02
cyanicGroupees HQ00:04
Another hint: A shmup involving space and ships
SingUnited Kingdom00:21
and this?
cyanicGroupees HQ00:30
Looks like that hint was suitable.
cyanicGroupees HQ03:20
Last hint: you want different, here's different. To take someone's comment, it's like "DDR for your thumbs".
Quick!SaveTheKids!United States03:46
ddr like game:

9 years ago

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awesome! thanks

9 years ago

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Message Quest was already in a previous Groupees GL bundle [and has been on Steam since Oct 22nd], so seems really odd that it'd be in a new one, so that guess may be off. :P

Then again, given how they're approaching bundles right now, no clue. :P

9 years ago

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yep agreed no way its message quest because if its already on steam its not in a bagb + was in previous.

9 years ago

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Dunno how you came up with "Message Quest", that one is already greenlit and was in a previous groupees. Also your are leaving out this bit from chat: SingUnited Kingdom00:02 oh didn't notice it's already greenlight

Maybe its "Skazka"

9 years ago

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It is not me coming up with this. I just copied it from chat. :/ these hints were given to me in another comment. thanks

9 years ago*

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Yeah I skimmed over chat quite fast so I must have missed that.

9 years ago

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It has a point and click, grabbing it xP

9 years ago

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You speak my language.. =O

9 years ago

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Seems like no more hints were given, except this, which we already knew:

its hard to guess the point n click in this bundle
InformaticsGroupees HQ11:37
it's cute n colourful

9 years ago

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its live

9 years ago

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As usual, Cyanic's hints were misleading.

Still, Totem Troubles looks cool, and the bundle actually seems to have decent games for a [recent] change. so no harm done.

9 years ago

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How were the hints misleading?

9 years ago

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Note first I said 'misleading', not 'false'.

But mainly: There's no point and click in the bundle.

Oh, Varenje has point and click gameplay, but point and click as a label is almost exclusively used to refer to point and click adventure [or occasionally mystery] games, or Myst-Likes (though that specific designation is used when attempting to be precise with them).

Varenje is a casual-puzzler, not a puzzle-adventure.
Essentially, as a general guideline, if a game doesn't have the 'adventure' tag dominant on it, it ought be considered a puzzle game rather than a PnC.
That's the case for locked room puzzlers, for example, which can play very similar to PnCs.
In fact, were Point and Click just a reference to gameplay, HOGs wouldn't be a distinct category, either [though, admittedly, at times a game will overlap the two genres].

But really, Varenje is a level-by-level, flash-game/mobile-game-styled hidden object game. It's certainly not what a PnC fan would expect when presented with the title, anymore than us Visual Novel fans expected eroge and nukige to dominate the VN bundles :P

Or, when we were promised a racer, and got a speedrunner. :P

I'm not asking for music-levels of genre precision, but the persistent genre cluelessness does make it rather hard to get an accurate perspective of the bundles that are being hinted on.

Since the quality here was better than other recent bundles, I can't really complain, but I did buy in under an assumption of content that wasn't met, and that's unfortunate in its consistency across preorders.

9 years ago

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Fair enough. :)

About the VN bundles though, I have to say, take one look at previous VN bundles and you see they are exactly the same as the latest bundle: dominated by eroges and nukiges with just one high profile VN to draw people in. Alas. :)

9 years ago

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Ah, no, I'm referencing VN3 specifically, which was purely nukige from MangaGamer, and the overall unwillingness of Groupees staff during the VN2 and 3 preorders to reveal how many games in the bundles were 18+ so we could get an idea of eroge content.
That's in the past- by this one, we know what to expect, and they're also labeling it by publisher now, so, y'know, it's a bit better. [Nevermind the lack of preorder evading the problem altogether.]

Though yeah, I can't imagine buying this current VN bundle unless you've got Groupees coins to spare, and as you say, that'd mostly be for Steins'Gate. :X

And, y'know, VN1 was totally fine. $4 for four good games, with the nukige up at the top tier for those that really wanted it. No preorder, so no having to be surprised by the amount and type of eroge involved.

While I can't personally imagine buying the current VN bundle, there's nothing to complain about, since there's no misrepresentation in preorder [due to it not having one :P].

And honestly? No hints at all is even fine (though who would preorder on that? :P)
The only times I have issues with preorders are:

  1. The hints don't properly match what was said [even if that's due to confusion on the part of the hinter]
  2. You do a theme bundle and include games that don't match the theme. If you do a JRPG Bundle, people expect proper RPGs, not roguelikes. You do a VN Bundle, they expect visual novels where the erotic content isn't key to the experience, if it exists at all. You don't expect pure eroge or nukige. (You also wouldn't expect samurai content in a Ninja Bundle, a dice game in a Card Game Bundle, or good games in a Sim Bundle. ..okay, that last one might not actually be relevant :P)

Really, on both counts, the issue is Groupees' handling of genre labeling, and that they apply it to preorders.

Though, the misleading statements aren't limited to genre, that's just the most noticable one.
During the last bundle I bought [whichever one has Viktor in it], there were a few comments made that suggested a different breadth of content than the bundle actually had.

Really, it'd strike me as carelessness or thoughtlessness or downright not caring, but given that the awkward interactions aren't limited to hints on preorders, it seems to just be a poor perception of what certain phrasing or labels mean to other people.

9 years ago*

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Yes, I think the problem is that of ignorance of genres or lack of good understanding of the games they are bundling rather than malice. And at the rate they are releasing bundles, can you blame them (or him)? For more casual people the hints are probably fine (although what casual gamer preorders bundles from a lesser known bundle site?). The other option would be not to have hints at all, which makes no one happy. Rather these hints that can be a bit off the mark, but still result in a decent amount of confirmed matches than none at all. Though I would be upset as well if the whole theme of a bundle was misrepresented and I preordered on the basis of that information.

9 years ago

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Bundles like this current Be Mine do make up for oh so much, though. :')

Thanks for your considerate comment. :)

9 years ago

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I buy a Greenlight Bundle 31 on September 15, 2015 and i got 2 games from 9 , Eaten Alive and Networm.
The question is: I will buy more Greenlight Bundle in the future ?
The answer is: NEVER

9 years ago

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Greenlight bundles are always a gamble There is a good chance that a certain game won't pass GL and never get a Steam key. You do get the games in some form ( key or direct download) though.

9 years ago

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Varenje - Full Game DLC Steam key added.

6 years ago

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You had me there. For a moment I thought 'huh rachellove active?' O.o

6 years ago

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Just "a Steam key added" heads up and she is, on Steam. ^^

6 years ago

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And doing good!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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