Just curious if theres a way to do this, i'm guessing theres not but no harm in asking :D! Gotten up to 2.6k ignored items with all the old indie games and stuff, while theres no real reason to do so would be nice to somehow transfer that to steam.

5 years ago

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I've thought this before, or even transferring the ignore list from the discovery queue on Steam to SG. Don't think it's possible though.

5 years ago

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Afaik ESGST can import you're ignored games list from steam.

5 years ago

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ohhh......I'll have to look into that. I have ESGST but there are far too many functions for me to know about all of them!
Thanks for the info

5 years ago

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Sync "Owned/Wishlisted/Ignored Games", activate hidden games manager and go to your filter list. There should a button for the hidden games manager. With it you can add all ignored games to your sg filters list.

5 years ago

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The status messages for Hidden Games Manager were a bit confusion because when I did select Add Ignored Games, and click Add, it only looked appeared to do API calls for ~100 ignored games even though I have 800+ ignored in Steam. Are there only certain things that it needs to perform lookups for?

5 years ago

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I'm sorry but I haven't used this function myself and I have no ignored games on steam to test it (especially not 100+). You should report your issue in the ESGST thread so Rafael can fix it with the next version. It could be related to https://github.com/gsrafael01/ESGST/issues/1200 but I am not sure.

5 years ago

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Well I dunno that its actually an issue since I spot checked for several "Ignored" Steam games in my SG hidden list, and they now show in my SG hidden list.
For all I know it only needs to make extra API calls for one id type (app or sub) but not the other, and that could totally explain what I saw.

5 years ago

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+1 for this. Have over 17k games ignored here, would be nice to also ignore them on Steam without the need to manually do it =)

5 years ago

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You can use ESGST to get a txt file with all games from your filtered list from sg but I don't know a userscript / extension to import these to steam.

5 years ago

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hope someone makes a script for it to import, typing in all of them would be a pain and straight up not worth lol. Thanks for the info, least I won't have to keep looking

5 years ago

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Some years ago I did a script generator to mass-add appids to Steam wishlist or ignore-list http://theemu.freecluster.eu/steam_wishlist_ignore_adder.html

The scripts seem to still work. If Steam limits the adding like they do with adding free games https://steamdb.info/freepackages/ then you can only add 50 per hour nowadays.

Here are the base adding-scripts if you rather add the appids into the code manually

Steam ignoredApps add

(function(){var appid_list=[ADD_COMMA_SEPARATED_APPID_LIST_HERE];var i=0,loaded=0,appid=0,total=appid_list.length,modal=ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing…', 'Please wait until all requests finish. Ignore all the errors, let it finish.' );for(;i<total;i++){appid=appid_list[i];$J.post('//store.steampowered.com/recommended/ignorerecommendation',{action: '',sessionid:g_sessionID,appid:appid}).always(function(){loaded++;modal.Dismiss();if(loaded>=total){return;}else{modal=ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing…','Added <b>'+loaded+'</b>/'+total+'.');}});}}());

Steam wishlist add

(function(){var appid_list=[ADD_COMMA_SEPARATED_APPID_LIST_HERE];var i=0,total=appid_list.length;loaded=0;appid=0;modal=ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing…', 'Please wait until all requests finish. Ignore all the errors, let it finish.' );for(;i<total;i++){appid=appid_list[i];$J.post('//store.steampowered.com/api/addtowishlist',{sessionid:g_sessionID,appid:appid}).always(function(){loaded++;modal.Dismiss();if(loaded>=total){return;}else{modal=ShowBlockingWaitDialog( 'Executing…','Added <b>'+loaded+'</b>/'+total+'.');}});}}());
5 years ago*

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thats rather useful, wonder if the ESGST would give it as app ids though o.o

5 years ago

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I haven't used that feature of ESGST myself but I find it odd it wouldn't support appid format? How else you distinguish games with same titles like "Escape" https://steamdb.info/search/?a=app&q=escape.&type=-1&category=0

It shouldn't take much work to modify the ESGST code to make it do so.

at https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/giveaways/filters the appids include standard format link https://store.steampowered.com/app/x
it's quite easy script to make that collects appids from all /app/x links. Just need to make sure the script ignores /sub/x links because they need to be added using different API call. the https://store.steampowered.com/dynamicstore/userdata/ output does include "rgIgnoredPackages" list but I don't know (yet) how to add subids to that.

I could do this but I'm too busy to do it at this time.

5 years ago*

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For anyone who wants to do this:

Could not get the script above working, but found a semi-working other solution, which I've fixed by rewriting the rate limiting stuff.
Here it is: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/504215-import-export-steam-ignore-list-v2
I'm using it with Tampermonkey on Firefox.

A list of appids could be exported via ESGST from https://www.steamgifts.com/account/settings/giveaways/filters. Make sure to have infinite scrolling enabled beforehand. Switch to the Games tab, scroll all the way to the bottom until ALL the ignored games are listed. Mass-select all via the Multi-manager (cogwheels, filled box). If you have thousands of ignored games, this is going to be painfully slow without any response, but just wait. After it completes, copy this to the custom format:


And start the process (Export to, pen).
Use the cogwheels again, now the box is filled with the ID's. Copy the result to a text editor, sort alphabetically, remove all the sub/id as those are to be handled differently (to be determined). Remove the app/ part via search/replace to empty, so you have only ids and a comma in every line like 12345, with absolutely NO whitespace before, between or after.

This list can be copied to the userscript's import box. Remove the comma from the last line, and DO NOT add a newline after (so the cursor shall be the end of the last line).

I'm doing it in blocks of 1000 games, but probably all-at-once should work too (previously I've reached the Access Denied page after around 100-200 games, but now no problem with 1000 games so far).

The Web Developer Console can be opened to check some progress. Removed games will trigger a 400 Bad Request, that's no problem (these will show up in the failed count). If error lines are coming fast with a different error code, that's gotta be the rate limiting again, which is going to need some tweaks then. If the rate limiter triggers, you won't be able to reach the store.steampowered.com page for about 5-15 minutes, but after that it should work again.

5 months ago

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tried getting a text file, but I can't figure this thing out. How do you do this?

5 years ago

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There's no direct feature for it. At least I haven't found one but you can use multi-manager and endless scrolling. Activate both, activate games in multi-manager, go to your sg filters page, load some pages with endless scrolling (I wouldn't do all at once if you have many hidden games), select all games in multi-manager, click on export to links or if you want you can use custom format. Everything will be added as text to the box. Just click copy and you have everything as text in your clipboard.

5 years ago

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thanks :D only seemed to be able to do 75 at a time though xD

5 years ago

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That's strange. I tested it with 6 pages loaded (150 games) and it worked with all for me. Another solution would be to ask rafael to implement a better feature for that extraction. I'm pretty sure he would do that.
Edit: OK just saw that you already did that.

5 years ago*

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That would be amazing, nice idea, I hope one day someone makes tool for it.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I was thinking of suggesting this myself, big fan of the idea.

5 years ago

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