Submissions closed, gathering data for voting to start.

Welcome to the first week of a new event lasting 12 weeks with each week 2 new connect-the-dot challenges!

The Eiffel Tower in JPG format

The Eiffel Tower in PDF format

Simply print (or use paint programs) and complete the connect-the-dots and submit your finished picture in this thread! For participating you will be invited to a special Steam group for GA rewards!

Here is an example:
Example of completed Dot-to-dot -St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia
Example of COLORED Dot-to-dot -used colored pencil, adding some detail

If you want to accept the ultimate challenge then add some coloring to your picture for next week voting will be done on colored submissions for winners and special GA entry!

Check HERE for details on your submissions and the event!

And don't miss out on the other challenge this week of Big Ben!

The EIFFEL TOWER Challenge!

Where: Paris, France
What: The Eiffel Tower is the most-visited paid monument in the world!

Watch the video on the Eiffel Tower for this event: Interesting facts

GOOD LUCK on the challenge! Create some breath-taking Eiffel Towers for some awesome GA wins!

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Very nice video!! Excellent job!

8 years ago

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I don't have a printer, can I participate using my trusty Photoshop for dot-connecting and coloring?

Also, dat ruleset o.O

8 years ago

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Yes! (posting a reply here as well in case others are wondering)

"color crayons, colored pencils, pastel, watercolor, color pen OR you can choose to use any computer program (Photoshop, Paint etc) to add color."

Basically, you're free to do whatever your imagination feels like. If you want to make a macaroni art on top of the lines, do so! :D

8 years ago

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Just sum up the rule set with...

"Have fun! Anything goes!"

8 years ago

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Don't miss out on the 2nd one as well, there's two running simultaneously. :)

8 years ago

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So every "puzzles" in these 12 weeks would be like this one?

8 years ago

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Yes, 24 different famous landmarks.

8 years ago

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So it's just kinda drawing contest where best painter wins?

8 years ago

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There's a leaderboard and people get to vote. But even just participating earns you points.

8 years ago

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Actually I miscounted... There are 26, so 13 weeks long.

8 years ago

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Since noone has posted any submission yet, here is mine:

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8 years ago

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Damn! You really know some ways of photoshop. Both of your work are so good :)

8 years ago

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Well, design is kinda his job.

8 years ago

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But I can't draw by hand. But a bit of imagination can get past the complete lack of a steady hand. If you can't draw within the lines, make it a design choice! ^^

8 years ago

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I never draw by hand, but I know there are different sizes and shapes of pencils, and then I just experiment until I'm happy and start pretty much just moving the hand back and forth hoping it will look nice. If it doesn't, Ctrl-Z. :P

8 years ago

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Wowowow! Show us how it's done!


8 years ago

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I like what you did a lot, are you using a tablet or just your mouse?

8 years ago

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Just the mouse. I'm too unsteady on the hand to draw anything nice. :P

8 years ago

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Here's mine

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8 years ago

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Nice creativity with using photos. :)

8 years ago

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Wow! Looks like an architectural drawing... So precise!

And additions of sky and bushes overlay is beaut!

8 years ago

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You should use png instead of jpg for this kind of stuff. Losless and may actually take less space than jpg.

8 years ago

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Jeff's the one that handles the scanning of the images, I would also have gone with png. :) However, the bad quality is because of the scanning from paper, not jpg-artifacts, so in this case it doesn't matter much.

8 years ago

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Here's my entry... if you go to it on imgur and it doesn't show up, just click on it and it should pop up.

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8 years ago*

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That's the straight to image link. :) Also, you've named it Big Ben, it's the Eiffel Tower. ;)

Awesome colouring though! Forget Alien vs Predator. We have Alien vs King Kong here!

8 years ago

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Love the additions of astronauts and aliens! Bravo!

8 years ago

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Here's my entry :D

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8 years ago

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Looks like a postcard you can buy on site from a local artist. You know, those things people used to send before we got MMS. ^^

8 years ago

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That is gorgeous!!

8 years ago

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Ahahah thanks! :D

8 years ago

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Here is my submission! This was fun!

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8 years ago

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Oh, wow. Someone went all out! :O

8 years ago

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This is a competition right? LOL... so I need to at least have a fighting chance....

8 years ago

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I need to up my game for next week. :)

8 years ago

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Wow that dramatic sky!! Is the apocalypse happening and i didn't get the memo? ;)

8 years ago

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0 effort since I don't even have a mouse here...

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8 years ago

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But you made it your own style, which gets my respect. :)

8 years ago

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How is it even possible without a mouse to do it?

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8 years ago

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I forgot to take my mouse on the trip so I did it with the touchpad.

8 years ago*

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bump for a nice and different challenge :)
and my entry ;)

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8 years ago

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Oh wow, those lights must have taken ages to put up there!

8 years ago

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It was fun and it's what always fascinated me on the Eiffel Tower.
I wanted to put more, but there is also a Big Ben to work on. ;)

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8 years ago

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Yeah, I started thinking about putting lights on mine as well, but decided it would be too much time to make it look appropriate for the style I used. coughLazycough

8 years ago

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Also just amazed at this piece!! Those lights beat out my tiny amount of lights!!

8 years ago

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I liked your lights, they are so bright and your sky is just stunning!!

8 years ago

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Lights are easy in Photoshop-- just RENDER/ Lens Flare

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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A cool thing about using a computer means you can see what the end result looks like without the dots and numbers.

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8 years ago

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I'm not sure if removing the connect the dots page is against the rules or not, so here it is with it. Most of the numbers got covered anyway so it doesn't really matter.

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8 years ago

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I'm not sure either actually, will have to talk with Jeff about it. Personally I'm putting the dots on a layer above and using multiply on it so it is seen over the coloring. One problem with painting over the dots layer is that you'll also remove the details in that image that are not the dots, like the beams going zic-zac in the tower.

You're not disqualified though. :)

8 years ago

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To leave or not to leave the dots is the question
I guess it should be up to the designers decision... the rule says that you must use the dot to dot to create your work-- not necessarily have it in the completed work

8 years ago

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Absolutely love your impressionistic technique, Tree!

8 years ago

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I'll be participating soon. In the mean time, have a bump. c:

8 years ago

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Cant wait to see your work!

8 years ago

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Don't forget to participate. :)

8 years ago

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Theres mine:

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8 years ago

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I don't think you could have done more accurate lines than that!

8 years ago

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Its definiitive better then my Big Ben version :>

8 years ago

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Wow this look so sharp

8 years ago

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Hey Nordhbane: Can you put in parenthesis after Interesting Facts something like "Watch the tailor-made video on Eiffel Tower for this event!"

I think people may not realize what they are missing.

8 years ago

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It's well worth watching. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, not getting a lot of views on it. :)

8 years ago

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Okay, I did this one as well... the top definitely was a bit more fidgety then the other one

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8 years ago

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Was a lot of tight dots, yeah. :)

8 years ago

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Drawn like a true architect!

8 years ago

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Not perfect by any means, just a quick sketch. Thanks for the fun task. :)

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8 years ago

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Feels inspired by that game, Killer is Dead.

8 years ago

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You know what might be neat? If we take all the designs at the end and make a quilt-like collage of all of them together...

8 years ago

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Wasn't intentional, just saw that many people went with the trees + sky coloring already and wanted to do something different. Black + red + white is a popular scheme, many famous things use it already, like Sin City for example. I was sort of thinking about all the crap that happened to Paris in the recent few years too, so I thought the red would suit it sadly. Well anyway, if I find the time I might fix the filling issues to make it a little better.

8 years ago

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Now it feels a bit morbid, with all that blood flowing under the tower. :O

8 years ago

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WOW! We are getting some really nice variety of designs...

8 years ago

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Thanks :)

8 years ago

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I like pen and paper, will print the tower and building tonight XD

8 years ago

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I did a thing... Kinda inspired by Phoxy's lights (:

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8 years ago*

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That is awesome, Imxn. The blinking looks extra special !!!!

8 years ago

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Darn, I was going to be first with animation in next week's challenge! ;D Thought about it too late and didn't want to change my submission.

8 years ago

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Now you gotta do a proper animation! Mine is just two frames, I'm sure that's nothing to you (:

8 years ago

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Yes, I planned something bigger, but I still wanted to be first. ;D

8 years ago

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EXCELLENT! I thought of blinking my lights but didn't want to go back and redo...

I like yours and Ill keep mine the way it is... don't want to burn myself out and in reality it's kinda like when you submit-- well it's a done deal.

8 years ago

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i spend 1 hr on this and it looks horrible compared to others

8 years ago

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Is it for some world event I'm not aware of? I know they light up famous buildings like that sometimes to honour countries.

8 years ago

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my brother's living in ethiopia right now so thats why i drew it that way so ii cant answer i dont know

8 years ago

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Well that's an honorary mention for you. :)

8 years ago

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Bump! Would love to see more entries!

8 years ago

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Heres my entry.

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8 years ago

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Steel rainbow, all the way! What does it mean?

8 years ago

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Bright and colorful!

8 years ago

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ok, found the time to do the second one too
but my skills did not increase since the first one xD

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8 years ago

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Is that bush hand-drawn or just a nice looking texture?

8 years ago

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those are my incredible skills with using paint xD

8 years ago

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Very nice!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Nordhbane.