So the question is: what could smartwatch do?
Complete the already quite extensive profile Big Brother Google has on you.
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No, Google says literally NOTHING. Don't be this troll who always sends to Google, and Google sends to the topic with the same question, people are asking for. How do You think I know about checking the mails, msgs, weather, clock etc? From fortune telling lady? No. From Google. I need real answer, not just some random things.
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I'm not into paranoia. I don't care as long as I'm not threatened. If this means I would have personalized ads, I don't care.
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It's not paranoia, you're saying it yourself: they profile you (and you enjoy it).
It means you have personalized ads, but it also means they know exactly who you are, what you think, what you searched for 5 years ago, which Youtube videos you watched 5 years ago, (many of) which sites you visited 5 years ago (notably via their Adsense/Analytics/ReCaptcha services), how to influence your spending (that's what personalized ads do), how to influence your vote, etc. And on top of that, you probably dox your contacts to them.
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It's funny how people don't seem to care Google has invaded their lives to the most intimate details as long as they get something from it, just because they don't have the imagination to figure out how all this can be used against them. And then they call us paranoid.
I think most people could use a 2 hour course on data mining and its many many uses.
And by the way, that's just the data they get through their own services (and always finding new ways to invade new corners of your life, like Google Home) because they also get data from anything we do on our Android phones using other apps and services.
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No, I don't enjoy it. I don't care.
And no, they don't know who I am. Not at all. What I think? Bah. This is what is called paranoia, so this is why I called it like that.
And why should I be scared that someone knows what video I watched few years ago or what have I searched? Why does it matter?
Influence my vote? I understand You can be sheeple, but I'm not.
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What I think? Bah. This is what is called paranoia
For instance, if you have a Twitter account, you can see here what they deducted about you: (if you want to navigate to there manually, it's in Settings > Your Twitter data > Interests from Twitter)
Twitter isn't the best example of course, as they collect way more limited data, but I don't know where to find similar stuff in Google and Facebook since I just don't use them.
And why should I be scared that someone knows what video I watched few years ago or what have I searched? Why does it matter?
Actually, it's not just "a few years ago". Now it's a few years ago (or maybe already a decade) because Big Tech's takeover of the Internet is recent, but in decades, well they will have decades of your detailed history. And maybe, one day, an evil government will take over, force Google or Facebook to give them the data they have on you, see that your thought profile contains illegal thoughts, and send you to the Gulag for it.
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The whole point of social media crap is to make you share the information about yourself. It's not somehow mysteriously mined, if you tweet about potatoes all day, everyone can see that you're interested in potatoes. It's what you wanted and got by using the service, broadcasting how lovely potatoes are to the whole world. Doesn't really matter if you're only using your own organic blog on home hosted server instead of huge corporate service, you're still the one who wants all that information to be public.
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I used Twitter as a basic example of how well profiling can work, even with limited data. Your activity on Twitter is (mostly) public indeed, although things like which tweets you clicked or not aren't public and yet play a part in profiling people too.
Obviously the same can be done without you sharing anything publicly by a company like Google, via your searches, the sites you visit, the data you give them to store "privately" (Google Doc, Google Drive, Google Photos...), your e-mails, etc, etc. They tried to make their own Facebook clone to gather even more data (Google+) the same way Twitter does (i.e., people sharing their interest about lovely potatoes publicly and directly on their servers), but they don't even need it.
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Yeah it hardly matters what service you use, if you use the Internet and put things there, they are there forever. You tell Google you love potatoes, they can sell this information to potato farmers who send you spam to go with the potatoes. You tell 4chan you love potatoes, your face will become the potatoperson meme that's spread everywhere there are potatoes. Which one of these sounds more dangerous when the day comes and tomato farmers take over the world and start massacring every potatolover they can find? Could it be that it's not any Big Tech people should actually be scared of but not having any clue on how the Internet works. :)
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Could it be that it's not any Big Tech people should actually be scared of but not having any clue on how the Internet works. :)
Could it be that people would realize the issue better if they all had a PhD in machine learning? Sadly, obviously this can't happen, and the GAFAMs sure are banking on it.
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It could also be that people would realize the issue is obvious if they had passed Common Sense 101. But with the same people funding Nigerian princes and ordering cheap Viagra online there is very little hope.
Actually I would prefer if they got the profiling right for the first time ever and started offering me stuff I'm actually interested in. Now it's like Amazon, you look at 1 item once for various reasons, none of which include actually wanting to buy it, and you get spammed about the same item or similar for all eternity. Then I could look at their personalized ads and maybe make them some money even for their troubles.
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So, Twitter is pretty wrong about my interests. Some, that are too obvious, like games are okay. But... why would I care that someone knows I like games? Is this life-threating information?
Well, You should be writing books for kids. Your imaginations is so good. But they are just fairy tales. This is, what is called paranoia. OH NO, THEY KNOW ABOUT ME, THEY WILL SEND ME TO GULAG. This is mental illness.
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As I said, I picked Twitter because that's the only one I had handy. And as I said (again), they collect way more limited data than, in particular, Google. If you manage to find similar data in your Google Account, it surely will be more accurate.
Your imaginations is so good. But they are just fairy tales
Sorry to tell you I'm not imagining much, I just worked in machine learning before it was cool. It helps get a nice idea of what can be done, you know...3
Imagine that fiction for a second: it's 1939, you're a little German man with a funny mustache who screams a lot and who wants to exterminate all Jews.
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What makes you think you are not threatened? Ask people who were arrested in China when Yahoo was forced to give the government access to their "database" back when yahoogroup was still a thing. They probably thought they weren't threatened either.
And by the way, if you think it only happens in China, with the current government in Poland, you should be worried.
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Because I live pretty fine. That's why.
China is state of mind.
And You said it Yourself. It only happens in dictatorships. As has Poland now.
So no, I don't have anything to be scared of. They will be sooner or later sentenced for what they did. Don't worry.
It's cute that people are not ironically saying that Google and everything is spying on people. This is just ridiculous. I don't care if they keep track of those things. This doesn't even have anything to do with my life. Keep Your propaganda for Yourself.
PS Also... DingDong2 said about influencing my vote. You are so influenced by this paranoia, that YOU do what others want You to do.
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So no, I don't have anything to be scared of. They will be sooner or later sentenced for what they did. Don't worry.
Sentenced by who?
I don't care if they keep track of those things.
As I was saying, you don't have imagination to be scared, it's cute.
Keep Your propaganda for Yourself.
It's a fact. It's not propaganda. If it makes you feel better to call us paranoid and to call reality propaganda, fine.
Ben Franklin said "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." and you give it up for what? cute apps and false "customization" you can leave without?
PS Also... DingDong2 said about influencing my vote. You are so influenced by this paranoia, that YOU do what others want
What who wants? I make up my own mind. I'm not reciting chapters from a book here, it's my own judgement. Paranoia is a mental disease, not just a pop psychology term you use to rebuff arguments you don't like. I'm not paranoid. I don't believe the Illuminati are out to get me. What I said here comes from facts that have been documented many many times by various credible sources and that you can verify yourself, if you care to. The fact that you do not doesn't mean I'm not right.
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Easier solution to all this is not to live in China, Russia, Best Korea, Usa or whatever other shitty country where the government is actively against the population instead of being their democratically elected reprentatives. Then you can safely tell Google what you fap to in the middle of the night and you aren't being sent to labor camps for it.
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Heh yeah if only it was that simple right? Look at Brasil. They just elected themselves a nice president who makes Trump look like a socialist. Even democracies can take the wrong turn quick. That's one of my problems with all this data mining. What's safe now may not be safe tomorrow and it's not just things that most people would think about like weird porn or semi-legal habits.
Before Hitler took over Germany, nobody would have thought being Jewish would become a crime. One of these days,, it might just be anyone who spoke out against Trump, or for/against abortion, people who like yoghurt or gamers, who suddenly become enemy #1, the next scapegoat. It doesn't take much for democracies to turn into dictatorships and they definitely would not have a second thought about commandeering all the information that exists on servers somewhere, to know who to target.
And look, I'm not naive. Sure, there's data mining everywhere (a little less now in Europe if you choose to not allow it) but why make it easier for them for a few apps and "personalized ads"? lol
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What if Google is the next Hitler and everyone who hasn't been using their services gets killed, have you thought about this very realistic scenario and prepared for it as well? What if the only way to prevent Brazilian abort clinic doctors from taking over the world in secrecy is to use Google to get information about their evil plans?
Also: What are personalized ads? Did someone forgot to take their adblocker this morning?
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LOL I took my adblocker so I'm fine. And I doubt Google will share their data with poor people like us but if you know a billionaire who can ask, maybe it's worth a try ;)
Now I have to work on my new tinfoil hat design for the Winter collection :P
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Also, Jews became hated by Christians the moment they killed Jesus and hating them wasn't anything new in 1940s Germany. This guy formed the Lutheran Church that's our biggest one. So it wasn't any kind of surprising back then or now, but for some insane reason it's OK to believe in hatred for others if an imaginary being tells you to, but not if a man does.
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Well they'd been hunted down in Eastern Europe already so it wasn't like they didn't know they weren't the most popular group but they weren't expecting the systematic rounding up and extermination although I do take your point.
I was always confused by that. I thought the Romans killed Jesus but I guess that was co-op gaming. Funny thing is I'm pretty certain he had a thing against the religious establishment and making religion a big public thing and hatred of everyone... I wonder what he'd think about the US and other righteous Christian politics today...
for some insane reason it's OK to believe in hatred for others if an imaginary being tells you to, but not if a man does.
Heh men find reasons to shoot at each other just fine without any kind of being telling them to. If they didn't have religion, it'd be football. BUT then you have people trying to love others no matter what so maybe we're not completely screwed yet. Maybe.
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The "Wake up sheeple" thing is a great party trick.
But what else do we do? Disable cookies? Doable. Disallow them to collect our info? Doable in the EU.
Would you rather pay them the $20 per month that you'd need to pay otherwise? Are you happier now that you're paying around 20€ for your ISP, 80€ for 5-20 websites per month and so on? Is that the better option? Or is the better option to have the internet as it is now and not have to pay anything in return for the fact that they know you're into Superbowl ads?
It's easy to say "THEY ARE SPYING ON YOU", but it's difficult to do anything or make up a new way of doing things. Everyone knows what you're saying. It's nothing new or controversial. Instead of acting like some enlightened being, perhaps you want to say something of value as an extra?
This doesn't help the conversation as this is the most forced comment you could make on the subject of smartwatches and even worse, you're preaching to the choir without adding anything to the conversation.
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Would you rather pay them the $20 per month that you'd need to pay otherwise? Are you happier now that you're paying around 20€ for your ISP, 80€ for 5-20 websites per month and so on? Is that the better option?
I think if you go ask a few questions on the privacy reddit, you'll find that no it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to avoid most of Google (the hardest parts being Android and ReCaptcha), not to mention Facebook (globally totally avoidable) and Amazon (ditto).
Actually, Fastmail is cheaper, for the services that I use, that Gmail's offer for a similar (actually, inferior) level of service (namely, several custom domains and many aliases). And that's pretty much all I pay for. Google Search replacements? Free. Google Maps replacements? Free. Youtube replacement? I don't give a damn about videos, but there are a few
you're preaching to the choir without adding anything to the conversation.
I'm pretty sure I'm not preaching to the choir on a site centered around Steam.
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you'll find that no it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to avoid most of Google (the hardest parts being Android and ReCaptcha), not to mention Facebook (globally totally avoidable) and Amazon (ditto).
Oh, of course it doesn't cost to avoid Google. But that's not the question, is it? The point was that they collect data on you. And that's also done with other service providers. What makes you think that all the other sites don't use:
1) Google itself with its adsense, search engine listings and sharing data with them
2) systems to monitor your activity to provide you with, drumroll personalized ads.
The issue is that the world isn't free. It costs a lot of money to run websites. Server upkeep, bug fixing, support centers, QA testing, PR people, regular maintenance, management, properties to house all those people, custodian costs and utilities. Who pays for that? You won't, as you've said. You only pay for your email, yet you expect those other companies to just make their money appear out of thin air. You're focusing on avoid a single company, yet most sites are involved with Google one way or another. Most ads these days come from Adsense. Adsense takes your data. Will you now avoid 2.7 million websites (65.9% marketshare)? Well, maybe you want to go after Google Ads? I mean, they're the second place with 18.36%... oh wait, that's also Google. Right, okay, next one. Bing Ads? Well, I guess that's your saviour here since Bing doesn't... wait, nah, it definitely takes your data if you look at their privacy policy. Everything else has less than 2% marketshare.
So if sites can't make money off ads and not from your data, then what do they make money from? And don't get me wrong, there are a few sites that just don't show ads and don't do anything and pay out of their own pocket, but wishing for that for anyone other than a small host for a small site is a bit naive.
But as you said, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg and I agree. Facebook sold our data for $12 per person regularly to many bidders.
So how much will you pay them? To make it worthwhile for them and all. Plus, you have to remember, companies aren't interested in being able to keep themselves going. They want profit. For a good reason.
The privacy subreddit has good points and good ideas overall, but they're also completely naive. Half the time they expect people to just charge them enough for upkeep and nothing more. But that's not how the world works. It's good to have ideals and dreams, but they're not that real all the time.
Also, it's preaching to the choir. People know of these issues. They just decide to accept it or ignore it.
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What makes you think that all the other sites don't use:
1) Google itself with its adsense, search engine listings and sharing data with them
That's why I said Google collects so much data. Adsense plays a big part in this (although Analytics and ReCaptcha just as much)
2) systems to monitor your activity to provide you with, drumroll personalized ads.
I really don't get why it's so hard for people to understand the scale problem, or as Cory Doctorow put very nicely, "Big Tech's problem is Big, not Tech". If there were like 20 little Googles doing independently what Google does now, each with 1/20th of the users Google currently has, I would still have a little issue with this on a personal level but I wouldn't call it a global disaster either. For instance, Yandex.
Also worth noting, you can serve relevant ads without profiling users. By serving ads related to the page contents. Which is exactly how Google Adsense started. It was nice, then.
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Yeah, but your data has been collected for a long time now. Since 2005, in fact. But let's count that out and just take the year it became really popular. 2006 or if you need even more of a buffer, 2007 is the furthest you can really go.
All they're doing now is using that data for personalized ads. All it is is them doing something that is more noticeable to you. Your data was collected when "It was nice" according to you. You just didn't notice your data being collected and because of that, you didn't mind. Now they collect pretty much the same data (your clicks, your time on the site, your focuspoints, your searches, what pages do you visit, what number are they on, if it was an ad, if you exited the ad quickly or not, if you bought what was advertised, what things you buy and so on).
Also, you mentioned that the companies are too big. I agree. But what can you do about it? You weren't interested in the last 11-13 years and are just claiming that it wasn't like it when it obviously was. Google won't just say "Well, okay, we'll just fire 95% of our staff, relocate to a small office building, burn our money and dull our skills so Bing can come in and do it all again".
What's happening sucks. I doubt many people disagree on that point. But this has been where we're going for over a decade now. But I guess in the end your issue isn't with the data collection and the invasion of your privacy (which you can do a lot about in the EU by directly asking them, disabling cookies and also by using 3rd party tools like VPNs, adblockers and so on) but instead the issue for you seems to lie in you being recommended Total War Warhammer after searching for deals on the game. A fair point, I guess. But it entirely misses the point of the whole thing.
Also, this still doesn't make this conversation less forced into this topic.
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Yeah, but your data has been collected for a long time now. Since 2005, in fact. But let's count that out and just take the year it became really popular. 2006 or if you need even more of a buffer, 2007 is the furthest you can really go. All they're doing now is using that data for personalized ads. All it is is them doing something that is more noticeable to you. Your data was collected when "It was nice" according to you.
Machine learning in 2003 (the year AdSense started) vs machine learning in 2018. Two completely different worlds (okay, not completely different in theory, but really, really different in practice).
Also I didn't mean Google was generally nice, I just meant that the idea of targeting ads based purely on page contents (which is precisely what AdSense, or "content targeting advertising" was about when it launched) was nice. And remember the context: Google was not a lot more than a search engine selling ads tailored to search keywords (Gmail, Google Maps, Android, Youtube, ReCaptcha, etc. didn't exist). We couldn't guess how invasive they would become a few years later, although the very recent acquisition of Blogger was worrying indeed.
What's happening sucks. I doubt many people disagree on that point.
OP disagrees. Someone else who replied above disagrees. Many people's actions disagree. Including yours, apparently ("oh it sucks, but let's do absolutely nothing about it")
But this has been where we're going for over a decade now.
Yes, so? Are you implying that it makes it okay, or that I suddenly started caring about this after last Sunday's sermon?
You weren't interested in the last 11-13 years
And your evidence for that is... ?
But I guess in the end your issue isn't with the data collection and the invasion of your privacy but the issue for you seems to lie in you being recommended Total War Warhammer after searching for deals on the game
You got that backwards, and I don't know how you managed this because I even went so far as to have a nice word for targeted ads based on page contents as opposed to profiling. I don't know how I could have been clearer...
Targeted ads are a consequence of profiling, they are an issue in themselves for easily influenced people, but you can just hide them after all. The profiling, however, is a lot harder to block from such a sprawling company: can't really escape from ReCaptcha, people writing to you from Gmail, Android because the Librem 5 still isn't there, and forms that can only be filled via Google Forms, to name a few.
this still doesn't make this conversation less forced into this topic.
Not sure what you mean there. OP wants to find an excuse to buy a smartwatch because they apparently want one for the sake of having one but don't even see a use for it. Pointing out the obvious drawback of that kind of device seemed... obvious. Then you come along with your "without adding anything to the conversation", so here I am, adding things to the conversation.
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Biggest problem with the tinfoil scenario for me is that for some people the biggest problem with a new Hitler rising to power and starting to randomly execute people is that they might personally become targets based on what they have done online before. Otherwise it's perfectly fine and nothing to worry about as long as you haven't used any Google service. I'll still rather live in a civilized country where that just doesn't happen using Google all I want because I don't have to care.
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Google and other sites collected your data then as well. Just because they didn't utilize it in a way that you notice it, doesn't mean it didn't exist then.
Including yours, apparently ("oh it sucks, but let's do absolutely nothing about it")
Well, you haven't read a single thing I've said, have you? Well, you haven't thought about it at least. I literally said that what you're saying is a cool party trick, but it's of no use. You're pretending like you're doing something, but in reality you're not. I said that perhaps you want to provide a solution because I'm not smart enough to provide one. You ignored it. I said it again at one point and that was also conveniently ignored. Yeah, the issue is bad and something needs to be done. But you're not saying much. "Use a different website" well, cool, but I might need to attend university still and use different tools made available by Microsoft, Google, Bing or someone else mainstream.
Yes, so? Are you implying that it makes it okay, or that I suddenly started caring about this after last Sunday's sermon?
No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that it has been an issue for that long and yet you literally said "Also worth noting, you can serve relevant ads without profiling users. By serving ads related to the page contents. Which is exactly how Google Adsense started. It was nice, then.", showing me that either you only care when you see your data being taken or you just recently found out about this and think that this stuff didn't happen before.
And your evidence for that is... ?
Simple. Everything that you say. You've multiple times insinuated that this is a recent development. As if companies didn't take your data before for monitoring. Literally this same comment had you say that "Machine learning in 2003 (the year AdSense started) vs machine learning in 2018. Two completely different worlds (okay, not completely different in theory, but really, really different in practice)", "Also I didn't mean Google was generally nice, I just meant that the idea of targeting ads based purely on page contents (which is precisely what AdSense, or "content targeting advertising" was about when it launched) was nice." and "Google was not a lot more than a search engine selling ads tailored to search keywords (Gmail, Google Maps, Android, Youtube, ReCaptcha, etc. didn't exist). We couldn't guess how invasive they would become a few years later, although the very recent acquisition of Blogger was worrying indeed.".
Maybe you really did care and for some reason you're just saying the same things over and over again, then forgetting the past few years and then saying basic things over and over again and pretending that it all of a sudden barely happened or something. Stuff like "Google was not a lot more than a search engine" after the year 2005 and stuff. It's kind of indicative that you're not really aware of what was happening then. It's like you forgot that Youtube, Google Ads (not AdSense...), Google Analytics and so many other sites like this were starting up or already had started and even were already very popular. You only notice the surface level stuff like targeted ads, yet ignore everything else around it and pretend like it's fine because you don't see a direct consequence like you do with targeted ads.
So, yeah, you present that evidence comment after comment. Logically thinking, it's unlikely that you'd be still so surface level with your critique of Google and barely anything about any other site (briefly mentioned Facebook). If you've been in this topic for a while, then why are you basically saying the same stuff that has been mentioned by the articles that were popular for a hot minute with different media sites?
I mean, it's possible, but I think it says a lot in and of itself if it actually did turn out that you've been into this topic for a long time.
You got that backwards, and I don't know how you managed this because I even went so far as to have a nice word for targeted ads based on page contents as opposed to profiling. I don't know how I could have been clearer... Targeted ads are a consequence of profiling, they are an issue in themselves for easily influenced people, but you can just hide them after all. The profiling, however, is a lot harder to block from such a sprawling company: can't really escape from ReCaptcha, people writing to you from Gmail, Android because the Librem 5 still isn't there, and forms that can only be filled via Google Forms, to name a few.
How'd I guess it? I guessed it through your surface level analysis of this whole thing.
Profiling and targeted ads are connected. All targeted ads are profiling, all profiling isn't about targeted ads. Those two things are highly connected and it's the main difference between now and, say, 2007 are targeted ads. You've been ignoring them doing almost entirely the same things in the past by saying that Google was so nice and fun then, but they still did the same things.
Also, you're now just on about their marketshare, which has little to do with the original comment and the original post. You're the one who thought to elaborate your hidden meanings, so it's good to be at fault with something that had nothing to do with the original conversation. But just to humor you, yes, it's big. I've mentioned it too. Big whoopie. Not a huge revelation considering how much you yourself downplayed it and how I had to mention that over 84% of ads are from Google and how you can't avoid them right now.
Just because I'm critical of your hypocrisy, doesn't mean that I'm against the cause. You purposefully downplay what Google used to do. You now dramatize what they're doing now. You're giving solutions that involve doing the same thing on a different site because you don't know that Google embeds itself in different sites all the time and you also don't realize that most sites need to make money and those who make money through ads use one of these services.
So yeah, I'm with the cause. It's just that you're not really aware of the cause yet. You're basically peddling the sensationalist media narrative that took place and you've evolved nowhere.
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Profiling and targeted ads are connected. All targeted ads are profiling
So, my attempt at making clear that targeting based on page contents isn't the same thing as targeting based on a profile apparently went straight into the void.... And yet I am the one who hasn't thought about this hard enough? 🙄
Just because I'm critical of your hypocrisy
What hypocrisy? Name a Google service I do use, besides those I cited as unavoidable in my above post.
So yeah, I'm with the cause
And what cause is that? The cause of trolling anyone who advises to use Google a least a bit less unless they've been living in a disconnected cave since 1991?
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hmm interesting... for the app google playstore needed?
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i'm not sure i understood your question xD
You need app on phone to set notification (email. messages, calls)
Also you can set minimum number of steps per day - i have 8000 (and you will recieve notifications when u done it)
Ofc you can track your walking on google map
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Thanks for the infos...
What i ment is if the app needs to be downloaded via Google Playstore or can i get the app on their site...?
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google playstore or apple store
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ah thanks... since my smartphone is android but google free i have to bypass it...
just wanted to know it before go to buy one... checking band 2 & 3 out now... :)
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i bought it 2 month ago and everything works good (first month i used it with phone Xiaomi, and last three weeks with iphone.
Probably u should try Band 3, you can ask tobimori about his expirience with this (comment above).
As for Band 2 battery - 63% left after 13 days of using (see on screenshot)
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It doesn't require Google's services, you can download it from APKPure or Aptoide for instance:
Comment has been collapsed. is suggested from some big magazine here and what data should i care about...?
no offense just want to know...
EDIT: got f-droid as suggestion and will go with that... thanks for any help... :3
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I use alarm clocks, even if I have silent mode, it still give the sound. Also I am awake usually hours before the alarm starts, so... this feature is unneeded for me. Also, even If I wasn't awake before clock, I still literally immediately go up when the alarm starts. Like a reflex.
But can smartwatch do something else? Except those notification thingies? Also how does the calling works? You just see the call both in smartphone and smartwatch or what? Does both devices give You a ringtone? This could be a bit useful, however I would like the device that isn't cheap have more to offer.
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My dad has that. There have been some glitches with the app on his weak Android phone, but otherwise it seems to be a great device.
In all honesty, I've been looking into getting the MI Band 3 for a while now, since it has some neat stats and just overall useful info on it. It's not a priority for now though.
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its a gadget and I also dont need it but you can get cheaper ones than $300
so I quote wiki
Peripheral devices may include digital cameras, thermometers, accelerometers, pedometers, heart rate monitors, altimeters, barometers, compasses, GPS receivers, tiny speakers, and SD cards, which are recognized as storage devices by many other kinds of computers.
I guess you can also play mp3s with some... PS: oh wait "tiny speakers" cover that I think
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Actually I've seen this description. But I won't buy any electronic device from lower tier than high. I got few smartphones. Low tier, low-mid tier... and I wasn't content at all. But when I bought S8+ it was like something more than just a smarphone. The year passed and few months maybe and I still can't be amazed by how amazing this phone is. I never was excited even 1% as much for a new phone.
This is all or nothing. I don't buy half-good things. I prefer to pay more to be sure it's good, done with good elements, won't broke after a week or month and won't start lagging for no reason.
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Beside the high price vs limited usefulness, the daily recharging has to be the biggest deterrent for me.
The now defunct Pebble 2 had a good thing going with a battery that could hold for a week, but this was mostly due to the limited capabilities of the watch itself.
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I would want some kind of smart watch, but mostly for heart rate monitor, sport tracking, and tracking my movement in general (for when I go bike riding, tracking, mountain trailing). I want precise trails I take, with elevation and such..
But I would go for Gamini or something of that sort..
I get that phone itself can do these things, but that just drains phones battery too fast for me, I would prefer to go for a seperate device that does what I want..
Anyhow - dont have such disposable money at the moment, so thats just on "want to" bases..
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Tracking when I'm riding is okay. But I don't care about "health things" cause they are so fake. I mean... You are not healthier just because You are walking with the smart watch, right? It can be helpful but it's not only that to be healthy.
Can Smart watch use Google Maps? GPS etc? Would be cool.
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Well, thats exactly how I mean it - it gives you information so you can keep track of it.. Hearth rate is quit important when doing sports anyhow..
About maps - Im not complitely sure, but when we tracked Tatra mountains this summer, buddy of mine had Garmin smartwatch. After the trip he had access to map where the tracks we took where highlighted in detail.
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Yes. Heart rate is important when You DO sports. But this statement is wrong: "You do sports because You keep track of heart rate". And people think they are healthy just because they keep track of those stats. That's what I mean.
It looks just like stats Google gave me after a day when I was going on a city trip with a friend. It's not really what I would like to... First, it's not that much accurate (it said I was in some random place that was kilometers away from when I was really), second... it's not showing the way at the time. It means I would still need smartphone to show me the way when I don't know where to go.
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No, this is not true. Motivate? People keep lying to themselves they are motivated. They can do that without counter too. So why they didn't? Just going stairs instead of an elevator is not the same as training. And by 1-2 months most of users will be bored by this feature and they stop "taking stairs instead of an elevator". For me this is the biggest lie, people are telling themselves. Second biggest. First is... New Year's resolutions. People are people. They are lying just to pleasure themselves. Sad, but ufortunately true. And the thing is the same - nobody needs resolutions (nor smartwatch) to do what they want. So this motivations is a fake.
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It sounds like this. Smart watch has some cool features, but... it's not something I need that bad... I search for the thing I would be really glad to have.
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I got a (Xiaomi) Huami Amazfit BIP international for ~50$, kind of the bigger brother of the Mi Band. It has a bigger e-ink display, so you can read your notifications better and the battery needs recharging less than once a month.
For me it was worth buying, just to get important notifications when my phone is silent, i'm in a loud enviroment or when i don't have it on me (the notification will then pop up when i get close to my phone again).
Others use it as fitness tracker (GPS routes, heartrate monitor, step counter), i could not care less about those features.
One thing kept me from buying a smartwatch before: the original apps have all this sensitive data (tracking, health, call list, notifications (including snippets of your mails, messenger communication and so on)), while silently sending encrypted, thus unknown, data home to the manufacturer in china. The app "gadgetbridge" is what lead me to buy one in the end. It is an open source alternative that supports a lot of smartwatches with most native functions, while it does not have network access (!).
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I would care about GPS functions. But does this read Google Maps too? Or some kind of... "compass". I say where I want to go, and it shows me the way.
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While there are smartwatches that can give a live navigation on a map (google maps too with android wear), i don't think you get one for a reasonable (to my taste) price. The BIP can not by default do navigation, the GPS is used to record your training-tracks if wanted.
What it can do, at least with the gadgetbridge, is updating the notifications Open Street Maps generates, like "Turn left at x Street". I found it hard to follow only by notif and more practical to pick up my phone in the rare cases i need navigation on foot. On a bike i think it would be too much of a distraction and impractical due to the size and missing map background.
A compass it has build in by the way.
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Uhm... not really what I want to have... But okay, thanks.
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Cheaper = worse. I know that too much. I got only 3 phones in my life, I was happy with. Morotola C200, Nokia 6700 and Samsung Galaxy S8+. While Motorola wasn't really top tier phone, neither Nokia was... I got two smartphones before the S8+... they were trash. They have issues with memory that kept being eater by literally nothing. I removed some apps, and I got less and less space. Ridiculous. And apps were lagging. Not compatible with pretty most apps from the Store... No, I won't make this mistakes anymore. I won't buy anything crap tier. Top tier Smartwatch or no smartwatch. Other options = wasting the money.
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No, I asked one simple question - what is smartwatch for. What functions does it have. I still didn't get much answers. Only few people of a lot told me... unfortunatelly mostly about what I knew. I should have specify what functions I know about. But still... when I ask "what sw is for", I don't need "don't buy 300$, buy cheaper". This isn't helpful. Cause I still don't know what sw is for. I just know few general features.
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Samsung smartwatches are really overpriced. You can get Xiaomi fit bands for less than one third of the price that does basically the same things.
That said, if you're into running and monitoring your health it can be used as a heart monitor, keep track of distance, calories and other fitness stuff. Other than that, it acts as an extension of your smartphone by getting notifications, alarm clock and, well... it's still a watch.
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I prefer reliable device. I am glad with my S8+ as never was with any other phones. And my previous smartphones were just trash. And they weren't the cheapest.
Also Samsung would be more compatible with Samsung, isn't it right? I don't want to experiment, don't want to risk I will buy another crap device, just because I didn't buy the top tier from the beginning.
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Don't buy one if you don't even know why you might want one. That sounds like being a fashion victim or succumbing to peer pressure. Have a look at the features advertised on the Samsung site and if that doesn't excite you, spend your money on something that does. I liked the heart rate monitoring features of a Fitbit watch I used to have (the log of sleeping heart rate was useful for demonstrating the effectiveness of specific antibiotics on a long-term infection, and the fact that I had an infection, in the face of poor medical care) but not enough to bother trying to get another warranty replacement after the fourth hardware failure.
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But that's why I ask what it can do........
Fashion victim? No, that really doesn't sound like this. If it was, I would buy it like 10 years ago, not planning to do today.
And I don't care about "advertised" features. This is all bs. This is what fashion victim would do. Believing in fake description full of cool words. I want the REAL knowledge. Not advertised knowledge.
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Fair enough. I understand that you want real world feedback on what people have genuinely found useful, not just what the manufacturer wants you to like, but by the same token, Samsung's marketing department would be doing an exceptionally poor job if the features that people love weren't included in the advertising literature. Anyway, I hope that either someone here can tell you why they love their smartwatch and you can decide whether that is relevant to you, or there are enough negative responses to let you know that people don't actually love them.
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I actually hoped that SW is spomething more... and it really seems like it just duplicate what smartphone do. It can be useful but... still struggling.
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Yeah, I haven't really looked into it but the only functionality I can imagine it really adding (over a waterproof wrist-mounted phone) are things incorporating heart rate monitoring, which can actually be really useful for sport and fitness training, as well as sleep and health monitoring, but is not important to everyone. It seems like a lot of the other features either duplicate phone functionality or remotely control your phone, but people these days almost always keep their phones with them, so I'm not sure how useful that is. Maybe it would be useful if you do a lot of sailing (in places that have phone coverage) and like to keep your phone stowed in a waterproof compartment but still want to use it for some reason. :-/
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unless you need it for something actually reasonable like tracking cycling or running all these things do is make you look like a moron.
nothing beats an actual watch.
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It's one of those things you either get because you know you need it for a particular purpose, or because you like gadgets and can spare the money. In the latter case a lot of people find them useful, but regardless they're not exactly world-changing devices. Mildly convenient. For some people that's worth the price, for some it isn't, for some it's just fun to play with.
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That's why I asked what the watch can actually do. I want to know If I want the thing or not. Most people didn't answer the actual question saying I can buy for cheaper or I shouldn't buy If I don't know what it can do... People are not really helpful these days. If I ask what is purpose of a thing, I want to know the purpose, not evading the answer to say some idelogy, people like to add...
I think it has some cool features, but I want to know what it can exactly do.
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I find it easier and more efficient to check things on my phone directly than through a "smartwatch". It might look cool but I don't find the technology mature enough to be worth it and I've checked quite a bunch of them. For the time being, a smartwatch is just a dumb little brother of a smartphone that mostly relies on its big brother for full functionality.
You always have to make some compromises along the way to suit your usage and at the end of the day you realize many things are just for show off, not needed, inaccurate, not used or rarely useful and unworthy of the premium price.
All in all, this is my opinion on this subject. Your mileage may vary. If you find one useful, go for it. As long as you're happy with your choice, nothing else matters. You could go in a showroom or a shop and try one or more and see if you consider one useful for your usage because you could hate a model that everyone else loves or love one that everyone else hates.
That being said, make sure to buy smart, stay informed and make your own choices that suit yourself.
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I know it's more paying for coolness than actual features... I completely know it need smartphone for full functionality... But what I need to know, if there is some things (actually I found few I would use) I would like to have.
I'm still confused... cause I both want it for those few things, but in other hand I still search for something better. Actuall it's very similar to me an Discord Nitro. I would like to buy it, cause the features are cool, but it lacks some major feature that would prevail over this.
Also... I would like to be well informed... but people didn't really answer my question here. Most of them wasn't happy I aksed a question. Cause how I dare. All I wanted was just... know if there is a feature I would love to have. The one that would make me sure to want this. And people are mean cause I shouldn't want something If I don't know what it does... but that's the point... I just want to know what t does.
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Try to get a Mi Band 3 which is a nice introduction to the smart watch world. Then wait a few months and you'll decide that: 1) the Mi Band is enough and the smart watch would be a waste of money, plus you'd have to charge it too often for little gain; or 2) you don't even want the Mi Band that much, let alone a smart watch, and stop using it.
A new Mi Band 3 goes for $30 at most.
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I'm pretty sensitive with low tier electronics. I don't believe them. I had a smartphone that wasn't cool. Then a better smartphone that wasn't cool either. Then a S8+ that was formidable. I prefer to buy top tier things, at least if it's about electronics. Cause I am sure it's made from best components and it has the best features. Waterproofing and other things. And is compatible.
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Paying 20$ for broken thing is burning a hole.
Paying 300$ for reliable device isn't.
You know... it's better to buy something that actually works, otherwise You "save" the money but got nothing. I can save 280$... but still lost 20$ and got nothing at all.
I don't have faith in cheap electronics. I was disappointed by such already. So I want to pay more, to be sure I buy something good.
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I don't have faith in cheap electronics.
You're the best customer for consumer electronics companies, they love people who buy their top-tier products, for no apparent reason. You claim that cheap electronics are not reliable but you're lying to yourself because in Europe we have 15-day dead-on-arrival guarantee and a total 2 years guarantee if it breaks along the way. So if you buy something cheap and breaks, you go service it and then just use it, sell it or gift it.
Also, buying a less expensive product gives you the opportunity to test new technologies to see if they suit your everyday life, without worrying much. If you buy a $30 smartwatch and after a couple of weeks it feels rubbish (for you), you'll gift it to a friend and there's no big harm. But if you pay half a month's salary to get a plastic nothing-at-all, you'll regret it every day. Don't get me wrong here, we all want to buy expensive products, but we either don't have the money to afford or we don't want to pay for extra features we won't make use of. And that's why you get mixed information in your question, simply because we all don't want the same .
I'd suggest you go downtown to your mall or electronics store where they have sample products to see them in action, touch them, ask the employees about their features, one of them might give you a feature nobody else thought worth mentioning here.
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My god. You must be troll. So many hatred towards me, because I pay more for quality. No apparent reason? You are just being damn stubborn for no apparent reason. Even though I said many argument FOR why I prefer top tier. Yet You ignore those facts and say bs, because it fits Your wrong opinion.
You are really naive if You think, broken screen of a low tier phone would be fixed by guarantee. Sorry, but they won't.
Also I've told You a story about what I bought from low tier and low-mid tier products. Yet You still prefer to say Your copy-paste bs about how low tier products are not bad and top tier are bad because You pay for nothing. you are so naive. You are just anti-company hater. I own S8+ and am fully amazed by what it can do and what it doesn't do. How features, that are NOT in the lower tiers devices are cool, and how solid and generally well made it is. It's waterproof, it won't broke for nothing, has bigger battery, is updated more often, don't lag, don't have errors, have everything compatible with no problems, has great camera and all. Yet You keep saying this rubbish about how top tier devices are the same as mid or even low tier ones, just overpaying. YOU ARE WRONG and that's the fact. Top tier products are not just same products but for more money. And If You don't want to believe it, it's Your choice. You can even believe that GMO is bad as well as vaccines are. Stubborn people think what will fit their beliefs, not what is really right.
Also I've said it already... I've tested low tier smartphones and they were bad. They were more like dumbphones. And S8+ is amazing with the fullest meaning of this word. I couldn't even imagine S8+ being that good. Yet You tell me this is just the same as my old phones but more expensive? That's not true. Buy something good in exchange once. You will see the difference of quality. It may be overpaying, but overpaying for way way way better thing. Also... how can You know that lower tier smartwatch is the same as top tier? You used both tiers? Or You just keep saying nonsense just because this is Your worldview that big bad companies are stealing the money?
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I totally understand your point. I was more making a joke, while trying to also make a point. You don't need a smart watch, no one does. It doesn't add any new features that revolutionize the phone.
If you're going to buy a smart watch, I totally agree with you that you should get a good one. But if you can't think of a reason why you would need a smart watch, it's probably because you don't. So unless that $300 is burning a hole in your pocket, just save it towards something else.
And if it is burning a hole in your pocket, and you need to spend it, you could always use that money to make some great SG giveaways. ;)
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You know. Nobody also needs a TV set. Nobody needs a pet. Also most of toys are really really poor and I don't understand why people are interested in them.
So yeah. Smartwatch isn't necessary, but it has feature people (and I) would use. But I'm still searching for some feature that would tell me - I really want it.
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Just get a MiBand 3 with NFC. It's useful as a watch and to receive notifications on your wrist in case your phone is on silent or not on you. The heartrate monitor and footsteps tracker are also nice if you want to keep track of that sort of thing. The NFC version I believe allows you to do contactless pay, which might be useful. Regardless, at 30€ or less, it's a fantastic gadget that actually does something useful for a decent price rather than being a show-off piece of clunk with no real useful features.
Now, before you give me the "cheap electronics are bad" talk I've seen you post on other comments here, let me tell you that that's just not true at all. Xiaomi is well known for high quality devices at much lower price points than rival companies and have been carving a chunk of the market for sometime now on the back of that. I've had a MiBand 2 for about 2 years now and it works as well as it did on day one, having only now had to replace the bracelet (which cost me like 1€ to do) and every piece of equipment of theirs I've had or had the opportunity to test was rather impressive and they really show that you don't need to bend over to Samsung's or some other companies highway robberies to get a decent phone for instance. For basic fitness tracking and to get notifications on your wrist, the MiBand 2 or 3 are by far the best option on the market when you take the price into account and I can't recommend it enough, even if someone doesn't think they need it, it's a nice little quality of life improvement, and after having grown so accustomed to it I don't think I could go back to not having one.
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I never broke any device in my life. Im not clumsy. I don't know how people can just juggle with their phones. It's most of the time their own fault. Also there is something called protection. And... more expensive smartphone has harder glass. And it works... Actually I have my S8+ fall into the floor... with the screen at the bottom. And... guess what. NOTHING happened. So no, this is just bs talk. I paid for quality. I doubt my old phone would survive the same fall.
Also... how do You... break smartwatch? oO It sounds quite impossible. If You don't throw it with full power into a wall at least.
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Hmmm, You say some really convincing things... however... You are wrong in one point. Features are not the only things more expensive gadgets have. They are also made from better materials, they are more waterproof etc. Their screen is more difficult to break. And actually this is what is very important thing to me.
I had my S8+ fallen into a floor. Screen hit the ground. Nothing happened. Do You think, some cheap smartphone would survive that too?
That's exactly why I prefer overpriced things. Cause they are not just overpriced. If I can have wooden home for 20$ or brick for 1000$, I prefer brick.
However I will check the MiBands.
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Wait... You have phone in Your hand when You are playing baseball? Pretty dumb idea.
Also... contrary to popular memic stupid opinion, Nokia would be a garbage if hit by a full speed baseball. So it doesn't matter.
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They 100% would. Xiaomi phones use Gorilla glass, same as Samsung and are made of metal. IPX rating will vary between phones of course, but they're at least water resistant, if not proof. Tho I would call that a feature.
It really comes down to more features and better hardware, but with an aggressive application of the law of diminishing returns and only power users will get to actually make use of all that hardware. If not for pure flexing and a poorly informed general market, expensive phones wouldn't be quite as popular since you're not getting your money's worth out of them.
On that note, the MiBand is waterproof, I've gone swimming with it many times, both pool and ocean and it's pretty damn tough too, I've smacked it into walls on multiple occasions and it's not even scratched.
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MiBand looks bad. I would like the thing I buy at least look cool.
Also, it's pretty strange cause someone was trying to imply that his smartwatches kept braking with any ocassion, which Isaid would be impossible. Also... it's pretty hard to brake a watch, if You don't literally intentionally throw or smash. It's unusual for phones to fall and break, so the watch is quite impossible to do that, as it's attached to You.
Also... I somehow doubt cheap smartwatches wouldn't lag at all. My S8+ didn't lag single time and I got it a year ago? Or 1,5 year. So I just want to be sure I buy something that will work as it should not only first day, but also years after I bought it. Would cheap watches be able to accomplish that? I somehow doubt it's only about the price. The price, even if a bit over worthness, still give some quality. Mor expensive things are better, maybe not that much better, but are better.
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If you want something that looks good get a proper watch, that's pretty much all they're for now.
The MiBand is a utilitarian gadget, it's not something you get to show off or to use as an addition to your wardrobe. It's a convenient way to keep track of notifications, time and whatnot in a small and practical formfactor.
Cheap smartwatches, and by cheap i mean REALLY cheap, like those 20/30€ ones, will be absolute ass. But the whole point here is finding a proper balance between quality and price. The more expensive stuff is never worth the price, but the cheapest shit is also never worthwhile. This goes for everything in tech, be it PC parts, smartphones, smartwatches, TVs... That's why no one is telling you to go and buy a cheap smartwatch, you'd just junk that would break in little time. The smartbands are a good alternative if you want utility.
And again, in the case of cheap phones, no, if you get something with quality parts and build it'll work fine. My girlfriend got a 4X for about 100€ a year or so ago and it's still going strong. It's not exactly a powerhouse, never was, but has maintained performance, because there's actual control in production and they use parts from reputable brands, like Snapdragon CPUs or Samsung cameras. If you got something from some obscure brand like Cubot or Dogee or something like that, then yeah, you'll probably have performance issues after some time since they don't support their products after release and update firmware and use less reputable manufacturers like Mediatek.
Paying more for a smartphone you get a more powerful CPU, that you will probably not really get a whole lot of use out of in terms of performance unless, as i said before, you're a poweruser, and stuff like face unlock or curved screens. Sure, that's nice, but is it worth the price? You should just be looking for a good phone for a good price from a reputable company that will support it for some time.
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Maybe useful if you can choke someone with it , other then that its probably crap for me i always break watches but never broke a phone.
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H-how can the watch be broken? It sounds unbelievable that something that can't even fall can break.
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I mean... I am pretty green with this topic. I don't really know what they are for.
Okay, You can link them to the phone and can see the clock, messages, mails... that's it? Can they do something more cool or I shall pay 300$ just for an addon for my phone, that does pretty nothing?
Please, prove me wrong. I would like to know if smartwatches have some really useful features. Cause remote control for my smartphone is not worth that money.
So the question is: what could smartwatch do?
I think about buying Samsung Galaxy Watch 46mm Silver If I see this one useful for me.
PS I ride a bike, use Google Pay, so it could be useful for paying or checking things while being on a bike. But what else?
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