Which you consider more important in a survival game?
Heeeeeeey happy cakeday! May your gamegifting/winning factory be open for many a year to come!
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subnautica is absolutely 11/10 unless you're afraid of open, deep water.
if you love crafting more than your social life check out factorio (demo available). it's not first person but you'll craft like a madman.
7 days to die is a piece of shit with pathetic devs. yet i played it forever to get the achievements done. still don't have all of them. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
edit: make sure to use valmod. it makes the game SO much better with small changes.
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You could try The Hobo Simulator that it's really cheap atm.
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I was also going to suggest The Long Dark. Right as I saw the title. Yes, it is THAT good that I instantly thought of it.
Secondly, I was gonna suggest Rust, a game that stole my heart as well at some point, but yeah, no single player... Also, it has no other threats other than other players, hence why I abandoned it.
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They had zombies in Rust in the beginning but the devs removed them. I did not play back then. They do have animals, but they are not such a big threat at all. Only bears are till you can get some gear. Thats why I stopped playing, basically
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+1 on the Long Dark.
It's also on sale now which makes it an easier buy.
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That's a shame, as its meets all your criteria.
Single player mode, very survival focused (eat, drink, stay warm, cure infections ext.) good building system, large varied biome maps.
And its the cheapest its been since EA...
Other than Ark I would Suggest Subnautica, I suppose.
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This game may interest you https://store.steampowered.com/app/513710/agecheck
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Try Robinson's Requiem and Deus (RR2) https://www.gog.com/game/robinsons_requiem_collection
They're old but have more survival than you can handle, lol.
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I haven't played many survival games, but Metro 2033 and Metro Redux is the best ones I've played that have "survival" tag in them.
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Subnautica is surprisingly polished for a game that escaped Early Access. It has a beautiful alienesque soundtrack (that is included for free in the game files, much to my surprise as they could easily charge for that quality!), and runs on a sci-fi and underwater theme, complete with all the natural atmosphere and dread it comes with. I cannot recommend that game enough.
The Long Dark is also pretty cool but is a bit more on the harsher side. Sustainability is the end boss, with resources gradually dwindling and forcing you to migrate from whatever established routine and shelter you have. Widllife poses a substantial threat but you have measures to fight little wars of attrition against them. You need to pick your gear carefully because hunted food will go off quicker, liquid is heavy but vital, all the tools you may need all gradually add weight and burden to you, and you never know if even a straight and direct task you set yourself will turn into a saga of several days after you lose your orientation or get diverted due to obstacles. It was nice to find a game that also treated wind exposure as a major element, and it adds a whole new dimension when picking your way across the cold remains of a world past a major catastrophe. Weigh your risks, and don't push too hard. The little "Oh shit..." moments when you realise a blizzard started to roll in, and your short stretch through the open back to your chosen shelter suddenly becomes a major obstacle that you have to grapple with. Maybe I'm biased because I played this during the winter for deliberate immersion, and always loved listening to rain/storms/etc from under shelter or from indoors. The fierce windy rattle of a storm that goes on for several days was pleasant for me, if daunting for my character. Having to decide whether to risk leaving to find food during it, or try to wait it out by sleeping as much as I could to suspend digestive functions and only truly eat before leaving? Tricky. Having to go outside to the directly adjacent husk of a shed to go melt snow for something to drink while certain I thought there was nearby movement was worrisome. Deciding what you want to burn to ensure the fire even starts burning in full (let alone stay lit in the bad weather) is a nice touch too. Or deliberately waiting for a wolf to kill a rabbit before you try shooting it with your precious little ammo, to net yourself two lots of pelts without expending energy, or risking taking leftovers from a frozen-solid half eaten deer, both in terms of gut issues and exposure while you thaw the corpse enough to hack it up. Your skills do improve over time but only in tiny increments, and only serve to boost small percentiles (like whether you can skin something a bit quicker to save precious minutes from a journey).
Ah man, I'm gonna have to play it again once the weather gets cold again. I lost my second file. First one I uh, well I decided to try challenge a bear while using a cargo container as shelter. Yeah. Second one was heading up towards a whole 100 days of survival but then I lost it. I can't even remember what happened...
I suppose there is also non-FPS survival games with a bit of humor and some learning curve, like RImworld :3c
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It's worth noting that I played it over a year ago, so they may have added a few extra things, but back then there was no real story content to speak of, just sandbox survival. I would still say it's worth picking up if the price is good and you're hungry for survival.
Though personally I enjoyed Subnautica more, because it had more in terms of exploration, gameplay, polish and awesome soundtrack. The Long Dark definitely has more 'survival' feel though. I suppose there is always the refund feature if you don't feel it matches your requirements <3
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Raft is pretty realistic and has a fairly unique mechanic. Also, there are roughly a zillion videos on YouTube about it, if you want to do some research on it.
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The Long Dark is a great game, and they're still adding great updates. I've yet to play the latest update which overhauls cooking, but it def looks more interesting now.
The only other recommendation I could make is Project Zomboid. Yes, it is a zombie survival game, but... You can completely disable zombies in settings. Settings also allow you to change almost every aspect of the game, from how long power and water will run, to how long the world has been in it's apocalyptic state, to loot rarity, and so on. It has a very good building system, along with cooking, farming, foraging, trapping and so on. It also has seasons, temperature, illness and more. Then ofc, the best part is how modable the game is. There are plenty of mods available as is, but it's also really easy to make your own if you have any interest in that. Me personally, I make my own (Mostly because I find others make bad art that doesn't blend with the game, or they create overly complex systems). I've added hundreds of items to the game, expanded on cooking, crafting, foraging and more. The only thing left I need to do is expand on farming as it's limited to 7 crops right now.
Anyway, back to the game... You can play solo, or with friends, or in large servers with tons of players. However, it lacks a campaign of any sort. The game boils down to the basic principle, survival. The game also lacks NPC's, and hunting, so without zombies, the world will feel very empty and lonely. Also, the game has been in Early Access for ages, but it's one of those EA titles that I don't get annoyed by because they haven't abandoned it, they actually do still add to the game. So... I'd say at least watch some youtube vids for it, and see what you think, and if you think you could enjoy it without the zombies.
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Yah, that's something I actually wanted to do but... Although most the game is 2D graphics, character and zombie models are 3D, and I still haven't found any info on how their models and animations work in game, so making custom ones for animals is pretty much impossible for me atm. They are working on updated models and animation systems though, so I'm hoping once done there will be a way for us to add custom ones, then it's just a thing of taking Zombie AI and making minor tweaks based on animals. Have my fingers crossed for that day.
I'm sure someone more talented than me could do it with 2D animated sprites, but... I've not seen anything to do with animated sprites in the game yet, and I'm the type who takes existing game code and modifies as appose to creating from scratch, so... I wouldn't even know where to begin getting that implemented. Hell, might already be a mod for it, I just haven't bothered looking cause I'm picky on graphics blending, and sadly a lot of mods I see have horrible sprite work.
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I know, you say no zombies but did you play project zomboid? If forget about zombies, this one become(for me) on of the most realistic survival games i ever played.
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Lately I'm playing survival games, and must say that this "genre" is becoming in one of my favourites, I already played titles like 7 days to die, The forest, Crea, Darkout, Savage Lands, etc. But now I'm looking for a game more realistic, The Long Dark looks very good but before buy it I want to know other games.
What I'm wanting, well, first that the game will be realistic, no zombies or monsters. And second that have a intelligent craft building system. Third that have a single player mode, this discard Rust that looks very good also.
EDIT: Finally I decided buy The Long Dark and later I will try Subnautica, Project Zomboid and Neo Scavenger.
Thanks to all for the suggestions, are there a lot of survival games to taste...
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