Wow pretty good list there. You could always give to unlucky 7. Probably get some played from there.
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True it doesn't have requirements but I thought people getting their first wins might be likely to play. But there are definitely other groups that are better to join that require playing wins
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Completely blanked on that group. I agree and would like to change my answer 🙂
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I enjoyed my time with that group, but sadly the moderator(s?) were rather inconsistent. I won a couple of games I wasn't too keen on, so I didn't give in a few additional minutes to them in given how both of the counters were in the yellow with an above-70 Yirg score.
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Playing Appreciated is closed to join right now but there's 2 other groups I know of with low requirements, if you can get to level 2 :)
Taleplay Games won need to be played in 3 months
Knights of Havenshire You can require that the winner play your game *The group has a 1 giveaway needs to be created each month rule though... maybe not ideal for you?
You could create a whitelist of people who genuinely play/enjoy what they win or seem trustworthy and kind enough that if you ask in the description for it to be played, they will :)
Also unfortunately you can't give gog or rockstar keys on here, only steam keys!
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I don't think I've ever seen that in a giveaway and don't see it in the rules :o Where'd you read that?
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Ah I see, well that's a nice feature :D This post made me realize how few (accessible) "play what you win" groups there are on here...
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Were a nice feature for the gifters.
But made many hours of work with each GA for the staff and the results were devastating. Nothing that we want to continue and nothing that we can continue with only 2 (more realistic 1,5) people as staff.
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That's what I was thinking when I didn't see it in the main thread rules anymore, I understand that would get overwhelming with such little help/resources and frustrating when people don't listen or find complicated ways to cheat it that make it hard to distinguish without putting in even more work
No worries :)
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Masafor locked the thread where you're supposed to post them. I wonder if it's meant to not be a rule anymore...
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Yes, we kicked that rule and locked the separate thread for this type of group GAs.
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Thanks that you made me aware that i forgot to edit this discussion with the new rules.
I had them "only" updated in the steam group announcements, the sg group thread and the discord server (in the announcements and the rule threads).
The actual one is
, in a few moments it will replace the post in the rules discussion too.
Then each possible place have the same info.
To make it short, no the "play your win" rule aren't enforced anymore from us because it needed extreme much of time and effort to check if the winner played the win after X months, reminded him/her if not, checked is the SAM program got used to fake play time and/or achievements etc..
And we can't provide this anymore with such a small team (2, or because i am serious chronical ill, and it got worse for me since nearly 1 year, more or less 1,5).
Besides the fact that in 95% of the cases the end result for such GAs were that we kicked the member because the game weren't played after X months.
It took sooooo much time and pushed our mood very down.
But it is, of course, still possible to write in the GA description that a gifter want that the game get played and if this don't happen he/she could blacklist the winner.
And inform us then about the blacklist because we note it in the staff area and if multiple members blacklist a other member we look closer into it and decide if someone have a unhealthy behavior for/in our group, that maybe need then our attention or the whip^^.
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That is understandable, thank you for updating me on this.
Also wish u better health 💚
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Knights of Havenshire is a dead/semi-dead group. the owner is away for over a month and many people are below -100$ that is the group limit. i doubt anyone will play the games if given there.
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Oh, I didn't notice :( Hopefully they return... A month or 2 isn't too long yet, and people may not know it's not being checked, or... they should still do it because it could be checked when they return at any time
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No one cares for play stats because the ones that want to exploit it, fake it in seconds with the help of programs.
And if a group owner is away for a month, without to say something before, it means in 99,9% of the cases that the group is dead and rules not enforced anymore (cheaters/exploiters heaven).
Double counting for groups with a req. for a monthly GA.
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I wouldnt say that no body cares about it.
Some groups also require you to share your BLAEO profile as well. And so it sets a healthy precedent where in users have to play their games as well as are encouraged to maintain their backlog. Sure, there will still be cheaters. But then they would have to do the work for this meaningless ill intention. I highly doubt that most of them will be motivated to do that. The script that checks it would reaffirm that notion, and ive also noticed a few number of users get rejected from entering the group if their stats seem shady.
The silver lining is that most users will be sincere with the rules and play what they were gifted. But yea I would say an additional minor ratio requirement/difference cut off, would ensure folks aren't leeching off of the generosity.
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Well this explains why my MULTIPLE call outs of crappy GAs for $199 games that obviously break the listing rules have gone unanswered ...
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It was a nice surprise when I realized that I can comfortably play Darkest Dungeon with just the mouse!
Also many VNs and point-and-clicks are technically like that, though it's not everyone's cup of tea.
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You could put them up for Play a Game You Won on SteamGifts, perhaps? There's a group for them that's restricted to people who play, but you could make them invite-only and provide the links to samwise84 (think that's right) and they'd be part of the monthly giveaways for people who have played a game and qualify. Since there's impetus to play the games every month, they have a good chance of getting played once won.
Otherwise, Taleplay seems like a good fit, linked above a few posts.
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There is also Playing Matters, though honestly I do not know if they are recruiting.
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But they are the only group that really check if the games are played and check that they don't have black sheeps in the group.
Other "play your win" group(s) [no i don't say names] don't do something if you inform them about a user that use 8 accounts on discord to steal wins on GA servers (that allow only one account), multiaccount on freebie/GA sites, create fake screenshots of activated games but activated the wins (from GA discord servers) on their main account etc..
They tell you that it doesn't happened on sg and because of this is it not from interest.
As such a cheater would not use then the SAM program to get achievements and fake on sg that he played the won (group) games.
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SGM, the unofficial steamgifts magazine. Winners are literally obligated to play their wins.
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Knights of Havenshire gives the GA create the ability to say that the winner must play the game - The winner can be banned from the group if they don't play the game in like 30 or somesuch ...
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You could join "The games that I've played" group. It's the one where the organizer tracks each groups entire value of GAs set up for their group. No one is allowed to have a net -$100 balance where one received way more gifts and gave away.
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