You know that feeling when you're bored in front of your pc late at night, thinking about calling it a night even though you aren't that sleepy... then SUDDENLY!!! a guy with 7 games ninja adds you and offers you an amazing game... well, enjoy my story.

part 1

part 2

part 3

1 decade ago*

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Love these kind of threads :D

1 decade ago

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Yep, always a nice bit of entertainment~

1 decade ago

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What's with the Tilde?

1 decade ago

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Nothing much, just a habit~

1 decade ago

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Ok, well then why are you in a habit of doing that?

1 decade ago

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I felt weird typing stuff without ending it with anything, but was too much of a grammar stickler to end incomplete sentences with a period I don't recall how I ended up settling on tildes, but yep, that's what I do nowadays (only with informal conversation online and texts of course)

1 decade ago

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Very interesting :)

1 decade ago

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Thanks XD~

1 decade ago

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Indeed :D

1 decade ago

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Most people use a "full stop" or "period". It's almost like it was designed for that purpose!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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From what hideous 'aginas are tards like this born?

1 decade ago

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Well played mate, well played hehe

1 decade ago

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"god night scamer"
So silly.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for entertaining me :P

And I sure you do have some fun too :D

1 decade ago

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yup, I knew I would have some fun with this guy from the minute I saw that friend request :P

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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What if someone tries to steal your code by trying every combination?

1 decade ago

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Then good luck to them :P

In fact, you know what... I think that guy probably made himself some coffee and is working on it as we speak D:

1 decade ago

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I doubt Steam will let you even come close to trying all 52,521,875 (35^5) possibilities.

1 decade ago

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You must realise the power of a ninja

1 decade ago

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These people are so pathetic

1 decade ago

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lol, how do people like that live with themselves? I wouldn't have been so nice to him ^^

1 decade ago

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An amateur scammer...LOL

1 decade ago

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Wow, he didn't even try to impersonate a legit ST user and post their rep page?

Scammer, I am disappoint.

1 decade ago

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I was bored and figured out the rest of your key. Cheers for Hitman Abs!

1 decade ago

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alright, but when you figure out his GRID 2 key, please add me on steam and message it to me D:

1 decade ago

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Clap, Clap, Clap, My first scammer almost succeed , only if my pc not have Blue screen right at the moment that scamer give me the profile of the real trader that he impesonator

1 decade ago

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lolol gj :D

1 decade ago

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I doubt he was actively trying to scam you. Sure I would not have sent my key first in this scenario, but it rather looks like he simply doesn't know. He simply cannot get to steamtrades while trying. If you don't know steamtrades, how is he to know about it's rep system? I don't know about whether English was his first language, but if it wasn't, I wouldn't be too fast with calling him a scammer. The only part that really makes him a possible scammer now is the 'too good to be true'. The rest might (I am not saying it is, but might) exactly be attributed to his few games, as he doesn't know there are way cheaper ways to get Hitman Absolution.

I know this is the internet, and people always assume the other is a bad guy, but occasionally you will meet people who really are unaware of certain things on the internet, doestn't make them scammers immediately. :)

Just saying, as a lot of people are easy to judge, while in all fairness, your communication could also have been a bit clearer.

1 decade ago

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Of course it's a scam. If he can just buy a game that costs the same as Hitman from that site, why doesn't he just buy Hitman? Logic.

1 decade ago

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Hmm, didn't note Hitman costing 25, thought it was more. In that case it doesn't really make sense no, you are right. :P

1 decade ago

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Random trade request from a person with 7 games... He's willing to buy a game for a complete stranger but he can't be bothered to buy any for himself? Honestly, I think anyone falling for this one deserves it... :)

Thank you for the story Dooleh, more fun reading these than the "oops i got scammed again!" threads. :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's a double edged sword for you to be so trusting, on one hand you still want to believe in the goodness of the human race, but on the other you WILL get scammed if you continue to do so.

And I think I was pretty clear towards this guy, even though I knew he was a scammer the second I saw his friend invite. So my whole conversation with him was for fun :P

Also a Hitman Absolution key on that same site costs 15 euros, grid 2 - 25 euros...

1 decade ago

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Well, in that case it's pretty obvious (haven't really been into Hitman Abd prices as I already own it for a pretty long time).

And there is a defference between calling someone a scammer and not totally trusting someone. I am not that easy with trusting people, but will also not call them scammer that eaasily.

The point being, somebody doesn't have to really be a scammer for me to avoid doing a trade with that person. :P

So no, I don't think I am that easy to scam, I was just, well, probably playing the devil's advocate. :)

Edit: And for the part of wanting to believe in the goodness of the human race, if it wasn't for that, there wouldn't be any fair traders around, just sharkers. So yes, I do believe in the goodness of the human race, but yes, I am also not that naive that I expect everyone to be that good. ;)

1 decade ago

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nice, in 6:38 you said you want grid and in 6:38:07 he already bought it, lol :) in invoice he is mr. nobody

1 decade ago

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Probably in a different time zone.

1 decade ago

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I censored his name, he used to be a somebody before I was done with him XD

1 decade ago

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g2play is a very awesome site ^^ i buy games there regular

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i love the half the key now thing, guy is an idiot.

1 decade ago

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I wish someone would try to scam me... I haven't met those guys for a long time

1 decade ago

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At least he tried a strategy to scam...

I got one dude who randomly added me and said "give me demigod" I said I didn't have it and he disconnected...

1 decade ago

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That my friend is a beggar, I had an encounter with one of those as well. :D

1 decade ago

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He was pretty smart about it. Showing a fake purchase order and such. At least you weren't scammed.

1 decade ago

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Why were you trying to scam the poor guy ?

1 decade ago

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Lol, nice one.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Dooleh.