The Lawnmower Man
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I can't recommend Predestination.
MAJOR SPOILERS It's simply a narcissistic doppelganger masturbation sexfilm
It looks good, and plays out well, until you realize the film is what I spoilered.
Zero Theorem is pretty good, Oblivion is pretty good, Depends which Dune you prefer (I prefer the Sci-Fi Channel version),
The Thirteenth Floor is godly, and I'd toss in eXistenZ in there as well.
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There aren't any plotholes really. The entire movie fills in all it's holes (pun intended).
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There are the usual plot holes almost every time travelling movie makes: creating something out of nothing. For example: I have a time machine because my future self travelled back in time to give me a time machine. Where did this time machine come from? Who created it? It's impossible to know, it exist only because it exists, which is flawed logic.
Then there are other plot holes I'm too lazy to look up again (since it's been awhile since I saw the movie). We will just have to agree to disagree on that.
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I usually don't go with plot-holes on sci-fi.
It's more about the concept.
This is the reason why I like other Sci.Fi movie more rather Interstellar. They say its more than real than other and heck, at last they say love is all that to science.
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Interstellar has the same fault Predestination has when it comes to time travel, if you didn't mind it in that movie you might not mind it in this movie. For me it's pretty annoying, and one of the reasons I didn't like Interstellar much either. But otherwise Predestination is still pretty bland and very predictable IMHO (don't say I didn't try to warn you :p).
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Na it doesn't matter. I've watched it.
But the predestination(the ending) thing I didn't think that at all. To be fair I thought about it... But I thought that doesn't seem right at all... So I discarded my thought. At the end when the discarded thought came true.. OK its all about paradox.
Its same with Interstellar as well it ends with paradox. They even mention it as Murphy's law. But I predictied it.
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I don't Know why most of the time I miss your comments. Are you trying to be undercover?
Predestination I agree with you at all except... its not masturbation its fuck-yourself kind of thing.
There will always be some kind of idiots that will hover over spoiler and BL us. I hate those fuckers.
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But the question usually goes "Is having sex with your doppelganger considered gay or is it masturbation?"
That's why I made that particular comment. And I'm not trying to be undercover, I simply post to this or that comment depending on the mood.
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It seems like Gilliam's high point was Brazil, because every film after that was just worse and worse. Twelve Monkeys was still pretty good, but then Brothers Grimm was total garbage, same goes for Tideland, then Parnassus was okay, and then Theorem was bad again...
I guess stop when you are ahead....
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Oblivion is quite good but I have a soft spot for Edge of Tomorrow
Tom is a very good actor in my opinion
Edit: Forgot to mention the best SciFi movie The Matrix
Edit 2: Also for anyone that didn't watch Battlestar Galactica yet, this is a must.
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I know I talked abt movie but Edge of Tomorrow makes me think about Groundhog Day, f**k I forgot the pun I was to make.. lost that when typing.
I always when I heard about Battlestar Galactica I thought of Anime... I love anime (I don't know if there's an anime or not).. but not that like movies or series. Aye mate downloading right now don't judge me.
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It is indeed like Groundhog Day in a way. I only wish they had used the time warp effect a bit more to be honest. I love when they can, sort of, make sense of impossibly good soldier/fighter in battles. It's like all the bad action movies but with a believable rationalization for the exaggerated stuff within the context of the movie. Like in The Matrix.
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I've watched both versions of Battlestar Galactica, and the 2004 version is the absolute best one.
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I haven't watched Barbarella, Flash Gordon, The Last Starfighter and Dune. Added on my watch-list.
Metropolis was on my watch-list from 4 years back. I don't know why I haven't watched this one aside from classics like Sunset Boulevard, the apartment, I might have lost that enthusiasm as I had during my teenage. I longed for old classics, heck I even went for almost 4 hrs movie like Gone with the wind.
As for others I have watched them, I don't know why The Zero Theorem let me down.. don't know might be because of my high expectation during that time. Like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind too much expectations because of my friends and I totally hate it.
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I just watched Pandorum. Based on what you like you might well enjoy it.
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Yep, yep, totally awesome movie. Could have less action and more horror, but nevermind. ;P
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It was a bit weird that so many of the crew were some kind of martial arts expert - I thought myself a bit less fighting and a bit more suspense would have suited the plot better. But it was still good.
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True. You should also check out Cargo (the 2009 movie).
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I hadn't heard about that one before - but I just took a look and I'll have to keep an eye out for it!
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I'm a movie library. xD I know many unknown and underrated movies. Like Equilibrium! Why isn't it more known? ;_;
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After some thought I came up with a couple more movies that I don't think anybody else has mentioned - Hardware and Death Machine. I'd describe both as flawed but with enough interesting ideas to entertain a sci-fi fan!
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Pandorum, Cloverfield, The Fifth Element, Avatar, The Martian, etc. xD There are too many sci-fi movies to suggest, but I'm not sure what do you mean by saying "pure sci-fi", so I'll stop here. :P
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Pandorum added on watch list. By genre I wanted to reject most of superhero movies and some hard to understand movies like primer. You can recommend anyhing beside those categories. Anime or Series can also be included. There was typo that made the confusion i have corrected it.
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<3! Especcially the visuals and the soundtrack.
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I see you are man of culture as well
You might love this as it contains almost my favorite soundtracks. The creator has done a well job.
Sorry I don't know how to link it with the playtime timer.
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Ok ,the story about Facebook not liking my name. I always changed my name based on current event occurring. My name went went from (firstname) (Germany) during world cups and euro cups. (firstname) (Mycountryname) when SORT OF revolution happened. And many more Until I found Pink Floyd. I changed my name to Brain Damage... it went for almost a year until Facebook found about the name and said to give an original name. So fuck it I said I wanted to change it to Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive, but they might notice it so I entered another name Terminal frost which is till now valid, but I deactivated it.... and this is how my name comes.
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I don't want to blame them, its the culture/society we were brought upon... It's just a matter of time... everything changes. No matter what everything will come to the common ground.
One of my favorite actor is Jake Gyllenhaal. I haven't even shown them Brokeback Mountain. And they are crazy shit about Heath Ledger.
I laugh at how they speak about heath ledger and donnie darko.
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I actually fell asleep while watching The Arrival on the big screen. Great plot but not that much to fill an entire 2 hour movie.
Also, I noticed you didnºt mentioned Blade Runner on your list. You didn´t watched it or you didn´t liked it?
Ender's Game (the movie) is quite fun, but kinda forgets the social critic originally in the book.
I´m a big sci-fi fan, but I tend to read more than watch, so if you ever need tips on sci-fi books, feel free to ask.
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I quite liked how the movie focused on the communication aspect, quite different than other alien invasion/contact movies. Its a slow pace movie but does make viewer focused in the movie. But after all it depends on the viewer. It happened to me as well, with Doctor Strange in big screen.
No I have watched the Blade Runner, I like the movie. I have just mentioned some of my favorites that came in my mind. There are many other movies that I liked too that I haven't mentioned like The Fifth Element, Alien, Dark city, The Thing etc.
Yeah I watched Ender's Game, liked it also. Haven't read the book though. I guess that is the reason why it saved me from disappointment that I found on other viewers who read the book.
I wasn't a book guy, but after I read the Martian, I guess its true books are more fun than movies. I currently am ordering 2001:Space Odyssey series by Arthur C. Clark.
I will ask you for recommendations for good reads after I finish this series. Thanks
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I enjoy introspective sci-fi movies but I thought The Arrival stalled a lot to fill those 2 hours. It´s a great story, good acting, awesome production, but it could use some cuts and shorten it by some 20-30 minutes.
As for Clarke, he wrote A LOT. Many great books, some not that good, some disposable. Stick to the 2001 series and you´re good. 2010 is awesome, 2061 is really boring, and 3001 is good. After that, I think you´ll love Rendezvous with Rama (because of The Arrival). There´s a lot of other of his titles to read.
Ender´s Game, the book, is amazing. Its sequel, Speaker for the Dead is even better, in my opinion.
One thing you could do is get the Nebula Awards winners list. A great place to find stuff to read.
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The Ender's Game series is sooooooooooo good. By Children of the Mind, the story has gone to an absolutely unimaginable, mind-blowing place.
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It's really good. Funny how the guy can be a genius on sci-fi and a complete asshole in real life.
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I found 2010 impossible to watch, no matter how much I tried. Slept 3 times in a row, in the same spot. Maybe I´ll give it another shot. Is it good? I mean, Peter Hyams is no Kubrick, but with that story you can't go wrong.
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well, thx for saving me time. that's sad, because the book is great.
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The movie's called Synecdoche, New York. It's from 2008. It's not scifi though, but I still highly recommend it. It's a really dense movie though, very hard to fully grasp on first watch.
I already mentioned it in another comment but I would also really recommend Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (also written by Charlie Kaufman), it's one of my favorite movies
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The Martian is a lost opportunity compared to the book, transition from SciFi to big screen often loses the "Sci" for large studios and excessive budgets :)
Gattaca is a cool movie, though. Very atmospheric. And Gravity is great too, if you agree to throw orbital mechanics out of the airlock.
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I agree with Martian.. This was the first I had read read a book before any movies adaptation (to be fair this was my first book ever read on English literature outside of ore school?college study material).. and I perused my friend we should watch this movie if released on our country.. it did.. but I was so let down.. I talked about how the movie missed so many parts.. but my friend liked it so much. I guess it only happens to the the reader who turns out to watch movie.
I think it true that reading book is better. So I have ordered Arthur C. Clarke's 2001's series.
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Yeah, many changes didn't even make sense. Why spend so much time explaining about ”no flammable materials”, whittle the wooden cross, and then — show Mark write in a paper notebook! Why design the rover in such an idiotic way? (the way he dealt with two rovers in the book was awesome!) Why completely skip the long trip to the take-off place, measuring sun intensity, trying to avoid the sandstorm, toppling the rover? Those would make great additions to the movie!
And, most of all, where the heck did he take shower and shave before the take off? :D
I hope that someday another director will pick up the book rights and make a good series out of it — I can see at least one season of 10 episodes or so (but of course it will be a financial disaster, just look at Firefly…)
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+1 for Gattaca, loved it way-way-back, re-watch was enjoyable as well. The others were forgettable for me (potato planting aside, that was awesome).
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Basically i just copied my high-rated sci-fi movies according IMDB, and there was no Matrix or Minority Report and some other films. It's strange because i saw more titles than IMDB selected.
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I recently watched it on DVD out of it's WB snapper case. ^^
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Maybe release of the Directors Cut version on DVD or something like that? ;)
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Time flies indeed, I saw this movie on release. ;-)
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A long time since I saw it, but I really enjoyed that one.
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The Director's Cut rectifies this. The dumb intro was all studio influence.
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Check the director's cut, they re-edited film and took out the narration. The viewer is pretty clueless as to what's going on for the first 30 min. Much superior cut.
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Bicentennial Man
Futurama: Bender's Big Score
Starman (1984)
Looper (last 60-90 mins)
Twelve Monkeys (but i think you saw this)
Artificial Intelligence: AI
Comic Relief: Doctor Who - The Curse of Fatal Death
A Scanner Darkly
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Almost Human (TV-series)
The Blob (1958)
Westworld (1973)
Galaxy Quest
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Man from Earth
Monsters (2010)
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Added on my watch list
Bicentennial Man
Futurama: Bender's Big Score
Forbidden Planet
Almost Human (TV-series)
The Blob
*Galaxy Quest
I have watched others.
Comic Relief: Doctor Who - The Curse of Fatal Death is is related on DR. Who series?
Westworld (1973) I haven't but there's a new series right now which I loved Westworld by Jonathan Nolan watched the first season... loved it.. waiting for next season. Might be the remake.
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Yep, it's related on Dr. Who universe, but all what you must to know to watch this title is who is Dr. Who.
Didn't watch the series cause already watched Westworld (by original creator) and Futureworld .
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Plz say you have read the novels. I prefer nowadays novels rather than movie itself since the martian (of course if you have read/seen both).
Interestingly, even though the special effects in the 1984 version were criticized at the time.
I don't think so, I prefer the old ones. they had more pressure on it. Specially on horror genre, nowadays its more about jump-scare thing. I loved how movie hit you with psychological horror that existed for a day. Now a days its just momentary. Man, I wasn't able to sleep for days after watching the exorcist.
And about Lynch I watched Twin Peaks I till now this day haven't understood about the movie(yes movie, I heard from my friend there was a series)
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I added THX-1138 on my watch list.
I don't know when I added Strange Days on the list, but it was there.
As for others I have watched it.
I saw one of the latest The Rover. During that time I same another similar movie as well . I want to recommend it to you. But not now as I have forgotten about it.
Thanks for recommendation.
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the expanse, although is a tv show. 2 season to count for now, the third is currently in production
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Black Mirror Not a film but a show. Or a show consisting of similar themed short movies really
Upstream Color Very nice. When liked consider watching Primer by the same director
Ghost in the Shell Not great but nice visuals and fun to watch
EDIT: Humans Another show but very nice. And yes I prefer the UK version over the original Real Humans
EDIT2: Aww.. You saw Primer I see now. Ah well.. :)
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if you watch ghost in the shell please please please don't watch the trash that just came out and watch the anime version.
the old ghost in the shell is like the matrix but the live action adaptation that just came out is just an action flick with explosions and stuff.
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Now that's I am talking about.
I wanted to know what the cool kids loved these days. XD
Out of nowhere I have 7/10 new watch list which I might like.
Watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Her and The mist.
I can never watch The mist anymore, it always takes out some part of my heart every time I watch it.
Her.. oh god I wished I had someone so close to me like her.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.. I wish I was child so that no one can judge me letting out my tears like a baby.
Ok my turn now who gives me something I should return them something (sry 1 movie and 1 anime only).
anime movie : Colorful
movie : Ikiru
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This one will be my "if you stay on my home you have to watch this movie" thing.
The outdated were "Gattaca", "Secret life of Walter Mitty", "Rush"
That's one of my favorites as well. God I wish I had someone to watch this movie with.
I tried but most of them slept and I had to watch it alone. F**k me right
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Edge of Tomorrow
Children of Men
Logan's Run
Rollerball (the 1975 original, not the shit 2002 attempt at a remake)
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In no particular order:
Ghost in the Shell
Cabin in the Woods - more Horror, but still with SciFi elements, and a darn good movie.
District 9
Terminator 2
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow
Max Mad: Fury Road
Independence Day
Minority Report
Pacific Rim
Logan’s Run
Total Recall
For humorous stuff:
Space Balls
Galaxy Quest
Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel - (aka FAQ about Time Travel)
The Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy
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Please, please PLEASE tell me you mean the original Ghostbusters and not that god AWFUL one from last year. If you mean the one from last year then I might have to find you and castrate you with a wooden olive fork.
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Ghost in the shell - watched the Japanese movies.. might not watch the Hollywood movie (recommended by my friends)
Cabin in the Woods- thought it was some sort of modern horror flick.. guess I was wrong. Added on watch-list.
Logan’s Run / Space Balls / Galaxy Quest added on watch-list.
Other watched.
Thanks for the recommendations :)
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Wanted to suggest Primer but you already mentioned it :-)
To follow a theme with time travel: Time Lapse, Looper, Minority Report, Edge Of Tomorrow, Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind (not really a sci-fi but I liked it).
District 9
And Inception if you didn't see it already :-)
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There was a typo in original post. About primer simple paragraph change, changed a lot.
And when I wanted to create a post I wanted to mention about Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind and City of Angels... of which I obviously forgot... I am not saying they are bad... bout how that your expectations lets the movie worthless... I will talk about this one on this comment.. some of my close friends recommended those movies to me.. they talked about it so much that... there was a bar set by me on those movies... but when I watched they became a sort of disappointment to me.
So coming to the point I wanted to say don't mention mainstream movies that all knows. I guess on some line I might have said it indirectly(because of superhero movie regarded as but its not pure
You'll only know the intention. :)
Anyways. I've added Time Lapse on my watch-list. Others I've watched it. Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, can be regarded of sci fi (is a sci fi).. but obviously as you can see my friend ruined it for me..
Though one movie even If my friend spoiled for me by telling the ending never became a disappointment was Hachi: A Dog's Tale
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I love sci-fi movies a lot, aside from sports(motivational) movie.
My favorites are 2001: Space Odyssey, Pi, Aliens, Moon, Stalker, Matrix Series, Solaris, Ex Machina, Gattaca, Contact, Sunshine and K:PAX.
Don't recommend me superhero movies cause they obviously falls under sci-fi. genre.
I want something pure sci-fi like one of my friend recommended Primer. Not as complex as that but something understandable.
As you can see through my favorites it dates from 1960's till now.. but they might be mainstream, so I might miss some.
Oh plz god dont say interstellar. Its not that good sci-fi as regards to other, but I like that song. I like other song too Brain Damage, I guess facebook doesn't like this name (funny story I'll post it on comment)
EDIT : I forgot about Brazil
And for Anime Steins;Gate
Thanks to MaxThunder for the sponsored GA
EDIT 20th May 17: As some members have asked to create a public list. I have created a list on IMDB which consists all the movies recommended by the community.
Note: The list contains Feature Films, TV series & movies, Anime & series. This list might contains some movies that can't considered as sci-fi movies. This is just a list of recommended movies, you might have to filter out which movie might fit for you. I haven't filtered out any recommendations from members on the list, but I might have missed some of them because I couldn't find its link.
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