I don't get it. I've created GMG and Playfire account etc etc

I saw on blog that you can get 0,10 for playing worms pinball and worms armageddon.

So I've played both a bit. Later that day I've received a mail that my activity has been updated. I thought - "ok, both activities should be added to my rewards and I should earn 0,20" right ?

Well, I've checked my rewards and there is not a word about playing worms. Strangely enuff, I have two achievements from Poker Night 2 done even tho I earned them long time ago, when I did not had the playfire account

19 Apr '14 You have opted-in for emails about news, competitions and more £0.50
19 Apr '14 You unlocked Sam to the Max in Poker Night 2 £0.25
19 Apr '14 You unlocked I Tournament to Do That in Poker Night 2 £0.10

Thats all, nothing about worms. Why the heck is updated it with achievements that I've earned a long time ago and did not added the rewards for playing worms ?

Am I missing smth ?

10 years ago*

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Nah, the system is still in beta, and doesn't always work as intended. Or sometimes there's a delay with reward unlocking, maybe they will be there if you wait a bit more.

Btw, 'play game X' rewards unlock only if you never played the game before.

10 years ago

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Hmm...I've never played Worms Pinball before. But I've played Armageddon (ofc before I had playfire account). That means no monies for Arma ?


10 years ago

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Well the point of it is - you buy the game that's on sale at the same time the rewards are on. You play it, get chieves, earn some credit back. Even old achievements don't usually count, but you lucked out :D

10 years ago

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Yea I guess, but I still want my worms stuff xd

10 years ago

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Playfire never worked for me and I've tried it many times, it sucks and they provide no support

10 years ago

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They haven't scanned your profile before, so they didn't know you had achievements before. Lucky, I guess. :P

10 years ago

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If there is an achievement and you already have it, just start the game, even for "play x for the first time" most of the time you will get the reward, the delay can take up to 2 days in general(some had 1 week delay)

10 years ago

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Yea well MegaGiga told me above that you wont get reward for "play x for the first time" if you played the game before (I've played worms armageddon before I had an playfire account). So it looks like its kinda random ? Sometimes it rewards, sometimes it dont ?

10 years ago

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The system is still buggy. "Play x for the firs time" literally means "play x for the first time"

10 years ago

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I have never got :(

10 years ago

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Some Achivments take a loot of time to be check has reward and more time to become GMG Credits, i unlock Poker Night 2 - "We Are the 1%" yesterday aprox 18 PM and just a few hours ago was recognized by playfire (of course not credited) and Gun Monkey - Coktail was unlocked at 19th apr 3 AM and still waiting for acredited has GMG credits. For my girlfrind is worse, she had achivemten since 29th Mar checked has already convert to GMG credits but the credits are missin in GMG.
The reward system Playfire/GMG is real cool but still need more "tunning" to work properly. Sadly many are missing cheapest games since their Playfire Reward are not converted to GMG credits properly.

10 years ago

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Yea I saw tons of posts where ppl complained that this system is still not perfect and it takes a lot of time to send cash rewards into GMG account

10 years ago

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Playfire sucks. There I said it. But maybe I just feel that way because it has never worked for me.

It works for maybe 10% of people. The forums are PACKED with complaints about the broken system. Support is almost non-existent (compared to the overwhelming wave of support requests, it's no wonder).

10 years ago

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Too bad that most of their games in the Reward system are games where I already have the achievements for (and they don't count the ones you already achieved). I don't feel like having to play games in a certain week because they feature achievements that reward you with very small amounts of cash (for that specific week).

I am already happy with all the money I am getting for selling Steam cards so I am not going to bother with Playfire.

10 years ago

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For me my rewards page says I have $9 in Greenmangaming credit account (I got around $0.5 yesterday)
But my GMG credit account has been stuck at 3.66 for a LONG time....anyone facing the same problem? There are ticks next to my achievements, so money should've gone to GMG account already but it hasn't. :/

10 years ago

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yep, i just submitted a support ticket about the same problem.

10 years ago

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How do I know what achievements that earns money?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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you have to get your rewards acknowledged in the time provided by the reward timer. TO do that you just have to get the achievements as soon as possible because even if you get the achievement like an hour before the time runs out you won't get rewarded because playfire must first register your achievement, that takes like half a day or more, and then give you the reward for it, and that takes like another half a day. So to get the reward you need to get the achievement, get it registered and rewarded before the time runs out because playfire is just stupid that way so it won't reward if the time runs out even if you got the achievement in "the last minute" (few hours before the event ends).

10 years ago

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I have totally noticed this right now. Retarded system registered that I've played worms. But it did it today and thanks to that no monies for me cus the worms rewards ended yesterday...

10 years ago

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It is a bit slow on taking notes of ur achievements,but at the end I can't complain > 39.91 gbp made from it ain't bad at all.

10 years ago

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So how it works with achievements that was unlocked previosly to the "week rewards"? Does them count? Imho they should have, but i've heard different opinions on how that works. Does anyone here know for sure and care to explain?

10 years ago

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"Achievements will not be rewarded if they're earned outside the reward period."

So if achievement is tracked by Playfire, you won't get credit. Thus registering during reward period will give (as Playfire tracks it during that period)

10 years ago

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So it... sucks. People who bought game in preorder/earlier for full price and already played shitload of some game and maxed it out can't benefit from this rewards. I think it's stupid, and with so many bugs i've read Playfire is not worth of time to try to get the achievement during reward period to have a chance (if their system miracously counts it) to get 0,10$ balance.

10 years ago

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Yeah it totall sucks, that's why I already earned $50 in the last 2 months :)

10 years ago

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It can take weeks sometimes for the rewads to go through, the system is still buggy, but I've noticed that using it regularly actually seems to decrease the time it takes for the credit to be added to your account.

10 years ago

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I hate the system! It's not working PERIOD!

10 years ago

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It's just not working, and the time and effort I need to put into fighting with support over it is just pointless, I'd rather work 1 extra hours each month rather than spend 4-5 hours a month wiriting to either an automated script replying to me, or a little bit less dumb support staff member.
Not worth it.

10 years ago

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i have %100 completion for FEZ. after months i logged in to my playfire account and synced my profile with steam. i won all the rewards for the game and some other things. now im waiting my 3.9 to be transfered to my gmg account, sadly their support dep. didnt answered my requests yet.

10 years ago

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for reward "play for the first time" you must play for the first time, not 2 months ago and then again now, same for the archievements dont counts archiements done in past. For me works perfectly 13.75£ earned in 2-3 weeks.
PS they update once per day your progress, and the transfer to gmg account is not at the same time.

10 years ago

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It says I have 1.43 in my balance, how do I actually spend that on something?

I'm going to note that I also tried going for a crapload of things last night, and while that's more than what it said earlier, nothing I did yesterday is showing up either.

Also, I just signed up for emails and that literally popped up for april as soon as I did it, so I dunno what the hell is happening.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Kafar.