We should never accept spyware being forced down our throath. When you create a Facebook account ot buy an Echo/Google Home you expose yourself willingly.
Spyware hidden in games is not something that should be expected and definitely something worth calling out.
The price of living with technology is some reduced privacy, but shady practices should not be condoned.
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You phone spies on you.
I Dont have one.
Facebook spies on you.
I dont use it.
Most apps spy on you.
Dont have any "apps"
Other stuff on your PC could be spying on you.
It is not in my case.
Your console already tracks your gaming habits and probably your browsing too.
Dont have one.
If you have Echo/Google Home, it listens to literally everything you say, all the time.
Dont have it.
"Privacy" has to change because it is 100% no longer what it was years ago.
No, companies need to stop being greedy scummy dick sacks!
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You phone spies on you.
That's why I don't have a "smart" phone.
Facebook spies on you.
That's why I don't use Facebook.
Most apps spy on you.
See #1
Other stuff on your PC could be spying on you.
That's why I have a software firewall and block everything that doesn't need internet access.
Your console already tracks your gaming habits and probably your browsing too.
I don't have a console.
If you have Echo/Google Home, it listens to literally everything you say, all the time.
That's why I will never have one of those devices in my home.
People need to realize, this will never stop, just evolve.
No, people need wake the fuck up stop accepting it.
This is the cost of living with all this technology.
No, this is the cost of being ignorant.
Privacy" has to change because it is 100% no longer what it was years ago.
No it doesn't.
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you put out an opinion one which was essentially "who cares what these scumbags do ignore it because other people also do bad things" you should have expected to be put on more than a few blacklists honestly
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So, are you going to add, then remove Redshell to Goblin and Coins?
It seems to rise awareness toward the games, and all publicity is good publicity, right? Right??
Don't hire me as a marketing consultant, I will be terrible at it.
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Frog in boiling water. Today it's this, tomorrow they'll try to get more out of you. The really frightening thing is that people don't seem to care all these corporations and governments are working tirelessly to dismantle our rights to personal privacy.
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Is it a serious comment and if yes can you explain how...?
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E.g. VAC is technically also tracking "outside of game" (with going into DNS cache and whatnot), and seems more intrusive about it (without really telling) - and if one gets banned for playing one of hundreds of games using VAC, perhaps because someone at Valve decided that Uplay, GOG, or Origin is clearly a cheating program, or because someone in an internet cafe infected a terminal previously and the program kept running, or ..., then one gets it nicely visible for everyone on the account profile page without really any details about it. All of which simply because casual gaming is considered very serious business.
That doesn't mean that e.g. Red Shell would be alright because in comparison not as intrusive. But if nothing else, in case of Red Shell one can at least Opt-out:
and/or block the domains it is using without fear of getting a ban and/or no more access to the paid-for content.
And if one wants to fight that "fight", the issue is way broader, with as mentioned e.g. VAC not coming with a pop-up at least on first launch of a game that would say something as: "Do you agree that by playing this game we will totally scan your computer and tell all your friends that you are a cheater if we somewhat mysteriously decide that you are?".
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At least they are honest with the title of the next game haha.. Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! Available: Sneaking Soon
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Cheers for the heads up weiro565. Much appreciated :-)
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Thanks for raising awareness. I already blackholled their adress.
if anyone still want to play their games without beying spyed on, I suggest you do the same.
for the curious, this is my hosts file: redshell.io api.redshell.io treasuredata.com api.treasuredata.com config.uca.cloud.unity3d.com cdp.cloud.unity3d.com
EDIT: I'm using linux btw, you might need to put things diferently on windows.
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The only game I have on that list is Kerbal Space Program. I deleted the RedShellSDK.dll and the game still works. It was already blocked on my firewall, so it couldn't send data to them anyway. I searched my entire system for redshell* and there are no other traces of it.
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Kerbal Space Program just downloaded an update that removes RedShell.
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Decided not to buy Holy Potatoes series because of this. Shame, because I liked them.
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I know, I already own their games, and even gave some out recently on SG, I'm so disappointed -.-
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As far as I know, they've already removed Red Shell from the game. That could be why the search came up empty.
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"Fortunately, many developers already said they will remove the spyware in their games, but I still think of it as a breach of trust."
I agree, they did not hesitate to trample on consumer rights, how can we trust them not to try Scarlet Shell or Burgundy Shell next time, or whatever damn colour of shell they may think they could get away with? I do not want to support developers like that if I can help it. There are plenty of good games made by decent people who do their best not to rip us off or try to manipulate us through collected data. I'd rather give my money to them.
The developers who pledged to remove this spyware from their games, how many of them would have removed it had they not been exposed? How many of them will truly not use the data they already collected?
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In my opinion games on Steam are potentially riddled with spyware. The reasoning for them is to see the gaming/purchasing patterns, pretty much like what facebook is tracking. I have a facebook account but I do not use it, only when its required. I am not sure how safe GoG is but you do not need to play their DRM-Free games online. Download and play, just like old times.
My question is, if you have a question why not just post an AMA to the gamers rather than doing things sheepishly? Reach out and learn from people whom actually plays your game and take in constructive arguments. Even with the data you've gathered do not tell you the whole story.
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Please read everything, I think its very concerning that many developers include Spyware in their games to track you outside the game.
Fortunately, many developers already said they will remove the spyware in their games, but I still think of it as a breach of trust.
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