I've been asocial person for years, i am not saying that being asocial is bad thing, no, i still enjoy being alone most of the times. But we are humans not you bots, we all need connection sometimes right?. In my daily life, i always found it hard to go and start a chat with someone, or do presentation in front of the whole class, I always sat alone with my headphones plugged in social events, even on my University's orientation day, i went there sat by myself then went home. Today, let me say i faced my fears, my fears of going to talk with a stranger, or talk in front of a lot of people. I was nervous but it felt so good to be able to be able to start a conversation with someone i never met before, i felt confident of myself for the first time ever when i talked in front of more than 30 student. I was able to make new friends, i only knew one for the first two weeks of the university.

I am writing this here because i wanted to share my happiness somewhere, somewhere i love.

What helped me a lot to be honest is a Youtube channel called Yes Theory, they make a good content, mostly with strangers, and what made me trying to be more social is this sentence that i heard from them:

Strangers are friends you havenโ€™t met before.

I don't want to be so much social, but i want to have the ability to make a friends, or to talk with strangers. Most of my friends that i knew, they were the ones who came to me and talked, not me..

Enough writing, thank you for coming, here is a small gift

Also don't forget to check the awesome Community Train, MORE THAN 4000 wagons!

6 years ago*

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What do you like? being a social person or asocial?

View Results

Probably should have added Inbetween to the poll.

I engage and disengage in conversations for the sole reason that unless i have to say something or i need to say something, i will but usually i know when it isn't my business to converse or i don't have any type of association with a certain subject.

Conclusively i socialise minimally and enjoy reading all the daily drama that unfolds but letting your voice get heard once every while does certainly help.

6 years ago*

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You are right, i usually don't even listen to the conversations that doesn't interest me, but after trying to know the person, i found some pretty interesting people.

6 years ago

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*should have (should've)

6 years ago

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clap clap clap clap

Fixed it just to make you happy. xD

6 years ago

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Hey wow! Facing one's fears is incredibly hard, but it's so rewarding most of the time. I congratulate you and bid you welcome in your new life of your own choice.
Much love <3

6 years ago

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Thank you so much!

6 years ago

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I was (and am) always scared of talking in front of others/a class, but that always went away the moment I started, where I assumed a persona of someone who isn't afraid and let that person do the talking. Once I crawled back to my desk I wanted to die again. The prof was often surprised where I got that in me (I always went first since my name was first alphabetically)

Now, my cats are all the RL interaction I need.

6 years ago

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Always going first sucks to be honest, my name is usually between the last names, but you are right.

To be honest, i wanna see these cats, if you don't mind of course :D

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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The one on the right is so cuteeeee!! i am not a fan of cats but i like watching them :D

6 years ago

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Public speaking was one of the toughest classes I took in college. I still get nervous when talking in a group, but I have practiced more and improved.

6 years ago

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Yeah it is tough, i think being nervous is normal, but as you said, with practicing you can control yourself more.

6 years ago

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That's awesome! Congratulations.

I used to be much more social than I am now - I'm happy to engage in conversation, but am not likely to start one with people I don't know. But I remember that when I was social and would confidently go up to complete strangers, it was always fine. People were always happy to talk to me, and I never once ran into an issue. You just have to be confident in yourself. My last public speech was before 200-300 people - I was incredibly nervous before hand, but it went great.

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot Timobkg!

Wow! 200-300 people must be really tough thing to do, glad to hear it went great :D

6 years ago

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I was really nervous, spent all day practicing and revising my speech. My phone (with the speech) almost died a few hours before, but I managed to borrow a charger. Then the time finally came to go up, and only as I got up there and took the mic did I realize that I couldn't hold the mic, and the champagne glass, and my phone at the same time, and would have to go from memory. I had never practiced reciting the speech from memory.

But it turned out great. I remembered the whole speech, people laughed when I made jokes, got teary eyed when I went sentimental. I need not have worried. And I think that's what really gets us, the worry and doubt. If we overcome that, we're golden.

6 years ago

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That's an amazing thing to hear <3

6 years ago

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share my happiness somewhere, somewhere i love

thank you! :P

nice, we usually share sadness. and that's still a good a thing happening on SG (and irl).

thou, sharing happiness is something we should do more, irl and/or at SG.

to answer your question, i like more the asocial part of myself. being alone is always been a plus, for me. still, the fun and energy i can have with "social part" is something i just can't have/can't reach alone...

so, maybe, both? :D

6 years ago

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I think being both but leaning to asocial is the best for me.

You are right, we must share happiness more ;)

6 years ago

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I believe there is a fair share of happiness here on SG. Like this thread for example, there is the community train, celebrating cakedays, vacations, etc. Try not to hoard on the sadness, ;) Try remembering more of the happier events. On that note, have a great weekend ahead, Cheers, Cruse~

6 years ago

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I'm a complete loner, always have been. I have bad social anxiety and only kept friends that can sit comfortably in silence at times and are fine going months without talking. What goes on in my thoughts and my life is nobodies business but my own, if a conversation starts getting too personal I usually shut down. I absolutely prefer to spend my life in solitude, but that doesn't mean I don't ever feel lonely. It took me a long time to realize there's a big difference between being a social butterfly and being comfortable with social interaction, and that you don't need to share anything more than some of your interests to have more than small talk with people. At some point I was able to get over my insecurities and assure myself that even if I act weird, the worst possible outcome is I eventually forget it ever happened, and I've gained some really amazing memories since then that have drastically improved my overall happiness.

I'm really glad you were able to get over your fears and make new friends from it, that feeling you're having is one of the best life has to offer.

6 years ago

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Thank you so much Yuri, i am glad you are much better now. hope you do even more than you are already doing. To be honest i've always thought (ant still) that being alone is always good, but i had so many things going in my life lately, having someone you can talk to or going out with friends helps a lot more than being alone.

6 years ago

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train is insane, I'm starving

6 years ago

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my fears of going to talk with a stranger

IMO not talking to people because you are scared of starting a discussion isn't being asocial: being asocial would rather be not talking to people because that bores you to death.

6 years ago

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Usually i don't because i know that the conversation will bore me, will waste my time. after years even i find someone might be interesting, i had fear of talking.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks buddy!

6 years ago

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A stranger's just a friend you haven't met.

I always thought that line is from A Streetcar Named Desire because of the Simpsons but apparently they added that line because it completely misinterprets the moral of the play.

Oh, Streetcar!

6 years ago

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I only heard the line from their videos, but this musical is really good!

6 years ago

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Indeed. I particularly liked Apu's solo :D

hums: I'm just a simple paperboy...

6 years ago

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Bump! good job. know a few folks like this and always try to keep small talk minimal too.

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot!, i am happy that i am trying to do small talks when i want, because usually i hate small/boring talks.

6 years ago

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Every stranger is a potential serial killer!

Highly unlikely though, hehe. I'm glad you're able to socialize more easily now, keep it going and have fun.

Also I have to say I'm quite surprised with the poll answers. I know gaming can take away a lot of time and some gamers often choose playing over social activities, but for 80% of the poll participants to say they prefer being asocial is kinda sad. I wonder does that mean they don't like socializing online as well.

6 years ago

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Being alone does not equate to being lonely. Some people are just okay (or even enjoy) not being around others (or activities they do when not being around others). Why is that sad?

6 years ago

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I still don't like going to social events a lot, and still enjoy my time myself on my computer. But we all need to go 'Social' sometimes, we need human contact. Thanks a lot, it's really good to be able to talk :)

Also i always thought that every stranger is serial killer, that's why i hated strangers :D

6 years ago

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Socializing with people is a lot more fun when you find like-minded folks who share some of the interests/hobbies as you do. Albeit sometimes hanging out with people who are different makes you learn something new, get a different perspective on things and in turn makes you grow as a person.

I've been a gamer my whole life, and for the last few years a weeb as well, so I do spend a lot of time in front of my computer (albeit I do alt-tab all the time to chat with folks in various servers lol). I'm not saying people should hang out all the time, that's not even something I do, but getting out of the house to hang with friends or meet new people every now and then can be enjoyable and interesting experience as well, and like I said can make the person change and grow (for the better of worse).

6 years ago

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All what you said is 100% true, that's what i am trying to do to be honest.

6 years ago

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Replying to both @ChibiCthulhu and @Ragido
Socializing has become different from before due to technological advances. I initially wanted to say technology is partly but if you look at history, when there was no cars, planes, phones how do people communicate? Through letters or walking to the dang door and knocking.

The tech is there but we can choose the mode of communication. The next generation or the current generation in their teens is already feeling the effect. What games do you play? Indoors or outdoors? Most chose indoors isn't it. When you need to get someone, you call, you text, you whatsapp, even snapchat, rather than walking to the person and tab. As technology advances, we minus a step in human communication effectively.

It is true we "Are" still communicating but through a medium, lifeless medium. We are starting to lose the warmth of human interaction. Although it is great that like now, I am from Asia but chatting to some from Europe. When it comes down to personal communication at the end of the day, the technology that is said to bring us closer may be the one that shuts us out too.

1 example I have to mention is when I was with a group of friends which I would say do not have deep ties as we only met once a year due to military obligation. When smartphones were banned there were plenty communication between each other and groups. Once it was allowed, everyone just kept to their phones and not communicating at all even striking a conversation, they are just too busy with the phone to give you full attention.

6 years ago

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Hey, that's pretty cool that you managed to do it. Some people just have this incredible fear of speaking to others, that seems ridiculous after defeating it. It's a shame that they have to deal with it, but maybe dealing with it makes them develop as a person?

6 years ago

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Dealing with this will help a lot in life, because sometimes you need to talk to strangers, you need to go little 'social' from time to time.

6 years ago

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Yes, this is absolutely true.

6 years ago

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That must have felt so good. I haven't made any friends at the university either :S gotta check out that youtube channel, maybe it will help. Anyway, i'm happy for you. Keep it going and good luck :)

6 years ago

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Thanks a lot Elle, i hope you find more friends!, just go for it in my opinion just ask them about something in lecture and start a small talk

Good luck to you too!

6 years ago

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That's the way to go. Very nice.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the tip :)
I just won my first giveaway! Happppyyyyy!

6 years ago

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Ohh i am happy to hear that! congarts! -- hope it's a game that you wanted to play.

I didn't won anything from the last 8 months ><

6 years ago

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:O no luck with the train?

6 years ago

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Sadly not a single one :(

6 years ago

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Few years back I was having small heart attack every time when someone I know wanted to talk with me. Over the internet. I barely talked with anyone IRL. Social anxiety at it's best.

Now it's fine, I can even pick up phone from random person and talk normally. Most challenging thing was persuading myself I don't constantly make mistakes, people don't laugh at me, won't care what I did the next day, won't judge my behavior etc.

I'm still introvert though, being "out" with people drains me like crazy. After last sleeping over at friend place I was tired for a week xD All social interaction I need comes from talking to friends over the internet. I can still meet them, but it feels inferior to internet connection. I can't send emoticon or fitting gif if I want to.

So congrats! :D I know that talking to strangers can be really tough.

6 years ago

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Thank you so much!, i am glad you are much better than before. Me too, i prefer internet talking (chatting not a call) over meeting IRL or talk on the phone.

Sleeping at a friendโ€™s house is something i never did and hopefully will not do soon, myhome is the best place ever.

6 years ago

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Most challenging thing was persuading myself I don't constantly make mistakes, people don't laugh at me, won't care what I did the next day, won't judge my behavior etc.

I suppose that this could be mine diagnosis, as I am always wondering what others think about me and what impression I leave. I think or hope that over the years it got better, but I still feel it inside me.
I don't communicate too much on the net either, as I have the same thoughts...

Oh gosh, I have made a comment... now I need to find a rock and hide under it.... O_o

6 years ago

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As much as I had pondered about the topic myself over the years. I came to a conclusion. You Can't control the thought/reaction of someone else. What you can do/control is you! Your personal thoughts and feelings. Noone is perfect, noone can make zero mistakes. It might take different people a longer time to adjust but it all depends on yourself, your willingness.

One think I do worry for such topic is how far or consent is one willing to give. Does it involve in skinship? Does having body contacts mean you are more closer or social to others? Being sociable to me is a demonstration of communication and feeling at ease with the company that you have chosen and the willingness to listen and communicate. Therefore it should not involve skinship.

Typing here, reminds me of a personal experience. A neighbour living in the same apartment block with me, before had been trying to strike up a conversation on a more personal level by asking of personal details, for a start my name. For me, I feel fine to just wave and smile as we are passing by. I have no intention of any further communication, to me its not anti-social.

One day, I just got enough of his constant bombardment of questions and started avoiding him. Even if he calls out "Hello" I ignored him then he grabs my elbow one day as I walked away ignoring him. The body language before is very clear, I do not want further interaction. Before, I smiled and just walked away declining interaction. After that grabbing incident, he did not give up and at times even followed behind me. It was starting to give me mental stress in a way, its annoying.

Reason I did not told him off was that he is my senior and we are neighbours to this day. I even saw him today/yesterday night when I was out. The last straw came when he touched me on my shoulders while I was carrying groceries home while he just keep chattering away as if he was escorting me on my way. As I climbed the stairs he even popped his head over hoping I'll give him an interaction. That day, I told my father to tell that man if he come across me again and tries to touch me again, I am calling the cops. Before that because he hangs around the lobby, he got to know of my father 1st.

To this day, i do not know his intentions but I am a guy . . . He should not be so dull too to not understand basic body language. What I meant to relate is. In the course of interaction especially if you are a lady, do not give the guys the get go of skinship is relevant or allowed especially if you not comfortable with. Anyone trying to take advantage of you in a situation is not going to be a good friend. Its best to stop before it starts.

Warmest Regards,

6 years ago

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Oh, wow, thank you for your insight Cruse!

You are right, I can't control the thoughts of others. Also I know or deeply hope they don't care about me or what I do, that they will forget my mistakes or embarrassing moments very soon... even if I repeat it to myself I don't believe it. I became overwhelmed by anxiety and all I can think about is "What they think? What if they laugh at me?". University life was really hard in this, as I am mostly afraid what my seniors and teachers think about me...

I need a long time for me to open up to another person. So I can greet them, but other than that I mostly don't care, because I know that we don't share any similarities. To other people I am mostly neutral, if I go to some authorities I try to be polite. even though many says that I look very harsh and unfriendful... well partly thanks to my glasses

I would really hate that as mine "bubble" around me is really big and I hate to be close to someone else, can't even imagine a touch. Few years back I was coming home in a bus and next to me sat an older men. I was reading a book and he asked what I am reading, so I answered - with no intention of our talk to continue. But he leaned forward to me so he could watch inside the book. I tried to get away, I got completely on the window, but I was trapped there with him. I asked him to give me some space, but after some time it was the same. I thought that I will raise my voice so other passengers would hear it and he would get embarrassed.. but I couldn't bring myself to it. Luckily for me he got out soon, can't imagine he would ride with me for more than 2 hours...
When I now get in this kind of situation I act very harshly so the other side would know I don't like it.

Have a great weekend! :3

6 years ago

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Yes don't worry. I still nervous at times in situations however, in any situations you are uncomfortable with, never keep quiet about it. Even if someone says you are being anti social, so be it. The rule of communication for me is opening up and having conversations. If someone asks too much details, gets too close for comfort or acting awkwardly. Although you do not need to act violent the other party should know bare minimum by the body language.

I have told my parents about my experience with the senior neighbour before to my parents but they laughed it off at 1st. Of course I know to take care of myself. Though I suffered at least 2 yrs mentally the final straw was touching me the 2nd time. I do not feel I am taken advantage of but I am certainly not comfortable with the situation and therefore he is warned. If I was a girl, the 1st time he grabbed me, I would had reported him to the police. I have 2 elder sisters, I guess that's where my insight on skinship comes into place and being an Asian, I am open-minded but I do not believe you have to have skinship to be sociable.

I am an introvert. I used to think I am different from those around me and I wanted to be average like the others, I was in my late teens that I realize everyone is unique in their own right. We hear that often that everyone is unique but its only after realization do you understand how to cherish your own uniqueness.

I rather be a fool than foolishly acting supreme over a situation. I rather be called an idiot than not ask about what the solution or situation is. Be the fool a day but learn to be street smart after. Always protect yourself and if you can protect others. Have an open mind, communicate. If you are not comfortable tell them, if they care enough you can tell them why you feel so as you needed time and space before getting to know them.

You need more effort and time to be what others feel you should be but you can be your better self by becoming yourself, know your strengths and display them to others. There is a time and place and role for everyone. There is no need to shut the door on everyone else by always saying No but neither do you need to agree on everything by saying yes. Respect yourself and your decisions and overtime you will learnt to make the correct decision.

I am very similar to @Ragido in situations. I was going to reply to her 1st but I wanted to read what others had replied with before replying to her and I found a couple of replies I like to reply to 1st like yourself as I felt genuinely if I can help with some words of mine. It do matter. I used to not open up on these matters but I realize it helps others more by sharing your thoughts rather than keeping them. I am going to reply more to @Ragido later and if you are interested, you may read and reply.

Edit: I do have a problem, i can get naggy at times, its a weakness as you can see but well if it helps. ;)

You too have a great weekend, I am already having a great one having won a wishlisted giveaway from the community train. :D

6 years ago

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First, great you are having good time and winning spree! ;D
Me too a little. ;)

I am usually not comfortable around people, even if I know them. I just don't like talking about myself and - on the other hand - I am not interested in them much, so communication is first of problems.
Also I don't like to "act" like they want me to act. Better would be to say, I can't. On my face shows every emotion I hold, so when I don't like someone or I am not comfortable I can't very well hide it.

On my highschool, when parents were at school to get biannual results my class teacher called my mom for private talk. And told her that they need to do something about mine antisocial behavior - I like to work alone and didn't have any real friends in the class....
Great thing was that my mom didn't pushed me to anything and simply let me be myself. But the school had problem with it.

I just don't understand why can't the others let me be, stop worrying about me if they don't like me or my attitude...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. :3

6 years ago

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Hey Kyrrelin,

Sorry for the late reply. I lost my chat bug in the train of thoughts. I do not like large crowds, but I've learnt to adapt to them. Personally, i can't advice females on how to handle the situation. For a guy I do not enjoy skinship, i really need to learn to hug my parents. I too does not hide my facial expression thus at times my friends say its easy to read me. I can get displease and I do have a temper.

I have learnt to control my temper more and I am always against confrontation. In the past I've hit a friend of mine to get his attention when I tried to talk to him when we are in a group. I am generally quiet when we are in groups, I find it tiring to communicate at times but I do have a talkative trait I try to find my comfort zone and a common topic. Culturally and environment wise it might be different for you.

You do not need to speak if you do not wish to, you can always react with your body language or gesture. I was more negative and moody when I was in school. However I had club activities when I am in Secondary school(13-16) I am generally fine with everyone one else and often find myself in the center of 2 opposing groups. I try to live a low profile at school but I often enjoy group activities like football/soccer after school with a big group from the same age/level. Especially my last 2 yrs Secondary 3/4.

Being a introvert, most of the time I am fortunate that others come to me and offer their friendship rather than myself being active. I used to be very shy about introducing myself. Still is but I can tell myself to overcome it. The activities you participate and the group you gather with can help you in life whether is learning from experience or a listening ear. I generally have a open heart to anyone but I chose my friends the company I am with. I have hung around with friends that joined gangs at a young age, smoke but I have participate in none.

Its all your own determination and how you present yourself. People may try to take advantage of you or try to use you but if you are at that level you are uncomfortable with, never fail to speak up. Communication is important like now, you and I. Its important to have a social life that I understand, perhaps that is a worry for your teachers too. Perhaps you showing an unhappy face or sorts gives them the "i hate the world vibe"

From experience, when I was young I try to blend in to be average without knowing that i am unique to myself and I have a different thinking from others around me. They often do not know what I am thinking nor understand when I try to explain they just do not understand why I should be different from others. I once had a friend told me that being different at times is being lonely, that stuck to me till now.

I also had a friend of the same age whom was the worst kid/gangster in my Secondary school but I stuck with him. Once he asked me why do a smarter kid and kid whom don't usually create trouble stuck being friends with him. I told him there's no reason for me not to. I understand how he can rebellious at times and he told me sometimes the teacher just assumed the whole class is the worst in the school which statically is. The teach, the school never gave them a chance thus they sort of giveup on themselves and just do as they will. At that time I do not have the judgement to encourage but I stuck with him as friend believing he is not a bad-natured person. He later left the gang after finishing secondary which I am glad for him.

You may not like socializing, personally, I like to observe others when socializing thus I like face to face chats. It can get awkward but since I am an introvert and I have my "own world" if the situation is awkward I simply ignore that person and start building castles in my own world. Socializing is important, you may not socialize everyday but certainly get equipped with how to get used with a crowd and have a good conversation face to face socializing. I am not born to be outgoing and proactive but I've learnt and now I am here sharing with you.

Warmest Regards and Hope you have a great week ahead, Cruse~

6 years ago

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Hi Cruse! :)
Thank you for your reply! I am sorry too, for taking my sweet time with the answer. ;) I hope they wont take it as necroing this post

I think I have changed over the years. Some things I have tried to change knowingly, others were unintentional. I hope they were for the better. But I don't want to change the core of who I am, just the way I present it. Still have long road before me...

You talk about temper. I have short temper, thats my weakness and even if I try to control it, in some cases I can't. This part have changed very much compared to how I was when I was younger. Also I didn't have many friends in my younger days, none true I would say. I tried very hardly to make some, but I was used instead. I wasn't sure what to do.
In the following years I stopped to be popular or lets say, accepted by them. I worked with them, I spoke with them, but that was all.
Bad thing for me is that when I am not careful and start to think someone actually cares for me and could become my friend, I grow attached to them. And then I learn that for them its not the same. I think its stupid, of me, being so weak? Oh my...

I show my true self, my thoughts and desires only with someone I think they are same as me or that they can understand it. I don't like talking about myslef before others, before someone who doesn't know me.

I think it turned to be more serious than I planned.... Also, you are very proactive with me, I would say. ;) I think I have told you more than I should have and embarrassed myself before someone new, yay! X)

I hope you had great last week and have this week also! :D

6 years ago

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You are right, I can't control the thoughts of others. Also I know or deeply hope they don't care about me or what I do, that they will forget my mistakes or embarrassing moments very soon... even if I repeat it to myself I don't believe it. I became overwhelmed by anxiety and all I can think about is "What they think? What if they laugh at me?"

Try to think what you do if someone else makes mistake. And if you remember it, or go back to it later.

Do I judge someone who dropped few coins next to cash register and lean down to pick them up? No. Do I care that someone in front of me tripped on straight road? No. Will I remember that kid was jumping through hoops, misjudged distance and hit the ground? No Etc.

Why would others judge me, when I don't really care or remember what others did? That's what I was focusing on.

6 years ago

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This sounds like clever thing to do actually...
I dont usually judge others or remind them of their mistakes. But I can pretty well remeber all of mine significat failures. And every time I remember them I feel pain inside my heart.
I know its stupid. Noone else does care or remember... but just that consciousness it happened is enough for me to suffer. And not to express myself before the others in the furute or be extra careful about it.

6 years ago*

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What you need is to turn on your positive switch. I used to think negatively due to my mothers pessimistic thinking due to the condition she suffered as a child and she often puts herself a level below others. Until I got tired of just being the nice guy and hiding my feelings. I've fell off steps from a bus into a crowded street, i've also few embarrassing of others, I've once witness a lady losing her balance on a bus and she fell over, she was so embarrassed I can't remember she stayed on the bus or just got off the next stop. I kept asking if she's fine, she replied she is and keep turning her head away.

I used to lose balance alot too and fall easily. I have a big hip so once in a while I'll wear a tight pant and it showed my "curves" friends joke and make fun. I even have a girl friend commented about my big butt but overtime I overcame it. Its not something you can change, whenever the moment happens. You might not forget about it nor the other person that witness it however what you can do is try to remember to be more careful next time and even when people remember and remind you about it think about and smile/laugh about it.

I've once asked a girl to go out with me in front of her friends whom I do not know as we are in different Secondary School (13-16), we met in Polytechnic (17-20). Her friends left us and I was kindly rejected, we remained friends. I guess you can say its one of the most embarrassing thing for a guy to do apart from proposing and getting a rejection. :)

I am still shy about it but its a life experience even if it bothers me alot even now. I am sharing it with you. In life we just have to walk over the embarrassing moments in over life and i have so many. hahaha sigh . . . XD

Keep your chin up and the sun up! ;D

6 years ago

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I am pessimist. X)
Well, I try to have positive thoughts and can sometimes even believe them... but there are times when I see everything black. More likely when its concernig my humble self. ;)

Oh my, don't talk about those situations. X) I was once in a theatre, on musical. At the end of the performance when they were one by one bowing down to us I wanted to stand up to appreciate their work... I was alone and my friend pulled me down that it was too soon... we were sitting in second line and I can still see the eyes of the singers on me.... Oh my, I can hardly breath now as I remember it..... Its already 7 years.
Stupid, I know. XD

You are right, we have to walk it over. I try to keep my chin up, really. ;)

Thank you for your kind words! :3

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you. :3
It really cheered me up! :D

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6 years ago

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Good for you! Like you say it doesn't mean you have to force yourself into socializing if you don't feel like it but it's nice to have the option.
Social anxiety and isolation are real issues and it's always good to work on your fears so kudos to you

6 years ago

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Thanks so much Fluffster!, you are right 100%.

6 years ago

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I'm pretty antisocial, but I went to a few (free) public speaking classes where they gave tips on how to brainstorm and say a lot of bs on the spot in front of a group of people. It helped immensely during my high school years for presenting projects and beyond.

I still think it's fine to be only real close to a few amazing friends, and be polite to "acquaintances" ;)

6 years ago

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Having a few amazing friends is way better than having just friends :D

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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I am quite the same to be honest, most of the people don't share the same interest as me, but trying to know more people will help you more in life, it will makes you learn more, and sometimes we all need to get out of our space and talk as you said.

6 years ago

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good for you!

wil you be doing it more?

i wil check out that youtube channel, i almost never talk to people outside the internet.

6 years ago

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Thanks Dixia!

I am trying to do it when i feel like i want to, i am still enjoying my time alone but i want to make more friends, or find that amazing group that i didn't find quite yet.

Try talking more, also Ammar (the one in the YesTheory Channel) proved me that talking more and 'Seeking discomfort' helps us.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Nice! Facing your fears is tough stuff. I hope you don't feel pressured to talk to people or anything, though. If being on your own for a while is what makes you happy, just stick to it, that's cool. And if making new friends makes you happy, then I wish you luck with that!

Personally, I don't have that much trouble talking to people, but it really wears me out. So much so that I even needed to cut off my friends for a bit so I wouldn't feel sleepy after being awake for only 6 hours or so. I don't know why, all my energy just gets sapped. Suppose I was destined to be alone :P

6 years ago

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I only talk to new people or my friends when i feel that i want to, as you said doing what make you happier is always the best choice.

No you are not destined to be alone :P go and talk to your friends, sometimes hanging out will you give you more energy :D

6 years ago

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Haha, thanks for the positivity! Let's hope it does :)

6 years ago

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Hopefully, Good luck!

6 years ago

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That first paragraph sounds familiar... Ironically, or perhaps not so, online I'm the opposite. Bur irl I keep to myself. XD

6 years ago

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I am kinda social on the internet too, i suggest to try to be more social for a while, and see what is better :D

6 years ago

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I'm working on it XD Best of luck to you too!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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Thank you so much Filthy Souls!

6 years ago

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Poll result in a nerds forum does not surprise me.
Congrats for your milestone.

6 years ago

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I expected Asocial too, but not that much to be honest.

Thanks a lot!

6 years ago

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I know it can be tough. I'm glad you were able to enjoy yourself with others :)

I'm not very social irl myself, and although I enjoy my alone time usually, I also wish I could interact with people more easily. You can feel lonely if you are by yourself too often.

Anyway, here's to more of those moments with people in the future!

6 years ago

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Hopefully for all of us, thank you!

6 years ago

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