That's if you haven't heard from the gifter, or if the gifter says he'll get it for you. In this context, send a ticket.
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I still don't understand why people think that they could make giveaways and the games either: Magically appear in the people account, Or somebody else gives it to them?
When they find the site are they like:
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Hes saying that people think they will magically create games..
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Indeed. Even if this were the case, and Steam games were magically spawned thanks to a combination of some crafty coding and a sprinkle of fairy dust, surely the site would be awash with Black Ops II, Skyrim and Borderlands 2 giveaways instead of mostly cast-offs from whatever bundle was going cheap at the time...? Does this not set off any alarm bells for these people?
It constantly surprises me that these people can use a keyboard and mouse unaided, let alone navigate their way through the relative complexity of the Steamgifts registration process.
I too have been the victim of a gap-toothed village idiot who disappeared into the ether when it became apparent that the copy of Dungeons he was giving away wasn't going to buy itself...
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The fact that the site isn't awash with those AAA games surely means that most people do understand the concept of the site. :)
Are stats available that show how many people have created <=3 giveaways and have 0% received?
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Yes - the wide eyed few who believe they've found the fabled "money tree" on the internet are in a very, very small minority on Steamgifts.
It's the fact that they exist at all that I find baffling :)
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I guess that not received gifts are around 2.5% and awaiting feedback something similar. So it's like 95% of games received.
The problem is that all those CoD seem quite fishy
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From CoD 2 I don't like those games anymore, all that tech stuff.
BTW: I don't get the joke :-/
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Ok, sorry first time I heard Wharf, had to look it up. I'm not very bright when it comes to jokes in English.
And I meant fishy as suspicious, not really sure if any pun was inteded there. As I say I do have problems with that
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Holly shit, I just got it, COD as the fish :D. It was an unintended pun.
I should stop studying, it is not good at all for me...
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Haha :)
Unintended, but a good pun all the same! I wouldn't worry - I rarely spot puns in my own language, so I admire you for cracking one in someone else's, on purpose or not!
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It's the magic of XXI century idiocy. People are just like that. I bet all I have that any giveaway you see is at least 75% entered by morons who don't even want the game/ alt accounts/ russian kids and the like. Not to mention people who don't read descriptions.
I wish there was a way to flush out morons...
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To be honest...You should wait 7 days to recieve your gift , if you don't you just push that report button on guys profile and you're done. I hope you'll get your gift dude.
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If he is still a friend (go to his profile and see if you're on his extended friends list) then maybe it is just a coincidence that he went offline.
It sure SOUNDS like you were trolled, and that is probably what happened, but there's at least a slight chance something unexpected happened. Maybe a bad storm knocked out his power. Maybe he didn't pay his electric bill. Maybe some part of his computer broke down.
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Maybe the payment for his electricity bill was made using a fraudulent payment method... :\
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I won Osmos by someone but they haven't tried to contact me and I even tried to contact them to no avail.
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no,you are right,it doesnt mean anything that it was his first giveaway and you should be careful accusing ppl of fake giveaways (although many ppl with under 10 giveaway entries doing a giveaway didnt understand how the site works.). The things that would have made me suspicious with this guy. Entered 3 months ago,but not having entered anything. His giveaway description. An empty inventory in steam. That doesnt have to mean anything,but if it turns out fake after the giveaway would have ended I wouldnt be suprised either.
Anyway...steps to do now: Wait 7 days and then mark as not received is usally the first step. However since you obviously talked to him you could contact support with this story. Not sure what they will do (mark it as received or delete the giveaway). Posting in the forums wont help much,at least you didnt link his profile or anything.
For the future: Good luck on steamgifts,better luck with your next win. My first win was fake giveaway,too,but after that one I never had a problem with the ones I won (however,with giveaways I did I had a lot of problems :D).
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If this is true >>the gift purchase was made using a fraudulent payment method<< then i'd say it's better you didn't receive it.
I've seen people being punished for activating such gifts and not knowing, that those were acquired by credit card fraud.
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If anyone is curious: "not received"
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If you won that giveaway :
Beware the same user started another giveaway. Might be a fake too :
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Reported, included this url and the text:
"This guy hasn't read the faq, and tries to dump gifts on people that have been bought with scammed credit cards / revoked payments. Ban please?"
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Not really your place to do the reporting for the poster, but nonetheless, what you said sounds more like an accusation out of spite for someone than a report with proper grounds.
Edit: I hadn't noticed the fact that he linked as well before.
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It's a community. Anyone can report people for fake giveaways and bad behavior. If you've been paying attention, you'll notice that the reported person has also just deleted a second giveaway on top of not giving the first gift, and now has created a new third giveaway. I think the more people who report him, the better.
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"No proper grounds"? He thought the site magically spat out gifts to people - has not one clue how this site works and thus obviously didn't read the faq. Tried to give a gift and got the old "revoked due to fraudulent payment method" message - credit card scammer or the like trying to hock bad gifts to people, which can get their steam account in trouble, too. The sooner this shit gets booted off this site, and hopefully steam, the better.
Also, the more strikes against someone, the better. As long as it doesn't get into "everyone overload support with 3000000 page long reports on one guy" territory, it's fine. That's why I never participated in this mega blacklist steam group who would call someone out then mass report on one guy - it overloads support unnecessarily. Well that, and they also didn't do their homework on someone before they decided to call them out.
However, if support sees 20 2 line reports on someone all saying the same thing, which is easily verifiable by looking at his info, that's a good thing.
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The no proper grounds thing is cause I was only considering the text part, missed the url part. My bad :)
Sort of my reasoning (from before I noticed the url part):
The guy has some payment issues and based on OPs limited description you used the payment error as a reason to say the guy used a scammed credit card, rather than just pointed out it's another one of the people that didn't read the FAQ or something :)
As such it appeared to me like you were sending a ticket cuz you're upset with someone to spite him.
But whatever, let's let it be :P
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Hey so guys this really wierd
so I just "won" this game and the gifter added me on steam.
So first of all he didn't know he had to send me the gift he thought I just got it by winning it here.
I told him he has to send me the gift,
he didn't know how to
since it was his first gift I thought "ok this guy is new to it I guide him through"
(haven't done a giveaway by myself yet so it took a bit till I figured out)
next problem was he couldn't find the game in his inventory I said he should check his steam account-details
he replied to me that "his gift was revoked because the gift purchase was made using a fraudulent payment method"
I said he should contact the support again he said he didn't know how to so I guided him through again till he was about to open a ticket then all the sudden he went offline in steam without a word
I feel being trolled
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